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Beyond the Velvet Rope

Page 36

by Tiffany Ashley

  Elliot groaned loudly. She felt so right. So painfully perfect. He fought to hold himself back from rolling her over and burying himself inside her again and again. As much as he wanted to take her, he enjoyed watching her when she was in control. Her small hands pressed on his chest as he lifted her hips up and down his cock. Her eyes closed as she abandoned all reality in search of complete fulfillment. She was beautiful. Her back arched, her lips parted, her hips riding him. She tossed her hair back, moaning thickly. The simple movement made the thin straps of her gown slip from her shoulders, exposing her heavy brown breasts. Unable to stop himself, his hands reached for her, cupping her breasts, enjoying the weighty handsful. She moaned again. Her back arched farther. His body tensed but held strong. He wanted to come with her. He needed to feel her warmth squeeze his cock until he couldn’t think or breathe.

  Within minutes, her body jerked, and she screamed. Her juices washed over his shaft, and he exploded. His hands held fast to her waist, and his hips jutted up uncontrollably. A hoarse cough escaped his lips. His seed was hot and thick as it burst inside her. For an instant he cursed himself for not using a condom. He’d promised to be more careful with her. But as the aftershock of his climax shook him, he knew he would not have done it differently. She felt too good like this. The way her body pocketed his manhood so snugly was paradise. And damn if he wasn’t getting hard again.

  He’d been tired when he’d arrived home, but his appetite was not yet sated with her. Cupping his hand behind her neck, he pulled her down on top of him to kiss her soundly. He slapped her bare bottom. She gasped the first time but moaned the second time. They kissed for a long time. He moved slowly inside her. The lovemaking that followed was slow and erotic.

  They did not go to sleep for a long time.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  In the early morning light, Thandie slowly opened her eyes. The sound of Elliot’s soft breathing rustled her hair. A secret smile touched Thandie’s lips as she snuggled closer to him. She liked the feeling of being wrapped in Elliot’s arms more than she would like to admit. His embrace was strong, enveloping her in his warmth. It was the sort of thing a woman could quickly get used to.

  A dangerous notion to have when Elliot Richards was part of the equation.

  He had not mentioned, nor hinted, at an exclusive relationship. And why would he? Beautiful women swarmed around him every night, each more willing than the last. How could she compete with that? Was she competing? Or was she simply enjoying an exciting fling?

  Yes, she was mesmerized by Elliot, but was she emotionally attached to him? She did not believe so. At least, not yet. But how would she feel when she saw him taking lovers at the club? She’d like to believe she could be a mature adult about their sexual encounters, able to separate sex from matters of the heart. But if they kept making slow, mind-blowing love in his bed, she wasn’t sure about how long her guard would remain intact.

  And then the day would come when Thandie’s time in Miami would be up, and she would be on a plane back to New York. What then? Would their affair simply end? How would she feel about that?

  Did she even want to know?

  * * *

  It soon became apparent to the entire Babylon staff that Elliot and Thandie were involved in some sort of relationship. Over the span of a few short days, Thandie noticed she was given free reign at the club. The staff went out of their way to cater to her, and the management team became even friendlier. Michelle allowed her unlimited access to Elliot’s office, regardless if he was in a meeting or not. Valet service was done promptly and with urgency. She was treated as their most coveted guest.

  Following the Victoria Day fashion show, Thandie had a mess on her hands. Gossip Extra featured a story about the show, but put a great emphasis on the backstage antics. Not surprisingly, a picture of Thandie and Ruark Randall was on display. Below it, a blurb asked “Have the two kissed and made up?” Not to be left out, another less-known newspaper posted the same picture of Thandie and Ruark, proclaiming the two had reconciled.

  Of course, it was Look which took a completely different route. Having been the only gossip column to capture a grainy picture of Thandie, Ruark and Elliot standing together, the Look reporter’s take had been a complicated love triangle that made Ruark a victim, portrayed Elliot as gullible, and colored Thandie a heartless slut.

  The headlines had not been well received by Elliot.

  It was not yet clear if Look was to blame for the subsequent news articles that appeared throughout the week in competing gossip columns. Or perhaps it was the fact that Thandie and Elliot disappeared into his office every night, sometimes more than once, for lengthy amounts of time. Throughout these vanishing acts, it was understood Elliot was not to be disturbed under any circumstances.

  It was during these entanglements that Thandie enjoyed the most delicious adventures. She’d found herself sitting atop Elliot’s desk, lying flat on her back, her legs spread wide, and Elliot’s face buried between her thighs. Elliot had taken her doggy style several times on just about every piece of furniture in the office. And during those times when neither could wait long enough to strip off their clothes, they’d engaged in sex standing upright. Most of the time, they were so impatient for each other, clothes were torn and pushed aside in haste. And then there were times when they took things slow, caresses were plentiful and kisses were passionate.

  At the end of the night, Thandie would sleep in her own bed. Elliot’s work hours were long and unpredictable. On occasion, she would wake to find him lying beside her, but often she slept alone.

  It was during these times doubt crept in. She would lie in bed wondering where Elliot was and whom he might be with. It drove her crazy, especially since she could not see any evidence of unfaithfulness. But the questions gnawed at her like a cancer, slowly eating away at her sanity.

  A relationship with Elliot Richards, even in the loosest sense of the word, was not normal. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced, and yet exactly what she expected of him. Elliot was a notorious flirt and appeared to be quite unattached when he was among the set. Thandie told herself this was a persona he put on for his guests, but she still felt a pang of hurt every time she saw another woman’s arm around his waist or leaning forward to kiss him on the cheek. The only time she truly felt as though he belonged to her was when he sought her out in the crowd, whispered something tantalizing in her ear, and led her to his office.

  Tonight, was a night no different from the others. Thandie stood in the center of Babylon’s VIP lounge, helping Adam amuse his club members. Len and Raja were doing their part to save tables and entertain male guests.

  Thandie had been there for a little over an hour, and so far had only glimpsed Elliot once. He’d been at the arena’s main bar when she’d first entered the club. Leaning against the railing, he was smiling down at two identical blondes. Wearing similar dresses that were equally short and tight, the twins could have passed for life-size Barbie dolls. Over their shoulders, Elliot had looked up and caught her eye. He slyly nodded his head and returned his attention back to the women. Thandie had not seen him since.

  Having grown tired of dealing with their guests, Thandie decided to take a break. She left the lounge and climbed down the steps to the arena floor. Crossing the crowded dance floor, she slipped into the ladies’ room. The normally heavily trafficked facilities was unusually empty when Thandie entered. Going to the sink, she reached into her clutch and fished out her lipstick. When she looked back into the mirror, she realized she was not alone.

  Standing behind her was Wife Number Five, Sophia Radcliffe.

  Thandie whirled around. She had not come into contact with the woman since their awful introduction at Warren’s home. Then, Sophia had been brandishing a knife. Thandie was relieved to see, aside from a tiny clutch purse, her hands were empty. However, this did not lessen her alarm at being near the woman. Thandie did not believe in coincidences. If Sophia was here, it was because she’d
followed her.

  In the luminous lighting, Thandie felt as if she were seeing Sophia for the first time. She truly was a stunning woman. Large brown eyes were enhanced in smoky shadows. Full pouty lips made her round face appear heart-shaped. Her curvy figure, was punctuated by large perky breasts. They were clearly fake, but the work was so nicely done, one could only admire. Thandie understood why Elliot and Warren had chosen her for a lover.

  * * *

  Thandie met her gaze directly. “Is there something you have on your mind?” she asked curtly.

  Sophia’s upper lip pulled back into an ugly snarl. “You may think he cares about you, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t care about anyone other than himself.”

  Thandie saw no reason to pretend. Clearly the Look article had made an impression on her. The woman was livid. Crossing her arms, Thandie casually asked, “And why should I listen to a warning from you?”

  “Warning?” Sophia smirked. “A warning would imply I actually like you, and I don’t.”

  “Fair enough,” Thandie mused. “Now we know our feelings are mutual.”

  “Don’t think for a minute your temporary status as Elliot’s new bed partner will last long,” Sophia jeered. “At first, he’ll make you feel special, even honored, to be on his arm. You’ll think you’ve changed him, that you’re the only woman in his life. And then reality will set in. You’ll notice the women who surround him, the long hours he works, and the sudden business trips he takes. By the time you get the stars out of your eyes, it’ll be too late. He’ll already be with someone else.” She took a step toward Thandie. “I’m not warning you. I’m telling you this to let you know when he does break your heart, I’ll be watching and enjoying every agonizing moment.” Sophia gave her one last pointed glare before storming out of the room.

  Thandie stared after her. Sophia radiated hot anger and unveiled envy. She wondered what Elliot had done to hurt the woman to that degree. Did he even know? Had Warren known the depth of her feelings for Elliot when he’d married her? Or, she shivered, had Elliot begun the affair with Sophia after her marriage to Warren? The question sat in her stomach like a heavy rock.

  Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, she turned to look in the mirror. She was pale and visibly shaken. A burst of anger flared through her, but not at Sophia. Wife Number Five was inconsequential. Thandie was furious with Elliot. While she was receiving the snarling contempt of his ex-lover, he was probably still flirting with the Barbies.

  The sudden desire to leave the club, hail a taxi and climb into her own bed overwhelmed her. Anything to escape her growing sense of unease. Sophia was the last person in the world she would trust, but the woman’s words echoed her fears, and not for the first time.

  She snapped her purse closed, and tucked it under her arm, and sailed out of the bathroom. With determined steps, she skirted the clusters of people, and exited the building. Tiny frowned when he saw her.

  “Everything okay, Thandie?” he asked.

  “Everything is fine,” she said as she brushed past him and stepped onto the sidewalk. Thankfully, a taxi was parked alongside the curb on the opposite side of the street. Skipping across the busy road, she slid into the backseat of the car. “Star Island,” she instructed brusquely.

  She arrived at Elliot’s home within fifteen minutes. After a quick shower, she climbed into bed and pulled the covers high over head. The house was so quiet, the sound of ocean waves crashed loudly in the distance. Staring blankly at the ceiling, Thandie realized she was not tired. Not even close. And so, for long minutes, she lay in bed letting her mind drift from one thought to another. Repeatedly, her mind circled back to one thought, or rather one question. What did she expect to come from an affair with Elliot Richards?

  * * *

  Thandie awoke to the wondrous feeling of a heavy male body stretching out on top of her. Soft lips trailed hot kisses against her cheek, making a blazing path to her lips. Her eyes opened to focus on Elliot’s handsome face. If possible, shadows intensified his rugged good looks.

  Feeling her gaze on him, he opened his eyes to look down at her. His silver eyes captured her breath. He searched her face before he kissed her again. She could feel him reach between them, grab hold of his shaft and guide his cock toward her wet center.

  Thandie panicked. “Elliot, no!” She said in a heated whisper as she fought to close her legs. “Are you crazy? We can’t do this here.”

  His head snapped up. “What the hell do you mean we can’t do this here? We’re in a bed, aren’t we? Where else should we do it?”

  “Not here.” She groaned in frustration, unable to close her legs due to his lean form lying between her legs. “The girls are next door.”

  “Len and Raja are still at the club,” he said confidently.

  Thandie frowned. “What time is it?”

  “Barely midnight,” he said.

  “Midnight?” The word confused her. “Shouldn’t you be—”

  “I left early,” he said, cutting her off.


  He gave her a hard look. “Why did you leave early?”

  Thandie looked away, unwilling to tell him what was troubling her. Seeming not to care if he got a response from her or not, he lowered his head to kiss the curve of her neck. Annoyed, she pushed against his shoulders. “The girls will be here soon.”

  “So?” he snapped.

  She took offense at his tone. “Don’t talk to me like that.”

  “Trust me, pussycat, talking is the last thing I want to do right now.”

  “Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be sweet-talking those twin Barbie dolls?”

  He raised a brow at her comment and then his face relaxed into a knowing grin. “Are you jealous?”

  “Get off me,” she snapped.

  Even in the darkness, she could see him look angrily down at her. But she didn’t care. She was furious with him about Sophia, the twins, and a hundred other things she couldn’t quite put together in a coherent argument.

  She pushed against him again, this time more forcefully. This got an immediate response from him. Elliot suddenly leaned back. Thandie meant to slam her legs closed, but as if reading her mind, he grasped her thighs and held them apart.

  “Let go,” she hissed crossly.

  He flashed her a tight smile. “Sweetheart, we’re doing it tonight. Regardless of where you think it should happen. You can come willingly or not.” His smile vanished as his voice deepened. “Either way, you’re coming.”

  Seeing the determined look in his eyes, she understood that to fight him would be pointless. It would be a lost battle. She was already wet with desire. No doubt he could smell her, as well as see his effect on her form himself.

  “Okay, Elliot,” she said. “I surrender.”

  His chin lifted in obvious satisfaction.

  “But not here,” she insisted. “The girls will hear us.”

  “The girls would hear you,” he said with a smirk. “If my memory serves me right, you are the noisy one between us.” He saw her eyes lower in clear embarrassment. Had there been enough light, he was sure he would have witnessed her blush. Getting off the bed, he offered her his hand. “Come.”

  She accepted it. “Where are we going?”

  “To my bed. As you know, my bedroom is on the other side of the house. If it is privacy you desire, then I am eager to provide it.”

  She looked down at his aroused nudity. “Do you want to get your clothes?”

  He lifted his brow. “I didn’t bring any.” He swung open her bedroom door. “Hurry along, Thandie. I’m hungry for you.”

  His silken words cast a spell over her. Thandie felt a ball of heat growing in her belly and spreading throughout her limbs. And she hated him for it. The simplest word from him and she was putty in his capable hands.

  Feeling her resistance, Elliot took action. He swiftly threw her over his shoulder, and went to his room. He kicked his door open and locked it behind him before lowering her to her feet. H
e turned his back on her and headed for the mini bar tucked in the corner of the room.

  Thandie was thankful for the small privacy, for she was suddenly nervous. She was also aware that the T-shirt and panties she had fallen asleep in were missing.

  Elliot returned to her holding a glass in his hand. He offered the clear liquor to her. She hesitantly took a small sip. The vodka burned her lips and throat. She muffled a cough.

  “Slowly,” he said. “Try another.”

  She did so, only to keep herself busy and to ignore that his hand was stroking her bottom. After the second swallow of the liquid fire, she pressed the glass back into his hand. He finished the remains in three steady swallows before placing the glass on the nightstand.

  His eyes twinkled when he led her to his bed. Gently, he pushed her back across the bed. His body quickly followed. He lowered his head to kiss her. Light and teasing at first. She liked this. She began to relax and returned his kisses. But he made no further advances, just kissed her tenderly.

  Soon, her arms were wrapped around his neck, and her legs were about his waist. The contact of her drenched center pressed against his naked manhood released his passion. The gentle lover vanished, replaced by the lusty rogue he truly was. He deepened his kiss. His hands scooped beneath her bottom and lifted her hips upward. He eased himself inside her, working every inch of his shaft deeper and deeper until he was fully submerged. He began to move inside her.

  Elliot’s weight pressed into Thandie, making it hard to breathe, but she liked the sensation. She could not escape him if she wanted to. She was his prisoner, both physically and mentally. Her legs tightened around his waist. Her back arched off the mattress. She pulled him closer. Her fingers raked his raven silk locks. He moved with liquid rhythm above her, every thrust flowing right into the next.


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