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Angels Blood

Page 36

by Gerard Bond

  “I would like to say to both of you, that this voyage has been like no other I have ever taken. The two of you have shown me things that I would never have contemplated before and on such a long journey you do get to think a lot. I will have to admit that some of the ways of your country are superior to ours Wollfen, the time and effort you put into the sailor that fell sick. I am glad that you did what you did, he has always been a valuable crewman.”

  Wollfen nodded in return and added,

  “I am happy to have helped, I just hope that I have made a difference for you all in some small positive way.”

  “Your ways are still a little strange to me, but I see the sense of what you are saying and I think you have made more than just a little difference on board this ship. I don’t know what will happen after tomorrow but I hope it will find you in good health.”

  They continued eating and enjoying the fare, there wasn’t much more said but for Wollfen it shed a light on how much of an affect he had on everyone on board.

  Later Wollfen and Madeira went outside to spend some time on deck taking in the night air, they had filled themselves just a little too well on the food available and had to spend some time letting it settle.

  “Do you think all will turn out well?”

  “Yes, I think you will be fine Madeira you have shown me to be a very capable woman.”

  She smiled at the compliment but she was being much more of a realist.

  “There is no telling what might happen over the next couple of days, it might be our last.”

  Wollfen couldn’t say anything to that, it was very true. He took her hand and held it while they sat quietly looking at the stars above, the twin moons shone down on them making the ocean glitter off into the distance. After awhile Wollfen decided he was going to hit the cot, tomorrow would prove to be long once they got into port and he wanted his wits sharp. Madeira followed him and they retired for the night, he was a bit stressed but still managed to nod off rather quickly.

  Later that night Wollfen awoke to find Madeira laying on him. As he became fully awake he realized she was naked. She had her hands on his face caressing and looking at him quietly. Now that she saw he was awake she whispered quietly in his ear.

  “I want you to do something for me, I know you have someone in your life so I also know this won’t be easy.” Madeira paused before going on, “I have never been with a man and if things go bad tomorrow, that will never happen. To tell you the truth, there is only one that I trust and am willing to lose my virginity to. Will you do this for me?”

  Wollfen lay there a bit lost, not sure what to say. He had just woken up. He thought about what she said and it did move him but he felt conflicted. He wanted to give her her wishes but still wanted to be loyal to Dark, would she understand? He just wasn’t sure what to do.

  “I would be honored to be the one Madeira, but…” and before he could finish she started kissing him, softly and sensuously.

  She searched his mouth, licking his lips and gently sucking on them. All he could manage was a muffled sound in return, her action had caught him totally off guard.

  He gripped her upper arms to lift her back off but found himself having difficulty resisting, she was kissing him more passionately. His own desires were kicking in strongly and he kissed her back. A little moan escaped from Madeira’s throat as their hunger grew. Her hands slid down his bare chest feeling him as she went, finally finding her way to the knot on his pants. She pulled and tugged to undo it. Wollfen slid his hands into her hair and pulled her face into his kissing passionately, her hands managing to release his manhood which sprung up and slid between her thighs causing her to gasp. Madeira looked deep into Wollfen’s eyes as he lifted her up and moved aside, laying her down below him. She spread her legs for him in open invitation, he needed no encouragement as he eased down with his hard organ finding her hot and moist. A look of concern crossed her face as she felt him start to push in.

  “This will hurt at first my dear.”

  She nodded, she understood the basics of this.

  Wollfen watched her face closely as he continued to press harder against her internal barrier and then he felt it part. She cried out a little at the sharp stinging sensation, his organ slipping further in. Madeira lay there feeling the pain of her torn barrier, but also the pleasure of him filling her. She wasn’t sure at all if she liked it, her lust drove her on though and she gyrated instinctively as he began to slowly thrust into her, slow long strokes that brought more and more pleasure. The pain now took second place to the new sensations she was feeling.

  Her heart was pounding as she gripped his buttocks and she helped pull him deep inside her. The pain was a receding dull throb and as Wollfen continued his thrusts a little faster as he went, she felt something building. The sensations were increasing but she had no idea where this was going. Their bodies were covered in a sheen of sweat and they panted heavily. She licked his neck and liked the saltiness so she began sucking, sending a wave of pleasure through Wolf, he thrust harder into her and she responded with a low moan.

  “More,” she uttered hoarsely.

  Wollfen rode her harder. Madeira hung on, her eyes rolled back in her head as she became lost in a sea of pleasure. Wave after wave of intense ecstasy passed through her as she approached a crescendo and Madeira cried out a long howl as she reached an orgasm. Wollfen slapped a hand over her mouth to stop any crew from hearing her moans as she went limp under him. He slowed to a steady long stroking for her pleasure. Her eyes remained closed as she continued to bathe in the afterglow. Finally she opened them as Wollfen stopped, she smiled dreamily at him and he leaned down to give her a soft gentle kiss. She whispered into his ear,

  “Lay on me and hold me.”

  He did as she wished and Madeira wrapped her own arms around him in a state of bliss. After a couple of minutes Wollfen rolled to one side but Madeira followed him and snuggled into his chest, wrapping one leg over his thigh she fondled his organ commenting,

  “What a wonderful toy, I will never look at such a thing in the same way ever again.” She looked back up at him,“Thank you, I hope I wasn’t too out of line in initiating this, but it was necessary, you know that don’t you?

  Wollfen looked at her quizzically.

  “I can’t very well go about telling others that one can have sex and that the Queen has lied to us all this time if I cannot point out any proof at all can I?”

  He grunted, she had a point.

  “So you had an ulterior motive all along on your mind?”

  She smiled and giggled a bit giving him an innocent look.


  It actually made Wollfen feel a little better knowing it served a good purpose.

  Madeira chatted so much for awhile that Wollfen started drifting off. They ended up falling asleep together after some time.

  Later that night Wollfen awoke to find Madeira on top of him once again. This time she held a finger to his lips as she guided him into her, then she rode him slowly in the dark feeling him and experimenting as she went. Wollfen responded too and took one of her firm breasts into his mouth, sucking and licking at her hard nipple. It was all too much for her and she reached orgasm quickly, falling onto his chest and panting.

  “Oh I am definitely developing a liking for this Wolfy.”

  He lifted her head, looked into her eyes and spoke quietly.

  “There is to be no more Madeira, do you hear me?”

  Her mouth turned down a little. She searched his face and could tell he meant what he said so she nodded in acceptance and slid off of him. He then leaned to her.

  “There are so many reasons why we cannot continue, but for me there is only one that stands out, you know what I’m talking about don’t you?”

  A quiet yes came from her lips. He leaned to her and kissed her on the forehead and held her face.

  “You are young and strong, you have many, many years to learn more and discover, don’t fret okay?”

>   She nodded again and sighed a little, it was all so new and liberating, such passion as she had never felt before.

  It was mid afternoon the next day when land was sighted. As soon as the call went out everyone on board crowded towards the bow craning to get a glimpse of some land. It appeared as nothing more than a dark hazy smudge above the horizon at first but as time went by it became more clear, light brown and patches of medium to light green foliage, different to the Kingdom which had much darker hues of green.

  Wollfen looked on this new world, there wasn’t much to see but he was sure that it would be more interesting once they drew near. He could see a number of ships making their way in both directions up and down the coast, he wondered whether they were all fishing vessels or maybe trading vessels? Who did they trade with? Would he find new and exotic things there?

  He was getting ahead of himself, it occurred to him he would not see any of it. The most likely scenario for him when he made it to shore would be to be incarcerated immediately. Well, he would find out soon enough, by the looks of things they would make it into port by mid afternoon. Wollfen turned , grasped Madeira's hand and took her back to the cabin. Once inside he embraced her,

  “I want you to know that I have learned to love you over the last six months Madeira, not as a partner but as a special friend. I also want you to know that no matter what happens from here on in, you can count on me for support.”

  Madeira looked at him surprised, she wasn’t sure what brought all this on all of a sudden.

  “I understand my dear and you have my support too, but why tell me now?”

  “Too many times in my past I have not taken the time to tell people how I felt, things happened and I never did get to tell them. I am under no illusions about my chances of survival here. I just want you to know that I care about you.”

  Madeira looked at him in wonder. No one had ever treated her like this before and her heart was warmed by it. Tears welled in her eyes but she did not cry, instead she reached up and cupped his cheek.

  “I love you too Wolfy. No person, let alone a man, has ever had an affect on me like you have. You have opened my eyes to what is real and for that alone I can never repay you, all the rest is much more again. I am indebted to you.”

  Wollfen placed his hand on hers.

  “No my dear, you owe me nothing other than this one thing. Live your life and live it well, okay?”

  Madeira smiled.

  “I suppose I could do that,” she winked.

  He smiled back at her,

  “Thank you.”

  They turned and went back out onto deck, the Port of Isogorr was approaching fast, Wollfen asked Madeira a question.

  “So what’s the name of your capitol city?”

  “It is Razadan.”

  “That’s a fair name indeed, I like it.”

  They stood there and watched as the ship approached the wharf, it would not be long before a new chapter in their lives began.

  The ship docked and tied off. There was the usual bustle on the wharf

  and no one on shore paid them any special attention. It occurred to Wollfen that they wouldn't know where this ship had just come from. The Captain came up to him.

  “I have been informed by Madeira that she has been in contact with the Queen via mind touch. She has told me that a security detachment from the tower will be arriving in thirty minutes.”

  Wollfen turned and faced him, putting his hand out.

  “Thank you Captain, while the voyage wasn’t one of the best I have had, I know that you gave me better treatment than any other you have ever had in your custody.”

  The Captain shook it and added.

  “Well you certainly have been the most impressive captive I have had on board and you have managed to teach me a thing or two too.”

  Then Serhatnan turned and left before Wollfen could answer. Strange man he thought.

  Wollfen watched as Madeira approached and stood by his side surveying the activity on the wharf. The crew went about disembarking some crates they had brought from the Kingdom, war booty no doubt.

  “I am sure Captain Serhatnan has already informed you of when the security attachment arrives?” Wollfen nodded, “You may be interested to know I have been talking to the Queen and I sensed a strangeness there.”

  “Oh? Tell me what you sensed Madeira.”

  “I got the feeling that she seemed quite pleased at mention of you and also it was like, like she knew you?”

  Wollfen pondered that last statement, knew him? If that was a possibility then he could be at a disadvantage, what elven female did he know of other than those that currently lived in the enchanted realms of the north? He cast his mind back many years but couldn’t think of a one.

  “This may change our plans a little Madeira, up to now I have been working on the assumption that this Queen knows nothing of me personally and would not know of my true abilities to defend myself, but if it proves true that she does know me then she knows I won’t bend to her will. It also follows that she has in place a way of controlling me against my will but I can’t think of what.”

  Madeira spoke up after a bit,

  “Well then we will have to come up with some way of springing you out of custody and spirit you away before she can do what she intends.”

  “Yes, I concur, but it would be good if I could get to see her once before such an act is carried out. Now, whatever she intends to do to me I think would take a fair amount of power, tell me, do you know if she will have many sorcs present or has ordered sorcs ready this afternoon for when I arrive?”

  “No, I am not aware of anything but then I haven’t been in contact with anybody else since arriving. I’ll go back to the cabin and get into contact with Iris and find out, I will talk to you soon.”

  Madeira turned and left Wollfen to his own devices.

  He wondered what this mysterious Queen was up to? All he had to go on was that he was to be used as a tool to release some force or power hidden deep below the ground under Kassandrea and for her to have him brought here it meant she had something here that she needed to use on him before sending him back. It seemed a whole lot of work for just one person, then again Wollfen had no idea just how important all of this was so how could he judge?

  He watched as a mounted guard approached the ship, that had to be for him, there were two spare horses at the rear, obviously they expected Madeira to accompany them too, that was good. He didn’t really want to part company with her until they had a better understanding of the events that were unfolding. The leader of the troop dismounted and walked up the gangplank to where Wollfen was standing next to the railing,

  “I am here to pick up your prisoner, take me to your Captain immediately.”

  Wollfen smiled inwardly.

  “Yes sir, please follow me.”

  He led the man to the Captains quarters and knocked on the door.


  Wollfen ushered the officer in and went to follow as well but was stopped by him.

  “You may return to your post sailor.”

  Wollfen nodded and went back out on deck. He walked back to his original spot wondering what Serhatnan would make of the officer’s request. He really wished he could have stayed there to watch the mans reaction.

  Madeira was there when he arrived back and from behind he could hear the Captain and the officer exchanging a terse conversation.

  “He should be in chains!”

  “Well you can put him in chains if you wish, discuss it with the High Priestess Madeira.”

  “That I will!”

  They approached now and both Wollfen and Madeira turned to face them.

  “Lady Madeira, do you not think it wise to shackle the prisoner before we see the Queen?”

  The officer stood there glowering at a smiling Wollfen.

  “If you wish to shackle him that is your business, but you should know, he is a sorc too and it took the power of seven Isogorrean sorcs and a s
quad of soldiers to subdue him.”

  The officer hesitated, not sure what he should do or what was expected of him. Wollfen decided to let him off the hook, he had his fun.

  “What is your name sir?”

  The officer regarded him warily.

  “Uh, it is delegate Volknan of the personal guard to the Sorc Clique of the high tower.”

  Wollfen nodded.

  “Very good Volknan, may I assure you, you will not be needing shackles and am looking forward to meeting my old friend the Queen. Now, shall we mount up and move out?”

  A somewhat confused Volknan quietly nodded and they moved to their designated horses. Within minutes they had left the ship far behind and Madeira was still smiling as they rode. She thought it was quite a lark watching the officer in charge get so flustered. It was always fun when Wollfen decided to have a bit of play.



  Wollfen stood with four guards around him in a large throne room of the Sorc tower. He had watched as they had ridden into the city and the single tall structure had materialized off in the distance. The shimmering heat haze had revealed a spire, gray in color that must have risen a good 350 feet into the air. It was an imposing piece of architecture and it was probably designed to not only impress the local population, but also used to keep an eye on the vicinity too. He imagined that on a good clear day you would be able to see very far indeed.

  It wasn’t long before he was inside, then he could see that internally it was huge in here too. All designed to make an impression on any new visitors he was sure. He thought about what Madeira had told him on the ride over. She had checked with her friend and found that the Queen had made no preparations at all to receiving Wollfen. There would be no display of magics tonight, no attempt to bend him to the Queen’s will so that just left the possibility that the Queen would make her move later which suited him perfectly. He wanted to find out just who this person was and find out as much as he could before making plans on what to do next.


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