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Protector (The Brannock Siblings Book 4)

Page 9

by Jessica Wilde

  Liam was there every day, ready to show her anything she wanted to see. He'd taken her to the Selskar Abbey in Wexford and the Nineteen Arches Bridge in Arklow. They spent countless hours walking the streets and just admiring the land around them. Isabelle couldn't remember the last time her breath had been taken away by a simple view.

  When Liam brought her back to the house each night, she couldn't help but feel saddened that she would spend a few hours away from him. Just his company had become something she longed for and something that she didn't want to imagine not having. He made her laugh and he listened to every word she spoke, as if they were words that would change his life. The heady feeling she got whenever he looked her way, the smile that he would give her when they were talking about absolutely nothing; it was so different from anything she knew before him.

  It was real.

  His small touches became more and more frequent. A light touch to her arm to get her attention, a hand on the small of her back to lead her through a door, the brush of his leg when they sat together. If she didn't do something about it soon, she might just explode.

  She'd felt desire before. In fact, her boyfriend through high school had turned her on like a light bulb, but it was nothing like this. All the kissing and necking in the world back then couldn't have compared to the flutter she felt when Liam Brannock touched her so innocently.

  Izzy's smile nearly cracked her face wide open when she thought of the night before. The best night of her life so far started with the simple moment he'd held her hand as they walked to a nearby eatery in town.

  They crossed the street and Liam absently entangled his fingers with hers in an attempt to lead her to the building. He kept hold of her hand when they walked in and didn't let go until they were seated and forced to separate. She easily caught curious gazes being sent their way, but the grin on Liam's face took all of her attention once they say down. The rest just fell away into the background.

  They ordered some food and drinks and once the waitress stepped away from their table, Liam leaned forward and smiled. "I feel like I've been talking nonstop, Izzy. Will you tell me more about yer family?"

  She looked down at the worn wooden table and nervously ran her fingers along the grain. They had talked about his family a lot and Izzy felt like she knew them already without ever seeing them. As far as her family... well he asked about them as subtly as possible and she only gave the bare minimum. Talking about them would bring up all the other issues she was trying to avoid.

  "What do you want to know, Liam?" she asked quietly without looking up at him.

  She sensed his movement, but didn't expect him to lift her chin with gentle fingers, bringing her face up until their gazes locked. By the time she realized what was happening, she was already breathless. Those deep blue eyes of his sent her stomach fluttering all over again.

  "I want to know whatever ye are willin' to tell me. Anything that tells me more about ye."

  His thumb moved slowly across her chin before dropping away just as quickly. He cleared his throat and raked a hand through his hair before settling in for whatever she had to say.

  What was the question? she thought to herself. The distraction of his touch was overwhelming enough for her to forget why he was even touching her in the first place.

  The waitress returned with their drinks and quickly walked away, probably sensing Izzy's nerves, which were about to explode.

  Izzy tugged roughly on her ear and tried to breathe through the anxiousness. "There isn't much more to tell you. I am an only child and my parents are just parents."

  "This company that yer father owns, what is it exactly?"

  She took a deep breath and held it in for a few long seconds. Discussing this was the last thing she wanted to do, but she knew that she should if she was going to be spending any more time with him. It wasn't fair to him if he was the only one giving. Friendship or not.

  "Simmon's Transport. It's a trucking company that moves goods to almost anywhere in the United States. It's the most well known transport company in Ohio so needless to say, my father gets a lot of business."

  Liam raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Why is it not named after yer father?"

  She shrugged and took a sip of her drink. "Before he bought out the old owner years ago, he'd already helped build up the company's reputation and take it to a whole new level. Changing the name was too risky if it was already so well known."

  "And yer mother? What is her hand in the business?"

  Izzy rolled her eyes and chuckled dryly. "She doesn't do anything for the business. She just sits back and looks pretty."

  Regret swamped her the second the words were out of her mouth. Her mother actually did a lot for her father and she shouldn't downplay how much Marjorie supported Nicholas from day one.

  "And this man yer meant to marry. What is his position in all of this?" he asked, watching her face closely and narrowing his eyes when she stiffened at the mention of Christopher.

  She took another sip of her drink almost knocking it over when she set it back down. Her fingers trembled and her stomach churned. What would he think if he knew what she had agreed to? If he knew who she had agreed to marry?

  "His intention, from what he tells me, is to save my father's company. I guess Dad ran into some trouble in the last couple years and things have gone from bad to worse. Christopher's family has been connected to the company on the receiving end in several locations. I don't know how it all works, but they want to merge the two to make one giant entity to pretty much rule the world. Or at least the United States."

  Izzy didn't miss the darkening in Liam's eyes when she said Christopher's name for the first time. Up until now, he was just an idea. Now he was a real person.

  They sat in silence for a few minutes, the last part of her explanation already obvious. That's why I'm supposed to marry him.

  The waitress suddenly arrived, setting their plates down in front of them. She made small talk for a minute before leaving them to eat.

  Izzy glanced at her food, no longer interested in eating. It was then that Liam reached across the small table and took her hand in his. His touch made her hand tingle and the heated expression on his face made other parts of her tingle.

  She gazed across the table at him, noting the neatly trimmed scruff on his jaw. He may be just a few years old than she was, but he looked like a man who experienced enough in life to know right from wrong. He was strong and compassionate and in the short time she'd been in Ireland, he took care of her. Fed her, entertained her, gave her the company she didn't realize she needed.

  Now he was going to tell her the one thing she just wasn't sure she could accept as true.

  "Ye don't have to marry a man just because yer expected to, Izzy. Ye deserve happiness and love."

  The way his lips wrapped around the word love. It really made her want to believe him.

  "Have ye thought a way out of it yet?"

  She shook her head.

  "I know ye will. Yer a smart one and beautiful. There isn't a man on this earth that does not see that."

  He pulled her hand to his mouth, pressing his soft lips to her knuckles before smiling and releasing his hold on her.

  They spent the rest of the night talking about anything and everything that didn't have to do with what was waiting for her back home. When he took her hand as they walked out the door of the restaurant, those curious eyes still on them, she could swear his breath faltered when she was the one who tangled their fingers together. Neither one of them made a move to let go until they reached the house.

  "Sleep well, Izzy," Liam muttered quietly before kissing the back of her hand once more. "I'll be thinkin' of ye through the night."

  She held her breath and her heart beat wildly when his lips touched her skin. She couldn't count the minutes she already spent staring at them. She wanted him to kiss her, to hug her or hold her. Anything to relieve the ache in her body for a bolder touch. Her tongue darted out to wet her
own lips and Liam's eyes flickered down and watched. Instead of leaning forward to take her mouth in a kiss she knew would never compare to any other, he released her hand, nodded his head, and walked away.

  She watched him until he turned and waved her into the house with a grin. He never left her sight until she was inside, but he might as well have been miles away.

  Was it because she told him she was technically engaged or was it because he just wanted to be a friend in the short time she was in the country?

  There was never an awkward moment between them, even in silence. Never a topic that they couldn't speak about with the exception of her situation back home, but that was only because he didn't flat out make her talk. And their conversation that night was like a weight being lifted off of her shoulders. He knew a little bit more about her and he was still with her. The more and more Izzy spent time with Liam, the more she lost her will to keep that life separate.

  Nothing was different that next morning or afternoon. Liam tinkered around the house for an hour or so before taking her on a picnic by the Vartry River and exploring the Wicklow Gardens. He held her hand again whenever they walked beside each other, but nothing more.

  He was gentle with her, patient with her clumsiness, and amused by her enthusiasm about flowers.

  "If I didna know any better, I would say ye've never seen a flower before now," he teased her.

  "Not like this. Not in a place so beautiful and peaceful," she replied with a coy smile.

  Liam had nodded and pressed his lips together. It looked as though he was resisting the need to say something and he never did say it, to Izzy's disappointment. Maybe it was the fact she was supposed to marry another man that made him pull back whenever they started to get close. Perhaps it was for the best.

  After Liam brought her home, Izzy found herself staring at the ash in the fireplace. She still needed to find out what was really happening with her parents and Christopher. Aunt Neddy would be the one to find out if she didn't know already. There just hadn't been enough time to contact her aunt since she spent the days with Liam and the nights sleeping like the dead. The only phone calls she made were to Christopher, every other night.

  Those conversations left her feeling like she was sucked into the deep water all over again. He never neglected to remind her about their agreement. One she suddenly didn't think she could avoid any longer.

  If she'd never followed him into that room in the first place, she would have never discovered that Christopher Hampton was into a lot more than shipping and receiving. She saw with her own eyes the familiar way he inhaled that white powder and she wasn't quick enough to walk away without being seen.

  The first few weeks of their relationship felt normal, for the most part. He'd picked her up for dinner or a show, her parents doted on him and welcomed him into their home so easily. Sometimes a little too brightly, as if they felt the need to do everything in their power to please him. Isabelle still wasn't serious about dating him, but she had no other prospects and her parents were quite pushy about her spending time with Christopher.

  It was the day she found out about the whole arrangement her parents had agreed to that she caught the man doing drugs in their home. She overheard a stilted conversation between Christopher and her father about the consequences of backing out of 'the deal'. When her name came up a few times, she got the gut wrenching feeling that this so called deal was about more than just the company. So, she followed Christopher into her father's office meaning to confront him.

  She never expected to find him getting high, only to watch him turn around and sneer at her before smacking her across the face for spying on him.

  "You will keep your mouth shut, Isabelle. You'll do it to protect your parents because without me, they will lose everything."

  She'd been too stunned and in too much pain to understand what he was telling her. It didn't take long for her to discover that her father's company was in jeopardy and Christopher was going to save it under the condition that Isabelle marry him.

  There was no need for a marriage to implement this deal that would keep her father afloat and save thousands of jobs. Isabelle knew that. It was just some sick game that Christopher had manipulated her parents into believing.

  This information came straight from the devil himself and there wasn't an ounce of remorse or regret to be shown from him. He knew she was stuck. Knew that no matter how hard she fought, her parents would choose the company first.

  After all, it's what brought in the money. They always chose the money.

  Izzy rubbed her temples and told herself to stop thinking about it. She loved her parents and she knew they loved her. Just not enough.

  It was late in the afternoon and she didn't know if Liam was coming to see her again or not. So she decided to just get that stupid phone call over with for the night. She still had a few hours before Christopher would be expecting a call, but she didn't want to end the day with him. At least then maybe she could go to sleep thinking of Liam instead of everything else.

  She made the call and waited. As always, Christopher picked up on the third ring with an abrupt, "Hello."

  "Christopher," she said between clenched teeth.

  "Ah, Isabelle. A little earlier than usual today."

  She rolled her eyes and tightened her grip on the phone. "I'm turning in for the night once I have supper. Wanted to get this over with."

  His silence told her a lot more than she wanted to hear from him.

  "Where were you today?" he asked, his voice deceptively calm.

  "I went to the Vartry River and spent the day around there."

  "With whom?"

  She didn't feel bad for always lying to him about who she was with each day. A part of her wanted to tell him exactly who she was with just to see how far she could push him. "Maggie was with me and we had a picnic."

  "You have made friends there, I see. Don't get too close to them because you are returning in just over two weeks, Isabelle."

  "I don't need the reminder, Christopher."

  He chuckled, a sound that grated on her ears and made her cringe inwardly. "Oh, I think you do."

  She wanted the phone call done and over with so without taking the bait he was clearly trying to throw at her, she ended the call with an abrupt 'Goodbye'. Normally she would have to listen to him talk about the wedding plans coming along fine and what her parents were up to. Not this time. She didn't even give him a chance to respond.

  She slammed the phone down and took several deep breaths, forcing everything Christopher out of her mind. The thought of him would only stain the happiness she'd already experienced in just nine short days.

  Twenty more.

  Only twenty days left.

  Isabelle's chest tightened and her head started to swim. What in the hell was she going to do?

  A quick rap on the door pulled her out of the fog. The light was fading quickly outside and even though Liam said he wouldn't see her until after supper, she hoped he changed his mind.

  She all but ran to the door and wrenched it open with a massive smile on her face.

  "Oh, I take it ye were expectin' someone else," Maggie said from her spot on the front porch. "Maybe someone with more facial hair and possibly a little more meat on his arms instead of the mid section here." She patted her own stomach and smiled at Isabelle.

  "I'm just as happy to see you, Maggie. Please come in."

  The big basket in Maggie's hand didn't escape her notice and the pleasant smell now wafting through the house made Izzy's mouth water.

  "Aye, I can see the spittle fallin' from yer lips already, love." Maggie's chuckle followed her into the kitchen. "I've brought ye some supper from the Brannock's. Liam wanted ye to have something tonight without the work since he couldna take ye out on the town."


  "Aye. Oh," Maggie winked.

  Izzy's mouth twitched, fighting a massive smile that little bit of information wanted her to give. She felt her cheeks flus
h. "Did he talk about me then?"

  "Aye. The lad couldna stop blatherin' about ye, dear. His brothers took notice so I wouldna be surprised if ye found yerself surrounded by a few towerin' Brannocks in the mornin'. They would never pass up a chance to jostle Liam a bit."

  Izzy turned away and fumbled around the kitchen while Maggie opened the basket to reveal an assortment of delicious food that was way too much for just one woman to eat.

  "Mary is quite anxious to meet ye," Maggie said casually. As if that wasn't something completely terrifying. "I reckon ye'll be doing so tomorrow at the festival."


  "Aye, Liam will most likely be asking ye to accompany him, but I wanted to get to ye first."

  Maggie sat at the table watching her fill a plate with delicious food. The questions in her eyes put Izzy on edge and suddenly chased away any appetite she may have had.

  "Ye must tell me what yer runnin' from, child. Before sweet Liam falls any harder for ye."

  "I-I don't know what you're talking about," Izzy replied raggedly. What would they all say? A spoken for woman traveling by herself and developing feelings for another man. Sure the man back home wasn't worth a pot to shit in - as Maggie would say - but still...

  "Well isn't that a shame, because I have no doubt ye are runnin' from somethin' or someone. Ye've no money that I've seen, no one calling for ye since ye spend yer days with Liam. The boy says there is no mystery to be had about ye, but I know better."

  "He hasn't told you?" She asked the question before she could stop herself. Had Liam kept her situation a secret from his family?

  "Told me what?"

  Maggie's eyes were boring into Izzy's, as if attempting to read her mind.

  "Nothing. There is nothing to tell, Maggie."

  Izzy watched the woman purse her lips. Then a line appeared between her brows. She didn't believe her.

  "I understand that what ye left back home must be dark. A woman yer age shouldna be travelin' alone, but sometimes life ends up a bit crazy. I, of all people, know this to be true. But Isabelle, yer not the only one that darkness will be affectin'. Liam is a good boy. A good man. He cares for ye, as he should. I fear that once the darkness catches up to ye, he'll be pulled in with ye and I do nah wish to see my nephew crumble."


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