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Page 6

by Kelsey Nicole Price

  I looked at Reaper, wondering if the cyborg had played me, but then Dash’s body began to twitch. I didn’t think. Scrambling onto the bed, I gently gripped his head, turning it to the side. “Dash? Blueberry? Can you hear me?”

  His eyelids fluttered once before opening, confusion darkening his features. “Iris?”

  “Oh god! You’re finally awake!” The feeling of his dark eyes on mine caused my insides to rejoice. Without thinking I grabbed his cheeks and pressed my mouth to his, kissing the ever-loving daylights out my cyborg.

  Kissing Dash didn’t disappoint, my cyborg threw himself into the kiss with abandon, licking the seam of my lips and gently urging my mouth open. I complied, and his tongue rushed in to claim every corner of my mouth.

  The moment Dash tasted me, he groaned. The type of groan a man would give when denied his favorite sweet and then finally receiving a taste.

  My cat-pajama clad thighs clenched, a wave of desire shot straight to my now very wide awake girly bits.

  Dash broke the kiss, his nostrils flaring, he uttered another groan.

  More thigh clenching, as wetness flooded the pale-pink cotton, soaking my panties.

  Dash’s eyes rolled closed, inhaling my scent with a moan.

  What’s worse than your cyborg’s groans? His moans.

  Dear God, that sound should come with a warning label.

  I had no time to voice my suggestion. Like lightning, Dash pulled me to him, rolling his firm body atop mine. His hips cradled between my thighs, his hard and substantial cock settling against my core like a stamp of ownership.

  My pussy didn’t even get a chance to cheer before the abrupt interruption. “Would the two of you like us to leave?”

  Reaper’s question caused Dash’s body to stiffen on top of mine, while my whole face lit up bright red.

  Well shit, my pussy muttered.


  An unfamiliar voice broke through the rush of lust coursing through my body. Someone was here watching us. The feeling made me sick. This was our moment. Lifting my body off Iris, I growled low.

  I bolted upward, intending to rip whoever dared watch us into nothing but circuits but I landed on the floor instead. A cool breeze danced over my bare ass cheeks, my brain quickly caught up and felt my pants wrapped around my knees, trapping my legs.

  “Dash!” Iris’s worried shout echoed from above me as I tried, once again, to understand what the hell was going on.

  Suddenly, images slammed into me. The fight. Her words. The feeling of my world going black as I shut myself off. Then there was only darkness until this moment.

  I didn’t know how long I had been out or what had happened during that time. It didn’t help that kissing Iris, her body pinned beneath mine, had my sensors burning like wildfire. I wanted to drag her back under me and continue where we had left off, but we weren’t alone.

  Protective instincts flared as my fingers shot out, ripping the remainder of my pants from my legs. Better to be naked and keep Iris safe, then tangled, bare-assed on the floor with possible threats present. Iris could argue with me about modesty after this was over.

  Jumping to my feet, I made a grab for Iris and pulled her off the bed, pushing her body behind mine.

  “You won’t touch her!” I growled as my eyes landed on a face I never thought I’d ever see.

  The face of another cyborg.

  Iris did it.

  She found my kind.

  The pale-gray cyborg raised his hands, taking two steps back. “I promise I have no plans to touch her. My name is Reaper. Iris needed our help. She couldn’t figure how to bring you back online.”

  I looked at the military model. “Our help? There are more of you?” My jaw dropped as I caught sight of a lilac female service cyborg. Her skin glowed under the bedroom light, her eyes flashing with amusement; all I could do was stare. Instinctively, I took a step towards her, my fingers lifted to touch her.

  The female smiled, “Care to put some pants on there, big boy? I have seen enough blue dick to last a lifetime.”


  I watched the exact moment Dash discovered the other two people in the room were cyborgs. From my place tucked behind him, I saw the lines of his back tense and then release. The blue curves of his frame relaxed once he recognized the faces of his own kind.

  A rush of air breezed past me. Dash had moved quickly from me and approached Hester, his fingers dangling outward, wanting to touch the beautiful female cyborg.

  I couldn’t blame him. I had wanted to do the same thing.

  The weight of my fear coming true knocked all the breath from my body. My skin grew clammy as I fisted my hands by my sides. I wanted to reach out and drag him back to me. I wanted to scream come back but the words lodged in my throat.

  I had no right to order him to stay. I sunk my teeth into my lower lip, the soft bite caught the lingering remains of Dash’s kiss. I still couldn’t believe I had kissed him. I simply went for it, unable to resist the temptation of his mouth. One perfect moment in time as my lips pressed tight against his.

  “Whoa boy. No touching without pants,” I heard Hester’s words as she stepped back into the hallway effectively avoiding Dash’s outstretched hand.

  Amid my pity party, I had totally forgotten Dash was missing pants; my cyborg’s blue cock swayed in the breeze for all to see.

  More heat rushed to my cheeks but I couldn’t afford to descend back into horny girl mode right now. “Come on, Blueberry. Let’s get some pants on you. I think Hester has seen enough of you for today.”

  Dash turned to the sound of my voice, and I kept my eyes firmly locked above the waist. Constantly tempted to peek, I had managed to keep pants on that boy since I got him home. The image of a fully-naked Dash permanently burned into my brain cells, but a girl needed a break.

  Eyes forward, Iris. Get some pants on that boy. Then deal with whatever comes after.

  Why did I think I would wish I had taken up Dash’s offer to get down and dirty before today?

  Chapter Thirteen


  Iris and the two cyborgs left, giving me time to find new pants. I threw open a drawer and grabbed the first pair of pants I saw, shoving one leg in and then the other.

  How the hell had Iris managed to locate two more cyborgs? A female service unit one of them. Females were rare. Female service units even rarer. Created to be the gentler sex, they gave female models less strength and an even stronger drive to follow commands. Killing one became far easier given those traits. I watched many females from my batch purchased, the same buyers seeking to replace the ones they had destroyed.

  Murdered. Not destroyed. The females of my batch taken, tortured, and then murdered.

  Hester wasn’t from my batch but I couldn’t help feeling the joy that at least one of the female service cyborgs had survived.

  It surprised me to see her dressed in the same combat gear Reaper was sporting. Hester looked more like a battle-borg, fully dressed and ready to kick some poor human’s or cyborg’s ass. She was not a weak female.

  I frowned when I looked at the t-shirts, deciding against wearing one.

  Iris only told me to put on pants. It was one direction I was happy to follow.

  Padding into the kitchen, I found Reaper, Hester, and Iris huddled around the kitchen table. The two cyborgs dwarfed Iris; her small frame barely reached their shoulders.

  I had forgotten how tiny she was. For weeks, Iris had been by my side and I had simply accepted her as part of me. She was my human even if she denied it. After that kiss, I would dare her to deny me now.

  Iris laughed, the sound filled the room. I stared at her, taking in every feature. It felt like forever since I had seen her face.

  Even with two of my own kind in the room, I only had eyes for her.

  “You’re right. I did promise you my Beanie Babies if you helped me, Reaper. Don’t be upset if you’re disappointed,” Iris countered.

  I frowned. “He can’t have m
y elephant,” I stated flatly. That elephant was mine.

  All three of them turned toward me, Reaper raised an eyebrow.

  Iris flashed me a smile. “Dash, that one is yours forever, don’t worry. This promise only applies to the rest. Yours was a gift. It belongs to you, Blueberry.”

  “That wasn’t the deal, Iris. You told me all of them,” Reaper said.

  Iris’s eyes narrowed. “Take Dash’s elephant and I will fuck you up.”

  Reaper threw his head back and laughed. “You wouldn’t win, but I admire that you are either too stupid or too brave and are willing to try. I like you, tiny human.” Reaper’s large hand slapped Iris’s back; the force sent her forward. Her stomach struck the table with an oomph.

  I growled low. Taking a step closer—my fists clenched. “You hit her too hard. Humans are fragile. Keep your hands and your liking to yourself.” Spots danced in front of my vision.

  Was I malfunctioning? An unpleasant burning sensation settled in my stomach. My breath came out in rough, fast breaths. I blinked and ran a quick diagnostic. My scan revealed everything was in perfect working order.

  Iris’s hand found mine. “Put the claws away. Reaper was being nice, that’s all. Trust me, it’s a far cry from how we started,” Iris rubbed a mark on her temple.

  At once, I knew what had made that mark. That mark came from a blaster rifle. A blaster rifle that had pressed into Iris’s skin so hard it left an imprint. The light in the bedroom had been too dim for me to notice. Not to mention I found myself preoccupied with my very first kiss with my human.

  I don’t remember swinging; my fist just connected with Reaper’s face, the satisfying sound of metal bending filled me with joy. I had no time to savor it. Reaper struck back, his first strike landed squarely on my chin. There was a sickening crunch and pain exploded in my head, but I didn’t stop, swinging again and again, every time my fists connected with his gray face increasing my joy.

  He had threatened Iris’s life. I wanted him to hurt, to punish him for daring to even entertain the idea of ending Iris’s life. SHE WAS MINE!

  Reaper thought to steal her away and snuff the life from her beautiful eyes.

  Another blow landed on my cheek, the force sent me reeling backward. Reaper took the opportunity to lunge, knocking me to the floor and threw his body on top of mine.

  Gripping my arms, he pinned them to the floor, using all his weight to hold me down as he glared at me. “STOP FIGHTING ME, YOU IDIOT! I don’t want to hurt you! Calm yourself, now.”

  It was an order, plain and simple. An order I didn’t plan on obeying.

  Struggling in his grip, my hips thrashed side to side, trying to dislodge his hold.

  “Dash! Please stop!” It was Iris who cried out this time; her tiny form stood above me, begging me with her eyes to end this.

  Stilling my arms, I willed my body to stop fighting. I hadn’t given any reason why I was attacking Reaper. I would inform Iris of the reason and she would allow me to continue kicking his ass. “He threatened your life. The blaster imprint against your temple doesn’t lie.” I struggled to breathe, the thought of Iris’s death too much for my processors to take.

  “Oh shit. I forgot about that.” Reaper released a breath as his arms fell to his sides. “Go ahead, I won’t stop you this time.”

  I shoved upward, forcing his body off mine, his ass hitting the kitchen floor. He made no move to rise. I didn’t want to give him a chance to change his mind. Swinging my arm back, I prepared to hit him with everything I had. If I was lucky I would break his jaw. Or maybe his nose. I would settle for either.

  A soft brush of fingers against my fist stopped me from dealing the blow. Iris’s small hand wrapped around mine. I couldn’t strike, not with her hand over mine. The force alone would rip her arm from the socket.

  “Let go, Iris,” the words came out raw and with a bit of a growl.

  Iris didn’t budge, her hand gripped mine tighter as if she could hold it in place with the small bit of strength she possessed. Determination etched into her features, her mouth set in a determined line as her body stiffened, locking itself in place. “Reaper threatened my life because he thought I had bought you for some sick purpose. He was protecting you. I can’t be angry with him for that. Besides, he is like you, Dash. He’s your family. You can’t fight him. I can’t stand the thought of you hurting each other.”

  I had two choices. Take my revenge, or break Iris’s heart. I would do exactly the latter if I continued.

  Iris had already decided, forgiving Reaper without a second thought.

  I guess I could always kill him later. That thought eased the last of my rage. Lowering my fist, I took Iris’s hand with me.

  I tossed a glare at Reaper. “Know that I stop because of her. I am choosing to drop this matter. Just know if you ever threaten her again, I will rip your skull open with my bare hands and yank the fucking circuits from your head until nothing remains but empty space.”

  Reaper raised his hands, offering a gesture of surrender. “Understood.” Reaper’s head tilted, a look of confusion washing over his face. “You fought your kind for her. Why?”

  I gently tugged Iris’s fingers from around mine before threading my hand through hers. She didn’t pull away or try tugging her hand free. The feeling of her accepting my affection sent my heart soaring with mechanical bliss.

  I squeezed her hand in reassurance, “I fought because she is my kind. Iris is everything I didn’t know I needed.” Turning to face Iris, I dropped her hand and captured her face. “I regret taking myself offline. I am unaccustomed to feeling these emotions. I reacted without thinking. I am sorry.”

  Iris squeezed my hand in return. “I am sorry too. I didn’t mean to imply I only found you appealing because of how they created you. I find you appealing because you are you, Dash.”

  I pulled, tugging Iris’s body to mine. I bent to capture her mouth with mine; her lips parted to allow me to sweep my tongue inside as I gathered every drop of her.

  Reaper cleared his throat. “I regret asking.”

  “I regret you asking,” Hester chimed in.

  Hester and Reaper? Major cock blocks.

  Breaking off the kiss, I tucked Iris’s body against mine, draping my arm over her shoulder and holding her close. “I regret your existence,” I countered.

  Chapter Fourteen


  After the disaster that was the Cyborg WWE in my kitchen, things settled down to a reasonable simmer. I offered Hester the spare bedroom and told Reaper he could have the couch. You would have thought I had told him to sleep out on the street. That cyborg was a damn diva. He only shut up when I threatened if he didn’t take the couch he was sleeping in the truck. That got his ass to the couch quickly.

  Out of all the day’s events, kissing Dash was the highlight. My lips still tingled with the feel of him. A small part of me worried this wouldn’t work, that once he realized I was nothing special, he would leave.

  Hester was a cyborg. She was also drop dead gorgeous. Dash and she would be perfect together. Like gods among mere mortals.

  A mere mortal who was about to try and seduce a cyborg while wearing cat pajamas. Fucking sexy, right? I was every guy's dream. Get it together Iris, men like confidence.

  A strangled laugh escaped my lips. I was so far out of my element, I didn’t think there was enough confidence in the world to pull this off.

  I walked to my bedroom and gripped the doorknob. I took deep breaths and mentally told myself to get my shit together. I wanted Dash with every breath in my body.

  My pussy was happy-dancing in hopes of picking up where we had left off. I’m glad one of us was confident. Glancing down at my lady bits I whispered, “Let’s do this.”

  Then I opened the door.


  When I heard the door open, I suddenly felt light-headed, my circuits spun faster, my heart matched their speed.

  I wasn’t a fresh-out-of-the-box virgin, but it felt that w
ay. I was unsure, exhibiting irrational behavior, and for the second time in less than an hour, I had to wonder if I was malfunctioning.

  Programmed for this, my whole existence crafted for this moment. I knew more ways to pleasure someone than the human’s Kama Sutra, but Iris’s silhouette in the doorway had every bit of knowledge fleeing my processors.

  I glanced at my hands, hating the fact that they had touched anyone before her. My whole body defiled by beings I hated.

  I felt dirty, the sensation caught me off guard. I wondered if I even had the right to touch her. I know I am damaged goods; my sweet human deserved so much more.

  Suddenly, the image of Reaper popped into my head. His gray skin-tone designating him a military unit. He had fought me like a warrior, his skills sharper and deadlier than mine. Reaper would be a far better model than me.

  That familiar feeling rose up. This time, I identified it as jealousy.

  I was jealous of Reaper.

  I didn’t want him to like her.

  I didn’t want him to breathe the same air as Iris.

  My eyes met Iris’s as she stood in the doorway. Stepping into the room, her hands gripped the hem of her nightshirt, twisting her fingers into the fabric. She took a deep breath and undid the bottom button before moving on to the next, each button releasing with a small pop until the top fell open, revealing her breasts. Pushing it off her shoulders, it landed in a heap at her feet.

  I froze; my mouth ran dry at the sight of her bare from the waist up. An image of Reaper seeing this caused a low growl to escape my lips. I could never give her up.

  Mine! The voice inside my circuits screamed.

  Iris had chosen me.

  “Tell me what you want me to do. Whatever you want Iris,” my voice broke slightly, thick with escaping emotions. “I am yours.”


  My nipples beaded in the cool air as I stood, unsure. Dash offered to bring every single one of my fantasies to life. Anything I could imagine, every whim I wished to indulge.


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