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Glenn, Stormy - Scales and a Tail [Midnight Matings 2] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 14

by Stormy Glenn

  Sebastian was a sucker for a whimper or a cry. He’d come running at the smallest sound. It took the babies about a week to figure that out. Once they learned to shift into human form, there was no stopping them. They wanted Sebastian all of the time.

  Beauregard was a little envious of that, but he had his own connection to the babies. They wanted him when they needed a cuddle or were feeling upset. They wanted Sebastian when they wanted to play or felt scared.

  Beauregard figured it all worked out in the end somehow. Still, after just a couple of months, he had a hard time remembering what life was like before kids. He also often had a hard time remembering that he was mated and not just a parent.

  The babies took up a lot of their time, especially when they learned the smallest and most special of all of them was a fire-burping bunny that could fly. There were now fire extinguishers in every room in the house, and never an open window.

  Beauregard pushed away from the nursery door when the outer door opened. He smiled when he saw Harlan and his mate, Jeremy, walk in. “Hey, guys, I really appreciate this. Sebastian and I haven’t had a moment alone in ages.”

  “Not a problem at all.” Harlan grinned. “We love watching the babies whenever we get the chance.”

  Beauregard jabbed a finger at Harlan. “Be careful what you say, my friend, or I might take you up on that.”

  Jeremy laughed and purposely pushed against his mate. “Don’t let the big guy fool you. He loves the babies, but more than a few hours and he starts pulling his hair out.”

  “Not to worry, Harlan, we won’t be more than a couple of hours. Sebastian and I just need a couple of hours of adult time.”

  Harlan and Jeremy grinned. Harlan waved a hand at him. “Go, have fun. We’ll be here. Galan is on call in case we need anything, and Carlos and Jenna are spotting us in a little while. We’ll be fine.”

  Beauregard wasn’t stupid enough to argue. He grabbed his little purse and clipped it on to his belt. It carried all of the supplies in it he needed to get laid. Now, he just needed to find his mate.

  He waved good-bye and headed out the door. He suspected that Sebastian was in his study downstairs. That’s where he usually was at this time of the day. Beauregard had a little bounce in his step as he made his way down the stairs.

  He had just reached the bottom of the steps when the study door opened, and Sebastian walked out with another man that looked slightly familiar. Beauregard paused at the bottom step, not sure if he should approach or not. Sebastian was frowning.

  “Sebastian?” Beauregard knew he probably shouldn’t interrupt, but he didn’t like Sebastian frowning. He’d prefer to be chastised than to see the frustration on Sebastian’s face. “Is everything okay?”

  Sebastian and the other man turned. Sebastian smiled the moment he spotted Beauregard. “Hey, bunny, come meet Elder Solaris.”

  Beauregard walked over, eyeing the other man suspiciously. Nothing good ever came from a visit by a UPAC elder. Still, Beauregard nodded respectfully. He would never shame his mate in his own house.

  “Elder Solaris.”

  “Beauregard, isn’t it?” the elder asked.

  “Yes.” Beauregard breathed a little easier when he felt Sebastian’s arm wrap around his shoulders.

  “I understand congratulations are in order.”

  Beauregard glanced at Sebastian for a moment then nodded to the elder. “Yes, thank you.”

  “And how are the little ones?” the elder asked. “You have three, am I correct?”


  Beauregard wondered just how much Sebastian had told the elder. He wasn’t concerned about the bunny or dragon babies he had given birth to. They would be accepted by all of shifter society.

  His concern was for the smallest one, the hybrid of both him and Sebastian. Beauregard had spent enough of his life being different and ostracized because of that difference. He didn’t want that for his child.

  “I thank you for your interest, elder,” Sebastian said. “All three are healthy and happy. I’d take you to see them, but it’s their naptime, and it’s few and far between that we get all three of them down at the same time.”

  Beauregard drew in a relieved breath. Sebastian wasn’t going to tell the elder about the babies other than that. He should have known. Sebastian was fiercely protective of their children. Nothing was going to get through a dragon father.

  “Well.” The elder clasped his hands together in front of him. “I just wanted to stop by and assure you that Derek would no longer be a problem. His connection with you has been broken, and he’s fully bonded with his mate.”

  Beauregard’s eyes widened as he suddenly realized where he recognized the elder from. He was one of the men that had come when Derek attacked Sebastian. Despite the elder’s words of assurance, Beauregard instantly went on alert.

  “Where is he?” he asked.

  “He is safe. His mate has taken him home to America. But not to worry, the connection has been fully broken. Derek is currently in the midst of mating heat and fully bonded with his mate.” The elder turned his attention to Beauregard. “Myron sends his regards by the way, and he hopes to be able to thank you for Derek’s life at the next gathering.”

  Beauregard stiffened. There was no way he wanted go get anywhere close to Derek’s crazy ass. He also didn’t want Sebastian near him.

  “We’ll see,” Sebastian said quickly. “I think we’ll give it a little while before we agree to meet either of them anywhere. I won’t have my mate placed in danger.”

  “Very well.” The elder nodded. “I can understand your concern, but the next gathering isn’t for another four years. There’s plenty of time for Derek’s bond with his mate to grow and strengthen, just as there is between you and your mate.”

  “Our bond is perfect,” Beauregard protested. He was miffed that anyone would question the bond he had with Sebastian.

  “Good, good,” the elder said. “I’m glad to hear that. Not everyone has been as fortunate as the two of you.”

  “Then maybe you elders should have thought of that before you started meddling in our matings,” Beauregard snipped.

  “Beauregard!” Sebastian exclaimed.

  “Oh please.” Beauregard rolled his eyes. “You were thinking the same thing.”

  The corner of Sebastian’s mouth twitched. “True, but I didn’t say it.”

  “So sue me. I’m a bunny.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I have such an attraction to your cottontail ass.”

  The elder laughed. Beauregard started to squirm. He could smell the arousal starting to pour off of his mate, and it was making him hard as a rock. If he didn’t get away soon, he wasn’t going to care that the elder was standing there. He’d attack Sebastian anyway.

  “I need to talk to you when you’re done here, Sebastian,” Beauregard said as he pushed away from his mate’s arms. “I’ll go wait for you in your study.”

  He turned and smiled at the elder as best he could. “It was nice to see you again. Please give my regards to the rest of the council.” Beauregard bowed his head then walked away as fast as his hard-on would allow.

  Beauregard heard Sebastian saying his good-byes to the elder as he hurried to the study and shut the door behind him. He had his clothes off before he reached the desk. He folded and set them off to the side then grabbed his supplies out of his little bunny purse and set them on the desk.

  They had three beautiful babies. For right now, they didn’t need any more. Condoms were a definite need until they chose to have children again. Beauregard still remembered the pain of labor. It would be awhile before he was ready to do that again.

  Once everything was set up, Beauregard draped his naked body over Sebastian’s desk, butt plug firmly inserted in his ass. He laid his hands up over his head and planted his feet on the edge of the desk then spread his knees. He wanted Sebastian to lose his mind when he came in. This display should do it.

  Beauregard had been counting
the days until the doctor cleared him to resume sexual relations with his mate. The few jerk offs they had together since the babies were born were great, but they didn’t make up for the connection Beauregard felt when Sebastian fucked him. That’s what he needed.

  Beauregard tensed when he heard the door open. He was so amped and ready to go, a stiff wind could have tossed him over the edge. His body ached to be touched, caressed. His ass ached to be filled as only Sebastian could do. It had been ages.

  “Hey, love, what did you—” Beauregard grinned when he heard Sebastian inhale sharply. “Fuck me,” the man whispered.

  Beauregard leaned up on his elbows and winked at Sebastian. “I’d rather you fuck me.”

  “Is it okay?” Sebastian asked quickly. He seemed hesitant but his eyes were hungrily eating Beauregard up. “Did the doctor clear you?”

  Beauregard held up the piece of paper the doctor had given him. He knew Sebastian wouldn’t fuck him unless he was completely healthy. Sebastian was fanatical about taking care of him and his health.

  “I have the doctor’s note right here.” Beauregard let the note flutter to the floor and grabbed his hard cock, stroking himself as incentive to Sebastian to hurry the hell up. He wanted something long and hard in his ass and soon. “And a condom.”

  Sebastian’s sharp bark of laughter filled the air as he crossed the room, peeling his clothes off as he walked. “I always knew you were a smart bunny.”

  Beauregard beamed.

  “Now,” Sebastian said as he dropped the last of his clothing on the floor and leaned over Beauregard’s body, “what else do you have for me?”

  Beauregard grinned and brought his legs up to wrap around Sebastian’s waist. “It’ll be so much better if I show you,” he said as he grabbed Sebastian’s hair and pulled his head down for a kiss.

  Sebastian let him have his way for about ten seconds before taking over the kiss, claiming Beauregard’s mouth with a hunger that made him tremble. There was just nothing on earth like being claimed by a dragon.

  “Missed you, Sebastian,” Beauregard whispered when they came up for air.

  “I haven’t gone anywhere, love.”

  Beauregard tilted his head back when Sebastian began to nuzzle his neck. He felt hot. Little tendrils of electricity where winding their way through his body, igniting every nerve ending.

  “Missed thisss,” Beauregard hissed when Sebastian’s lips trailed down to his nipple and latched on. He arched, pushing his nipple into Sebastian’s mouth. Sebastian knew just how hard to nibble and lick to send ecstasy racing through Beauregard’s body.

  “I can see that you missed me.” Sebastian grinned as he raised his head. “You brought me a present.”

  Beauregard inhaled sharply when Sebastian reached down and jiggled the plug in his ass, pushing it against his prostate. He tightened he legs around Sebastian’s waist and lifted his butt off the edge of the desk.

  “Sebastian,” he cried out.

  “Does my little bunny want something?”

  “Yes!” Beauregard screamed.

  “Ah, now see…” Sebastian pulled the plug free and dropped it on the desk. Beauregard felt him fumbling around and then a moment later, Sebastian’s hot hard length pushed into him. “That was the sound I was waiting for.”

  A high-pitched cry fell from Beauregard’s lips as Sebastian grabbed his hips and hitched them up further. Beauregard pulled his legs up, his knees bent up as high as he could get them. They brushed against his armpit.

  “Grab your ankles, bunny.”

  Beauregard arched an eyebrow but did as Sebastian demanded, stretching his legs up until he could grab his ankles. Sebastian’s hands covered his and pushed them up even further, until his ankles were up around his ears. It changed the angle of his body. Sebastian’s cock hit Beauregard’s sweet spot with every thrust.

  “Fuck, I love how flexible you are,” Sebastian growled as he pounded into Beauregard. “One of these days I’m going to tie you up like this, fuck you until you’re unconscious.”

  Beauregard thought that was a grand plan. His hands gripped Sebastian’s hair tighter then slid through the silken strands down to the man’s neck. His nails came out and scored down Sebastian’s back.

  Sebastian roared and slammed into Beauregard. Puffs of black smoke started spiraling out of Sebastian’s nostrils. The desk creaked under the power of Sebastian’s thrusts. Beauregard’s body ached. The world started to narrow down to the hard cock in his ass and the man hovering over the top of him.

  When Sebastian’s sharp teeth sank into Beauregard’s neck, his scream filled the room. An orgasm of epic proportions seized Beauregard. Hot seed shot from his untouched cock and smeared between their bodies.

  He whimpered and dropped his head forward when Sebastian suddenly picked him up into the air. His legs were dropped and strong hands grabbed his ass, pulling his butt cheeks apart as Sebastian continued to slam into him.

  Beauregard expected Sebastian to sit in one of the study room chairs or at the very least, push him against a wall. He didn’t expect the large man to just stand there, lifting him up and down, impaling him over and over again.

  Beauregard glanced up at Sebastian. He felt ten feet tall when he saw the desire burning in Sebastian’s eyes, the way his jaw was clenched. The man was close, so very close. Beauregard could see it. He could feel it in the tensing of Sebastian’s body.

  Without a thought of the consequences, Beauregard leaned forward and sank his teeth into one of Sebastian’s pectoral muscles. A slight coppery taste filled his mouth even as Sebastian’s ferocious roar filled his ears.

  Fire licked along Beauregard’s shoulders and spine. Powerful shots of lava-hot cum filled his ass. Beauregard cried out as his body warmed. He was surrounded, inside and out by a dragon’s fire, his dragon.

  Sebastian was panting heavily as he gently laid Beauregard back down on the desk and leaned over him. Beauregard could still feel small trembles shaking his big mate. He reached up and smoothed the sweat-drenched hair from Sebastian’s face.

  “Love you, Sebby.”

  Sebastian gave a halfhearted attempt at a growl then started laughing. “I fucking love being mated to a bunny.”




  Stormy believes the only thing sexier than a man in cowboy boots is two or three men in cowboy boots. She also believes in love at first sight, soul Mates, true love, and happy endings.

  Stormy lives in the great Northwest region of the USA, with her gorgeous husband and soul Mate, six very active teenagers, two boxer/collie puppies, one old biddy cat, and one fish.

  You can usually find her cuddled in bed with a book in her hand and a puppy in her lap, or on her laptop, creating the next sexy man for one of her stories. Stormy welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website at

  Also by Stormy Glenn

  Siren Classic ManLove: Blaecleah Brothers 1: Cowboy Easy

  Siren Classic ManLove: Blaecleah Brothers 2: Cowboy Keeper

  Siren Classic ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 1: Full Moon Mating

  Siren Classic ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 2: Just a Taste of Me

  Siren Classic ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 3:

  Tasty Treats: Volume 3, Man to Man

  Siren Classic ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 4: Blood Prince

  Siren Classic ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 5: Love, Always, Promise

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 6:

  Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

  Siren Classic ManLove: Wolf Creek Pack 7: Pretty Baby

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Tri-Omega Mates 1: Secret Desires

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Tri-Omega Mates 2: Forbidden Desires

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Tri-Omega Mates 3: Hidden Desires

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Tri-Omega Mates 4: Stolen Desires

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Tri-Omega Mates 5: Unspoken Desires

  Ménage Amour ManLove
: Tri-Omega Mates 6: A Hunter’s Desires

  Ménage Amour: Lovers of Alpha Squad 1: Mari’s Men

  Siren Classic ManLove: Lovers of Alpha Squad 2:

  The Doctor’s Patience

  Siren Classic: Lovers of Alpha Squad 3: Julia’s Knight

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Lovers of Alpha Squad 4: Three of a Kind

  Ménage Amour: Love’s Legacy 1: Cowboy Legacy

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Love’s Legacy 2: Cowboy Dreams

  Siren Classic ManLove: Sweet Perfection 1: Sweet Treats

  Siren Classic ManLove: Sweet Perfection 2: Mr. Wonderful

  Siren Classic ManLove: True Blood Mate 1: Heart Song

  Ménage Amour ManLove: True Blood Mate 2: Alpha Born

  Siren Classic ManLove: True Blood Mate 3: Love Sexy

  Siren Classic ManLove: True Blood Mate 4: Redemption

  Siren Classic ManLove: Katzman 1: The Katzman’s Mate

  Siren Classic ManLove: Katzman 2: Dream Mate

  Siren Classic ManLove: Katzman 3: Pride Mate

  Siren Classic ManLove: My Lupine Lover

  Siren Classic ManLove: The Master’s Pet

  Siren Classic: Wolf Queen

  Siren Classic: His Gentle Touch

  Siren Classic ManLove: Fire Demon

  Ménage Amour: Mating Heat

  Also by Stormy Glenn and Joyee Flynn

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Delta Wolf 1: Chameleon Wolf

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Delta Wolf 2: Mating Games

  Ménage Amour ManLove: Delta Wolf 3: Blood Lust

  Available at


  Siren Publishing, Inc.



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