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One True Master: Desire Island Series - Book 1

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by Claire Thompson

  “Oh, god,” Skylar groaned. “Too many to count.”

  “And how many intense, meaningful BDSM connections have you experienced during that time?”

  “Uh…” Skylar squinted up at the ceiling, pretending to ponder. “That would be zero.”

  “Precisely,” Rhianna said triumphantly. “So, why in the world would you want to sign up for BDSM lite when you could have so much more?” She pulled the laptop closer and pointed at the last package on the screen. “This is the one you should go for—the full immersion, 24/7 Master/slave experience.”

  Skylar peered at the screen, her eyebrows lifting. “You’re kidding, right? You honestly expect me to sign up for a 24/7 Master/slave experience with a total stranger?”

  Even as she protested, something lifted its head inside her, ears perked, heart quickening. In her most vulnerable moments, she sometimes let the fantasies blossom in her soul. It was then she wondered if maybe there was someone out there for her like Master James. A real Master who could satisfy her deepest, darkest cravings and take her where she longed to go…

  “Well,” Rhianna said with a laugh, “he wouldn’t be a stranger for long. I did some research. They really seem to know what they’re doing on that island. There’s the vacation aspect, sure, for the curious and the dabblers. But they also offer real training, the kind you pay top dollar for at the professional facilities. You’d be crazy not to seize this opportunity.”

  “I don’t know.” Skylar’s heart was beating overfast, her panties moistening at the possibilities, even while her brain continued to resist. “I’m not even sure if I’m submissive.”

  “You may not be sure, but Master James and I have a pretty good idea. You’re totally frustrated with the club scene, and it’s not because you’re not submissive. If anything, we think it’s the opposite.”

  “Huh?” Skylar replied, confused.

  “We think you need something more. We think your true path lies in a Master/slave relationship like we share.”

  Skylar started to instantly object, but something stopped her. She couldn’t deny the longing she always felt when she watched the pair together. Or the fantasies that leaped unbidden into her mind when she was alone in her bed, her hand between her thighs. Imagine how powerful that kind of all-encompassing 24/7 experience must be?

  As if reading her mind, Rhianna continued, “This is your chance. Your amazing chance dropped into your lap by the universe. And what better way to explore your true feelings and nature without worrying that you end up with some poser or wannabe ordering you around without a clue of what they’re doing?”

  Rhi put her hand gently on Skylar’s arm, her expression earnest. “What have you got to lose? Take it one step at a time. Fill out the questionnaire and see where things go from there.”

  Back in her apartment, Skylar spent several hours answering the detailed questionnaire, determined to be as honest as she could. As she worked through the questions, she grew increasingly excited about the possibility of a total immersion experience.

  She heard back from Mistress Ella via email the next morning. They had agreed Mistress Ella would call that evening at eight o’clock. After another long day driving all over the county doing cold calls and being rebuffed by doctors’ office staff and hospital administrators, Skylar was in desperate need of a hot shower and a cold glass of sauvignon blanc. After her shower, she barely had time to scarf down a Lean Cuisine and pour a second glass of white wine when the phone rang, precisely on the dot of eight.

  “Hello?” Skylar said a little breathlessly. She reached for her wineglass.

  “Hello, this is Mistress Ella. Is this Skylar?” The woman’s voice was low and husky, but totally feminine.

  “Yes, this is she,” Skylar said, and then felt stupid for being so formal. “Uh, hi.”

  “Hi. It’s nice to meet you. Congrats again on winning the drawing. We received your questionnaire, and we’re really excited and pleased that you chose the full-immersion package. From your responses, we believe you would be an ideal candidate. It’s the rare person who has the courage to explore their deepest held desires.”

  Warmth moved through Skylar’s veins at this praise, along with a sudden shiver of fear. Was she really up for this? What if she failed?

  Mistress Ella spoke, pulling her back to the moment. “I know a lot about you from the questionnaire. Do you have any questions for me?”

  Skylar asked the first one that popped into her mind. “Is one week really long enough for me to learn anything?”

  “You bring up a good point. You’re not going to leave the island after only a week as a fully trained submissive. The good news is you aren’t starting from scratch. You’ve been in the scene for many years. You’re comfortable with nudity and erotic pain. The training program will allow you to explore your submissive nature, and get a sense if this is something you want to pursue in a more serious way.”

  “That’s the thing,” Skylar replied. “I’ve never really thought of myself as a submissive. I mean, I love the erotic pain and the theater of the Master/sub roleplay thing, but I think I might be too bossy and controlling to actually be a sub.” She laughed a little self-consciously as she admitted this.

  “You’d be surprised how many subs are bossy control freaks. I happen to own one myself.” Ella laughed but then continued in a more sober tone. “Seriously, Skylar. That might be how you conduct yourself in the vanilla world—with your colleagues, your family members and friends—but that external behavior isn’t necessarily at odds with a submissive sexual orientation. The questionnaire you completed was designed by mental health professionals who are active in the scene and have an in-depth understanding of what makes those of us hardwired for BDSM tick. Based on your answers, you scored quite highly as what we call a natural submissive. You also scored highly on dissatisfaction with your current place in the scene. You’re longing for something more, Skylar. But it’s something you won’t find until you truly open yourself to the possibilities.

  “I believe that what you need to really bring your submission to the forefront is this kind of intensive training experience. If you can fully tap into your submissive nature and desires, then you’ll be ready to find the complement to your submissive heart. You’ll be ready to seek your one true Master.”

  Even while Skylar opened her mouth to protest that she wasn’t looking for Master Right, Mistress Ella’s words resonated in a deep, secret part of her psyche.

  “You do need to understand that you will be subjected to training that is highly sexual in nature. Such things as orgasm control, impact play involving the breasts and genitals, full-body bondage and oral sex skills are standard aspects of our total immersion packet. If you have an issue with that, we’ll need to look at something at a more intermediate level.”

  Just the words—orgasm control…impact play…bondage—got Skylar’s juices flowing.

  “I don’t have an issue with the sexual aspects,” Skylar replied. “I think my problem in the past has been that I scene with guys I don’t know very well. Won’t this just be more of the same?”

  “To some degree, yes, insofar as you won’t be submitting to a lover but rather a trainer. But he won’t just be some random guy in the scene. He’ll have the opportunity to study your profile and your responses to the questionnaire. You’ll have the chance to meet him beforehand, if not in person, on video chat. You’ll be able to engage in a give-and-take about whatever you have questions about.

  “I think our Master Caelan would be a good fit for you. He’s been an active member of both the New York and the Durham BDSM scenes for the past ten years. His non-scene background is interesting in that he’s a medical doctor who did his residency in psychiatry.”

  Skylar instantly pictured some boring, old guy sitting in a black leather chair, scribbling notes and nodding knowingly while a patient clutching a tissue babbled on about their fucked-up childhood. “That’s…different,” she offered uncertainly. Did she want s
ome guy psychoanalyzing her?

  “He’s been involved in some cutting-edge research into BDSM as a healthy alternative to the mainstream. He’s published several papers in the psychiatric journals providing hard data to support what we in the lifestyle have long been aware of—people who practice BDSM are happier overall than their vanilla counterparts.”

  “Wow, that’s cool,” Skylar said, thinking about how happy Rhi and James were.

  “Isn’t it? He’s also an experienced trainer. He worked at Le Chateau in New York for several years, where he honed his skills as a Dominant, training dozens of submissives to realize their deepest potential. With his psychiatric training, I think he brings a unique blend of insight, empathy and understanding to his role as a BDSM trainer.”

  They talked for a while longer, delving deeper into some of Skylar’s BDSM fantasies, along with her goals and desires. “I think you’ll be an excellent candidate for submissive training,” Mistress Ella eventually said. “Master Caelan will be in touch.”

  After they hung up, Skylar opened her laptop and clicked on the staff bios. She opened Master Caelan’s page and focused on his photo. She liked the name Caelan. He looked to be in his mid-thirties. He was dressed in the requisite black leather, a large, scary-looking whip coiled in his hand. He was a big man—not fat, but tall and broad-shouldered, his build muscular. He was staring directly into the camera, his expression serious. He wasn’t classically handsome—his nose a little too big, his deep-set gray eyes a little too close together. But there was a kind of stillness in his expression, like some kind of Zen Master, that drew and held her attention.

  She stared at the photo for a long time, mesmerized by those clear gray eyes, such a striking contrast to his dark, curling hair. “Are you the guy? Will you help me figure out who I really am?”

  Chapter 3

  Caelan Macaulay reviewed the applicant’s responses one more time before their scheduled video chat over WhatsApp. He’d helped to design the questionnaire, including multiple questions scattered throughout to get at the true underlying motivations and desires that went beyond mere sexual titillation. He got a sense of both Skylar’s desire to connect with her inner submissive along with lingering ambivalence about her feelings. This initial contact would give him a better sense of her before formal training got underway.

  He served as both the island’s resident physician as needed, and as a trainer for the subs interested in the total immersion experience. It had been a long time—too long—since he’d had a sub girl of his own. At thirty-four, he’d yet to marry. The insane hours required in his medical training and career had made it close to impossible to find the time for an intimate relationship.

  He’d been more than ready for a change when Ella Bertrand and Ryan Summerlin had approached him. In the three months he’d been on the island, he’d settled in nicely. The work didn’t feel like work at all, and the paradise setting didn’t hurt either.

  He derived enormous satisfaction from training submissives to reach their fullest potential, but he had to always be mindful of his role as a professional. Because of that, it was sometimes a lonely business. He had an obligation as a trainer to keep his emotional distance. Trainees often engaged in a kind of transference, believing they were in love with him, when in fact they just loved what he was giving them, and who they became under his tutelage. He made it a point to maintain gentle but firm control over the emotional and sexually-charged side of things, not only for his trainees, but for himself.

  His decision to accept the job on Desire Island wasn’t purely an altruistic desire to help submissives reach their full potential. Though he had yet to find her, he was convinced in his heart of hearts that there was a submissive woman out there worthy of wearing his collar, someone who would speak directly to his Dominant soul and his lonely heart. What better place to look than an island filled with likeminded souls?

  The call was scheduled for nine that evening. Caelan sat on his bed with his laptop and opened the app to call Skylar Moran. She’d included a photo of herself as part of the application process. From what he could see in the photo, she was an attractive young woman, with silky blond hair to her shoulders, unusually green eyes and full lips.

  He had already connected with her account on WhatsApp, sending an invitation to chat, which she had accepted. Now he clicked on the phone link and sat back, waiting for the call to connect.

  Skylar appeared on the screen, a nervous smile on her pretty face. “Hi, Skylar, I’m Caelan. It’s nice to meet you,” he began.

  “Hi. You, too.” She gave a nervous laugh. “I still can’t believe I won this trip. I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

  He liked her voice, which was low and slightly husky, reminding him of the actress Jennifer Lawrence. “I can believe it,” he replied with a reassuring smile. “Based on your responses to the questionnaire, the total immersion packet is perfect for you.”

  Her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink as a long, slender hand fluttered to her chest. She was wearing a green silk tank top that picked up the color of her very green eyes, a hint of cleavage peeking above the top. She was definitely easy on the eyes, not that that mattered for training purposes.

  “You’re blushing,” he said, still smiling.

  She brought both hands over her face, laughing through her fingers. “God, I know. I blush at the drop of a hat. It’s so ridiculous.”

  He actually found it rather adorable. She, in fact, was totally adorable. His cock seemed to agree, as it was expanding rapidly in his jeans. Good thing she could only see his head and shoulders.

  “It’s not ridiculous,” he replied. “It’s just a reaction of the sympathetic nervous system. When you’re embarrassed, adrenaline is released, speeding up your heart and dilating your blood vessels. You scored fairly high on the questionnaire about your fear of giving up control. You don’t like blushing because you can’t control that reaction. But, you know, there’s a positive side to that as well. Blushing can’t be faked, which makes it an excellent and trustworthy signal. It will actually help me in your training to see when I’m touching a nerve.”

  She dropped her hands and smiled. “Ha, so you’re saying it’s an asset to turn beet red at the drop of a hat. I never thought about it like that.”

  Caelan grinned but then sobered. “Just remember, there are no wrong responses during training. I want—no, I require—full honesty and open communication at all times. Trust is at the core of any BDSM relationship, even the somewhat limited relationship of trainer and trainee.”

  “I guess you approach this whole thing from a unique angle, what, with your background and all.” Her lips quirked into an impish smile. “I’ve heard all psychiatrists are crazy. Is that true?”

  “Absolutely,” Caelan replied, trying to keep his expression deadpan, and failing. They both laughed. He liked her laugh, open-throated and genuine, and it made him laugh more. He pulled himself together, reminding himself this was the introductory interview, not a precursor to a date.

  “Let’s talk about you,” he suggested. “The questionnaire addresses both the things you desire and the things you fear. I noticed in a number of your responses that you have some issues around anal play. In my experience, when a sub has an issue about some particular form of erotic play, there’s often an underlying desire for the very thing they fear. Exploring that fear can be very freeing and lead to a greater capacity for true submission.”

  The blush returned and Skylar looked away, hunching her shoulders. “Not my thing,” she mumbled, though, interestingly, her now-erect nipples were clearly visible through her tank top. If he’d been able to dip a finger into her cunt, would he find it wet?

  “I sense you’re conflicted, and that’s okay,” Caelan said, smiling reassuringly. “We’ll explore that together. Just remember, submission is a gift you offer to your Dom. It’s his job to cherish and nurture that gift. When you truly submit, nothing is embarrassing because you’re pleasing your Master. For
a BDSM slave, that in itself is enough. Does that make sense to you?”

  She stared at him for a long moment. He could see both her longing and her trepidation. “Yes, Sir,” she finally replied.

  The use of the honorific pleased him, especially the easy, natural way in which she’d employed it. The longer they talked, the surer he became that she would be an excellent candidate for submissive training.

  Once he’d completed the interview process and answered all her questions about the program, it should have been his cue to end the call. Yet, he found he didn’t want to stop talking to this lively, interesting woman. She, too, seemed inclined to continue their conversation shifted to lighter topics. They talked about their childhoods, family life, career choices, movies they liked and some of the crazy shit they’d witnessed or experienced within the BDSM club scene. She was easy to talk to and they laughed often. Somehow, three hours got away from them, and when they finally said goodbye, thoughts of her remained long after, filling his mind and filtering into his dreams.

  He couldn’t wait to meet her in person.


  Skylar leaned forward in the motorboat as the island came into view. It looked even better than the brochure, waves lapping gently against the shore, seagrass wafting in the salty breeze. She could see several people relaxing on beach towels on the sand. They had a large cooler nearby, frosted glasses of something fruity in their hands. She couldn’t wait to join them.

  The boat captain eased the throttle on the engine and pulled smoothly alongside the dock. He jumped out to secure the boat and then held out a hand to Skylar. She took it, allowing him to help her from the boat.

  “Thanks for the ride,” she said. “This place looks like paradise.”

  “A very special paradise,” the captain said with a wink. “Have yourself a good time.”

  A shiver of excited anticipation moved through her. “Thanks.”


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