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Beyond the Velvet Rope

Page 44

by Tiffany Ashley

  She laughed softly to herself. “It’s not exactly that simple. I wish it were, but it’s not. As I’m sure you’ve discovered, nothing involving Elliot is ever simple.”

  Thandie shifted her weight in her chair, showing her discomfort with the direction of the conversation. “I have some things to attend to today. Can you please get to the point of why you wanted to speak with me?”

  Laurent leaned back in her seat and studied Thandie, her gaze taking in every detail of Thandie’s being. “I didn’t think much of you when I first laid eyes on you,” she said bluntly. “You’re not exactly Elliot’s type.” She shrugged. “So you never got on my radar, until it was too late.” Laurent gave a wistful smile at these words. “I’ll admit, I was not happy about it. Elliot was vague as always, and that only infuriated me. You infuriated me.”

  “I didn’t even know who you were until yesterday,” Thandie said coolly. “I hardly see how I earned any of your animosity.”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” she asked with a bemused smile. “I envy you.”

  Thandie’s astonishment at these words could not be more evident. “Why would you envy me?”

  Laurent leaned forward, looked her straight in the eyes, and said, “Because you have something I want.”

  Laurent was beautiful, perfect in every way. From what Thandie could tell, she was well financed, and seemed to have an unlimited amount of class. “What could I possibly have that you want?”



  “I envy you because you have him.”

  “You’re mistaken,” she laughed. “I don’t have Elliot. I never did.” When Laurent did little more than stare at her, Thandie nodded her head. “It’s true. Elliot does not belong to me, nor I to him.”

  “Thandie, I think you would be surprised how wrong you are.”

  “Did Elliot send you here?”

  “No,” Laurent said with a shake her head. “He would never send me to talk to you. In fact, he forbade me from talking to you. He would be furious to know I disobeyed him.”


  Laurent blushed. “Elliot is a very proud man, Thandie. I thought you would have known that by now.” She tapped a manicured finger on the tabletop. “I’m sure you’re wondering why Elliot and I divorced.”

  “Honestly, Laurent, I don’t care what happened between you and Elliot. I don’t want to have anything to do with your relationship.”

  “I cheated on him.”

  Her confession was so bluntly stated, Thandie stared at her. She couldn’t help but wonder why any woman in her right mind would be unfaithful to Elliot. Physically, he was perfect. Thandie had never been as strongly attracted to any other man in her life. However, the emotional complexities had worn her down. Had he always been like that? Or was it a reaction to a bad marriage? And why was Laurent telling her this?

  “I met him in college. We had a few classes together. Even back then, he was quite popular with the girls. But he was very focused on his studies. He made excellent grades without really trying. I was on top of the moon when we started dating. I think I fell in love with him instantly. We were together for a year, and then I got pregnant. He asked me to marry him. I knew it wasn’t what he wanted, but he was determined to do the right thing.” Her fingers began to play with the necklace chain again. “I lost the baby six weeks later. And then I realized I was in a marriage Elliot never wanted to be in. I ignored it for a while. I was happy. I was Mrs. Richards. Even back then, that name carried some weight. I mean, you’ve seen him. He’s absolutely gorgeous. He was good to me, but I knew he wasn’t happy. Men like Elliot need to be free. They die a slow death when captured. He wouldn’t say it, of course. He played his role perfectly. He provided for me, he was kind, and protective. But I could tell his heart wasn’t in it. A woman knows when a man is in love with her. It’s in the way he looks at her. The way the whole world goes still when she walks into the room.” She leveled her gaze on Thandie. “I loved him very much. So much so, that I was willing to let him go.”

  “So you cheated on him?” Thandie heard herself asking in disbelief.

  “I gave him a way out.”

  “Why didn’t you just ask for a divorce? Why go through the dramatics of having an affair?”

  Laurent shook her head. “Elliot would have never simply given me a divorce. He would have fought to make it work. He was determined not to make the same mistakes his father made. The only thing he could not forgive was infidelity. It was the only way to make him walk away from the marriage.”

  Thandie frowned. “Wait. Elliot’s father divorced his mother?”

  Laurent’s dark eyes narrowed. “They were never married. That’s why Elliot despises him so much. He will never forgive him for not marrying Lucinda.”

  Thandie shook her head. “Elliot doesn’t despise his father. He adores him. He told me about how he taught him to sail, and the trips their family took to Cuba.”

  Laurent lowered her brows. “You’re speaking of Luis Richards,” she said.

  “Yes, Luis,” Thandie confirmed. “Elliot idolized him.”

  “I’m not talking about Luis. I’m talking about his father.”

  “What?” Thandie looked confused.

  “His father left Elliot and his mother with nothing. If it weren’t for Luis, I don’t know how they would have survived those years.”

  Thandie shook her head. “I’m sorry. I’m confused.”

  “Luis was Elliot’s stepfather,” Laurent said slowly.


  Now Laurent looked confused. “Yes, he married Lucinda when Elliot was very young.”

  “But I thought he...” Thandie’s words drifted off. She was trying to remember something Elliot had told her that night on the boat.

  She sat up straighter and smiled warmly at Thandie. “The reason I wanted to speak with you was to help you understand my unique relationship with Elliot.

  “I’ve made mistakes, Thandie. The biggest one was betraying Elliot. I loved him very much. I’ve been trying to correct things ever since. I told him I wanted us to give it another shot. I wanted us to reconcile. He said no. And I know why.” She looped a finger around her necklace. “Do you know what I would give to have him look at me the way he looks at you?”

  There was a vulnerability in her eyes that Thandie found impossible to look away from. She did not want to feel sorry for Laurent. She didn’t want to get pulled into her and Elliot’s sick game of emotional cat and mouse. She didn’t want to feel anything for either one of them, but there was a tug of sympathy there all the same.

  Thandie abruptly came to her feet. “Good luck with that, Laurent. Elliot and I are not on talking terms anymore. Feel free to step in and sweep him off his feet.”

  “Believe me, I’ve already tried,” Laurent confessed.

  Slipping her purse onto her shoulder, Thandie quietly left the restaurant. When she stepped onto the sidewalk, she took a deep breath of warm air. Until this moment, she hadn’t realized her hands were shaking.

  * * *

  “I leave town for a few days and all hell breaks loose.”

  Elliot blinked. He’d been staring aimlessly at his computer screen for hour? He looked up in time to see Nico stroll into his office. As usual, his friend dominated the space as if it were his own.

  Falling into the chair opposite from him, Nico crossed his legs and observed Elliot. “My sources tell me things have been interesting around here.”

  “And who are these sources of yours?”

  “If I told you, they wouldn’t be my sources anymore, now would they?” Nico scratched his jaw. “So are the rumors true?”

  “It’s doubtful,” Elliot said with a detached reserve.

  “That’s good to hear. I hate gossip.”

  Elliot frowned at his friend’s good humor. “Where have you been?” he asked.

  “Traveling,” he said vaguely. “Speaking of which, how was your trip to Havana?”<
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  “It went well.”

  “Oh, really?” Nico asked casually. “My flight crew tells me you had quite an enjoyable time.”

  “Stop fishing,” Elliot warned.

  “I wouldn’t have to if you’d feed my curiosity.” When Elliot said nothing, Nico gave him a wary expression. “How have you been?”

  “I certainly hope that’s not the reason you came down here.”

  Nico looked sheepish. “Not exactly, no.”

  Elliot made a circular motion with his hand, as if to say “get to the point.”

  “How is the lovely Thandie?”

  “She’s not talking to me.”

  Nico raised his brows. “That’s surprising. The last time I laid eyes on you two, you were getting along exceptionally well.”

  Elliot recalled in vivid detail their night in The Tower with Nick and his wife, Laney. Thinking of it, and Thandie’s absence made something in his gut tighten. A beastly creature wanted to tear its way out of his ribcage and attack Nico with savage desire.

  “Elliot, are you all right?” Nico asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

  “I’m fine,” he growled.

  Tapping his fingers on his knee, Nico waited for an explanation. When none appeared to be coming, he said, “Well?”

  “Well what?” Elliot demanded brusquely.

  “Are you going to tell me why Thandie isn’t speaking to you?”

  “Laurent,” Elliot said irritably.

  “Ah, yes,” Nico said with a dramatic sigh. “A classic case of the jealous ex. Can’t say I didn’t see that coming.”

  “I didn’t,” Elliot muttered.

  “Of course you didn’t. You had your mind, and your hands, on other things, namely Thandie.”

  Elliot bristled at the words, but Nico was right. He should have known this would happen. If he hadn’t been so caught up in seducing Thandie, he would have seen Laurent coming a mile away. It wasn’t as if she’d been discreet about her interest in Thandie. Eventually, Thandie would have found out about her. But it irked him all the same.

  “What are you going to do?” Nico asked.

  “You know me,” he said with a sigh. Elliot leaned back in his chair, his long legs stretched out. Linking his fingers together, he cradled the back of his head, and stared up at the ceiling. “I’ve always got a backup plan.”

  “Yes, I figured as much.” Nico flicked an invisible speck of lint off his pant leg before continuing. “This is different.”

  “Excuse me?” Elliot asked, looking mildly interested.

  “This is different,” Nico said again. “I know you better than anyone, Elliot. So you aren’t fooling me. I’ve seen you juggle women before, but this is different. Whatever is going on between you and Thandie—”

  Elliot’s face darkened. “Stop, Nico.”



  “Fine.” Nico tapped his hand on his knee. “Since you’re not much for taking advice, maybe you can provide some to me.” He waited for Elliot to argue, but when he was met with silence, he continued. “I’m considering investing in a fashion house.”

  Elliot fixed Nico with a curious stare. “Do you know anything about fashion?”


  “Then, why?”

  “Because I’ve developed a sudden interest in it,” Nico said stubbornly.

  Nico waited for a full minute before diving in and asking what had really brought him here. “Tell me what you know about Victoria.”

  This made Elliot sit up and look at his friend closely. “As in Victoria Day? That little girl with the mouth of a sailor?”

  “She’s far from being a girl,” Nico said grimly.

  Elliot laughed. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

  “Tell me what you know.”

  “You aren’t joking, are you?” he asked, losing his humor.

  “Not even a little,” Nico said quietly.

  “I noticed you talking to her after the fashion show,” Elliot said. “It didn’t look to be going very well.”

  “She’ll come around,” Nico said with a shrug.

  Elliot focused on Nico, furrowing his brows the closer he studied him and more specifically, the new piece of jewelry in his possession.

  “Is that what I think it is?” Elliot asked nodded at the item that had captured his attention.

  “Perhaps.” Nico fingered the item nervously. “Now tell me what you know about Victoria—”

  Elliot seemed to consider this, before answering. “Very little, I’m afraid.” Elliot released a heavy sigh. “Most of her family works with her on her clothing line. She’s a transplant here. Her family is from Florida, but she’s been living in New York for several years. She just moved back to focus on her brand. She’s got talent. That can’t be denied. But from what I can tell, and from what little I’ve seen, she has no idea how to run a business.” He ran a hand through his thick dark hair. “She’s cute, Nico, but she’s tiny as hell. Victoria could easily be mistaken for a child. And she talks more shit than any guy I know.” Elliot suddenly looked up and stared at his friend, reading him well. “You’re not interested in fashion are you? You want Victoria.”

  Nico shrugged. “Perhaps.”

  “Well then, good luck,” Elliot said with a light smile. “I have a feeling you’re going to need it.”

  * * *

  Bad timing. It all came down to very bad timing. As Thandie looked herself over in the mirror, she wished she were anywhere in world but here. Of all the times she could have found out about Elliot’s ex-wife, she would have to find out on the day before a performance.

  Admittedly, her showdown with Elliot the previous night had not gone according to plan. Hindsight being twenty-twenty, she’d given little thought to what would happen after slapping him. The result was she’d shamed herself in front of his staff. And now she was trapped. The arrival of Pitbull obligated her to make an appearance at the club tonight. With her reputation on the line, Thandie felt compelled to handle the talent correctly. Not to mention, she and the girls had invested too much time organizing the final events. She’d like to see them through, if at all possible.

  As was their routine, the girls left for the club early to ensure the stage setup and sound equipment were ready. When Thandie arrived, two hours before showtime, she could feel the tension in the air.

  Out of habit, Thandie glanced toward Elliot’s office door. It was closed. One sweep of the arena floor told her the managers were still in their staff meeting. A good sign. At least she didn’t have to come face-to-face with Elliot at the beginning of the evening.

  Thandie met Len and Raja backstage. After giving her an update of the preparations, they nursed their cell phones, waiting for arrival updates.

  When Pitbull and his entourage finally arrived, Thandie and his manager, Guy, slipped away to finalize the financial obligations. When everything was squared away, they had less than thirty minutes to get everyone prepped. An impatient crowd could be heard chanting, “Pitbull! Pitbull! Pitbull!” When everything was finally in place, the stage manager ushered the entertainer on stage. The stage lights flickered and the audience went wild as Pitbull stepped forward and went into his first song.

  From the safety of the backstage curtains, Thandie watched as swarms of people moved against one another, mouthing words to the song. This was the first real break she’d had this evening.

  Thandie had no intention of staying. She would only be here long enough to ensure the performance went off without a hitch. Coincidentally, there was an unusually high number of celebrity guests in attendance. As PR events go, this was an immense triumph. However, Thandie took little joy in any of it.

  What should have been one of the biggest nights of her professional career felt like an empty victory. She should have been rejoicing at the huge success of setting up such a star-studded event. Nothing could be further from the truth.

  Every time she looked out over the crowd and caught sight of Elliot, h
er heart ached. And when she saw a woman wrap her arms around his waist and smile up at him in a wordless invitation, her eyes flared with anger. As much as she would like to believe she meant more to him than just sex, he’d wasted no time finding a replacement for her. It was a cruel reminder she wasn’t the only woman in his life, and never would be. She scolded herself that her wounded pride was unnecessary and was exactly what she deserved. She had known long before getting involved with Elliot what he was about. And even if she hadn’t been warned several times before, he had made his intentions very clear.

  I don’t do girlfriends, he’d once said.

  Cold as those words were, he had given her fair warning. She knew what she was getting herself into, so there was no one to blame for her predicament but herself. She’d been foolish enough to give her heart to Elliot Richards, fully knowing he would never feel the same. She was grateful her time in Miami would soon be coming to an end.

  Leaving the backstage area, Thandie moved through the crowd, always aware of Elliot’s exact location. It was easy to do. Elliot seemed to always be surrounded by a cluster of people.

  Before her irritation got away from her, Guy, Pitbull’s manager, approached her to discuss an issue. Thandie waved him toward Markie’s office, where the two of them could talk in a more quiet setting.

  * * *

  Elliot was livid. The pretty brunette snuggled into his side to kiss his cheek. She had latched herself onto his arm and had done everything possible to let him know she wanted him to sleep with her. But despite the attractive company he kept and a successful turnout for tonight’s production, Elliot was furious. And his anger was directed at Thandie.

  He couldn’t stop himself from watching her, watching who she was talking to and every time she disappeared, he went crazy until he located her again. Of course, he wouldn’t approach her. He had absolutely nothing to say to her, however he had several sexual positions he wanted to put her in.

  But that was out of the question. She had made it very clear she wanted nothing to do with him. He would like to think he could charm his way into any woman’s bed, but after their last argument and those damned photos of him and Laurent, he had the sinking feeling even the best words would not soften Thandie. He’d been thoroughly rebuffed, and it drove him mad. It was not simply because he had been rejected. It was because Thandie had rejected him.


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