Book Read Free

Beyond the Velvet Rope

Page 15

by Tiffany Ashley

  “Ah! What are you doing?” Len squeaked.

  “I’m going to see what their plans are for tonight.”

  “Are you crazy?” Raja screeched. “They’re NFL royalty.”

  “Then it won’t hurt for them to mingle with their humble subjects.” She gave them a parting smile before heading toward the giants. Running into Charming and O’Conner on the beach was an opportunity she could not allow to pass her by. She had every intention of inviting them to Club Babylon tonight. The worst that could happen was they would blow her off. But her chances of success far outweighed the possibility of defeat.

  * * *

  There was a knock on the office door before Michelle opened it wide enough to stick his head through. “Elliot, Thandie wants to speak with you.”

  Nico, who’d been having a whispered conversation on his cell phone for the last half hour, suddenly looked up. “Who’s Thandie?”

  Elliot had not had time to tell Nico any details regarding the newest addition to his staff. Before he could prepare Nico, Thandie had already crossed the threshold of his office.

  Thandie was wearing a terry cloth dress. It was strapless, displaying smooth golden skin across an enticing bosom and small feminine shoulders. The dress had clearly been meant for the beach, yet it could best be described as modest, even matronly, on the sandy shores of Miami. But indoors, under the slightly dimmed lighting of his office, the silly garment tormented Elliot. The hem fell an inch or so past her buttocks, presenting a delicious view of those beautiful shapely legs of hers. Elliot had to admit, he’d had a hard time forgetting the feel of his hand between her thighs that night in the Tower. If she only knew what scenes his mind was conjuring right now, she’d probably run screaming from the building.

  But she stared at him with a determined look in her eyes. Her hip angled just so, mistranslating any attempt at appearing empowered to just looking damned sexy.

  She stepped forward, bringing the scent of sunshine and fresh ocean air with her. Her hair was a bit disheveled, only adding to her appeal. She’d obviously pulled on her clothes in a rush, yet even in her casualness, she looked like a million bucks. Elliot couldn’t help but admire the view.

  Thandie met his stare and then shifted her gaze to his friend. Elliot noticed them sharing an appreciative appraisal of each other. Nico shot a quick glance toward him, his brow peaked. With a sigh, Elliot pushed himself away from his desk and made the introductions.

  “Thandie—” sweeping a gesture toward his friend “—this is Nico.”

  Nico stood, wearing the same wicked grin he always wore. For some reason, it annoyed Elliot today. He shook Thandie’s hand. “Actually,” Nico said, “I’m Elliot’s heterosexual life-partner.”

  “Nico,” Elliot continued in a bored tone, “is one of my investors.”

  “I’m supposed to be a private investor,” Nico offered, “but I guess the cat’s out of the bag.”

  Thandie smiled up at him, noticeably eased by his good nature. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Nico.”

  He gave an airy wave of his hand. “The pleasure is completely on this side of the room.”

  “You have an interesting accent,” Thandie observed. “Are you a local?”

  “No,” he smiled. “I’m visiting from the coast.”

  “Which coast would that be?” she asked.

  “Take your pick.”

  She gave him a slight grin, recognizing flirtation when she saw it. “Are you in town for business or pleasure?”

  “Pleasure, of course.” Nico’s gaze drifted over her once again. “I must say, Elliot, your hostesses are getting prettier by the minute.”

  “Actually,” he drawled, “Thandie is a staff member. She was hired to handle Babylon’s marketing prior to the reopening.”

  Nico looked at Elliot before openly staring at Thandie, as if seeing her for the first time. “Seriously?” his voice now devoid of its earlier humor. “But you never hire women.”

  “Warren insisted on it,” Elliot replied.

  As if that answered everything, Nico gave a resolute nod.

  Piqued by their conversation, Thandie planted her hands on her hips. Elliot knew if she had any idea that the action caused her skirt to hike up several vital inches and the thin material of her dress to stretch provocatively across her breasts, she might not have chosen such a stance. It only made her look sexy as hell, rather than formidable.

  “If you two are finished talking about me as if I weren’t standing right here, I have some business to discuss.”

  Evidently still bewildered, Nico just stared at her.

  “Please—” Elliot nodded “—by all means, let’s discuss.”

  Highly annoyed, Thandie drew herself up taller. “I’m escorting Carey Charming and Nate O’Conner tonight. They’ll have at least four people accompanying them. Will I have access to transportation?”

  “You can have access to anything you like.” Elliot’s words hung in the air. He was baiting her, and she obviously hated him for it.

  “I need transport,” she gritted out.

  He nodded. “You have it.” Reaching across his desk, he pressed the numbers on his office phone, the room filled with automated ringing.

  “Yes, Elliot?”

  “Markie, Thandie is hosting guests this evening. She’ll need two SUVs available to her. Arrange for Ricky and Christo to be her drivers. They know the routine pretty well. Also, have Adam secure VIP.”

  “You got it.”

  Elliot pressed a button on the dial pad, releasing the call. Turning to her, he bowed his head slightly. “Is there anything else I can do for you?” He could tell the words “kiss my ass” were hanging on the tip of her tongue. He gave a wicked grin. “You have only to say the word.”

  Her eyes went wide, and she swallowed hard. Giving a quick glance to Nico, she gave a nod and exited the room, her heels clicking with every step.

  Nico laughed. “Why didn’t you tell me about her?”

  Elliot shrugged. “There’s nothing to tell.”

  Nico stared after her, able to study to her retreating figure through the glass wall that encased Elliot’s office. “So,” he began, “are you going to share her, or what?”

  Elliot followed his gaze as Thandie crossed the arena floor. He thought for a long minute before answering. “There will be no sharing of Thandie Shaw.”

  Nico nodded. “That’s a new one.”

  Elliot met his knowing expression. “I’m the only one who’s going to be tapping that.”

  Nico held up his hands in surrender. “Consider it done. I’m only appreciating the product.”

  “Well, appreciate it from a distance.”

  Nico laughed at the words. “Touché! Playing caveman now? I can respect that, but please remember this conversation when I discover a pretty face.”

  Elliot smirked.

  “May I offer you some advice?”


  Nico ignored the warning, and gave Elliot a brotherly clap on the shoulder. “Keep your charms to a bare minimum. I fear it might be the deal-breaker with Ms. Shaw.”

  Elliot brushed off Nico’s hand. “Any woman can be gotten to. You just have to know which buttons to push.”

  “And after you’ve pushed all her buttons, and she still doesn’t come?”

  “Oh, she’ll come,” Elliot said quietly. “Of that I have no doubt.”

  “Well, to your credit, I have yet to meet a woman who has withstood your charms.”

  “You never will,” Elliot promised.

  * * *

  Several hours later Thandie found herself riding in the front seat of a gleaming black Escalade. Behind her, Nate O’Conner and Carey Charming sat casually chatting with each other. Surprisingly, they were both good-natured, and their boyish camaraderie seemed endless.

  Thandie focused her attention on ensuring Carey was in good spirits. According to Raja, Carey was not big on clubs and rarely drank alcohol. Thandie had no trouble believing this.
When she’d spoken to him today at the beach, she got the impression Carey would have refused to come had it not been for Nate convincing him. Nate O’Conner, however, apparently partied often. He was the more jubilant of the two and took great pleasure in flirting with Raja and Len.

  A group of their friends occupied the vehicle following them. This concerned Thandie when she’d arrived at their hotel, but after being introduced to each one, they seemed harmless enough.

  Their caravan pulled up to the entrance of Club Babylon a little after eleven. Nate, a natural superstar, leaped from the SUV and smiled at the crowd anxiously waiting to enter the club. Even if he were not a celebrity, he held an air about him which demanded people take notice. It did not take long for him to be recognized. The screams began, accompanied by the blinding flashes of lights. Ever the gentleman, Nate helped the ladies climb out of the vehicle. Len and Raja were all too happy to latch themselves onto each of his arms. Thandie exited the SUV just before Carey, and the crowd went crazy again. Carey Charming was not as comfortable before an audience. He did not shrink away from it, but unlike his friend, he steered away from the crowd.

  Placing a reassuring hand on his back, Thandie guided their party into the building before the crowd had time to get out of control. Already, people who were standing in line at other clubs were leaving to join the long line outside Babylon.

  Once inside, Thandie could not have been more impressed with the club’s staff. Because she had called them before arriving, they were well prepared. Security gave them a wide berth, while Thandie and the girls navigated the group toward the VIP level.

  Adam greeted her warmly before turning to welcome their party. They were ushered to a corner booth and drink orders were made. Thandie browsed the room and silently approved of Adam’s work. This level of the VIP area was filled with tall, beautiful women—if possible, more attractive than the normal VIP guests.

  Len coaxed a few members of their party to the dance floor. This allowed the remaining group to spread out a little on the cushioned seats. This was apparently an invitation for every platinum blonde in VIP to occupy the recently vacated seats. Within seconds, five fashionably dressed women had infiltrated the ranks. They’d pressed themselves into every nook and cranny possible. Thandie, who was positioned between the two athletes, counted herself fortunate. Because neither had moved, she was comfortably seated.

  Nate and Carey seemed unfazed by the presence of the newest arrivals. Indeed, they laughed and toasted one round of beers after another, paying little attention to their smiling admirers. Nate did his share of flirting, but Thandie quickly determined he was more talk than action. Carey exercised a different tactic. Although he appeared to be ignoring their company, more than once Thandie caught him slip a sly wink to the woman seated next to Nate.

  She guessed that he, like Elliot, was a predator. She frowned at the comparison and immediately pushed it out of her mind. She might have succeeded, had the devil himself not entered the lounge at that very minute. Elliot spoke briefly to Adam before crossing the crowded room to their corner. He made eye contact with Thandie, and she stood to introduce him. Smooth as ever, Elliot reached for her, giving her a light and unassuming kiss on the lips. This, she suspected, was more for the benefit of their guests. Releasing her, he turned to the group and introduced himself to both men.

  Years of experience must have taught him how to identify the hangers-on, as he expertly avoided the opportunistic women.

  Thandie was amazed by his finesse. His natural confidence worked its magic over the group. He did not treat the men like celebrities. Instead, he treated them casually, as if they’d known each other for years. They immediately insisted he join them for a drink. Elliot agreed, only if they allowed him to pay for the next round. This offer was warmly accepted, and soon Adam was helping the waitresses deliver several trays of various beers and cocktails.

  It struck Thandie how easily Elliot blended into the group. Even in the presence of hunky athletes, he still managed to trump them with his natural charm. He’d effortlessly shifted the group’s attention from the celebrities to himself, which seemed to take the pressure off Carey and Nate, putting them more at ease. Soon, the three of them were chuckling amongst themselves like newly found frat brothers. At some point, they’d slipped into speaking in code, a secret guy language that consisted of head nods, random shrugs of the shoulders and half-sentences.

  Feeling left out, Thandie excused herself from the table. It was clear they wanted guy time. She wouldn’t dream of interfering, but it annoyed her that Elliot had so easily staked claim on her guests. Glancing at her recently vacant seat, she saw Elliot had stretched out, effectively eliminating her spot.

  Scowling, Thandie searched out Raja and Len in the crowd. As usual, they were easy to spot. Both were laid across the bar, laughing uproariously, while guys took turns slurping body shots off their bare bellies. Right in the middle of the rowdy crush stood Warren, waiting his turn. Thandie could not quite remember if all these men were a part of the group they were hosting tonight. Even though it wasn’t the most tasteful method, the girls were doing their jobs; which was to make the club as entertaining as possible.

  Spotting Romero, Elliot’s assistant, a few feet away Thandie inclined her head to him. He did the same, then he glanced at the girls. A look of utter disgust passed over his face, seconds before he exited the VIP area. Thandie couldn’t blame him. The girls were being outrageous tonight, but Elliot, Nate and Carey were laughing at the spectacle, and Adam gave Thandie a thumbs-up.

  When Thandie finally returned to their table, the group became silent, as if her presence meant they had to stop having fun. Taking the awkward silence as his cue, Elliot stood to his full height. Carey and Nate followed his lead, forming massive mountains of flesh on either side of Elliot.

  “Going somewhere?” Thandie asked.

  Elliot flashed her one of those cocky grins she had labeled as his “I’m in control” expression. “Actually, I’m taking the guys to Matrix’s.” Before she could ask who or what Matrix was, Elliot pressed his hand against the small of her back and pulled her forward. Leaning close to her ear, he whispered, “One day soon, I’m going to fuck you in those shoes.”

  She’d been stunned. After the initial surprise wore off, she was too angry to speak. Instead, she’d watched Elliot lead Nate O’Conner and Carey Charming out of the club. Their entourage followed closely behind. Len and Raja made a sad attempt to join the departing group, but Elliot turned on them immediately and shook his head. That froze the girls where they stood. And they, like Thandie, stood planted in place while the group exited the building.

  When her senses finally returned, Thandie’s face darkened. How dare he steal her guests! They’d barely been there for an hour before Elliot had whisked them away. And his whispered words...damn him. At first, she’d thought it had been part of his seduction, but the more she thought about it, the angrier she became. The words played a continuous loop in her head until she was practically shaking with fury. She now knew why he had whispered those words. He’d meant to shock her. He’d meant for her to be so completely undone she would be too paralyzed to argue. That sneaky bastard!

  Her anger must have been evident on her face. Raja and Len rushed toward her with pouty faces, clearly frustrated with Nate and Carey’s exit, however, one look at Thandie and they scurried away in the opposite direction. Adam Parr approached her with caution. Calmly, he took the club soda out of her hand and pushed it toward a passing waiter to deal with. Lifting her hands to his chest, he squeezed them lightly.

  “I’m afraid I’m going to have to insist you smile for me,” he said cheerfully. “Snarling is unbecoming on you, babe.”

  “What is Matrix?” she asked.

  “Matrix Lang?” he asked.

  “How the hell am I supposed to know?” she snapped. Taking a deep breath, she offered her apology. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t meant for you.”

  Adam gave another sunny smile.
“Not to worry. You’re entitled to be upset. Your guests just got hijacked right out from under your nose.”

  “He said he was taking them Matrix’s.”

  Adam’s smile disappeared in a flash. “Be thankful you were not asked to go. That’s no place for a lady.”

  “Says who?”

  “Says someone who knows better.” He fixed her with a serious look. “I know you’re plenty pissed right now, but take my word for it when I say you came out better than you think. Had you been a man, Elliot would have expected you join them.”

  Again she asked, “Who is Matrix?”

  “Matrix Lang is a friend of Elliot’s. He owns a string of fitness clubs. He’s a bit of a celebrity around here, but he’s more popularly known for his house parties. Anything and everything has been known to happen there. Invite only.”

  “Why would Elliot take them there?”

  Adam rolled his eyes when he answered her. “Do you really need me to answer that?”

  No, she didn’t.

  Reading her face, Adam nodded. “I see it’s beginning to sink in now. Matrix’s parties are a pretty big deal. I take it they were suddenly interested in coming after you told them about our ‘no camera’ policy.”

  Thandie hesitated.

  “That’s what I thought,” he said smugly. “Chances are your two football stars aren’t supposed to be seen together. They probably asked Elliot where they could party in private.” He shrugged. “Matrix’s is the perfect place.”

  “Whatever,” she grumbled. “He could have at least told me that.”

  This made Adam laugh. “Count yourself fortunate he told you as much as he did.” Looking over her shoulder, he nodded. “Rex is coming. Are you up to making kissy faces with him, or do you want to have some fun?”

  She scrunched her nose at him. “What did you have in mind?”

  “You’ll have to come with me to find out.” Placing his hand over his heart, he said, “No funny business, I promise. Just a little fun amongst friends. Besides, you didn’t wear those shoes only to go home early.”


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