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Beyond the Velvet Rope

Page 41

by Tiffany Ashley

  Thandie stared at the beautiful couple a few seconds longer before finally turning away. It was hard to pretend indifference after witnessing such scene. Having seen quite enough, Thandie called out to the girls, “Let’s go.”

  The girls shot curious looks at each other, before doing as they were told. The three were climbing into the car in less than five minutes. With Thandie behind the wheel, they were sped off Star Island.

  * * *

  Elliot gripped the steering wheel of the Aston Martin tighter as he approached the winding stretch of land ahead of him. I-9 was famous for its oceanic views of the Atlantic, but Elliot barely noticed the million-dollar landscape. It was a blur of blue as he sped along the pavement.

  Had not Warren insisted on riding with him to the investors’ meeting this afternoon, Elliot would have made good use of this time, beginning with calling Laurent and reprimanding her for the performance she’d given his household this morning. No doubt her visit today had a double meaning. He’d known her too long not to figure out when she was up to something. Had it been strictly to get a good look at his houseguests or was there a more calculated motive involved? Knowing Laurent, he’d put his money on the latter.

  They had an understanding that suited both of them. So why would Laurent step out of bounds? Whatever the reason, he intended to get to the bottom of it.

  Visions of her naked body, slick with oil, flashed in his mind. He clearly remembered looking down at her, barely able to stop himself from shaking some reason into her. In a casually calm voice he’d asked, “What the hell are you doing here, Laurent?”

  She’d given him an innocent smile as she spread her hands over her voluptuous body. “What does it look like I’m doing?”

  “Very nice,” he’d agreed. “You’ve made your scene. Now get out.”

  Her lips split into a wider smile. “Are you sure you want to go there with me?” she’d asked.

  “Get your ass up, Laurent, or I’ll do it for you.”

  “Now why would you want to do that?” she challenged.

  “You know why.” He nudged his head toward the house. “I have guests.”

  She shrugged her shoulders casually. “And?”

  “Warren is here,” he said.

  That actually invoked a reaction from her. A silent understanding passed between them, before Laurent moved. She swung her legs over the edge of the chaise, her small feet touching the smooth surface of the patio. Pulling herself up slowly, and ever so provocatively, she stepped close to him. A devilish grin snaked across her lips. “We’ll talk later,” she said.

  He said nothing in response.

  Her smile turned predatory. “Don’t be so cruel, my love. I would hate to respond in kind.”

  Pulling the dress shirt off his shoulder, he handed it to her. “Get out, Laurent.”

  Refusing to be ruffled by his rejection, she made a show of slipping on his shirt. She was toying with him, entering his home with an air of authority that annoyed him. It had always annoyed him. And she knew it.

  What had gotten into Laurent? It was unlike her to goad him like this. And she’d never felt the need before to mark her territory over him. In truth, he should have seen this coming. She was curious about Thandie. She wanted to know who she was, and the depth of his involvement with her.

  Sure, he could taunt her with the erotic details, but that had never been his style. Besides, it was the “not knowing” that would drive Laurent crazy. For a while, he’d enjoyed responding to her questions with vague noncommittals. But it would seem Laurent had taken matters into her own hands. By coming to the house, she’d upped the stakes.

  And then there was Thandie. He wasn’t sure exactly how much of Laurent’s performance she’d witnessed. Apparently she’d seen enough, because when he’d gone looking for her, she was gone.

  That had been the tipping point. He was frustrated with her for leaving before he’d had a chance to explain Laurent’s visit. And that opened up a whole new can of worms. Why the hell did he feel obligated to explain anything to her? He enjoyed sleeping with Thandie, but that was it. What they had together was just sex. Elliot Richards was beholden to no one. So why did he have an undeniable impulse to set her straight?

  Shaking Thandie from his thoughts, Elliot focused on the winding road before him. He had a busy day ahead of him. It would serve no purpose if he ran off the road before he had a chance to clean up Laurent’s mess.

  As if reading his mind, Warren found the courage to speak. “So, I see Laurent still takes good care of herself.”

  Elliot shot him a stony stare. “Do me a favor, Warren.”

  “Anything,” he said eagerly.

  “If this is going to work, stay out of my personal business,” he said coldly.

  Warren blinked a few times before nodding. “Of course,” he mumbled. “If that’s what you want.”

  “Yes, Warren,” Elliot said sharply, “that is exactly what I want.” Returning his full attention to the road, Elliot was pleased Warren hadn’t made another attempt at conversation. Instead, they sat in stony silence while Elliot navigated the car.

  Eventually, they arrived at the hotel. Handing the valet a twenty dollar bill, he and Warren entered the grand foyer, which had been painstakingly designed to impress any guest. Recognizing Elliot, the concierge greeted them energetically before personally escorting them to a room near the back of the building. The conference room had three wall screens. Nico’s face loomed on the center screen. His hair was tousled, and he’d obviously not shaved.

  Elliot glanced at Eddie, his accountant. “Are we live?”

  Eddie nodded. “Nico’s mic is online. We’re waiting for the D.C. office.”

  Elliot turned toward Nico’s screen. “Long night?”

  Nico grimaced. “Hit me on my cell later. I’ll tell you all about it.” Nico’s face split into a wide grin. “I’ve got pictures.”

  Elliot lifted his dark brow in question.

  Nico nodded. “Quality.”

  Everyone laughed, but before Elliot could properly reply, the far-right screen flashed to life. The image of a handsome black man appeared. Behind him, in large gold letters, read The Law Offices of Winthrop & Assoc. “Good morning everyone,” he promptly greeted.

  “Good morning, Adrian,” Elliot said.

  Adrian frowned. “Why is everyone laughing?”

  Elliot waved his hand in the air. “Nico,” he answered.

  Adrian smiled. “I’d ask why, but my door is open and I’m afraid what my secretary might overhear.” Checking his watch he said, “I’m on a tight timeline this morning, guys. I’m due in court by 2:00 p.m. and Dad has summoned me home for dinner.”

  “How is Senator Winthrop?” Warren asked, eager to make his presence known.

  “Dad is good. Thanks for asking, Warren. Mom, on the other hand, remembers you from the Christmas party last year.” Adrian shook his head. “Please don’t be offended when I tell you she’s banned you from all future parties.”

  Warren grimaced. “That wasn’t entirely my fault. I sent a card expressing my apologies.”

  “Nevertheless,” Adrian said, “you’ve been banned.”

  “How was I supposed to know that was your niece?” Warren asked helplessly.

  “And with that said,” Elliot cut in, “let’s get down the business, gentlemen.”

  * * *

  Thandie was furious. After having dragged the girls all over Miami on a wild goose chase, she returned to the house only to be reminded she had a meeting with Markie later. Not wanting to go to the club, she’d called him to see if they could meet somewhere else. Unfortunately, his schedule would not permit it. Markie was in between meetings and was squeezing time in with her as a favor. They had to iron out final details for the upcoming Drake performance, an event she was greatly looking forward to. The meeting had lasted just a little over an hour, before Markie had to join a conference call.

  As she was leaving his office, she caught sight of a ma
n’s figure. And then he turned, and their eyes met.

  Rex’s handsome face split into a bright grin the instant he saw her. Before Thandie could anticipate his intentions, he pulled her into an embrace and kissed her on the mouth. Thandie tensed, and looked around them. The club was virtually empty. Only a smattering of staff members were around, but she felt a pause in the air. The few staffers there were watching her and Rex. She could practically feel the excitement bubbling inside them to repeat this newest development in their boss’s overly publicized relationship.

  For a moment, Thandie was too stunned to do anything. And embarrassed. She hadn’t thought about Rex since the last time she laid eyes on him. And that was what...almost two weeks ago? Or was it shorter? She felt terribly shallow not knowing the answer. It hadn’t even occurred to her to tell him things were different between them.

  As politely as possible, Thandie eased out of Rex’s embrace. Aware of the scrutiny they were receiving, Thandie took Rex’s hand and led him to a table tucked in a corner. It wasn’t exactly private, but it would have to do.

  “How was your trip?” she asked, as she slipped into the booth.

  “Busy,” he said, settling in beside her. “Very busy. I hardly slept. But it’s good to be back.” He inched closer to her, and Thandie stiffened. Rex was still beaming, but he picked up on the tension on her body. “Is something wrong?”

  “Um, yes and no,” she began. “I have to tell you something.”

  “This doesn’t sound good,” he teased, his smile weakening.

  “I’m afraid not,” she confessed.

  Rex straightened up in his seat. “Let’s hear it. I’m all ears.”

  Not wanting to drag this out, Thandie got to the point. “I’m seeing someone.”

  Rex stared at her, genuine shock on his face. “You have a boyfriend?”

  “It’s complicated,” she said lamely. “But I am seeing someone.”

  The juvenile question of her having boyfriend actually stung. Elliot was not her boyfriend. Hell, she didn’t know what they were, but leading Rex on was not an option. She had to tell him she was involved. He’d been nice to her. He deserved to know the truth.

  Rex seemed to weigh his response to the news. Finally, he asked, “Who is he?”

  Thandie shook her head slowly. “It doesn’t matter. I just should know.”

  “Do I know him?” he asked. “Someone from the club?”

  Thandie held up her hand to stop him. “Rex, please don’t ask me that.”

  “Is it Adam? I know you two are close. At first, I thought—”

  “No, Rex, it’s not Adam. ”

  He leaned back in his chair. “Why won’t you tell me who it is?” he asked quietly.

  “ doesn’t matter,” she said lamely.

  He studied her for a long while, battling within himself whether to be angry or congratulate her.

  From somewhere above them, a door opened on the upper level. Seconds later, Elliot and Romero came down the steps. Both were on their cell phones, and looked to be in a hurry. Elliot’s gaze flitted in their direction, and he paused. Rex turned to see what had distracted her. He was met with a cool gray stare.

  Elliot inclined his head. “Rex. Thandie.”

  Rex waved in acknowledgement as Elliot continued walking, picking up his conversation with the person on the other end of the phone call.

  When Rex turned back to Thandie, he searched her face, and then hesitated. Thandie looked away, but it was too late. She knew he saw the look in her eyes, the unbridled delight at seeing Elliot, and the longing to be near him.

  “Oh no,” he groaned. “Not him.”

  “It’s not what you think,” she said quickly.

  “No, Thandie,” he said in a tired voice. “It’s not what you think. Elliot is bad news.”

  She folded her arms. “Please don’t do that. I respect you, Rex. Please don’t ruin it.”

  “I wish I could say the same.” He got up quickly. “Elliot has women everywhere, you know. I thought you were smarter than that.” He rolled his lips inwardly, fighting back the temptation to reveal something, to say something he knew would crush her. He decided against it. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Thandie.” He leaned forward, gave her a chaste kiss on the forehead, and left the club.

  * * *

  Thandie had mixed feelings about going to Babylon that night. Rex would surely be there. And Elliot...well, they hadn’t talked since the beautiful woman was at his house, and then he’d stumbled upon her and Rex. Lord only knew what he’d made of that.

  She’d considered calling him to talk about it, but somehow that felt like a bad idea. Mentioning it at all seemed to only put more importance on the incident. So, she’d resigned herself to pretend it had never happened. She and Elliot were not exactly dating, were they? Did she owe him an explanation? Did he even care enough to demand one?

  Thandie took her time getting dressed. She’d let the girls leave for the club well before her, preferring they take the rental car while she took a taxi. As evenings with Elliot were often unpredictable, she’d rather see to her own form of transportation.

  Dressed simply in a black mini skirt and blouse, Thandie arrived at the club a little past eleven o’clock. Tonight’s theme seemed to be a kaleidoscope of color. The walls and ceiling glowed bright red, while pockets of purple and green lights splashed across the dance floor. Thandie searched the crowd, ever watchful for Elliot.

  When she finally found him, she hissed. He was seated in one of the few reserved booths on the arena floor. He was talking to a man Thandie had never seen before. Judging by the number of champagne bottles clustered on the table and attractive women milling around, the man was obviously a high-spender. In spite of the circus unfolding around them, Thandie focused on one thing—the women seated on either side of Elliot. They did not appear to be part of his conversation, but rather pretty ornaments adorning his jacket sleeves. The blonde on his right leaned into his side suggestively. The brunette on his left, had her hand planted possessively on his knee.

  Scowling, Thandie diverted her gaze and made her way to the staircase leading to the upper VIP level. She stared determinedly ahead of her, resisting the urge to look in Elliot’s direction. As soon as she arrived, she caught a glimpse of Len and Raja at the bar, laughing with a pair of well-dressed men.

  Thandie waved at them as she passed, looking for Adam. She found him leaning casually against the balcony railing. Next to him stood Rex. Thandie hesitated for a second and then forced herself to join them. When she was no more than ten feet away, Rex looked up. Seeing her approach, he said something to Adam, and deftly walked in the opposite direction.

  His hasty retreat gave Thandie pause. Rex’s reaction stung more than she’d thought it would. Seeing her expression, Adam came to her.

  “He’ll get over it,” he assured her.

  She pinched the bridge of her nose. “I feel like a total bitch.”

  “You aren’t.” Adam patted her back lightly. “Far from it. Rex will come around soon enough. It’s just hard to lose the girl to the big fish in the pond.”

  The reference to Elliot made them both look down at the booth were he was seated. The blonde had managed to crawl into his lap. She did not look as if she was going anywhere soon. Shit. Something told her this was not a coincidence. Turning away from the scene she looked up at Adam. He actually looked embarrassed for her.

  Fixing a tight smile on her face, she said, “I think I’ve had about all the fun I can stand.”

  Adam dragged his hand through his hair. “This is all a show, Thandie. He’s just playing his part.”

  “Doing it rather well, isn’t he?” she muttered. And then hated herself for revealing so much. “I’m sorry, Adam. Forget you heard that. I’m tired I suppose. If you don’t need my help tonight, I’ll head home.”

  He shook his head. “I have things under control here.”

  “Thanks.” Kissing him on the chee
k, she headed for the exit. She paused only once to tell her assistants she was leaving. She crossed the arena floor, cutting through dancing couples in her effort to take the most direct path to the entrance.

  Just as she was reaching the grand entryway, someone took hold of her hand. Thandie whirled around to see Elliot. He was smiling at her, but the smile did not reach his eyes.

  “Going somewhere?” he asked.

  “Home,” she said flatly.

  “In a moment. I’d like to speak with you first.”

  Thandie crossed her arms and nodded.

  “Alone,” he said in a low voice. “In my office.”

  Her eyes narrowed with suspicion.

  “This won’t take long,” he promised. Stepping aside, he said, “After you?”

  Thandie was leery of his intentions, but tucking her purse under her arm, she stepped past him and headed for his office. Elliot followed so close behind, she could smell the faint scent of his aftershave. Heady as always, and so damned seductive.

  As they climbed the steps to his office door, she wondered who might be watching them. She got the eerie feeling Rex’s gaze was targeted on her back. It was as intimate a sensation as a hand caressing her. With a jerk, Thandie realized there was a hand on her body. Elliot’s. His palm slipped down her spine until it was on her butt, and then he squeezed. Thandie stiffened. Elliot had never done anything like that before, not in full view of a crowd.

  Had he done it for his own purposes, or for anyone who might be watching them?

  Avoiding Michelle’s gaze as she stepped past him, Thandie walked inside the office. As soon as the door closed, Thandie turned on him. With her chin jutted upward, and one hand cocked on her hip, she looked ready for war.

  “Well?” she said. “What did you want to speak to me about?”

  Elliot stared back at her, mischief dancing in his pale gaze. Then he began to tsk. “We haven’t spoken to each other since that incident this morning, and that’s how you greet me?”

  Thandie said nothing in response.

  “May I make you a drink?”

  When Thandie shook her head, Elliot turned his back on her and headed for the wet bar. While he poured himself a drink, Thandie looked about the room. She drifted over to the glass walls that overlooked the arena floor. The sight of swaying bodies and multi-colored lights was a little disorienting. Thandie was not sure when Elliot had moved behind her, but he was suddenly there, whispering into her ear.


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