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Toil And Trouble, A Paranormal Romance (Jolie Wilkins)

Page 9

by H. P. Mallory


  Three days went by and I crossed off each day on my calendar with a bold, black line like I was in prison. Otherwise, the days would have melted into the drab pool my life had recently become. It was like we were stuck in a perpetual holding pattern otherwise known as the lead up to the war with Bella.

  “How is everything with you relationship wise?” Christa asked as she stuffed a wad of bread into her already full mouth. She rested her elbows on the table in Rand’s enormous kitchen and watched me, her expression too knowing.

  I glanced away and gulped down the reluctance that always visited me whenever I thought about my relationship status, or lack thereof. I hadn’t told Christa about my most recent disappointment with Rand. I just didn’t have the strength to suffer through it again. In fact, I’d been doing my damndest to lock it into a secret vault in my head, where it could never see the light of remembrance again.

  “I’ve sworn off anything that has a penis,” I said as I walked my half-eaten plate of shepherd’s pie to the trash.

  Christa frowned and downed a few swallows of milk. “What about when you got to second base with Rand?”

  Second base? Were we in third grade? And speaking of idiotic sexual synonyms, Rand had gotten a lot farther than second base. But that was also something I didn’t want to think about.

  “There’s nothing to tell where Rand is concerned,” I said with finality, rinsing off my plate and stacking it in the dishwasher.

  “What about Sinjin?”

  “Sinjin nothing,” I snapped, maybe a little too emphatically.

  Christa spooned the last of her peas into her mouth and stood up. “Yeah right. He’s really freakin’ cute and I bet vamps are nasty under the sheets.”

  She handed her plate to me and I rinsed it, entirely too curious about sex with Sinjin. “I wouldn’t know.”

  “Well, as I see it, you have two options where men are concerned.” She leaned against the black marble counter top and held up her index finger. “One is Rand and I’m betting on him, but if that doesn’t work, you have Sinjin.” She flicked up finger two. “And he’s number two.”

  “Rand isn’t an option anymore,” I said, shaking my head as I started loading the dishwasher with the plethora of dishes lining the kitchen counter—all of which belonged to Christa. She seemed to harbor an aversion to cleanliness. “And neither is Sinjin. They both have penises, remember?”

  At the thought of Rand’s and Sinjin’s male equipment, heat spiraled through my stomach.

  Christa flicked up a third finger. “And another could be Odran, even though I can’t understand a word he says. But you guys seem to communicate pretty well.”

  My mouth dropped open at the mere contemplation of anything sexual with the king of the fae. An image of his fairamours lounging on my bed met me like a blade through the eyes. “Oh my God, Chris, Odran is a walking STD petri dish. SO not going there!”

  She looked puzzled. “Do fairies even get STDs?”

  It was a good question and one I’d never considered. “Hmm, I don’t know.” I reached under the sink for the box of Finish powder detergent and poured it into the dishwasher dispenser.

  “Probably not, huh?” she asked, still mesmerized. “I wonder if any supernatural beings get STDs. I mean, when have you ever heard of a werewolf with gonorrhea or a vampire with syphilis?”

  “The vampire is not susceptible to syphilis,” Sinjin’s voice interrupted and I stood up so fast, I banged my head on the kitchen counter.

  “Dammit, Sinjin!” I yelled, rubbing the back of my head while magicking the pain away. Dressed in his usual dark attire, he was every inch as sexy as he was dangerous.

  “I apologize,” he said with the beginnings of a smile. “I have come to fetch you as we have received Bella’s declaration.” I started to worry about how much of our conversation Sinjin had overheard, but his announcement of Bella’s declaration wiped the concern clean out of my head.

  “Bella’s letter of demands?” I asked.

  Sinjin nodded. “Randall has called a meeting in the library and I imagined you wished to be present.”

  A chill ran over my body and I wasn’t sure if it was a reaction to Sinjin or to the fact that Bella had sent her declaration.

  “Thanks for letting us know,” I said and threw the dishwasher door closed, pressing the button for extra hot wash (Christa had a tendency not to rinse her dishes) and started for the library, Sinjin leading the way.

  “Hmm, so can vampires get gonorrhea?” Christa asked.

  “No,” Sinjin responded as he appeared to glide up the stairs.

  “What about colds or the flu?” she continued.

  “No and no,” Sinjin finished and offered me a cock eyed expression.

  We were spared further incessant questions when we entered the library. Even though a fire burned in the hearth, there was a persistent chill in the room, like it was occupied by ghosts. Rand, Odran, Nigel, and John gathered around the fireplace. None of them were seated, so with a shrug, I took a seat on the chaise closest to the fireplace. Christa sat next to me.

  “Sorry, we were finishing up dinner,” I offered with an embarrassed smile that was lost on Rand. In fact, he didn’t even glance up when we entered the room. Instead, he just tapped a letter against the palm of his hand. As I regarded the letter, I had no idea what to expect and the feelings of anxiety and foreboding made me feel like throwing up.

  Instead of delving into the letter right away, Rand merely clutched it, gripping it so that his knuckles turned white.

  “What are we waiting for?” I asked when I couldn’t stand it any longer.

  Rand faced me, expressionless. It was the first time we’d seen each other since our last … encounter. I could read nothing in his face and the blank wall of his emotions forced me to drop my gaze. I just couldn’t look at him, couldn’t keep myself from wondering what was going through his mind.


  “Start without him,” Christa said, nervously shaking her leg as she tended to do when agitated.

  “Everyone must be present,” Rand said with finality.

  No sooner did he finish his statement then Trent strolled into the room and threw himself into a wing-back chair opposite Christa and me, offering no apology. He definitely operated under the assumption of his own self-importance. I noticed the frowns on everyone’s faces, but no one said anything.

  Except for Rand.

  “Promptness is a virtue, Trent.”

  Trent feigned innocence with an open-mouthed “what are you talking about?” expression. Rand, shaking his head, slid a letter opener under the red wax seal and slit open the letter. He unfolded the ecru parchment and scanned the letter before clearing his throat.

  “‘To Whom It Concerns,

  ‘As outlined by the Doctrine of the First Coven, should our side triumph, our doctrine is as follows:

  ‘As regards Bella Sawyer:

  ‘Bella Sawyer will become queen of the Underworld and leader of all factions of vampires, wolves, demons, fairies, and witches. All creatures will be divided into covens and covens will be assigned to regions as decided by the queen. All ownership of land will revert to the queen and covens will live upon Crown property. All Crown Tenants will show fealty to the queen in the form of rent.’”

  “What?!” Trent asked, bashing his balled up fist into the arm of his chair. “None of us can own property?”

  “Apparently,” Rand said, throwing Trent a scowl.

  “Do you think her soldiers know about this?” I asked, wondering how anyone on her side could have agreed to such a proposition.

  Odran shook his head. “Nay, I doona.” Then he faced Rand again. “Read oon.”

  Rand nodded and resumed reading. “‘As regards any and all supporters of Rand Balfour, including those who are not specifically designated below:

  ‘You will be subjects of the queen. Each of those loyal to Balfour shall be given to the queen’s legions to do with as th
ey see fit.’”

  “Slaves?” Christa asked, her mouth agape.

  John draped his arms around her and nibbled on her ear. “Don’t worry, babe; I’ll keep you safe.”

  Christa smiled up at him and nestled against his broad chest. I ached as I looked at them, wishing I could find the same happiness. I shot a glance at Rand and noticed he was doing his best to ignore them … and me.

  “Yes, as decreed, we would become slaves to Bella’s soldiers,” Rand said.

  “I had imagined as much,” Sinjin responded with a yawn.

  “We can’t let her win,” I started, tears filling my eyes. It was a stupid thing to say, elementary at the very least, but it suddenly dawned on me how much we had to lose. If our side didn’t prevail, our lives would become intolerable; if we weren’t dead, that is.

  Rand glanced at me and held the letter against his chest, regarding me sympathetically. “Perhaps the ladies should retire before I continue?”

  No, I thought indignantly, worried my voice would betray me. This involves all of us. Keep reading.

  Jolie, Rand started.

  I’m fine.

  “What’s going on?” Trent asked, glancing at Rand.

  “They’re talking with their thoughts,” Christa answered and glared at him, apparently still annoyed with his tardiness.

  Rand didn’t respond but resumed reading after taking a moment or two to figure out where he’d left off. “‘As regards Rand Balfour:

  ‘You will be appointed as servant to the queen. Your property will revert to the queen and you will exist solely to do the queen’s bidding.’”

  His face was stoic and revealed nothing. Without so much as a pause, he continued. I had such a lump in my throat, I couldn’t find my voice. I wanted to reach out to him, to touch him and tell him he’d be okay, but I couldn’t move.

  “‘As regards Odran, king of the fae:

  ‘You will be mated with the queen, and act as her second in command.’”

  “I willna mate that hideous creature,” Odran said, balling his hands into fists at his side. “I would rather die.”

  It surprised me only momentarily that Bella would match herself with Odran, but then I realized it was a political decision—if Bella could control the fairies, she really would dominate all the Underworld creatures. Without a strategic fae alliance, the fairies could still exist outside the law. I mean, it was impossible for anyone to find a fairy village unless they were invited. So in order to maintain control over the fae, this made total sense.

  “‘As regards Sinjin Sinclair: as a traitor, you will be put to death.’”

  “Sinjin!” I gasped.

  If I was outraged by the decree, Sinjin seemed unconcerned, as he did with most things. He merely smiled and raised his hand as if to say I shouldn’t be concerned either. “Continue, Randall,” he said stonily.

  Rand didn’t even respond to the hated nickname and continued reading the letter. “‘As regards Jolie Wilkins …’”

  I was still so flabbergasted by the fact that Bella had ordered Sinjin dead that it took me a moment to realize Rand had spoken my name. He glanced over at me and I gulped down the anxiety now climbing up my throat.

  “Read it,” I croaked.

  He dropped his eyes and continued. “‘You will be in the in the employ of the queen and will reanimate the queen’s dead and aid the queen in her search for the prophetess.’”

  “The what?” Trent asked.

  I sighed, not even knowing where to start. “When Bella kidnapped me, she tried to make me bring back some witch whom she claimed was a prophet.”

  “What does that mean, a prophet?” John asked.

  “Bella believes the prophetess can alter history,” Varick finished, his orange hair brilliant against the light of the fire.

  I nodded. “Well, the woman wasn’t the prophet Bella was looking for so I guess she’s still looking for her.”

  “Who is this prophet?” Odran demanded.

  I shrugged. “No one knows.”

  Odran scratched his chin, as if in deep contemplation. “This is the first I’ve heard ah this.”

  I wasn’t sure if any of the fairy elders knew of the prophet but I stayed quiet. I wasn’t even sure a prophet actually existed.

  “What else do you know?” Varick inquired nonchalantly but I could see his body tuned to my response, like a hawk watching a field mouse.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know anything other than what I’ve said.”

  Varick nodded and appeared to accept my answer. I glanced back at Rand and signaled for him to start reading again with a wave of my hand.

  “‘When you are deemed no longer useful to the queen, Ryder …’”

  Rand stopped reading and scanned the letter in silence as my heart plummeted. “Rand please!” I begged.

  He shook his head and continued reading. “‘Ryder will retain full custody of you to use as he deems acceptable.’” He reiterated the final words “as he deems acceptable” with resigned solemnity. His lips were tight as he studied me and his eyes burned with hatred.

  I felt as if some part of myself had withered inside by the thought of Ryder maintaining custody of me. Ryder would kill me.

  “Jolie!” Christa cried.

  “He will never touch a hair on your head,” Rand pledged between clenched teeth and his hand tightened around the letter’s pages as if they were Ryder’s throat.

  “You have many eager guardians, poppet,” Sinjin said with the devil’s smile. “You may count me among them.”

  “We will fight for you, Jolie,” Trent offered and even though I couldn’t stand him, I smiled my thanks.

  I looked back at Rand as another letter freed itself from the ream of papers in Rand’s hand and sailed through the still air, landing on the hardwood floor as lightly as a feather; but its contents held the weight of a bomb. Rand appeared to be in slow motion as he reached down and picked up the letter.

  “It’s addressed to you, Jolie,” he said solemnly but made no motion to hand it to me. If nothing else, Rand was protective.

  “You read it,” I whispered, fearing I’d be unable to touch it, let alone read it.

  “Very well,” he said although his voice belied the fact that he wanted nothing to do with it. This time he didn’t bother with his letter opener and instead, tore through the letter with vehemence.

  “‘Jolie, I will own you.’”

  It was from Ryder.

  “‘You will be mine in every way. I will use your body when and where I want.’”

  Without realizing it, a gasp had escaped my mouth. I suddenly felt incredibly hot, as if I’d been submerged in boiling water. My heart jack-hammered in my chest as I glanced up at Rand.

  “I won’t read anymore of this rubbish,” Rand said and threw the letter down in disgust.

  But like the inability to turn your eyes away from a horrible accident, I had to know the entirety of the letter. Even though I was now sick to my stomach, I was driven by the need to finish it. I eyed the letter and pictured it in my hand. It scuffled across the floor before jumping into my hands like an eager lap dog. I decoded the chicken scratch that could only be Ryder’s penmanship, as horrible as the vampire himself.

  “‘I will feed on you. If you deny me, I will kill you.’” My voice was hoarse, thick. “There’s a post script,” I whispered. “‘Enjoy this memory.’”

  Once I uttered the last word, a beam of light shone from the letter, projecting to the center of the far wall of the room. Various colors emanated from the light and after a few seconds, the lights morphed into images like a film reel on a projector.

  There appeared a room with a cot and a chair. On the cot was a woman, lying prostrate. It took me a moment to realize the woman was me. I was restrained on the cot with my wrists handcuffed to it and I was in my training outfit—a sports bra and Lycra stretch pants. I was alone for the time being.

  The door opened and Ryder entered. My stomach flopped at the sight of
him. He was dressed in black, the thudding of his biker boots matching the thudding of my heartbeat. Ryder’s face was wide and hideous. He had a Hells’ Angels sort of dangerous look. My attention dropped to the tray of food in his hands. It was like déjà vu as I watched him leave the tray next to my bed and approach me, a sandwich in hand. He held up the food and taunted me with it, knowing how hungry I was. I watched myself refuse the food and knew only too well what would happen next.

  Ryder yanked my head to the side as he inhaled deeply, cupping my mouth with his hand. He ripped part of his shirt and gagged me. I watched myself strain against the cuffs as I kicked against him and nailed him right in the face. Furious, he ripped my pants, thrusting his head into the junction of my thighs as he bit into my groin. As I watched it, my thigh started aching, like it had its own memory of the attack.

  But this was virtual reality and in it, Sinjin never called for Ryder which meant one thing … Ryder could see his intentions to fruition.

  But I wasn’t about to watch him rape me. And I definitely wasn’t about to watch it with a group of spectators.

  “Enough,” I said, a lump in my throat.

  I dropped the letter on the floor, the light beams dancing across the hardwood. Rand smashed it with his shoe and the light began to dim until it was impossible to make out what it was.

  “I … I have to go,” I said, feeling the sting of tears give way to a deluge. I stood up and had to steady myself against the chair, suddenly feeling dizzy and uncomfortably hot. I rushed from the room and headed down the hallway.

  “Jolie!” Christa called after me but I couldn’t stop. All I knew was I had to get as far away as I could.

  I started running, hurling myself down the stairs until I reached the kitchen. Throwing open the kitchen door, I felt my lungs sting as I inhaled the frosty night air. I shot out the door and turned to avoid the warring soldiers, tearing as fast as I could in the opposite direction. When I couldn’t catch my breath and tears were blurring my vision so much that I couldn’t see, I forced myself to stop.


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