Book Read Free

Beyond the Velvet Rope

Page 4

by Tiffany Ashley

  “I can hear the excitement in your voice. What’s the name of the club?”

  “Club Babylon.”

  This got her attention. “I’m familiar. Word has it that place is a growing hot spot on the strip.”

  “Yeah, business has been really good.”

  “Sounds as though you’ve got your hands full, but I hope you’re calling me because you’re visiting Manhattan soon.”

  “Actually, I was calling to see if you would consider coming to South Beach. I think I might have a business proposition for you.”

  “Me in Miami? You’ve got to be kidding.”

  “On the contrary, I’m very serious. Moving down here was a major change for me. I was used to the hustle of the City, but it’s a complete different world down here. There are beautiful people everywhere, white sandy beaches and crystal-blue water. It’s unbelievable.”

  “Sounds like paradise.”

  “It is. I spent the first months just soaking up the place. Of course, you learn about the movers and shakers very quickly. But there is one in particular I would like you to meet.”

  “Who is that?”

  “His name is Elliot Richards.”

  “I think I’ve heard of him.”

  “He’s a young guy. Probably a year older than yourself, I’d guess. He’s a serious tycoon down here, a real sharp thinker. He owns several local health gyms, smoothie shops, nightclubs, and a restaurant. And get this—he personally manages them all at the same time.”

  “Impressive,” she said, mildly intrigued.

  “Everything he touches turns into gold,” Warren went on. “So when I heard he was opening his newest club, Babylon, I jumped at the chance. Two other guys invested with me. None of us had ever invested in a nightclub, so there was a lot we had to learn. There were a few nervous moments, but Elliot talked us through it like a pro. In the end, Club Babylon was a success. The revenue that place brings in one night is unbelievable.”

  “Sounds too good to be true.”

  “That’s what I thought. We all make a healthy cut, so you can image how shocked I was when Elliot proposed to shut down the club five months to renovate the building.”

  “Five months? That’s a death sentence.”

  “That’s exactly what I said, but somehow Elliot talked us into it. Looking back on it, he didn’t have to because he owns seventy percent of the shares. We invested two-point-eight million into the renovation. We just reopened a few weeks ago. So far, everyone loves the changes, especially the VIP lounges. The turnout has been decent, but we know we can do better, much better. So that leads me to why I’m calling you.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “I’d like you to come down and promote the club. Of course, Elliot would have to give the green light, but I’m sure after he talks to you, he’ll be sold on the idea.”

  “I can’t move to Miami, Warren.”

  “It would only be temporary.”

  She flinched at the word. “How temporary?”

  “Three months.”

  “Three months? That’s an eternity.”

  “It could be done in two months if you really work hard. If you think you can recoup our venture in less time, go for it.”

  “Warren, I’d love to help you, but I haven’t been able to survive outside New York for longer than a week. Besides,” she hesitated, “I have responsibilities here. I can’t leave town for that long a time.”

  “Then visit the City on the weekends. This isn’t a regular nine-to-five job, kiddo. If you have to fly back to take care of a few things then do it.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Thandie, I need you. Babylon will reach its mark eventually, but you could give us the boost that gets us over the top. I’ve seen you work, Thandie. You’re the best.”

  “You have the wrong person. I barely know Miami. I wouldn’t even know where to stay.”

  “You’ll stay with me. I have a house near the beach. You’d love it.”

  “Warren, this is a huge undertaking. I would have to bring my staff.”

  “That’s fine. There’s plenty of room at my place. I’ll even offer you my home office. It’ll be perfect for you. My home is your home. You should know that.”

  “Warren, I can’t put you out like that. Aren’t you married again?”

  “Separated. Wife Number Five and I have been split up for months. In all honesty, I see her credit card bills more than I see her. Anyway, it’s a big house—plenty of room. You’ll have all the privacy you need. No one will bother you. So stop stalling. Accept my offer.”

  She laughed. He was making it sound too easy. “There are plenty of firms who could do just as good a job.”

  “But I want you. The pay is top-notch. Thandie, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for all of us. What are you holding on to in New York?”

  Immediately an image of her mother popped into her head. She did not like the idea of putting distance between them. What if there was an emergency and they needed her to come to the care center? Or worse, what if her mother remembered something and Thandie wasn’t there to share it with her? She wasn’t willing to risk that possibility, small as it might be.

  However, hadn’t Warren mentioned she could return to the City when she needed to? Would she be able to somehow cover the costs of her travel expenses? If so, Warren had asked a good question. What was holding her back? The answer certainly wasn’t Cam anymore. Lately, it only reminded her of her failed relationship. Why shouldn’t she get away for a bit? It would only be for a few months. What would it hurt? She could hand her big assignments over to Amanda. Of her three assistants, Amanda was the most reliable and showed the most promise. Besides, the assignment would give Len and Raja great work experience.

  “Okay, Warren.” She gave a dramatic sigh. “I’ll consider your offer, but only because I miss you so much.”

  “Excellent. I’ll have Elliot give you a call later this week. Trust me, everything’s going to be perfect.”

  Later that week...

  While Thandie was wrapping up her phone call with an editor from Daily News America, her assistant Len waved frantically signaling her that she had another call.

  “Who is it?” Thandie asked.

  “He says his name is Elliot Richards.”

  She picked up the line. “This is Thandie speaking.”

  “Hello, Ms. Shaw, this is Elliot Richards. I understand you’ve been expecting my call.” His voice had a deep seductive timbre, instantly sending a shiver of arousal down her spine.

  “Yes, Mr. Richards. Warren spoke with me briefly, regarding the nature of your business. I understand you may be in the market for promotional assistance.”

  “That would be correct.” There was a soft chuckle from his side of the line. “Warren was gracious enough to give me your résumé, and I must say it’s very impressive.”

  “Thank you.”

  “It appears you’re the perfect person for the job,” he added smoothly.

  “Again, thank you.” Thandie could feel her excitement rising.

  “However,” he said, “I’m not going to hire you.”

  “Excuse me?” She was certain she hadn’t heard him correctly.

  “I’m not going to hire you, Ms. Shaw,” he repeated.

  Biting down her disappointment, she asked, “May I ask why not?”

  “Read between the lines.”

  “No, I’d much rather hear the words from you.”

  “You’re a woman,” he said quite simply. “And I don’t hire women.”

  Thandie was momentarily stunned speechless.

  “To be frank, Ms. Shaw, females can make things complicated, particularly in a club environment. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  She was still too shocked to speak.

  “But I do appreciate your taking the time to speak with me,” he continued smoothly. “I wish you the best. Have a nice day, Ms. Shaw.”

  The line went dead.

  Thandie st
ared at the phone. She wasn’t certain if she should be upset or think the whole thing comical. In this day, it was hard to believe such blatant sexism still existed. She was tempted to call him back and give him a piece of her mind, but before she could, her cell phone rang.


  “Thandie, it’s Warren.”


  “I heard what happened. I’m so sorry.”

  “How did you hear so quickly?”

  “Elliot had you on speaker phone.”

  “He what?”

  “He talks to everyone on speaker, but nevermind that. I’ll talk to him.”

  “Was he serious?”

  “Unfortunately, yes. He has good reason, but that doesn’t excuse his behavior.”

  “Seriously, he won’t hire me because I’m a woman?”

  “Not to worry, kiddo, I’ll talk to him.”

  “I’m not sure I want you to talk to him.”

  “Don’t be silly. He’s just being difficult, and you’re offended.”

  “‘Offended’ is hardly the word, Warren. I’m pissed.”

  “Let me talk to him.”

  “He’s an asshole.”

  “That’s a bit harsh,” he said defensively.

  “I thought I was being kind. He hung up on me, Warren.”

  “I’m sorry about that. Elliot is always pressed for time. You’ll see that soon enough. He called you during one of the staff meetings. He’s already on another conference call.”

  “He interviewed me for a job during a staff meeting?”

  “I’m making things worse, aren’t I?”

  She didn’t answer his obvious question.

  “Not to worry. I’ll talk to him. Everything’s going to be okay. Are you still interested?”

  She was silent for a long while. She’d done her research on Elliot Richards. Having the club magnate as a client would add major weight to her portfolio. But having him hang up on her not only wounded her pride, it made her mad as hell. Just who did he think he was? She was now determined to make him eat his words. “Yes, I’m interested.”

  “That’s my girl. I’ll talk to him. Just sit tight, and I’ll call you back.

  The call disconnected.

  Again, she looked down at the phone, still reeling from Elliot’s quick brush-off. Her initial shock melted away, leaving only angry determination in its wake. Her resolve to capture his account now lit her on fire, and she made a silent vow that she would be on his payroll. She’d been in the business for years, and she had worked with the worst of the worst. Whatever Elliot Richards had to dish out, she was confident she could handle.

  * * *

  Thandie was still fuming over her conversation with Elliot Richards days later. True to her word, she’d placed daily phone calls to his office and was informed he was either in a meeting or on a conference call. She was impressed to learn that he was never out of the office. His assistant insisted that, “Mr. Richards is always working.” But knowing this did not help her get him on the phone. He was becoming as unattainable as Bigfoot. To make matters bleaker, she hadn’t heard from Warren in days. She’d taken his silence to mean he hadn’t been as persuasive as he’d hoped. This didn’t deter Thandie. If anything, it made her more persistent.

  It was 10:00 a.m., and Thandie was beginning her morning meeting with her assistants. As always, the women were avid listeners, and took detailed notes. Amanda, her lead assistant, shouldered the more important responsibilities. It wasn’t that her other assistants weren’t good at their jobs; they just tended to be easily excited when in the presence of a celebrity or really cute guys, which unfortunately for Thandie was a common occurrence.

  “Raja, call Chantel and see if we can get some gift certificates. Chantel’s little spa is the newest hot spot for models. And while we’re on the subject of models, Amanda call Sookie and confirm Jarvis will be at the Simmons party. I know his people have already confirmed, but he’s notorious for double-booking and then blowing off both commitments. If we can guarantee he’ll be there, then we can be certain the other music honchos will be there.” Thandie snatched up her phone and began entering a cryptic message. “And just to be certain, I’m texting his girlfriend, Tamika. I can’t stand the woman, but she’s media-hungry and can’t turn down a chance to be seen. If she comes, he’ll be there.”


  She turned when Len called her name. “Yes?”

  “You have Warren on the line.”

  Sending off her text message, she plucked the cordless phone out of Len’s hand and cradled it on her shoulder. “Warren, I’m in a meeting. This’ll have to be quick.”

  “You’re in.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You’re in. Elliot has agreed to hire you. You’ll need to come down here ASAP. I guess all those messages you’ve been leaving him worked.” He laughed good-naturedly. “Elliot’s agreed to meet with you on the eighth at 5:00 p.m.. This is the only time I could get him to confirm, so make sure you’re here and on time. Call Romero, Elliot’s personal assistant, tomorrow morning and tell him when you can come, and he’ll set up the plane tickets. Whatever you say to him will be repeated to Elliot, so try to keep the ‘he’s-an-asshole’ comments to yourself, please.”

  “Do I have you to thank for this?”

  Warren laughed. “Elliot’s a complicated guy, but once he had some time to think about it, he saw this was the right thing to do.”

  “That sounds a little far-fetched.”

  “Well, I do have my ways.”

  She could hear the humor in his voice, and it made her smile. “I’ll call you later.”

  “Excellent, kiddo. I’ll take care of everything else. Oh, and Thandie?”


  “It’ll be nice to see you again.”

  “Same here.”

  Chapter Four

  Miami, Florida

  As soon as Thandie entered the baggage claim area, she saw a sign reading T. Shaw. The man who held it up was handsome, with bright brown eyes, spiky brown hair and a perfectly trimmed goatee.

  She made her way toward him, catching his gaze when she was only feet away from him. He smiled brightly.

  “Hi,” he said.

  “Hi.” She smiled and pointed at his sign. “I’m Thandie Shaw.”

  His eyes widened. “You’re T. Shaw? Shit, nobody told me you’re a...” He cleared his throat and collected himself. “Forgive me. It’s just’re not at all what I expected.”

  “So I see,” she murmured coolly.

  “It’s just that we’ve never worked with a woman.”

  “So I hear,” she murmured coolly.

  He blushed rather innocently. “Sorry to stare. I’ve worked for Babylon for two years, and this is the first time I’ve known a woman to be hired before. You must really be good at what you do.” He folded the sign up and tossed it into a nearby trash bin. His hands now free, he offered to shake her hand. “I’m Adam Parr. Elliot thought it would be good for me to collect you, since we’re going to be working so closely together. I’m the VIP host.”

  She nodded her head appreciatively. Adam helped her with her bags, and the two headed outside.

  Adam smiled. “So how do you know the big boss?”

  “Big boss?”

  “Elliot Richards. How do you know him?”

  “I don’t,” she said simply.

  “Oh,” he paused. “I thought you two knew each other and that was how you landed the job.”

  “No.” She pulled her sunglasses down over her eyes. “We’ve never met. I’m actually a friend of Warren Radcliffe.”

  “Oh, the other boss.” He lifted her bags into the trunk of his car. “Warren’s cool. He’s for a guy his age.”

  Thandie smiled. “I bet they were saying that when he was twenty.”

  “Knowing Warren, you’re probably right.” Adam slammed the trunk closed and opened the passenger door for her. “I was told you would be
traveling with a group.”

  “Raja and Len had to tie up a few things for me at the office. They’re flying in later this week.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Have you ever been to Miami?”

  “Not as often as I would have liked.”

  He laughed. “Well, you’re in for a treat. There is no place on earth like South Beach.”

  Adam drove Thandie around the city, taking her through Coral Gables, Coconut Grove, and passing by Star Island. Adam turned out to be a great tour guide. He pointed out all the best spots. By the time they turned onto Washington Avenue, Thandie was relaxed and ready to meet the rest of the staff. Finally, Adam pulled in front of huge four-level building, and killed the engine.

  “We’re home,” he announced.

  “Home?” she asked.

  “Club Babylon.” Adam waved his hand, indicating she follow him toward the building’s entrance. When Adam pushed through the front doors, Thandie was surprised by the activity. It was the middle of the day, and people were rushing about in every direction. Men were carrying bags of ice, crews were cleaning the floors, and the lights changed from gold to blue, then purple. Movement caught Thandie’s eye, causing her attention to be pulled toward the stage.

  She tapped Adam. “I thought you said you didn’t work with women?”

  Adam followed her stare and then grinned. “Oh, that’s the entertainment. We have plenty where that came from.”

  Adam must have caught her reaction. He jutted his chin toward the women who were gathered on the elevated catwalks. “We have plenty of girls.”

  That was an understatement. Thandie was astounded by the parade of pretty women strutting about. Everywhere she looked there were beautiful, tanned bodies. Some were on stage, practicing a dance routine that easily resembled a striptease, while others lounged near the bar.

  “This place wouldn’t operate as well without eye candy,” Adam explained. “And Club Babylon has the best in the city.” He pointed to the stage. “Every club needs dancers, and Miami is a haven for professional dancers. Working at clubs is a great gig for them. It pays the bills and allows them to go on auditions during the day. That means we get to pick from the cream of the crop.”

  “Adam,” a pretty brunette from the stage called out. “Tell Elliot to come down here.”


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