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by Zack Zombie

  “I just used an app on my phone. I pulled out my phone before the exam, pushed the button and bam! Bigger brain.”

  “I bet that’s how Jeff is going to do it too.”

  “Makes a lot of sense. But how are you going to stop him?”

  “Well, I have an idea. But I need your help… You still have that Zombie make up?”


  Well, today is the Spelling Bee.

  I almost forgot, but it’s a good thing Creepy reminded me.

  I did a lot more studying last night, but I don’t know if any of it stuck or not.

  I decided to do some more studying an hour before the Spelling Bee. A lot of the other mob kids were doing the same thing.

  We were sitting outside of the auditorium, and Mr. Matsumoto came by.

  “Are you ready to win your Spelling Bee, Zombie-san?”

  “Well, I don’t know if I’ll win, but I’m going to try my best.”

  He put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Just remember what I told you, Zombie-san. You can do anything you put your mind to. You just need to use your imagination... No matter how small you think your brain is.”

  I just smiled and went back to memorizing my flash cards.

  I wanted to write this last entry in my journal before the Spelling Bee because I don’t know what’s going to happen.

  All I do know is that, pea-brain or not, I’m going to give it everything I’ve got.

  Friday Night

  I still can’t believe things turned out the way they did at the Spelling Bee.

  It was crazy.

  Well, there we were, sitting on stage at the start of the Spelling Bee.

  The judge explained all of the instructions. But what stood out to me most was when the judge said that if we missed a word, they would ring a bell and you would be out.

  And for some reason that bell looked really, really big.

  Now, when things got started, all you could hear were dings left and right.

  Something tells me that the mob kids at school aren’t very good spellers.

  Then it was Jeff’s turn.

  “M–Y–C–E–L–I–U–M. Mycelium.”

  “That is correct.”

  Then it was my turn.

  “N–E–T–H–E–R–R–A–C–K. Netherrack.”

  “That is correct.”

  I couldn’t believe it. I was doing it!

  After the next round, there were more and more dings.

  Then it was Jeff’s turn again.

  “O–B–S–I–D–I–A–N. Obsidian.”

  “That is correct.”

  Then it was my turn.

  “C–O–B–B–L–E–S–T–O–N–E. Cobblestone.”

  “That is correct.”

  By the end of the second round only Jeff and I were left. They decided to give us a small bathroom break before the last round.

  When the break was over, we got back on stage.

  As I looked over at Jeff, he still had that smirk on his face like he knew something nobody else did.

  But, then I looked toward the back and I could see Steve in his Zombie makeup. He waved a phone at me and gave me a thumbs up.

  “Ok everyone, these are the last words,” the judge said. “If only one of you gets their word right, you will be the new Mob Scare School Spelling Bee champion.”

  Jeff went first.

  “Are you ready? The word is Pickaxe.”

  Jeff smiled at the audience with his cocky smile, then he started spelling the word.





  “Can you give the definition, please?”

  “A tool miners use to break stones. Pickaxe.”







  “That is incorrect.”

  The whole room gave a big, “Oooohhh.”

  Then it was my turn.

  “Your word is Shepherd.”

  Yes! I studied that word over and over so I wouldn’t forget it like I did before. And this time I wasn’t going to choke.




  All of a sudden as I started to spell the word, everything just went blank. I couldn’t remember anything.

  I couldn’t remember what happened yesterday. I couldn’t remember what I did this morning. I couldn’t even remember what I did before coming into the auditorium.

  “Excuse me, son, the word is Shepherd. You have one minute to answer,” the judge said.

  All I could hear was the judge’s voice, but I couldn’t think of anything in my head.

  I looked around the whole room and everyone was staring at me. I saw Steve. I saw Sally. I saw Creepy, Skelee, and Slimey. I even saw Mom and Dad.

  But I had nothing.

  Then I saw Mr. Matsumoto. And he made a gesture and pointed to his head.

  Then I remembered what he said! “You can do anything you put your mind to. You just need to use your imagination.”

  Then I started imagining that I was a shepherd. I imagined playing with the sheep. I imagined I was Mr. Matsumoto having to master his scaring skills by practicing on pigs and sheep. Then I imagined staring at the sheep in the Zombie Farm outside of class. Then I imagined being a big giant, hideous Big Mouth Jeff humanoid monster. Then I remembered that rush of feeling I felt before and then I yelled out at the top of my voice:


  “Shepherd. S–H–E–P–H–E–R–D. Shepherd!”

  “That is correct!”

  The whole auditorium blew up in a big cheer.

  “And the winner of this year’s Mob Scare School Spelling Bee is Mr. Zack Zombie.”

  I couldn’t believe it. I did it.

  I looked over at Steve as he walked over to Big Mouth Jeff.

  “Here you go, Jeff,” Steve said. “I think you dropped this.”

  After handing Jeff his phone, Steve came over and gave me a high five.

  I looked over at Mr. Matsumoto and he gave me a big smile. I smiled back as I pointed to my head.

  Then I went back to celebrate.

  It was the best night ever!

  The new Mob Scare School Spelling Bee Champion


  Hey, this is Steve.

  I’m writing this for my buddy Zombie who left his journal at the Spelling Bee last night. And I got a few things I want to say…

  Well, whoever said that you needed brains to be great at something probably didn’t have a Zombie for a friend.

  And my friend Zombie is the best friend anybody could have—whether you’re a human or if you’re a mob.

  And the biggest thing that I’ve learned from hanging out with Zombie these past few weeks is that:

  It doesn’t matter if you’re nervous or scared…

  And it doesn’t matter if you make a mistake…

  And it doesn’t matter if you think you’re weak or you think you’re dumb…

  And it doesn’t matter if you only have a pea-brain…

  Because, as long as you put your mind to it, you can do anything…

  All it takes is a little imagination.

  …And a few crazy friends that love playing the ScareStation 465!

  Ha ha!



  P.S. By the way Zombie… Looking forward to your birthday party.

  Find out what happens next!
r />   It’s Halloween and Zombie’s birthday is coming soon!

  But there’s a Zombie Apocalypse happening that may totally ruin his Birthday party. Will Zombie and his friends be able to stop the Zombie Apocalypse so that they can finally enjoy Zombie’s Birthday Bash? Jump into the Next Adventure and Find Out!




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