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One True Master: Desire Island Series - Book 1

Page 8

by Claire Thompson

  His words made sense and she wanted to obey. She needed to obey. She let out a slow breath, willing her body to relax.

  He slid a second finger in alongside the first. Skylar grunted but otherwise managed to remain still and quiet. He moved his fingers gently inside her, pushing deeper in the process. It didn’t hurt. It actually felt kind of good, in spite of her continued embarrassment.

  “I’m going to withdraw my fingers now,” he said. “And replace them with an anal plug.”

  “No,” she blurted before she could stop herself.

  Suddenly his face was beside hers, her hair caught painfully in his grip as he yanked her head back.

  “What did you say?” he asked in a soft, dangerous voice. “Did you just say ‘no’ to me?”

  A pang of instant regret pierced her. She hated to disappoint this man. But this was so hard. “I…uh…yes. I mean, no. I mean, I’m sorry, Sir. It just slipped out. I hate that damn plug.” Her safeword, apple, was rising in her throat, begging to be let out of her mouth. Or no—red light—that was the island safeword.

  She pressed her lips together to keep from saying it, Master Caelan’s words from the day before returning to her mind. “Safewords are a last resort, Skylar. They are only to be used when you feel you are in danger, and you’re not being heard.”

  She wasn’t in danger. She was just afraid. Maybe it would be easier if someone else was doing it. And this position would be easier, too. She could totally do this. She just needed to…submit.

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” she said contritely. “It was a kneejerk reaction. It won’t happen again, Sir.”

  “See that it doesn’t,” he replied curtly, releasing her hair and moving again out of her line of sight.

  She tensed as the tip of the lubricated phallus touched her anus.

  “Relax,” Master Caelan soothed, all now apparently forgiven. “You can do this, Skylar. I won’t give you more than you can handle. I promise.”

  He placed a soothing hand on her lower back. “Breathe,” he urged gently as he pushed the plug in deeper. “Remain open and accessible to your Master.”

  Your Master… It sounded so natural—so right. She let her breath out in a rush of release, her body finally surrendering to her will—to his will.

  “Good,” he said, slowly but inexorably pushing the damn thing into her. “You’re nearly there, slave Skylar. I’m pleased.”

  In spite of the warmth his praise engendered and in spite of her best intentions, she tensed in anticipation. There was a sudden flare of pain but then, just like that, it was gone. She was left with a sense of fullness that wasn’t unpleasurable. What would it be like to have a cock inside her at the same time? His cock…

  “Good job,” Master Caelan said, pulling her from the fantasy as he got to his feet. “It’s in. You did it.” He chuckled. “No safeword needed.”

  Had he read her mind before? Thank goodness she hadn’t given in to her temporary weakness. She grinned against the yoga mat, delighted with herself for her accomplishment.

  “Up you go,” Master Caelan said from behind her. “The plug will remain in place during your punishment. Because you confessed readily, and because it was your first day, I’m not going to put you in the cage again. Instead, you will spend a few minutes in the corner thinking over your infraction, and how you want to behave going forward.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said. Standing in the corner sounded like a kind of lame punishment for a grown woman, but she certainly wasn’t about to protest. It was definitely better than the cage.

  She walked with him to the indicated corner of the room, feeling a little silly. Master Caelan reached into his pocket and pulled something out, though she couldn’t see what it was. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he guided her closer to the wall and said, “You will stand with your nose pressed against the wall until I give you permission to move. You will place your hands behind your head and keep your posture erect. To help you remain in position”—he held up what she now saw was a penny—“you’ll hold this penny against the wall with your nose. Your time out will be precisely five minutes. If the coin slips from the wall, you’ll start the punishment over. Are we clear on what you’re to do?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she agreed. It was the weirdest punishment she’d ever heard of, but at least it was something she could easily do. Five minutes would be a piece of cake, and then all would be forgiven.

  He held the penny against the wall while she positioned herself, hands behind her head, back straight, and leaned forward to press the tip of her nose against the coin. He took a step back but she could sense his presence close by, his eyes boring into her.

  It was easy, if a little awkward, to hold the penny in place, at least at first. But her arms, still fatigued from the early morning workout, soon grew tired. The tile was cold and hard beneath her bare feet. The butt plug, while not uncomfortable, was definitely making its presence known. A sudden itch on the bridge of her nose nearly made her drop the penny as she fought the urge to lower her arms so she could scratch it. Surely, five minutes had passed?

  Apparently, it hadn’t, because she stood there quite a while longer, the itch on her nose wildly annoying and distracting, her arms aching, her patience thinning. She shifted a little in an effort to get more comfortable and the penny very nearly slipped away. Panicked, she pressed as hard as she could with the tip of her nose. Closing her eyes, she tried to conjure the peaceful image of those turquoise blue waves gently lapping the shore…

  Finally, Master Caelan tapped her shoulder. “You may step away from the wall and lower your arms.”

  With relief, Skylar did as he said. The penny dropped to the floor and rolled away. Master Caelan bent down and retrieved it, slipping it back into his jeans pocket.

  “Punishment is over. I trust you’ve learned your lesson, slave Skylar?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she breathed, instantly aroused by his use of the word slave.

  “Good. I expect no more infractions for the duration of our training.” He turned toward the door. “Now, it’s time to introduce you to the pleasure and power of water bondage.”

  Chapter 8

  “Permission to speak, Sir?” Skylar asked.

  “Yes, what is it?”

  She shifted from foot to foot. “Um, how much longer do I need to wear this thing?”

  “What thing?” he asked, his expression completely innocent except for the twinkle in his eyes. He knew very well what thing, but he just stood there, watching her.

  Okay, fine. “The butt plug, Sir.”

  He lifted his brows. “Are you having a problem with it? Is it causing you pain?”

  “Well, no. Not exactly. I just don’t…” she trailed off.

  “You just don’t like it?”

  “No, Sir,” she replied, relieved he was finally getting it.

  “Use that, Skylar,” Master Caelan said.

  “Use what? I’m not following.”

  “Use the fact that you don’t like it. Try to place yourself in a submissive headspace at all times while on the island. That will help you get the most out of this training. Don’t ask yourself, ‘When is that rat bastard going to let me take the damn plug out?’ Instead, try asking yourself, ‘What does my trainer want me to learn by wearing this plug?’”

  Skylar grinned sheepishly, aware she was fighting a losing battle. “Okay, Sir.”

  “How did you answer yourself?”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “When you asked yourself the question, while putting yourself in a submissive headspace. What was your response?” A ghost of a smile hovered over his lips.

  “Oh. Um…” She thought about it a moment and then said, “You want me to keep it in for as long as it pleases you, Sir. You want me to accept what you give me with grace, and trust that you know what’s best for me. By letting go of control, I’m freeing myself to truly submit.”

  The smile broadened. “That’s it. You got it exactly.”

  She waited a
beat, expecting him, now that she’d apparently learned this lesson, to let her take it out. Instead, he said, “You indicated in your questionnaire that you have no direct experience with water play, but that the idea intrigues you. Do I have that right?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Skylar said, almost forgetting about the plug as she focused on his words.

  “What about it intrigues you?”

  “Um.” She paused, gathering her thoughts. “The helplessness, I guess. Being bound and sprayed with water seems like it would be really intense, because you can’t protect yourself.”

  “Being held underwater is even more intense,” Master Caelan said, waving toward the submersion tanks. “It takes an extraordinary level of trust to give someone else such complete control over you.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Skylar agreed, her heart jolting at the thought. She hugged herself protectively as she followed his gaze.

  He guided her toward the back wall. “Today we’ll start with some erotic water spray torture. Stand with your back against the wall. Spread your arms and legs so I can restrain you.”

  Skylar obeyed, her pulse pounding as he cuffed first her wrists and then her ankles to the manacles on the wall. The concrete was slightly rough against her bare back. She imagined the picture she must present, standing chained like a human X against the wall.

  He pulled a coiled hose loose and stood in front of her, aiming the spray nozzle directly at her. “When you’re a little further along, I’ll put a hood over your head so you can’t anticipate. But for now, I’ll leave you that bit of control. The hose water’s not heated, but you’ll soon forget that. You are not to come unless or until I say so. Got that?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Skylar eyed the hose dubiously, excitement warring with anxiety. It was one thing to watch water bondage online. Now that she was about to experience it firsthand, she had no idea how she would actually handle it. She pulled at her restraints, her heart beating high in her throat. She was frightened by the thought of a hard, cold stream of water hitting her body while she was unable to protect herself or resist in any way. But if she were honest, she was also incredibly turned on.

  “We begin.” He pressed the trigger on the nozzle.

  Skylar squealed reflexively as the cold water splashed over her abdomen. She shivered as he ran the spray over her body, droplets of water hitting her face. Then he shifted his aim, adjusting the stream so that it pulsated directly against her spread, bare cunt.

  This was nothing like the anemic splash from her tub’s faucet. It felt like a dozen fingers, teasing, stroking and stimulating her. She shivered as she struggled to catch her breath.

  As the water pummeled her sex, the intensity mounted. “Oh,” she cried out, trembling with the effort of staving off the inevitable. “I can’t…” she panted. “It’s like pins and needles and wet kisses and… oooh…”

  The pleasure tipped over into something approaching pain. It was too much. She needed it to stop. It had to stop or she would lose all control. Her safeword rose in her throat, very nearly escaping her lips. But no. She wasn’t in danger. And she was certain Master Caelan knew exactly what he was doing.

  She tried to focus on his face. There was a dark shine in his eyes, as if a fire had been lit inside him. The bulge in his jeans was visible. It startled her to realize he must be as turned on as she was.

  She tried unsuccessfully to shift away from the direct onslaught of the spray pummeling her clit. She began to shake, her body convulsing with the stimulation overload.

  Please let me, please let me, she silently begged as the focused stream vibrated relentlessly against her. In spite of the chilly water, sweat trickled beneath her arms and on her forehead as she valiantly struggled to control her body’s reactions to the onslaught.

  It was no use. She was going to…

  “Come for me,” Master Caelan commanded.

  Nearly sobbing with gratitude, Skylar obeyed.


  Caelan dropped the hose and moved quickly to Skylar, who was shaking, her chest heaving. “I’m going to remove the plug now, Skylar. Just relax and it’ll pop right out.”

  Standing in front of her, he reached between her legs and gripped the flared base of the plug between his fingers. “Just relax,” he repeated softly, looking down into her lovely green eyes. He tugged gently, pleased when the plug gave way and slid out easily. He dropped it into a nearby bucket for later sterilization and then quickly released her from the restraints. She sagged against the wall, nearly sliding down it before he caught her.

  “Shh,” he murmured as he scooped her into his arms. The experience had been powerful, not only for her but for him. It had been thrilling to watch her move through the stages of submissive acceptance, from trepidation to stoic endurance to fully embracing the experience. He loved how sexually responsive she was, and he ached to respond in kind. He longed to cover her body with his, to kiss away the chill, to warm her from inside out with his cock.

  What was happening to him? When had he lost his ability to compartmentalize his feelings, to keep his trainee firmly penned in a place in his mind where she couldn’t get anywhere near his heart?

  It had happened without his permission, skipping past his rational mind to lodge directly in his soul. He could play at being Master Professional Trainer all he liked with her, but he could no longer deny it. Skylar had seen past his façade to the real man beneath. From the instant he’d taken her hand when she’d first arrived on the island, he’d lost his heart to her. It was a relief to finally admit it, if only to himself.

  The question was—what the hell was he going to do about it?

  He walked quickly toward the tub, holding Skylar’s wet, shivering body close, not caring that his clothes were getting soaked. Unable to help himself, he nuzzled his face against her neck, breathing in her scent, his cock hard with lust. He longed to kiss her, to make love to her, to hold her in his arms and never let her go.

  He was losing his fucking mind.

  Gripping himself hard by the metaphorical scruff of his own neck, he made one last, desperate effort to wrestle himself back into professional trainer mode.

  He had turned on the hot tub heater while she was doing her time-out in the corner, and steam was now rising gently from its surface. He set her down on the wooden bench that circled the tub so that her feet slipped into the water.

  “Oh, it’s hot, Sir,” she cried, pulling them back. She was still shivering, her arms now wrapped tightly around her torso.

  “Take your time,” he said, hoping his voice didn’t betray the war going on inside him. “It feels hotter than it is because your body is chilled. Ease yourself in slowly.”

  Tentatively, she dipped her feet in again, this time settling them on the top step, the water up to her ankles. She looked so lovely, her soft cheeks flushed, her blond hair soaked to dark honey, her rosy nipples hard as marbles.

  His tenuous resolve shattered in the face of her breathtaking beauty. Before he could stop himself, he kicked off his boots and pulled his shirt over his head. Unzipping his jeans, he took them off, along with his underwear and socks.

  Naked, he stepped into the tub beside her, quickly lowering himself into the steaming water. He reached for the button mounted on the back wall and pushed it, causing the water to froth and churn. He held out his arms to her, fully aware his behavior at the moment was completely inappropriate, but beyond caring.

  Eyes wide, Skylar slid into the water beside him. He pulled her onto his lap, her back to him, and wrapped his arms around her still-chilled body, holding her until the shivering stopped. She felt so good against him, her body supple and strong, her skin soft as rose petals.

  He shouldn’t be doing this. He had no excuse, other than his own weakness and his own desires. Even during oral sex training, on the rare occasions he used his own body rather than a volunteer male sub, he would only open his fly and expose himself enough to give the trainee sufficient access. And it wasn’t like she needed him in the tub wit
h her. She was only chilled, and in no particular need of hands-on aftercare.

  But it felt so good—so right—to hold her in his arms. She relaxed back against him with a contented sigh. He remained rock hard. All he had to do was shift her just so, angle himself and slide his shaft into that hot, wet cunt…

  Fuck. What the hell was he doing?

  He lifted her abruptly from his lap and set her down beside him. Getting to his feet, he reached for a towel from the nearby stack and quickly wrapped it around his waist. His cock tented the towel and he turned away, embarrassed at his lack of control, even as he still yearned to take her into his arms. “You can soak a while longer,” he said brusquely. “Someone will be along to collect you.”

  Grabbing his clothing, he strode to the bathroom just down the hall. He sat down in one of the stalls and dropped his head into his hands.

  He had no right to behave toward his trainee as he just had. She had enough to cope with just learning the basics without his complicating things by getting personal. Way, way too personal. If he couldn’t pull himself together, he’d have to ask Mistress Ella for a different assignment.

  Meanwhile, his erection refused to flag, and there was no way he could concentrate. Spitting on his hand, he fisted his cock and roughly, rapidly jerked himself off in an effort to regain some control. He came fast, images of Skylar in the throes of her water-induced orgasm fueling his lust. He sat on the commode a while longer as his pulse slowed and his mind cleared.

  “What’s happening to you?” he murmured aloud. But even as he asked the question, he knew. The question was, what should he do about it?


  What the hell had just happened?

  Skylar leaned back against the tub, her mind reeling. She’d been both shocked and thrilled when Master Caelan had pulled off his clothes. She couldn’t help but ogle his big, strong body, her eye drawn down his muscular torso to his groin. His cock was fully erect, large and thick, the balls heavy beneath it. He was quintessentially masculine, and absolutely gorgeous.


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