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Home Ice

Page 10

by Rachelle Vaughn

  “I just wanted to make sure we’re still on for tonight.”

  And to hear the sound of your voice.

  “Uh, yes,” she stumbled over the words. “Of course.”

  Good. No mention of last night’s fiasco.

  “Great. Is seven o’clock okay?”

  “Yes.” She cleared her throat. “Seven is good.”

  “Okay. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you then.”


  “Bye.” Ally held the phone to her ear long after he had hung up.

  I’ll pick you up at seven.

  This was really happening.

  Chapter Nine

  Trust Me

  At 5:30, Izzy showed up on Gram’s doorstep loaded down with bags and cosmetic trunks, wearing a tight cotton cardigan, Daisy Duke shorts and platform shoes.

  “Wow. I see you brought reinforcements,” Ally commented as Izzy plunked everything down on her bed. The mattress bowed from the weight.

  “Do we really need all this stuff?” Ally asked, making a face.

  Izzy huffed like she was being asked to go without eyeliner. “Celebrities pay big money for what I’m doing for you, Al.” Izzy started rummaging through Ally’s closet. “First things first. We have to find you something to wear. Something that says first date with the most gorgeous man of the Northern Hemisphere.” Izzy frowned at several pieces of Ally’s wardrobe. “You’re not giving me much to work with here.” She blew her bangs out of her face.

  “Yeah, my wardrobe tends to say something more like “I don’t leave the couch. Ever.” It doesn’t really matter, Iz. It’s just dinner and it’s going to be dark anyways. I don’t understand the big deal.”

  That was a lie. It was a big deal, but Ally was trying not to freak herself out. Denial was the perfect coping mechanism.

  Izzy turned around and put her hands on her petite hips and tilted her head to the side. “It amazes me that you’ve made it this far, my friend,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “Have I taught you nothing over the years?”

  “Iz, the first time Ben and I went out together I was wearing scrubs.”

  “My point exactly.” Izzy turned her focus back to the closet. “And I wouldn’t necessarily call this a wardrobe. Ally, where do you keep your girl clothes? You know, the stuff that doesn‘t make you look like you’re trying to pass as a teenage boy.”

  “Hmmm. Back behind my eighth grade graduation dress?”

  Izzy rolled her eyes and started digging in the back of the closet. There had to be something decent in Ally’s closet.

  They finally decided on black slacks and a slinky, maroon colored, cowl-neck blouse that subtlety showed Ally’s cleavage. After putting it all on, Ally had to admit she felt sexy in it, especially compared to the uniform of tee shirts she wore on a daily basis. The pants were snug, but not in a painted-on way. But in an “I’ve got curves and I’m not afraid to show them off” kind of way. Very first date appropriate.

  Izzy grabbed at something hanging near Ally’s neck. “This still has the tag on it!” Izzy yelled in disgust and clipped it off with some nearby scissors from her beauty case. “Why don’t you wear this stuff all the time instead of letting it rot in the back of your closet? It looks so cute on you.”

  “There‘s no reason to dress up for my everyday life, Iz.”

  “I don’t care if you work as a garbage man by day, you can look fabulous doing it. And even more fabulous by night.”

  “But--” Ally protested.

  “You are positively clueless.”

  Izzy convinced Ally to continue her makeover by letting her do her hair and makeup. Izzy was like a madwoman applying powders and shadows amongst a fury of wands and brushes. She acted like she knew what she was doing and she was having the time of her life, but Ally was skeptical. Izzy’s idea of glamour was a little too ‘stripper chic’ for Ally’s taste.

  “Don’t make me look like a raccoon,” Ally cautioned. She couldn’t believe she was handing over creative freedom to someone with a full blown cosmetics habit like Izzy.

  “Have a little faith, Al. I’m your best friend. You’re going to look fabulous.”

  Please Lord. Just don’t let it be a fabulous mess, Ally prayed.

  Izzy applied eyeliner with a light hand and Ally’s blue eyes stood out under thick black lashes. It was subtle enough not to overpower her features, but enough to enhance her natural beauty. Just a hint of shadow and a touch of lip gloss and she was finished with her face.

  Next, Izzy straightened Ally’s wavy hair for her. She ran the flat iron through her long blonde hair until it shone and fell down her back like waves of gold. When she was finished wielding brushes and combs, Izzy stood back and admired her work. A slow, satisfied smile crept across her petite features. “Fabulous. Just like I promised.”

  When Ally turned and looked at her own reflection in the mirror, she was pleasantly surprised. She did look fabulous. But like a fabulous version of herself and not a woodland creature.

  “Wow. I love it!” she exclaimed, running her fingers through her now stick-straight hair.

  “Rachel Zoe and Pat McGrath have nothing on me!” Izzy cried, referring to the famous celebrity stylist and makeup artist.

  “I have no idea who those people are. But I like what you’ve done.”

  “You’re very welcome, beautiful friend.”

  Suddenly, Ally’s face went from happy to worried. “I’m so nervous, Izzy.” Ally twiddled with the hem of her blouse. “He’s Filet Mignon and I’m…I’m Top Ramen.”

  “Well, throw in a couple of DVD’s and you’ve got yourself a Saturday night!” Izzy joked, but Ally rolled her eyes.

  “I’m serious. What if he realizes I’m not good enough for him because I’m poor and--”

  Izzy cut her off mid-sentence. “Not gonna happen,” she said with confidence. “I’ve seen how he looks at you. You could live in a refrigerator box under an overpass and he wouldn’t care. He really likes you.”

  Ally had her doubts. “I really like him too and I’m afraid to royally screw this up.”

  “Here,” Izzy went over to her purse. “I have something for you,” she said with a twinkle in her eye.

  “Why? You’ve already done enough by helping me out tonight.”

  “It’s just a little gift for my very best friend.”

  Izzy dug a little box out from her Fendi handbag. Ally immediately recognized the blue box as being from Tiffany’s and her mouth fell open.


  “I wanted you to have something special for tonight. Just think of it as an instant confidence booster.”

  “No way. This must have cost a fortune,” Ally said before even opening the box.

  “Don’t worry about it. The Pacific Hills escrow closed today.” The manor house Izzy had sold in Red Valley’s prestigious Pacific Hills had finally closed its long, drawn-out escrow. It was a huge milestone in her career with the closing price being at just over four million. “They’ll be the perfect accessory for your new look tonight. Besides the hot man-meat on your arm, of course.” She plopped down on the bed. “Open it.”

  Ally removed the lid carefully as if the blue box were made of glass and would shatter in her fingers. Nestled inside the velvet box were platinum solitaire diamond earrings. They sparkled in the light as Ally’s hands began to tremble.

  “Iz, these are the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen,” she said through the oncoming tears. “It’s way too much.”

  “Don’t cry,” Izzy panicked. “You’ll smudge your pretty makeup.” She stood up and twirled Ally around to the mirror. “Now let’s take a look at you.”

  Ally put the earrings in her ears and the two women stood and looked at each other in the reflection.

  “You’re gorgeous. Now go knock him off his size thirteen feet!”

  Ally turned and squeezed her best friend in a super-size hug. “Thank you.”

  They heard a ca
r door outside and looked at each other with wide eyes.

  “He’s here!” they yelled in unison.

  Ben pulled up to the curb at 6:55. Right on time. He would have never left Ally’s house the night before, but it had gotten late and Gram needed to go back to bed. Gram was the sweetest women he had ever met and he could instantly see where Ally got her kindness and grace.

  Now he was back. Standing at the front door, nervous as hell.

  Izzy went to answer the door while Ally stayed behind in her bedroom trying to compose herself. If that was even possible.

  When Ben finally knocked, Izzy threw open the door. “Ben! Come on in,” she announced dramatically and waved him inside.

  “Hi. Thanks.” Ben stepped passed her outstretched arm and into the living room. “Izzy, right?”

  “Yes,” she said with a blinding smile.

  “It’s nice to actually meet you in person after talking to you over the phone. Noisy, dark night clubs don’t really count.”

  “The pleasure is all mine.” Izzy gave him a good once over with her eyes.

  He was looking handsome in a blue button down shirt and slacks. And he had a bouquet of flowers. Make that two bouquets. Izzy couldn’t have been happier for her best friend. This guy really was a keeper.

  Ben turned his attention to Gram at the kitchen table. “Gram. Hi.How’s the puzzle coming along?” He went over to her and gave her a friendly peck on the cheek.

  “Benjamin. Hello.” Gram smiled up at him.

  “These are for you.” He held out a bouquet of spring flowers to the old woman. She was surprised and delighted by his kindness.

  “Thank you, Benjamin. How thoughtful of you, dear. You sure look handsome.”

  Before he could thank her, he felt the urge to turn around and when he did, Ally had come down the hall and into the room. He couldn’t believe his eyes. She looked even more beautiful now than the night before at the club. He didn’t know how that was possible, but tonight she was positively stunning. Her eyes were bluer than ever and her hair…her hair was long and shiny and complemented her sex goddess appearance.

  Ben thought he must have done something incredibly right in his life to be enjoying this now. It was as if everything else had been leading up to this moment in time. Nothing else mattered but her.

  He finally found the will to speak. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” she said back.

  “You look incredible.”

  “Thank you.”

  Ally thought he looked like he jumped out of the pages of a men’s clothing catalog and couldn’t believe someone so good looking was standing in her living room. What had she gotten herself into? She was in way over her head and the water started closing in on her and she tried to remember to breathe.

  And then he smiled at her. That thousand watt smile he flashed made all of her worries fall by the wayside. Everything was going to be all right.

  He handed Ally a bouquet of flowers. It was a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and Peruvian lilies.

  “Thank you, Ben. Roses are my favorite.” Ally lowered her nose to them and breathed in their sweet fragrance.

  Ben hadn’t known what her favorite flower was and had chosen roses by default. He knew he couldn’t go wrong with roses and he’d been right. The florist had suggested they be paired with lilies and he trusted her instincts about flowers a heck of a lot more than his own. They turned out to be a beautiful combination.

  Even over the scent of the flowers, Ally couldn’t help but notice that he smelled delicious. Fresh and citrusy like sunshine and happiness. She didn’t know how someone could physically smell like happiness, but that’s what Ben smelled like to her.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  An invisible force was pulling him towards being alone with Ally. He wanted to give her his undivided attention. Which was weird, because he had never wanted to be alone with a woman this much before in his life. Sure he’d been on plenty of dates, but partway through dinner his mind usually wandered somewhere else. To hockey or the latest movie he watched. Video games. Or even his dog. But with Ally, he wanted to take her in with no interruptions.

  “Yes,” she smiled at him. She had never been more ready for anything in her life.

  Ben looked over at Gram. “Don’t worry. I‘ll take good care of her.”

  “I have nothing to worry about if Allison is going to be out on the town with a strapping young man such as yourself, now do I?”

  Ben smiled. “See you later, Izzy.”

  “Have fun, you two.” Izzy said.

  Ally handed the flowers to Izzy, grabbed her purse and took Ben’s hand.

  * * *

  After putting Ally and Gram’s flower bouquets in two vases of water, Izzy plopped down on the couch with a deep sigh. She hoped with all her might that Ally had a good time. She needed this so badly.

  “Come help me with the puzzle, Isadora.” Gram waved her over, but Izzy resisted.

  “Gram, until you can find a jigsaw puzzle featuring a shirtless hunk, I’ll be content over here with my Cosmo.” Ashlee Simpson was on the magazine’s cover this month and she couldn’t wait to read the juicy details of her and her rock star husband’s wedding.

  “Hmm. That’s not a bad idea,” Gram said thoughtfully. “A line of Playgirl puzzles. You know,” she added. “I met a Playgirl model once.”

  Izzy jaw dropped to the floor in disbelief and she looked at Gram like she had grown a second head. “You did?”

  “No,” the old woman smirked. “But I got your attention now, didn’t I?”

  “Wow, Gram.” Izzy shook her head. “You’re just too funny for your own good, aren’t you?”

  Gram smiled. “Now, put us on a pot of tea and tell me what’s going on in the world of Cosmo.”

  * * *

  Eventually emptying into August Lake, the Red River snaked through downtown Red Valley. The Rio restaurant was perched atop the north bank of the Red River and it was where Ben had decided on taking Ally for dinner. He knew she would love it.

  When the waiter arrived to take their order, they both decided on the steak and they both shied away from alcohol.

  Ally looked around at the inside of the restaurant. It had soft lighting and rich woodwork. Their table sat in front of panoramic windows that offered a full view of the mountains, city lights and the rushing water of the river.

  “I’ve always wondered what it was like in here.” She smiled into his eyes. “It’s amazing.”

  “The food is really good, too.”

  “Oh yeah, I come here all the time,” she said as seriously as she could muster.

  “You do?” Ben was disappointed and it showed on his face. He wanted this to be special and not just some run of the mill date at an ordinary restaurant.

  She shook her head. “I’m joking. I am familiar with the McDonald’s on Second Street, though,” she laughed. “That’s more my price range.”

  “We can drive through for a milkshake later if it’ll make you feel better.”

  “Thanks, but that won’t be necessary,” she smirked, then her eyes grew serious. “I’m sorry about what happened the other night.” Ally was embarrassed to bring it up but it needed to be mentioned to clear the air. She couldn’t have her drunken debacle hanging over their heads in such a beautiful setting.

  “And I’m sorry I dragged you out of the club like that. I just wanted to make sure you got home okay.”

  Ally felt a twinge in her gut. No one besides Gram had ever been so concerned about her well-being. Of course Izzy cared, but Ally was always the one taking care of her when she had too much to drink or was going through a bad break-up or any sort of an Izzy-type crisis. Which was often.

  “Thank you for that. I normally don’t drink at all, so you got to see me in rare form.”

  “And normally I don’t dance.” He smiled. It was a sly, sort of mischievous smile.

  Flashes of the night before ran through her memory. His hands on her waist, then the s
mall of her back. Her hands in his hair, on his neck. His musky, masculine smell filling her senses as their bodies moved to the music.

  Ally tried to focus on her steak, but her fingers didn’t want to cooperate with her fork. Her thoughts had turned her body to mush. She nervously tucked an errant lock of hair behind her ear.

  A flash of sparkle caught Ben’s eye. “Those are beautiful,” he said.

  Ally shot her head up, not realizing he was looking at her new earrings. “Oh, they were a gift from Izzy.”

  “She threatened me, you know.”

  “Who, Izzy?” Ally’s brow furrowed.

  “Yeah, she told me not to do wrong by you, or she’d kick my ass.”

  “Really?” Her face turned up into a smile. “She would say that. And she wears spiky heels, so I guess you’d better behave yourself.”

  “I’ll try.”

  Not that it was going to be easy.

  “She’s not as dangerous as she lets on,” Ally said sincerely.

  “Nah. Izzy is super nice.”

  “Yep, she’s like a sister to me. We don’t always see eye to eye because we’re so completely different, but she’s always been there for me when I needed someone. When I was the new kid in school, when my Grandpa passed away, when Gram had her stroke...”

  “You’ve been through a lot.” Ben reached for her hand across the table.

  “It only makes you stronger, right?” she shrugged. “Just call me Popeye.”

  He smiled and it reached his brown eyes, warming them in the dim restaurant light.

  “So how did you get into hockey?” she quickly changed the subject. Talking about family tragedy was as taboo as talking about ex-boyfriends and politics on a first date. Strictly prohibited. Not that Ally had many. Ex-boyfriends, that is. She had as many ex-boyfriends as she had bottles of nail polish. “Did you always know it was what you wanted to do?” she asked, then stopped herself. “Sorry. I sound like some reporter in the dressing room. Here, let me make you more comfortable.” She raised a make-believe microphone up to him with a smirk.


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