Book Read Free

Home Ice

Page 18

by Rachelle Vaughn

Wow! A real vacation. Ally thought of all the things she would do with a whole week of vacation. And all the things she wouldn’t do. No commute, no alarm clock. This couldn’t have happened at a better time. A whole extra week with Ben and Gram was more than she could have asked for.

  When Ally got home, she was beaming. “I have good news,” she told Gram.

  “Me too, Allison. You first.”

  “The Kaufmanns are taking a vacation and closing down the office for an entire week.”

  “That’s wonderful, dear.”

  “It sure is. Oh, I’m so excited. Ben is at a baseball game with his agent tonight, so we are on our own for dinner.” Ally went over to the refrigerator and pulled leftovers out to reheat in the microwave. “I plan on camping out in front of the TV tonight. Now, what is your good news?”

  “I talked to my sister Judith today.” Gram looked up from the new puzzle she was working on. It was a colorful field of red and yellow tulips in Holland.

  Boom! Ally felt her stomach sink down to her knees.

  “I invited her to stay with us.”


  “For the weekend.”


  Ally lowered herself into a nearby chair. Just the mention of Judith’s name made her knees week. So much for a nice, relaxing evening. With the television mumbling in the background, Judith had been the last thing on Ally’s mind. As a matter of fact, she tried to never think of the vile woman at all.

  “Now, dear,” Gram continued, “I know you two don’t get along, but I’m not getting any younger and I don’t know when I’ll get the opportunity to visit with her again.”

  Ally let out a groan. “Gram, she hates me and she always has.” She sniveled and added, “Ugh, I can’t stand to be around her.” Ally dramatically swept her hand through the air. “Maybe I’ll go and stay with Izzy during the weekend she’ll be here.” It still wouldn’t be far enough away. She couldn’t stand the thought of being within a five hundred mile radius of that woman.

  “Allison, you don’t have to let her run you out of your own home.”

  “All she does is criticize me and everything I do.” Ally couldn’t help but whine at the thought of Judith. At Gram’s house. For an entire weekend.

  Judith would sweep into town leaving a trail of Aquanet fumes and Virginia Slims smoke. She had giant frizzy hair that she teased into submission. She annoyingly tapped at everything with her long pointy Lee Press-On Nails. She would burst into a room like an explosion of tear gas, turning her pointy nose up at everything except for her Jean Nate’ cologne spray. Judith scorned anyone and everyone except for Gram. She was brash and never gave Ally the credit she deserved for dedicating her life to the care and welfare of Gram. If this was what family was like, Ally was glad she didn’t have any besides her and Gram.

  The fact that Gram and Judith both came from the same womb was astonishing. Two people could not be more opposite. Except maybe for Izzy and Ally. But they weren’t blood related. Ally pushed the thought from her mind and focused on an escape plan. New Zealand was nice this time of year, wasn’t it?

  “She doesn’t mean to be hurtful, Allison.”

  “Well, she is and I don’t need that. Especially from some crotchety old lady who only comes around once in a blue moon.”

  “I’m sorry dear. But I asked her to come and she’s family and I’d like to see her one last time.” The finality in her voice chilled Ally to the bone.

  “Don’t talk like that, Gram. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Ally reached over and caressed Gram’s hand. After Gram’s back-to-back hospital visits the month before, Ally had all but wrapped her grandmother in bubble wrap to protect her.

  “I won’t be around forever. You’re young, dear, and you have your whole life ahead of you. Soon the day will come when I won’t be around to hold you back from your life. It’s waiting for you, you know.”

  Ally knew the words were true but they still scared her to death. The room fell silent and they were left thinking about the future.

  Later that night, Ben called Ally when he got home from the baseball game in San Francisco. Ally could tell he had a nice time and was in a good mood.

  “How was your day?” he asked.

  “Good then bad.”

  “Can I come over?”

  “No, I’m too miserable and depressed,” she grumbled.

  “What’s wrong, Ally?”

  “Gram’s sister Judith is coming in to town,” Ally said it like it was a death sentence. To her, it might as well have been.

  “That sounds cool,” he replied, still feeling good from the game. “What’s wrong with that?”

  “Ben, you’re obviously not paying attention,” Ally pouted into the phone. “The Wicked Witch of the East is coming and I need somewhere to hide out for the weekend.”

  “How about Las Vegas?” he asked seriously, but Ally wasn’t buying it.

  “The Las Vegas? As in sin city? Very funny, Ben, but I was thinking more along the lines of your place. Or a cave near Mt. August.”

  “Seriously, I think you should rethink Vegas.” When she huffed into the phone, he continued. “It’s for the UNHL Awards. They’re in Las Vegas this year. How would you like to be my date and walk the red carpet with me?” he asked, hoping the last part would cheer her up.

  “Are you kidding me? Wait a minute. You’re serious. There’s a red carpet involved?”

  He could hear her go from pouting to perplexed in an instant. “Yes, I‘m serious. It’s kind of a huge deal in the world of the UNHL. Think of it as hockey’s Oscar night.”

  “Wait. How long have you known about this?” Ally asked skeptically.

  “Actually, I just found out today at the game. Jerrold, my agent, told me about it.”

  “Are your Aunt and Uncle going too?”

  “No. They’re going to be on a 14-day Alaskan cruise.”

  “That sounds amazing.”

  “Yeah. Nan’s had the trip booked for the past year, so they didn’t want to cancel. Coach isn’t nominated for anything this year anyway.”

  “So, why are you going? Does the whole team get to go?” she asked eagerly, warming up to the idea of a weekend away with Ben.

  “Well, they invited me because I’m nominated for an award.”

  “That’s great! Which award?”

  “The Lester Heart Memorial Trophy.”

  “And what’s it for? Greatest Player in the League?”

  She sounded sincere and he laughed. “Not exactly. It’s awarded to the player who best exhibits sportsmanship and gentlemanly conduct combined with a high standard of playing ability. Quite a mouthful, huh?”

  In order to be considered for the Lester Heart Memorial Trophy, a player had to set a good example by staying calm and focused on the game and not taking cheap shots or playing dirty. The players nominated for the prestigious award were talented and classy and scored goals instead of taking penalties. Ben was honored by the nomination.

  “You’re totally going to win it because you’re all of those things, Ben.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure. I’m up against two other really good players.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Oh, I’m so proud of you!”

  “So, will you go with me?”

  “Wow. I’m going to need something to wear.” Ally immediately found herself switching into ‘Izzy mode’.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Yourself and a Smile

  “Jerrold reserved us a really nice suite in Vegas for the weekend.” Ben ran his fingers through his brown hair. “Which is good because I don’t plan on leaving the room very much.”

  “Ben!” Ally gasped and clamped her hand over her mouth in embarrassment. They were standing outside behind the vet’s office during Ally’s morning break.

  “I’ll pick you up Saturday morning. Our flight leaves at 10.”

  A flicker of excitement flashed in her eyes then quickly faded. “I can’t. I mean, I want to, but Gram can’t be left
alone for too long by herself. Judith isn’t coming until Saturday afternoon and Ruby only comes over during the week to help out.”

  “I already took care of all that.” He pulled her into his arms. “I arranged for Ruby to stay late on Friday and Izzy’s helping out, too.” He brushed a stray lock of hair from her forehead. “So you have nothing to worry about. No excuses.”

  “But, I can’t afford--”

  He cut her words off with a kiss. “It’s taken care of,” he said into her lips. He felt her stiff body begin to relax as he kissed her again.

  They were going to Vegas, baby!

  When Ally returned home from work, Ruby and Gram were at the kitchen table bent over a jigsaw puzzle discussing Ruby’s bingo win the night before. Ruby’s hair was pulled back into a bun and it bobbed up and down as she spoke.

  “Hey, you two. I’m home.” Ally tossed her purse and keys onto the sofa and went to join them.

  “Oh, good, Allison. We’re just about done with the sky.” Gram felt her way across the puzzle to assess their progress. It was 1,000 pieces of an old red barn surrounded by little yellow flowers. Red and yellow pieces were separated into two mounds on the table next to the completed frame.

  Ally took her seat at the table and began rummaging through the box of puzzle pieces, pulling out a yellow piece and adding it to the pile. Ruby got up and excused herself to gather her stuff together and Ally took the opportunity to talk to Gram.

  “Ben wants to take me to the UNHL Awards.” Ally hadn’t told Gram yet because she didn’t know how leaving town could possibly become a reality when Gram’s health was always up in the air.

  “Oh, that sounds lovely, dear.” Gram picked up a red puzzle piece and snapped it into place.

  “I can’t go, Gram. I just can’t up and leave you for the whole weekend and run off to Las Vegas.” She said it as if the decision not to go was already made and she hadn’t agonized over it all morning.

  “Ruby and I will be just fine, dear.”

  “But I’ll be in a whole different state. What if something happens?”

  Gram’s tone turned serious and Ally knew she meant business when she set down the puzzle piece she was holding. “Allison, it’s time that you got out and started living your life. Don’t worry about me. I want you to enjoy your youth. Benjamin is a nice young man and you shouldn’t turn down his request to spend time with you.”

  “Oh, Gram.” Ally turned a blue puzzle piece over and over in her hands. “Truthfully, I want to go more than anything, but I’m kind of scared. This whole thing is so new to me.”

  “Having the attention of a man?”

  “Yes. And a famous man at that. This means so much to him. He was nominated for the Lester Heart Memorial Trophy. It’s a really big deal for him even though he’s modest about it. You know I don’t have any red carpet experience.”

  “I know, dear. But all you have to do is go and support him and be there for this special occasion.”

  “He’s really great,” Ally sighed.

  “Yes. And he’s chosen you to be his date.”

  “But, I’m so afraid I’m going to screw this up.”

  “Allison, you’re going to go and be yourself and you’re going to look gorgeous doing it. It won’t matter if you do the Cha-cha on the red carpet.” Ally laughed at the unexpected mental picture while Gram continued. “He’s going to love you no matter what. Now, I didn’t raise a coward. Call Izzy and have her meet you somewhere you can buy a dress. Don’t forget to bring your credit card.”

  “Gram, it’s only for emergencies.”

  “This is a red carpet emergency. Pick yourself out something nice.”

  Later, Ally was relieved to reach Izzy at her office. In one breath, she managed to fill her in on all of the details.

  “I told him yes and he’s picking me up in forty-eight hours,” Ally continued, breathless.

  “Yay!” Izzy screeched into the receiver. “I’m so glad you decided to go. You can’t live vicariously through me for the rest of your life. Although,” she pondered, “that would still be exciting.”

  “I don’t even know what I’m supposed to bring. I’ve never gone away for the weekend with anyone before. I’ve never gone away for the weekend period.” Ally was in her room pulling out drawers and frantically rummaging through the closet. A measly row of tee shirts stared back at her, mocking her.

  “Just bring yourself and a smile, Ally. That’s all he wants.” Izzy smirked into the phone.

  “I need your help.”

  “Oh, no. I’m not going to chaperone. A weekend in Vegas is awesome, but this is all you, baby.”

  “I’m serious. I need you to help me buy a dress. Something red carpet worthy, but on an Ally Monroe budget.”

  “Hmmm,” Izzy thought it over.

  “I’ve got plastic,” Ally added to sweeten the deal.

  “Oooh! That’s my specialty!” Izzy squealed. “It’s about time you asked for help with something right up my alley. Okay,” she got down to business, “meet me at Taunt in the mall in half an hour. I have a friend who works there who can totally set us up with a killer employee discount.”

  Once inside the clothing store Taunt, Ally looked around in awe. “This is so weird.”

  “What are you talking about? We’re going to find you something fabulous here.”

  “No, I mean, yeah. I know we are. I was talking about this store. I had a weird dream just like this. We were picking out dresses and everything.”

  Taunt looked eerily similar to the one in Ally’s dream except pop princess music was playing a little too loudly instead of Barry Manilow.

  “You dreamt you were picking out a red carpet dress?” Izzy asked in disbelief as she began pulling dresses of the racks.

  “No. Wedding dresses.”

  Izzy’s eyes widened. “You don’t mess around, do you?” she chuckled.

  Ally frowned at the sparkly, red dress that Izzy was holding up. “No, not for me. For you.”

  Izzy clutched the red dress to her breast and doubled over in laughter. “And that’s why it was a dream. Because that would never happen in a gazillion years!”

  Kenzie, the sales girl and Izzy’s friend with the killer employee discount, came up to them with a screech. “Izzy!” she cried. Kenzie looked like she was straight out of high school. Or perhaps, still in it. She had three different colored extensions woven into her dirty blonde hair and had an annoying habit of snapping and popping her gum every five seconds. She and Izzy were dressed in similar mini dresses.

  God help us all, Ally thought, Izzy has a twin.

  “Kenzie!” Izzy squealed back. “This is my best friend, Ally.”

  Kenzie squealed again in delight as if she had mistaken Ally for Miley Cyrus or whoever else was ‘in’ at the time. “Hi, Ally. It’s, like, so nice to finally meet you. Izzy talks about you, like, all the time,” Kenzie exaggerated every word and she obviously liked the work like.

  “Kenzie,” Ally nodded an acknowledgement, but didn’t show nearly enough enthusiasm to match the other girl.

  Then, Izzy piped up with the 4-1-1, “We’re here for a fabulous red carpet dress.”

  “Ooohh!” Kenzie looked like her head might pop off her little teenage body. “We just got in a shipment of, like, crazy-cute dresses.” Kenzie narrowed her eyes at Ally. “I’d guess you are, like, a size 12/14?” Instead of waiting for an answer, Kenzie began pulling dresses from the racks in a frenzy resembling a thirsty hummingbird. Izzy “ooh-ed and aah-ed” while Ally’s head started to, like, spin.

  “These should be enough to get you started. I’ll go get the new stuff from the back room.” With that, Kenzie hung a dozen dresses in an empty dressing room and flittered away.

  Ally leaned against the dressing room door. “That girl is like a hyena on crack!”

  “Who, Kenzie?” Izzy asked.

  “No, the other hysterical, human bobble-head whizzing around the store.” Ally’s sarcasm was as thick as Kenzie�
��s lingering perfume.

  “Oh, be nice, Ally. She’s a cool girl. You wanna hear something crazy? Her boyfriend…”

  Izzy proceeded to babble on about the girl’s personal life and Ally promptly tuned her out.

  Ally tried on several dresses and hated them all equally. The theme of the day was slinky, skanky and skimpy. The next dress in the try-on pile was a strapless silver number that looked like it could climb down a flight of stairs on its own. This was not what Ally had signed up for. She was looking for something more along the lines of sophisticated, stylish and special. Every dress that she slipped into looked like it belonged on a sixteen year old girl on her way to prom or homecoming.

  “This one looks like it was attacked by a mountain lion!” Ally ran her hand over the shredded animal print fabric of the polyester dress currently clinging to her in all the wrong places.

  “It’s cute.” Unwavering, Izzy advocated for the hideous garment. “Maybe not for the red carpet, but I like it.”

  Ally huffed and pulled the dress over her head. The human sausage look was not cute.

  “How ‘bout this one?” Izzy held up a little, white slinky tube dress adorned with sequins.

  “That’s perfect!” Ally mocked. “If I were a stripper in Reno.”

  “Fine.” Izzy threw up her hands. “I was just trying to help.”

  Ally shoved a hot pink mini-dress at her friend. “This is Teen Choice Awards. I want ESPN Oscars!”

  “Well, you’ve tried on practically everything in the store. Just pick something.”

  “I am not going to this fancy awards ceremony dressed like Britney Spears!” Ally put her jeans back on along with her shoes.

  “If you don’t like any of these, we’ll try somewhere else,” Izzy pouted.

  “I’m done for today,” Ally decided. “This was enough humiliation for a lifetime.”

  Izzy held up a green dress with the front cut down to the belly button. “Look! It’s a Jennifer Lopez dress!” Ally rolled her eyes. “Kenzie!” Izzy yelled. “Can you find this for me in a size two?”

  “I’m leaving.” Ally pulled her tee shirt over her head, grabbed her purse and left the Dressing Room of Shame. On her way out, she almost ran right smack into Kenzie. The girl’s arms were piled with more slinky dresses. Her mouth dropped open as Ally stormed out and she looked over at Izzy questioningly.


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