A Gifted Curse (The Cloven Pack Series: Book One)

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A Gifted Curse (The Cloven Pack Series: Book One) Page 11

by D. Fischer

  “You and me? Sparring?”

  I never really had the chance to spar with another person when I was at the apartment gym. Believe it or not, not a lot of people do that anymore. Less than half the apartment complex actually blessed their bodies with physical activities and a little sweat. I haven’t even worked out since the night of the vampire attack. My body will most certainly get a beating.

  “Yep,” she says, popping the ‘p’ again.

  Grabbing my mug, she takes a sip of my coffee. She closes her eyes and sighs. “Strong and bitter, just the way I like it.” She then hands the mug back to me.

  A normal person might find it offensive if someone did that—stole their drink for a swig—but I don’t. I’m at ease here. I feel accepted and everything I do seems acceptable, almost as if I’ve known these guys my whole life.

  Comfort isn’t hard to reach, as the Pack seems to touch me whenever they float by with a gentle back rub or a shoulder squeeze. It is serene and soothing, which is something I’ve never had and never experienced. I’m coming to care for this Pack and everyone in it. Minus one. Speaking of …

  Looking up, I see Kelsey and Jazz sparing. They aren’t so evenly matched, but I note that Jazz seems to fight dirty, often using her nails instead of punches.

  Bre and I watch as Jazz takes a swipe at Kelsey, leaving a thin trail of blood on her cheek. Kelsey’s eyes glow wolf and she swings at Jazz, landing a punch square on her nose.

  Bre chuckles. “Never go for Kelsey’s face.” I laugh along with her. “How’d the move go? Did you get everything you needed?”

  Yesterday, after a few interviews with some of Cassie’s friends, I decided it wasn’t worth keeping my apartment. Seeing and feeling the sorrow her friends felt for their missing friend had sparked something in me. I didn’t want to miss another minute with my Pack mates and sure as hell didn’t want to miss another minute with Evo.

  It was a big surprise to Evo when I pulled up in his car with all of my belongings packed inside to the roof. I could feel his excitement that I made the move-in official and was taking the next step without any prompting. He was overjoyed that I accepted the Pack as my own and planned to stay. His joy turned smug when I told him I sold my car.

  I knew I wouldn’t need it here. The Pack has several cars available to use and they are more dependable. It was still despairing to hand the keys over to that pimple-faced teenage kid, though. I know Hunk won’t last long under that kid’s care.

  “It did. Hey, thanks for letting me borrow your clothes before. All of Evo’s stuff is massive. I appreciate it. I’m gonna have to borrow that black top again, though.”

  Bre lifts an eyebrow. “The sleeveless sequin one?”

  “Yeah.” I nod and take a sip. “It’s totally sexy. I wore it on our date the other night.”

  “Sure thing. You can wear it tonight when we go out to the bar. There’s a black sequined skirt that goes with it. It makes it look like a short black dress. You’ll borrow that, too.”

  “We’re going to the bar tonight?”

  “I overheard Flint and Dyson discussing it.”

  We watch as Kelsey plows Jazz over and we both wince as Jazz hits the ground hard. Kelsey is a beast. I love that girl. Not only is she an amazing cook, but she is quick-witted and ruthless.

  In my peripheral vision, I see Bre’s eyes move to Ben and a longing drifts over my skin. Staggered, I blurt, “You love him.”

  Startled by my outburst, she looks at me. “What? Who?”

  I blink slowly and lower my voice. “Don’t you start with me. Anyone who’s paying the least bit attention can see that you have a thing for Ben. I just happen to be able to feel it.”

  Her shoulders sag as I take another sip of my coffee. “I keep forgetting about your gift. You don’t flaunt it like most would expect and that’s appreciated. I thought it would be unnerving to having someone around that can feel what I’m feeling, or if I’m being dishonest, and then dangle it out in the open. It takes a loyal person to keep that to yourself.”

  “You’re avoiding the subject,” I sing-song, twirling a finger in the air.

  I’m touched by what she confessed. I never thought of it that way. I only thought that it was none of my business. Never would I betray someone I care for by hanging their dirty laundry. It is different—finally having people to care for and for them to care for me. I’ve found that it has been easy to adjust to it. More so than I thought it was going to be.

  She snatches my mug back, taking a sip, and talks into the mug as I continue to stare, “Yes, okay? Yes, I love him.”

  I snatch my mug back, taking my own sip.

  “He’s my mate.”

  I choke on my coffee as it slides down the wrong pipe, flabbergasted by her admission. “Excuse me?”

  “Ben is my mate.”

  “No, I heard that. It’s just … look, I felt that pull to Evo and I didn’t even know what he was to me at the time. The pull is so primal it’s almost painful.”

  She sighs, looking at Ben again. “I know.”

  Setting my mug down, I stand up and stretch. “Does he know? That you’re mates, I mean?”

  She stands up with me, briefly stretching. “I don’t know,” she says as we walk off the deck and find our own space in the grass. It is private enough to continue our conversation.

  We get into our fighting positions. “If he does, he doesn’t show it. Either he’s so consumed with Beta work that he can’t feel the mating or,” she swings at me, but I am prepared and easily dodge, “he’s acting like I don’t exist because he has no interest in mating. He takes the Beta roll pretty seriously.”

  I land a jab to her ribs and I hear her lungs gush out air. “Damn it, Kenna, you’re fast.” She rights herself and gets back into position.

  “Do you want me to kick his ass?” I ask while she attempts a series of strikes. I manage to dodge every one except for a blow to the arm, which made my hand go numb.

  Shaking my hand to get back feeling, I give her my best solution. “I can totally kick his ass. Make him see the light and all that.”

  She smiles at the thought. “Totally tempting, but I want my mate to come to me because he wants me, not because our bad ass Alpha Queen spanked his ass and set him straight.”

  I laugh as I drop to the ground, turning and tripping her, and she falls flat on her back.

  I quickly straddle her. “What about Flint?”

  I aim to land a series of punches, but she rolls us, landing me flat on my back. She delivers a blow to my ribs. I grunt and then use my leg to flip her to the ground.

  When both of us jump up at the same time, she replies, “What do you mean?”

  I land a hit to her chin and she curses, wiping away the blood. “He’s got a thing for you.”

  Her eyes flick to Flint. He’s sparring with Jeremy and Dyson. It gives me the opportunity to land a punch to her hip.

  “Fucking hell, Kenna.” She rubs her hip. “Do you have any idea how fast you move?”

  I give her an apologetic smile and let her recover. When she places weight back on her leg, we continue.

  “He stares at you all the time. Haven’t you noticed?”

  She throws a several of punches, each I block as I discover her fighting techniques and strategies. “I’ve noticed a lot of food in my hair.”

  Flint had continued his version of flirting each evening meal like a five-year-old with a school-girl crush and always chucked something at her to gain her attention.

  Now that I know Bre and Ben are mates, I understand the cold shoulder Flint directs at Ben. Maybe Flint doesn’t know Ben and Bre are mates, but he sure isn’t paying attention to the fact that Ben’s attention isn’t on Bre.

  “But no, I haven’t noticed. Once you know who your mate is, all the other males sort of … I don’t know … drift from your thoughts. You see them, but they don’t hold interest to you.”

  I can understand that
. I notice how attractive the Clover Pack males are, but feel no sexual attraction to them. It’s merely an observation. It’s nothing compared to looking at Evo.

  We don’t talk for a while, each trying to gain the upper hand and lost in our own thoughts. We’re closely matched, but I still manage to connect and dodge more. I suppose that comes with being Alpha. The strongest and fastest lead the Pack. But still, Bre is well-versed in fighting techniques. I’d hate to be Ben if she ever got pissed enough at him for ignoring her and their mating.

  Panting with exertion, we both bend over, resting our hands on our knees as we look at each other.

  “Is it normal to be that fast?” I hear Dyson whisper. Turning our heads, we see that his whispered question is directed at Evo. We had gained the audience of the entire Pack, who had circled around us during our practice.

  “It is if you’re a Queen,” Evo rumbles with his arms crossed as he gazes at me, his eyes half hooded. I don’t need to feel his emotions to know what that look means—something I’ve done has turned him on.

  “This girl has some serious moves, Evo. Next time, you spar with her. It’ll be more evenly matched,” Bre says between pants as she stands up fully.

  He grunts as he continues to look at me. I wipe the blood off my cheek and feel the Pack melt away, except for Kelsey and Jeremy who are cuddling on the grass, cloud gazing.

  All are chatting away about a new move they learned or who won which match as they enter Evo’s quarters. Looks like they plan to gather in his living room, which is a normal occurrence for my Pack.

  It is natural to want to be in the presence and comfort of the Alpha pair, even if that means consistently invading their living room or snack cupboard. Kelsey and I have had to go to the store twice already since I’ve been here, just to restock.

  “It’s hard to believe you let a new vampire get the best of you,” Evo rumbles.

  I frown. “I have a perfectly good excuse for that. He was a freak show and it was slightly distracting.”

  “M-hmm.” I gulp as his lust slams into me. “Do you have any idea how hot you look right now?” he says as the sliding door shuts.

  He starts to walk toward me and I back up until my back hits a tree, letting him stalk his prey.

  Reaching for me, his lips land on mine, devouring, demanding, and taking. He grabs the back of my hair and pulls my head back for a deeper kiss, pinning me to the tree. My body responds easily to his, and before I know it, my pants are gone and he’s untying his own.

  I pull my mouth away. “Wait, Evo. They’ll see us. Let’s go –”“They’re already watching, baby. It’s normal for wolves to watch. Some will even join in. It’s completely natural.”

  He begins kissing my neck and I take the moment to gaze around, still unsure. Sure enough, Dyson and Ben are watching from the sliding door, one biting into an apple, and one with his hand in a chip bag like they are watching the previews before a movie.

  A moan pulls my attention away to the mated pair on the grass. Jeremy and Kelsey are completely naked with Jeremy’s head buried between Kelsey’s legs and her hands buried in his hair.

  As much as I expect it to, it doesn’t feel wrong to have watchers and people joining in their own sex beside us. Everything feels so animalistic and primal now. It feels like everything makes sense since I found the Pack. For most humans, this would feel wrong in every sense. Even if they have fantasized about having people watch or what some would consider an orgy.

  Watching as Jeremy slides a finger into his mate, I smile as she moans, happy that he has a mate to pleasure. I can feel their love for one another. It’s deep, rich, and desperate. Like any second one of them will die and it is important for them to feel everything before that moment comes. I envy them. The love they have for each other is admirable.

  Evo captures my mouth. “See, baby. They see their Alpha’s getting ready to fuck. It makes them want to do the same. It’s all instinct, Kenna.” He slams his dick into me, bringing a scream from my throat and whispered curses from his lips.

  He pounds into me. I open my eyes while I moan, gripping the bark behind me for support. In the grass, I see Jeremy doing the same—ruthlessly fucking Kelsey while she pulls at the grass trying not to let herself fall apart.

  Through the window, I see Jazz, glaring, standing between Dyson and Ben. As soon as our eyes meet, I move my hand to grab Evo’s ass, letting her know that he is mine and mine alone. Her eyes narrow further, says something to Ben, who nods, and then she leaves the window.

  Satisfied that she got the memo, I let Evo consume me. Kelsey’s and my sounds of pleasure is the only thing that’s audible. I hear Jeremy grunt and I know that he’s met his climax.

  Evo continues to pound into me, seeming nowhere near his own climax. I’m on the verge of an orgasm when I open my eyes after I feel a brush against my nipples. I look up and see Jeremy on one side and Kelsey on the other, each tending to one of my breasts. The love they feel for me is crawling over my skin and raising goosebumps.

  I look, unsure, into Evo’s eyes, questioning.

  “It’s okay, baby. They want to make sure their Alpha Queen is fully sated. This is normal, sweetheart. Don’t be frightened.”

  Jeremy and Kelsey continue kneading and pinching while rubbing their other hand over my body. I’m so close. So close to exploding around my mate.

  “Evo,” I whimper.

  “You like that, Kenna? Do you want more, baby?”

  At my whimpering answer, he reaches between us and pinches my clit, the pumping of his hips making his hand rock just enough. “Come for me, baby.”

  That’s all it takes. My breasts arch into their hands as they pinch my nipples. I scream as I come, my pussy milking Evo’s cock as we reach our climax together.

  Their hands rub and soothe my aching nipples, and then they disappear. I am too exhausted to open my eyes, but I can hear them walk away and soon hear them resume their bantering as they enter their living quarters, as if they didn’t just aid me through sex.

  Odd, but comforting to know it won’t be awkward later. I had never done anything like that before, so I didn’t know how weird it would be. It would seem that I don’t need to worry. Their emotions tell me there is nothing bizarre about it.

  That’s when I feel that warmth directed toward me from Evo. It is a feeling I can’t describe, but such a wondrous feeling to feel. It’s an aching part of my chest that I didn’t know was there and it’s being filled. It provides such a relief to that aching part I didn’t know existed.

  “You love me?” I whisper.

  He pulls back and slides out of me. Gently, he sets my feet on the ground and helps me pull my pants back on before grabbing his own.

  “I do.” My heart floods with relief. The hole begins sealing itself up, containing what filled it.

  I reach up to his face, running my hands through his hair and kissing him. “Is this what it feels like to be loved? To feel so … whole? To feel put back together when you didn’t know you were in pieces?”

  “It must be,” he says, brushing his lips against mine.

  “You’ve never been in love before?”

  He shrugs. “I’ve known love. I love my sister. But I don’t know love past that point. I never knew my mother; she died during child birth with Brenna and I was too young to remember her, so I don’t know that kind of love, either. Anybody I’ve had a fling with were just that and nothing more. I’ve never been in love before. This is new to me, too.”

  My heart breaks for the loss of his mother. I can understand that pain. I never knew my parents. Understanding Pack life a little better, there had to be a reason for them to abandon me. There had to be more to that story.

  Packs, at least this one, seem to be close knit. If my parents didn’t want me, then surely someone else in the Pack would have taken me in. Or maybe that was the reason. Maybe they were keeping me from the Pack or saving me from it. Hearing about Evo’s father be
ing a cruel Alpha, maybe that’s why they abandoned me … to keep me safe.

  It is a comforting thought that maybe I wasn’t abandoned because I wasn’t wanted. I have a small sliver of hope that I can hold onto that maybe someday we will be reunited and they can explain.

  There are a lot of unanswered questions and none I have any means of discovering. Now that I know what I am, the idea of finding them is more intriguing. I want to learn more.

  “What about your dad? How did he survive the death of his mate?”

  Flicking a ladybug off his pants, he replies, “I’ve been told my mother was a very kind soul, generous down to her bones. My dad has always had a dark side. When mates are brought together, they fit like a puzzle piece. Each piece of yourself that you give the other creates a picture. It alters them to their very core, and together, you become one. It can create a beautiful picture, a terrifying one, or sometimes, the puzzle lay unfinished.”

  Lost in thought, he pauses for a moment. “My mother was too generous and my father too greedy. They were so stuck in their own ways that they rebelled against each other. They loved each other, but they wouldn’t give into the mating completely. They wouldn’t let each other share pieces of themselves in fear that they would become something other than what they were. Each of those characteristics—generosity and greed—ruled their lives. It ruled their lives so much so that the mating wasn’t a strong one, but a forced one. When that happens, a mate can survive the other’s death.”

  I nod. That makes sense. If you fight the mating—the shaping of your life to fit that of who you belonged to—your relationship won’t be a strong one. Like Evo said, if a mating is like a puzzle and you try to force certain pieces of that puzzle together, the puzzle won’t hold.

  “I’m sorry, Evo.” And I am. I know it isn’t my fault and I had nothing to do with how he grew up, but my heart still aches for him. He deserved better.

  He gives me a kiss of gratitude and then stands up, brushing off his pants. “Come on, baby. Ben needs to meet with me.”

  Chapter Eleven


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