A Gifted Curse (The Cloven Pack Series: Book One)

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A Gifted Curse (The Cloven Pack Series: Book One) Page 10

by D. Fischer

  I smile, humming around him—letting it vibrate him. He moans and begins flexing his hips, fucking my mouth. I dig my nails into his thighs, trying to keep myself steady as he does what he wants. A small part of me bucks against the idea of feeling forced to take this, but my own lust is feeding off his, and I can’t bring myself to pull away from that. So, I let him continue to fuck my mouth, letting small moans escape me as my arousal continues to climb.

  I watch him grit his teeth together, feel his legs pick up the quivering, and know he is close to coming. Using my thumb, I search for the soft area just below his balls and apply pressure.

  Watching in satisfaction, he yells curses as he comes into the back of my throat, giving me no choice but to swallow.

  “Holy shit,” he breathes.

  I remove my mouth from his cock and look at him, licking my lips. With his taste in my mouth, there’s no turning back now.

  Slithering up to him, I let my nipples graze his stomach until my lips meet his. I straddle him and begin taking care of my own needs, rubbing my clit against him and moaning when I find the right spot.

  Knowing that I am taking control and satisfying myself, he speaks around our lips, “Oh, hell no.”

  He flips me, his mouth quickly finding my nipple. “You don’t get to pleasure yourself, baby. You’re mine. Only I get to make you come.”

  The flicks of his tongue are desperate and needy, wanting me to be on the same level that I left him. Small sounds of pleasure escape my mouth as he bites down. Moving to the next nipple, he continues the same while tweaking the other with his fingers.

  It is like he knows exactly what I want and what my body will respond to. The heat of his body against mine, my nipple in his mouth, his breath grazing across my flushed skin—it is consuming. Like a blazing fire of pleasure. I’ve never felt anything like it.

  When the pleasure becomes too much, I begin to whimper. Understanding what I need, he begins lowering himself and settles between my thighs.

  “Look at me, Kenna.” When my heated gaze meets his, he continues, “You’re going to watch this. I’m going to eat your pussy, taste you, make you scream, and you’re going to watch the whole thing. Anytime you look away or close your eyes, I’ll flip you over to spank this nice ass. Understand?”

  I gulp. In a raspy voice, I respond, “Controlling fucking bastard.”

  He plunges a finger in and I gasp. “You’re damn right I am. It’s mine.” He begins roughly pumping his finger in me. “All fucking mine, baby. Only I get to make you moan, only I get to make you scream, and only I get make you come. You’re mine, Kenna.”

  I hold onto the bed sheets, letting out small cries as wave after wave of pleasure consumes me. I’m definitely not going to argue with him on that. If he can make me feel this way, he can have anything he wants.

  Slowing his finger fuck, his tongue traces the outside of my pussy, tickling every inch of the bare, sensitive skin. Tracing over and over again until I’m quivering with anticipation, he finally flicks my clit with his tongue and circles his finger inside me while keeping his eyes on mine.

  When he growls at my taste, I let my head fall back—that all-consuming fire takes my breath away. It’s almost too much. The swirling finger, the tongue lashing, the heated eyes, the vibration of his growls, my wet and taut nipples. Oh my God.

  My blazing fire of pleasure is cut off, a squeak escapes my lips, and I’m rolled over and a hand sharply comes down on my ass. It shoots zaps straight to my throbbing clit.

  Turning to face him, I growl and raked my nails across his chest. Even though the spank is strangely erotic, it’s also something my wolf and I have to defend ourselves against. It is automatic to let our mate know that we don’t back down into submission. As pleasurable as it was, I feel the need to let him know that I am his equal.

  Evo lowers his head to look at the blood seeping through the scratch and then lifts his eyes to me. A smile of satisfaction lifts his features and I can feel his approval for the mark I gave him.

  Leaving the bed, he stands at the end while I continue kneeling and growling at him. Leaning forward so quickly I almost don’t catch the movement, he grabs my thigh and rips it out from under my butt, yanking me to the edge of the bed.

  Loving the show of authority, I still feel the need to fight back and make him work for it. It isn’t that I think he is going to hurt me. Oh no, this is on a primal level. Dominant wolf against dominant wolf. Alpha mate versus Alpha mate. It is a need that rode alongside my lustful needs, heightening my arousing anticipation.

  As he drags me to the edge of the bed, I lean forward and swing my fist, aiming for his jaw. Evo doesn’t anticipate this and I connect, but it’s like hitting a brick wall and barely moves his head to the side. He stills his movements and meets my gaze.

  A hint of humor reaches his eyes. “You better be careful, baby, or I’ll skip the fun and fuck you into submission.”

  My eyes narrow and I’m just about to take another swing when he grabs my wrist with one hand and grabs the other when I try to use it to claw his hand off mine. Pinning them to my sides, he uses his elbows to spread my legs apart. I growl as I try to close them but he’s just too strong.

  “You fucking cock sucker. You let me—” my voice breaks into a loud moan when I feel his tongue vigorously flicking my clit, swirling and swirling, and flicking and sucking.

  “Keep looking at me, Kenna. Same rules. If you look away, I will slap that sweet ass. This ass is mine. Don’t think for a minute I couldn’t tell how much you enjoyed it.”

  This time I have every intention of ignoring his threat. Warningly, he growls, “Kenna, look at me.”

  Two more times he demands I look at him and then I am flipped over again. Before he can slap my ass, I attempt to crawl away to the front of the bed. He yanks me by my ankle the same time a hand comes down on my ass.

  Before I can respond in any way, his tongue penetrates me, fucking me, and all I can do is moan. When he sees that I’m not going to move, he lifts me so my ass is in the air, and bends down, flicking my clit and sliding a finger into both holes. A growl comes from his lips, vibrating around me and that is all it takes.

  I come with a scream and he sticks his tongue back in, tasting me as it comes. God that’s hot.

  “You taste so good, baby. So fucking good. I plan to do that again, and again, and again. But right now, I’m going to fuck you and claim what’s mine. Are you ready for that, baby?”

  Horny beyond all belief, sick and tired of the words, I fling myself at him, tackling him to the ground. He grunts as he lands on his back and I straddle him. Digging my nails into his chest, I slowly lower myself over him.

  Shit, he’s huge. I’m sure it isn’t going to fit, but inch by inch, he’s finally balls deep in me. His head falls back against the floor as mine falls back and we both groan. The stretching, the pain, it is almost too much. This much pleasure shouldn’t be possible.

  Looking up at me, he says, “So fucking tight. More than I ever fucking imagined.”

  Evo grabs onto my hips, nails digging in, and he begins to rock me back and forth, rubbing my swollen walls with his dick.

  I moan and fist my breast, tweaking my nipples to add to the pleasure. He doesn’t like me pleasuring myself, I can feel it. He rears forward, bites my hands away, and takes my nipple in his mouth while continuing to rock me.

  When we both moan, he bites down on my nipple. Heat floods through my lower abdomen. It keeps building until it explodes, sending me into a mind-blowing orgasm. My walls clamp down on his cock, forcing him to feel every pulse.

  Evo flips us over and locks his teeth onto my shoulder. Growling possessively, he pounds into me, giving me wave after wave of tormenting pleasure. I’m screaming his name, desperately trying to form words at how good it feels.

  He slams into me one last time before he stills. I can feel his come as his explosion rips from him and into me, aiding to the end of my cl

  He keeps himself inside me and lightly kisses my neck, my cheek, and then my lips, both of us panting and coming down from our orgasm.

  “That was, by far, the best sex I’ve ever had. Nothing about that was normal.”

  “It’s the mating. It’ll always be that good.” He pulls away from me, meeting my hooded eyes. “I’ll never get enough of you, Kenna. If you try to run from me, I’ll hunt you down. I’m never letting you go. I meant what I said. You’re mine. If I ever find out that another man touches what’s mine,” flexing his cock inside my pussy helps me understand the part he’s claiming, “I’ll kill him.”

  “Don’t even go there with me. I still want to kill the blond Barbie bitch for touching you. If I would have found you two having sex, she wouldn’t be breathing. Hell, you wouldn’t be breathing, either.”

  Chapter Ten

  Evo Johnson

  The sounds of chirping birds wake me. The most delicious scent swirls around my nose, making my wolf and me content to stay.

  I open my eyes and find myself protectively formed over Kenna’s smaller shape. Twice in the night we woke for sex, and countless times over the last few days. I can’t get enough of her. She’s all-consuming for my mind and body—like she’s made for me. She responds so easily and knows my body better than I do.

  Kissing her shoulder, I carefully get out of the bed and make my way to my closet to grab my gym clothes. I work out every morning before Alpha duties but now that Kenna has shown up in my life, mornings are typically difficult to want to leave the room. That female is going to be the end of me. Or maybe she’ll be the beginning of me …

  I feel warmth in my body at that thought. My wolf rumbles his approval.

  Giving her one last look, I slip out of the bedroom, through the house’s front door, and head to the back where the Pack’s gym is.

  Stepping through the door, Ben greets me with a nod and continues lifting while I sit at the machine next to him.

  Out of the whole Pack, Ben and I are always the first to rise and generally the last to go to bed, with the exception of whoever’s turn it is to run patrol at night. It is our job to make sure the Pack is cared for and protected—to make sure they have everything they need.

  When I became Alpha, Ben and I saw just how neglected the Pack was. No one could defend themselves. My father thought it best that the Pack didn’t learn such things because if there wasn’t anyone physically strong enough to challenge him, he would keep his position. That was a mistake and he’s lucky it didn’t cost him.

  If a rival Pack ever came in and wanted to take our territory, there would have been no one to defend it and all would have been lost. A Pack needs a strong Alpha, but the Pack doesn’t run as a whole unless its wolves are strong, physically and mentally.

  To rectify this, Ben and I make it a priority for the Pack to keep up on their physical strength. On weekends, the Pack is to work on their fighting techniques, often sparring with other members. It is important they learn to defend themselves and those around them.

  Though Ben and I are always the first in the gym, the rest of the Pack will trickle in shortly after. The sparring will begin after everyone has warmed up.

  I hear Ben set his weights aside and begin wiping them down. When he is finished, he comes over to spot me like he does every morning.

  Usually, he uses this time to catch me up to speed on Pack business. Today, he takes a different route. “So, uh, did you settle the argument?”

  I pause mid lift and look at him. “We did.” And then some.

  Last night we were arguing about continuing the search for Cassie, the missing girl. We all know she is dead, but Kenna argued that she needs proof for the lady who hired her. Johanna had been calling for updates and it is eating at Kenna that she doesn’t have answers yet.

  Kenna had spent the last few days interviewing some of Cassie’s friends who were at the bar where she disappeared. She hasn’t found much that will help with her investigation. My little mate is a feisty kitten when things don’t go her way.

  Ben laughs, which is rare for him. He tends to be more on the intense side. “So I heard.”

  Shifters tend to have very good hearing, but as my Beta, his quarters are directly beside mine. I’m sure he heard more than he wanted.

  I grunt and then continue my lift. If he is expecting dirty details, he’s going to be disappointed.

  “Your mate has quite a mouth on her, doesn’t she? I really don’t think a single one of us would have gotten away with some of the names she called you.”

  That brings a smile to my face. Kenna called me every name in the book last night. Some were completely made up. I loved every minute of it. She battles me for dominance—through sex or every day conversations. Whether she realizes she is doing it or not, it is completely arousing.

  She’s exactly what I need and everything I didn’t know I ever wanted. I’m making it a point to spend as much time with her as I can to get to know her and let her get to know me. I want the mating completed as quickly as possible. I want her to be completely mine in every way. So, I’ve been rectifying that with taking her on dates.

  The Pack adores her, often migrating to her without realizing they are doing it. I think if she would allow it, any one of them would be happy to give her foot rubs and hand-feed her skinned grapes every night. She won’t stand for that sort of pampering. My little spitfire mate would outright object to the idea of such a thing. I smile again at the thought of my prickly mate.

  “Has Jazz tried to gain your attention again?” Ben asks.

  “No. She’s avoiding both Kenna and me, thankfully. Has she come to you for anything?”

  “Not really. She asked to borrow one of the Pack cars a few times to go out to the bars, but that’s about it. She’s avoided any topic of you or Kenna.”

  “Have you tried talking to her about it?” Ben’s job as Beta is to be there for anyone who has concerns. As much as I’m glad Jazz is listening and staying away, I don’t want one of my wolves to be at a loss. Even if that loss is me. If she’s hurting, I want her to be able to go to someone. She doesn’t seem to have a lot of friends here.

  Before, she was more or less tolerated. The Pack got along okay with her. But ever since the Pack found out that she tried to cozy up with someone else’s mate, Alpha’s aside, they’ve been very indifferent toward her. It’s understandable, but that still has to hurt on some level.

  Ben sighs. “Yes. She swears she’s fine.”

  “I suppose we’ll have to take her word for it then.”

  Flint walks in and heads for the treadmill to warm up. Getting the machine started, he looks at me as he settles into a jog.

  “Kenna learn anything new yesterday during the interview?”

  Setting the bar back on the ledge, I sit up. “No. Everyone is saying the same thing that Cassie’s friend, Jackie, said.”

  “May have to make a field trip to the bars then. See if anyone has seen that guy. You have a picture, don’t you?” Flint asks.

  I nod. “That sounds like a good idea. I’m afraid there isn’t much of a choice but to go hunt him down and see if he’s crawled out of the hole he’s been hiding in.”

  Kenner had disappeared off the radar since the questioning. He hasn’t used his passport, hasn’t flown anywhere, hasn’t used any credit cards. He knows he’s being watched now and is laying low.

  “There’s no way he left the area. It wouldn’t be smart for him to relocate. Not when everyone’s eyes are trained on him,” Ben speaks from behind me.

  Flint pretends not to hear what Ben says. “I bet he’s still in the area,” he speaks directly to me. I can hear a sigh escape Ben from behind me. His words are completely ignored by the other male.

  Knowing what is going on between them, I won’t get involved. I hope they figure it out soon before it turns into something more. Then I will have to get involved.

  All I know is that it rev
olves around my sister. Flint likes Brenna, Brenna likes Ben, and Ben likes being Beta. Flint sees Ben as a potential rival for Brenna’s affections. What Flint doesn’t see is that Ben is showing no interest in Brenna. If he did, he’s hiding it carefully. I have every faith that the three of them will figure it out eventually. Personal business isn’t my business unless it involves the Pack, and this, fortunately, is not Pack business. Not unless it grows out of control.

  “You’re both right. We’ll head to the bars tonight.” I look at Ben. “You’ll be staying behind with Jeremy and Kelsey. I’m positive they won’t have any interest in going to the bar and we need people here to watch the territory. I want you three to run the perimeter until we get back. I don’t want any surprises.”

  Ben nods as I get up to go to another machine.

  As Jeremy comes through the door, Ben meets him and begins explaining tonight’s plan.

  Makenna Goldwin

  It is mid-morning, and I am slightly annoyed that I wake up in the bed alone … again. Seriously, what time does this guy wake up?

  Taking my mug of coffee, I head over to sit on the back porch to plan out my day and what exactly I intend to do to further my investigation. I seem to be going nowhere talking to the friends, but I have one left that I plan to meet with. To do that, I need to leave the territory. That involves a game plan.

  As soon as I pull the sliding door open, I hear chatter, laughter, and several “oofs.” Curious, I step outside.

  All the wolves, minus Ben and Evo, are sparring. I frown as I grab a chair. Bre heads over to greet me.

  When she sits down, I ask the obvious question, “Is this normal to beat the shit out of each other on a Saturday morning?”

  She laughs. “Yep,” she says, popping the ‘p.’ “Evo likes to keep us fit in case we get jumped.”

  “Sure, sure.” I nod. “So why aren’t you out getting in on the action, then?”

  She gives me a pointed look. “Because my sparring partner is still sipping her go-go juice.”


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