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A Gifted Curse (The Cloven Pack Series: Book One)

Page 4

by D. Fischer

  She nods and stands up. “My shift is almost over. I should probably finish my work. Look, I appreciate you trying to find her. I have this terrible feeling that something bad has happened to her. If you need me for anything, you can find me here most nights. Please, try to find her.” She turns and heads back to the diner’s kitchen.

  I lean back in my seat. “Tall, dark, handsome, and creepy sounds extremely familiar, don’t ya think?”


  “What?” I ask him when his continued staring starts to make me feel uncomfortable.

  “Are you dating anybody?”

  “Come again?” Is this guy serious?

  He shrugs nonchalantly. “Just trying to get to know you better. Since we will be working together and all.”

  “You do know that I can tell when someone isn’t being completely honest, right?”

  “How does that work, exactly? Is it genetic? Can you turn it off and on?” he asks, placing his elbows on the table to quiz me.

  I blow out a breath. “It’s a constant part of me. There is no off and on switch. I feel what everyone is feeling all the time, whether I want to or not. I wouldn’t know if it’s genetic—I don’t know anything about my birth parents, let alone my heritage. All I know is that it’s an extra little sense that isn’t as convenient as it sounds.”

  “I imagine it must be difficult to always know what someone else is feeling,” he says, dazzling me with a wicked smile. “What am I feeling right now?”

  I don’t want to answer his question. I don’t want to tell him that his lust for me is licking its way up my arms and clogging my coherent thinking. Giving him the satisfaction of letting him know that I know he wants me, isn’t a can of worms I want to open right now, even if my alter ego—and my treacherous body—wants him, too. So instead, I stare at him blankly, letting him know I’m not going to play his game.

  He frowns when he understands the meaning behind my silence. “You don’t let a lot of people in, do you, baby.” It is said as a statement instead of a question.

  “Baby?” I ask, my eyebrows flying up.

  “Must be a lonely life you’ve got going,” he continues, ignoring my surprise at the new nickname.

  “I wouldn’t know any other way. I’ve been alone my whole life, even when I was surrounded by people.”

  His jaw ticks at my confession. I can feel his lust replaced with anger on my behalf. He doesn’t like that I was alone. It’s not like it’s something I could help. At least not when I was a kid. Now, my loner lifestyle is out of necessity so I won’t have to worry about further disappointment and heartache.

  After Evo pays for our coffee, he again walks me to my car. “You should really get a more reliable car.”

  I frown, stopping in my tracks. “What’s wrong with my car?”

  “Are you serious? That thing looks like a small gust of wind would tear it apart.”

  “Hunk has always been faithful and reliable. She’ll get me from point A to point B and that’s all I need.”

  He laughs. “Hunk is an appropriate name for this scrap of metal, but it’s definitely not a reliable car. You should consider retiring this … thing to the junk yard and buy something more … suitable.”

  “Not everyone can afford the luxury of just going out and purchasing a new car simply because the car they have is covered in rust.”

  He shrugs. “I suppose you’re right. I’ll just have to buy you a new one.”

  My mouth falls open. I know it does.

  I poke him in his very large chest, invading his space. When his scent reaches my nostrils and my finger hits his pure steel muscles, I almost forget what I was going to say. His body is as hard as it looks.

  “Buddy, I don’t even know you. I’m starting to think your mother completely forgot to teach you manners. You don’t march around offering to buy cars for strangers. Especially when that stranger just told you they couldn’t afford to buy a new car. It makes them feel low. I don’t need that shit in my life, and I sure as hell don’t need anyone to take care of me. This stranger can take care of herself.”

  I feel his lust hit my skin as I poke him one last time. Amusement lights his features. “You’ve got a mean streak, you know that?” Tucking a stray hair behind my ear affectionately, he adds, “As for not knowing you, I’d like to rectify that. Have breakfast with me. Tomorrow morning.” It isn’t so much a question as it is a demand. In fact, I feel the demand ripple my skin, making my own lust reach for the surface. Freaking odd treacherous, treacherous body.

  “Absolutely not,” I say, squaring my jaw in defiance.

  He cocks his head to the side and inhales, his confusion reaching me. Before I can think on that, he shakes his head and replies, “Pick you up at eight.”

  He swiftly walks away, not giving me any choice in the matter and leaving me thoroughly ticked off and confused at his odd behavior.

  I stomp to my car, pull the door open, and get in. I pull out of the parking space and begin the drive home, trying desperately to think of anything else besides Evo. Eight o’clock in the morning … Ha! I never get up that early. Good luck with that, buddy.

  Evo Johnson

  I hop in my car, which isn’t an easy thing to do with the bulge in my pants. Kenna is all consuming and my body reacted involuntarily.

  I don’t start the car right away. Sitting there, I go over what just happened. She completely ignored an Alpha Command. It didn’t even faze her. My wolf was just as thrown, though he didn’t like that I Commanded someone he saw as his. He’s never been possessive, so this new behavior of his leaves me baffled.

  Normally, I don’t use the Alpha Command on humans, wanting them to have their own free will. I see that as taking away the right they’ve been given—to make choices on their own. But this female was beyond stubborn, so I tried the Command to get my way. It didn’t work. She didn’t even give me a chance.

  Whenever an Alpha gives a Command, those below me, humans included, obey it, even if it’s against their will. So how in the world did it not even faze her? It should have. She isn’t a wolf. The only way she could brush off a Command was if she was my equal, which doesn’t make any sense. It is impossible for her to be my equal.

  My wolf feels smug about it. At times like this, I feel that the creature knows more than I do. I wish he would just give me the answers, but that isn’t his way. From time to time, he prefers to watch me suffer a little. We’ve always been on the same wavelength, but occasionally, he enjoys watching me struggle to figure it out on my own.

  Kenna is puzzling. Not to my wolf, though. He sees her as a strong female that matches his own strength. That shouldn’t be correct because Kenna isn’t a wolf shifter. My wolf shouldn’t even recognize her—he never pays attention to humans, not to this extent. But this little female, he takes a great interest in.

  I could scent her lust for me—could tell she was attracted to me—but she fought it time and time again, brushing me off as if I were a fly. It agitated my wolf that she didn’t react to her lust. That she didn’t let it take over and just come to me.

  Jazz, a blond female Cloven Pack member, is my go-to to scratch an itch. She came to me last night expecting our usual romp, but I turned her away. My wolf growled at the idea of that female in my bed and urged me to get rid of her. It didn’t feel right to sleep with Jazz while Kenna consumed all my thoughts. It felt like I was betraying Kenna by even having Jazz knock on my door expectantly. My wolf fully agreed.

  If I didn’t know any better, I would assume Kenna was my mate. But since Kenna isn’t a wolf, I know that can’t be right. Wolves don’t mate with any other species. Not that it’s by choice.

  Each wolf has a destined mate that is specifically meant for them. As soon as they meet, a mystical quality takes over, urging each into the other’s arms, and then the mating begins. It’s nature and magic in its quality, down to its core.

  Wolves can and do have boyfriends or g
irlfriends. Even friends with benefits. It is against the unwritten rules to have human ones though—too much risk for discovery. But some still attempt it.

  The human world isn’t ready to discover us. They won’t be able to accept it. Besides, wolf shifters would never be able to give their boyfriend or girlfriend, supernatural or human that they were, children or pups. Wolves can only produce offspring with their mate. Most don’t even attempt a romantic life until they find their mate.

  I really need to figure out what this girl is, and more importantly, why I can’t get her off my mind before she drives me and my pacing wolf crazy. Wolves don’t lust after humans, not like I am. It simply just doesn’t happen and definitely not to me. I can’t have a relationship with a human while Alpha.

  Forcing my mind to drift from Kenna to what Jackie had told us, I start my car and head toward the Pack territory.

  I can’t tell Kenna what Kenner really is. I’d bet my last dollar that Kenna doesn’t even know wolf shifters exist. Capturing Kenner was one thing, but having her discover that there’s another world out here is entirely different and dangerous. It’s important to keep her safe.

  I mentally slap myself for my thoughts drifting back to Kenna. Kenner. I needed to stay focused on Kenner.

  It’s time I gather the Pack and tell them about this Rogue wolf that’s in the area. Now that Kenner knows I’m also a wolf, there’s a good chance he will track down someone in the Pack and retaliate simply for questioning him.

  If he wants to keep his secret about whatever he was doing with the abducted women, that would be enough incentive to kill us before we kill him. I was lucky enough that he didn’t expose the shifter race right there in front of all those people. He could have easily done that just to throw me off my game. He’s twisted enough to do so.

  He’d had known each and every time that Kenna stated his truth or lie through my ear piece. His wolf hearing had picked up on it. There’s a serious possibility that his attention could now be on Kenna. He knew she was there and aiding in this investigation. There’s no way he didn’t catch her scent and store it away for future retaliation. I doubt he’ll just let that slide. Insanity rolled off him in waves. Insane people don’t let things slide, especially when they are being discovered of doing crimes. I am going to have to figure out how to keep Kenna safe, too, even if she is human.

  I curse and thump my hand on the steering wheel. If I would have known that Kenner was a wolf, I would have never involved any humans. I would have taken the Pack to hunt him down before humans got involved.

  It isn’t like I can bring Kenna on Pack territory, either. Even if she knew Chris might retaliate against her, I seriously doubt she would even consider hiding on our territory. She seems determined to stay away from me, even if I know by scent that she found me attractive. Besides, risk for discovery is just too great for the Pack. Especially since most of the Pack shift for a daily stroll in their wolf form. Not to mention the always patrolling wolves that circle the territory. There’s no way she wouldn’t discover that.

  We need to track this guy down and kill him before he makes a bigger mess. If Kenna finds him before the Pack or I do, there’s a risk he would expose us, or worse, kill her. God only knows what he’s doing with the people he’s snatching. Insane people tend to have a large imagination, and a very dark one at that. I’m just going to have to stick with Kenna on this investigation to maintain her safety. If that means leaving Ben in charge, then so be it.

  Pulling up to the Pack territory, I plan to gather the Pack for a meeting. I mentally steel myself for the questioning I am going to get about Kenner. I know the Pack will buck against the idea of having their Alpha off Pack territory, protecting a human he seems to covet, and tracking down a Rogue wolf.

  My wolf doesn’t see this situation as colorful as I do. To him, this is purely black and white. This is his Kenna to protect. That’s how he sees her … as his.

  I sigh, shutting off the engine. It is going to be a long night.

  When I step through the front door, I hear Kelsey in the kitchen prepping for tomorrow’s evening meal. She’s the only one who cooks around here, so I know it’s her.

  Heading around the corner, I give her a nod when she smiles a greeting at me and approaches Jeremy, her mate, who’s sitting on a bar stool at the large granite kitchen island, dipping cookies in a mug of milk.

  “How was the night out?” Jeremy asks before stuffing a cookie in his mouth.

  “It was … informative.” I scratch the side of my neck. “I’m calling a Pack meeting. Think you can round everyone up and meet back here in ten minutes?”

  Nodding, he hops off the stool, snatches two cookies, and heads out the door to gather everyone. Kelsey wordlessly places a large platter of chocolate chip cookies in the center of the island, preparing a small snack for the Pack.

  “Thanks, Kelsey. You always take care of us.” I grab a cookie and take a chunk out of it. Not only is she a good cook, but a good baker, too.

  “Well if I don’t do it, no one else will. You’d all starve.”

  I grunt my agreement. She has that right. We’d all be living off sandwiches.

  “You like her, don’t you,” Kelsey states as she leans on the counter in front of me and grabs a cookie, preparing to quiz me.

  “Kenna? I find her interesting.”

  This time it’s Kelsey’s turn to grunt. She sees right through me. “I think it’s more than that.”

  “You know the rules, Kels.”

  She rolls her eyes. “No dating humans, yadda-yadda. The heart wants what the heart wants. There ain’t no stopping that love bug, my friend.”

  I roll my neck, uncomfortable with the turn of conversation. I am not ready to admit that my heart wants anything.

  “That still doesn’t change the rules. Something that foolish could be catastrophic to our Pack.”

  She thinks for a moment while chewing. “I suppose that’s true. Still doesn’t change anything though, does it?” I grunt again. “It’s been pretty dull around here, anyway. We could use a little something-something to spice things up. What are you going to do about Jazz if she finds out?”

  I lean back on my stool and shrug. “There’s nothing to tell.”

  She lifts an eyebrow, a smile lifting her cheeks. “You’re a damn fool. And speak of the devil.”

  Jazz strides around the corner, her heels echoing around the room as they hit the hardwood floor with each step. I can smell the dye from the new clothes she’s wearing. She must’ve bought them today. A part of my mind always knew that she dressed in such a way that didn’t belong to our lifestyle. High-heeled shoes, freshly dyed blond hair, designer clothes, and a whole lot of makeup. It didn’t fully come to my attention until now.

  “Cookie?” Kelsey asks Jazz.

  Jazz wrinkles her nose. “Um, no.” I didn’t think she would. Jazz survives on celery sticks, never eating sweets. I don’t understand why—wolves have high metabolisms.

  Jazz wanders over to the stool next to mine and sits down. “I’ll take some grapes though, Kelsey.” Kelsey stares at her as if Jazz lost her mind.

  Kelsey is a dominant wolf—most of my wolves are—but she isn’t an Alpha. Alpha or not, it’s never a smart move to boss a dominant wolf around, or in this case, treat them like it’s their job to serve you. They’d sooner pluck your eyes out with the sticks their wolves’ play with than do as you command.

  “I’ll be sure to peel them for you, too, my princess,” Kelsey snips before grabbing the grapes from the fridge. Setting a bowl on the counter, she plucks grapes straight off the stem without washing them and roughly slides the bowl back to Jazz.

  I suppose this is her version of revenge for a submissive asking to be served by a dominant. Kelsey has a vengeful streak and is never afraid to put someone in their place. It often gets her into trouble, once landing her in jail. She’s a good-hearted person, but she’s also a person you should never piss off.

  “What’s the meeting for?” Jazz asks, plucking a grape into her mouth.

  I stand up and walk to the other side of the island when Jazz tries to lean into me. I’m not comfortable with another female touching me right now. Not when my head is all confused. Kelsey watches with satisfaction as Jazz frowns at my discomfort from her touch.

  “We need to talk about some things that I’ve learned today. We’ll discuss it when everyone arrives.” Kelsey turns her body around so Jazz won’t see her holding back a laugh for dismissing her.

  “Here they come,” Kelsey says as the front door opens and everyone begins trailing into the kitchen, finding a seat at the island, and grabbing a cookie.

  When their chatter dies down, I begin, “Normally, I wouldn’t need to give you guys all the details on that FBI interview I stepped in for the other day, but as it’s now affecting our Pack and our possible discovery … it’s time we discussed Chris Kenner and Makenna Goldwin.”

  Chapter Four

  Makenna Goldwin

  I wipe the sweat that’s running down my face with the towel that’s wrapped around my neck and deliver another series of punches to the hanging bag in front of me. It is nearing midnight and my apartment complex’s gym is completely empty, leaving me to my own thoughts.

  I work out most nights. It’s important to maintain a healthy body for my line of work. Occasionally, but not always, I have to use my fighting skills to keep myself safe. Not everyone loves it when a PI tracks them down, and learning to defend myself had become my number one priority over the past few years. I don’t like to rely on anyone else for my safety or otherwise. I can take care of myself. Lie, my alter ego thinks.

  Working out tends to help me work off stress, which is what currently plagues my mind. My thoughts are a tangled web of Evo, Chris, and my investigation, flitting from one topic to another.


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