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Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1)

Page 26

by Scarletti, Nicolette

  “That is fine. We shall be right behind you.”

  He watched as his brothers and the very odd Arabella disappeared around a stand of trees. He lifted Chantelle’s chin so she was looking at him.

  “I think Hoder wished to give us privacy.”


  What was it that everyone was keeping from her? She knew there was something going on that she just couldn’t grasp. It was frustrating to be kept in the dark.

  He pulled her body closer into the shelter of his own; as if to keep her from tripping or falling down. But Chantelle knew better; there was something about her that made Loki need her close. Maybe it was the same thing that made her crave the warmth of his touch.

  “I believe he wishes me to explain to you what is between us.”

  The vow she had made to Loki in the Hospital room came crashing down on her. Chantelle had made that promise only to save Emma. Yet now, she wanted so much more than just his friendship. She wanted to be the one to fight beside him in battle. To be the woman he came home to after a long journey. The woman whose body he sought refuge in each night.

  “There is nothing to explain. I have accepted our bond.”

  And she had. After last night Chantelle had promised herself she would live a little. If she wanted to even try, then she needed to stop fighting Loki’s advances.

  “Actually there is much more to a mating bond than just accepting it.”

  Chantelle rested her head over his heart. She loved the way it beat a steady rhythm against her cheek. It had her wishing she was lying naked with him in their bed. That thought caused her to blush a deep pink. Chantelle wondered just what Loki was trying to explain to her. What more could there be?

  “Tell me.”

  Slowly, as they made their way through the forest and Loki began to explain everything to her. He went slowly for her. No matter what the Academy taught Halflings, there was no preparing someone for the depth of the mating bond. There was nothing like it in the world.

  “To be one with each other as mates is something more than physical. It is a bonding of the soul.”

  Chantelle made a humming noise so Loki knew she was listening. He already had her soul, whether he knew it or not. No ceremony could make her his anymore than she already was.

  “It is said that the two halves of our souls will become one. You will balance out the darkness in me. And I will love and protect you the rest of our days.”

  “I do not see how this is any different than marriage?” Chantelle’s words were muffled as she stifled a yawn.

  “Oh love you, do not know how wrong you are.” Chantelle lifted her head to see his eyes as he finish his explanation.

  “Mortal marriages come and go. Once we have joined there is no turning back. No way to break the bond without causing the both of us physical pain. There is no other woman for me and there will be no other man for you. It is the nature of our bond.”

  He had sounded very tense when he told her there would be no other man for her. Chantelle was sure there was nothing for him to worry about. After all the times he had kissed her in her dreams Loki had ruined her for others.

  “Oh, I see. So once we commit to each other there is no way out. But how? What binds our souls that way?”

  Chantelle knew there was more to it than acceptance. That it was something more than just love that bound them. But the Academy never covered exactly what it was.

  “Once we have joined our bodies we must also partake in a blood ceremony.”

  Her eyes widened at his words. Blood ceremony? She sure hoped Loki wasn’t talking virgin sacrifices. Because no matter how much she loved him, there would be no innocent blood spilled.

  “Now I have scared you.” He ran a soothing hand over her back.

  “I... I don’t understand. A blood ceremony?” Her voice sounded small even to her own ears.

  The Academy hadn’t said anything about blood. As a matter of fact, she couldn’t recall them ever mentioning a ceremony at all. Of course she knew that the silver Compes he wore held the magic to bind them together. There were words imprinted on the immortal male’s soul at the time of their birth. The words would activate the magic in the Compes and the band would become two rings that would forever encircle each of their left ring fingers.

  Under his touch she began to calm, “Little one, it is not as scary as it sounds. It is like a blood oath.”

  A relieved laugh slipped through her lips, “Oh, like blood sisters or something. Thank God. I thought we would be sacrificing virgins.”

  Loki joined in on her laughter. Her soft peals eased his blackened soul. But all too soon the laughter died on his lips. As they rounded the corner they spotted his brothers and Arabella. The others were just standing there. None of them moving and it looked like they were in deep conversation about something important.

  Chantelle felt him tense beside her. Once more, the on guard immortal took the place of her smiling mate. She knew he sensed danger.

  “Loki, what is it?”

  His jade eyes looked over Chantelle’s worried expression, “My father has sent a messenger.”

  A messenger? How did he get here without using magic? Wouldn’t their enemies be alerted to their presence now? Too many questions ran through Chantelle’s mind, as Loki walked them toward their companions. They were risking everything with a messenger. Her heart was racing with the thought of Emma suffering because of this foolishness.

  When they came to a stop before their traveling companions, she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her. There was only Hoder, Thor and Arabella before them. No other man or woman. Then she looked up and saw the raven on the branch beside them.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Loki gestured toward the ink black raven.

  “It seems father needs us to turn back.”

  Chantelle gripped Loki tight in her fear. If they abandoned their mission and turned back now, Emma would die. There would be no hope in saving her; Tomas was just barely hanging on as it was.

  “Please, we can’t go back now. Don’t you see she’ll die if we don’t go forward?”

  Loki pulled Chantelle into his arms. “Do not worry. We will go forward and Thor and the others can return to father.”

  He shot both of his brothers a pointed look. Clearly telling them, all other options were off the table. Loki was a man of his word and he would keep the ones he had spoken to his Chantelle.

  “No worries.”

  But before Arabella could finish what she was going to say Thor cut her off. Obviously he was annoyed with her acting as if she was the one in charge.

  “Father only sent for the three of us. He knows of your promise to princess Chantelle.”

  She trembled in his arms. Thank the Sisters King Odin would let them continue on their mission. There would have been a battle between him and his father, otherwise. Loki nodded at Thor. Not trusting his temper at the moment. His father was sending them to the enemy short men. Not even caring of the fact that Chantelle was not a trained warrior. If this was happening to Thor, he would have gone forth with an army. He had always favored Thor over his other sons. This was just another time he proved it.

  Chantelle stood beside him her head held high. They waited to hear just how screwed they were. Being left with no other fighters to head off to face untold dangers.

  “I believe we are picking up reinforcements.” Arabella shot Chantelle a knowing smile and she calmed instantly.

  Thor smirked, “We shall be back in enough time to fight your battle for you, little brother.”

  Chantelle felt Loki’s arms tense around her. She knew he wanted nothing more than to wipe the smile off Thor’s face. Come to think of it she might beat Loki to it.

  “Leave it. He isn’t worth your anger.” She stood on tip-toe and brushed her lips against his. Trying to soothe not only his anger, but her own.

  He looked at his brother, “We shall break here and await your return.”

  Loki looked at Chan
telle, running a soothing hand across her back. “While we wait I shall teach you to fight.”

  As they watched Thor and the others walk away, Chantelle smiled. The thought of Loki teaching her to fight was top most in her mind. She wanted nothing more than to watch his muscles flex beneath his clothes. She wanted to feel him over her as he took her down in battle. God, he would be magnificent.

  They could have avoided the lessons if she confessed that she already knew how to fight. But where would the fun be in that? If Loki taught her to fight then there would be plenty of reasons to touch him. And right now her soul was screaming with the need to be close to him.

  The clearing of his throat brought her out of her thoughts, “Chantelle, let’s set up camp, love.”

  Chapter 34:

  The sun was setting over the mountains, painting the world in vibrant reds and gold as Tomas took it all in. This was always his favorite time of day. He found a peace amongst the twilight sky. As if in the coming dark no one could judge him. It hid him from prying eyes.

  With a final glance at the coming darkness, he moved toward Emma. He had been at her bedside long enough to know the spell she had been under was pulled back. There was not even a trace amount of it clinging to her. He found himself wondering just what Signe was up to now.

  Soon she would awake from her slumber; young, healthy, strong. His vow as a healer would be fulfilled. That was when King Odin would cast him out into the night once again. He would be forced away from Savannah.

  He knew he needed to prepare for what was to come, because there was no way he was going to allow her to stay with that oversized buffoon. It was obvious to anyone who cared to look, that they did not belong together. She had walked in on Bragi and another. There was no way an immortal male could do that to his mate.

  “What shall I do, Lady Emma?”

  Her eyelids fluttered at the sound of his voice, just another sign that Signe’s dark spell no longer held her. She still would not fully awaken until Signe was vanquished, but things were taking a turn for the better; at least for her.

  Tomas wished she could answer him. He knew from just the brief touch of his soul to her’s that she was wise beyond her years. That if Emma was healed and awake she would be willing to help him with the problem he faced.

  “Perhaps I shall follow your sister and mate into battle?”

  In the few days he had spent healing Emma, the young girl had touched him. It was when he had joined their spirits. It was necessary to the healing process, yet Tomas had never been effected before. At least not like this.

  There was just something about Lady Emma, or maybe it was all three mortal women that had touched him. They had all lived through their own tragedies. Each of them bearing a weight on their souls no woman ever should. Tomas had checked them all over when he had arrived, tapping into each of them. It was the only way he could know of their trials, since each young woman held their heads high. Not letting bitterness overtake them, as others might have. As he once had.

  Tomas smoothed the ivory and gold brocade blankets over Emma’s sleeping form. There was something about this young woman that made Tomas hope. In her short life the Sisters had been cruel to her. Yet, even in her death like slumber her spirit hoped. Dreamed of happiness; of never being sick or worrying her sister again.

  Tomas took her tiny hand into his larger battle calloused one. “I vow to you Lady Emma, I shall see your sister is victorious in her mission.”

  He placed her hand back upon the blanket and headed toward the war room. It would take a lot of convincing on his part, but he would not fail the sleeping princess. Tomas vowed as he moved closer to his destiny, that he would see all three women safe.

  Ares stood with his hands clasped behind his broad back. The sleeveless vest he wore accented the ripple of muscles in his biceps; the banded tattoos on either wrist standing out against his tan skin. He had been as still as a bronze statue for the last fifteen minutes. Ever since King Odin had told him their odds, Ares had gone quiet. He was calculating their battle plans.

  Arabella had informed him that they would be severely outnumbered, though that had never stopped him before. If anything, Ares preferred such odds. His enemy always thought they had the upper hand until it was too late.

  He turned then to face the room, “So you are saying that Lady Chantelle will be leading us?”

  He needed to stay calm or else they would not be able to proceed. Ares knew that if he allowed a mortal woman to lead them, victory was not certain. He was ready to tell them that women had no place in war.

  But Clotho spoke up, “She need not lead you, Ares. You must guide her. That was why I called you here.”

  She needed him to understand that without his help they were lost. If only she could explain to him what he would find when he arrived at Loki’s campsite? But as the mortals would say, that would be a spoiler.

  “You want me to guide a mortal into battle? Anyone present could have done that. You do not need me.” Ares eyed her suspiciously.

  “It is not battle strategy she needs to be guided in. It’s the way she will handle her anger and hate that you must guide her in. Only one who has embraced his beast can lead her. There fore, you are the only immortal for the job.”

  Everyone knew there was no one who had fully embraced his beast, like he had. It was a necessity when you fought in as many battles as Ares did. When you had been outnumbered as many times as he had. There was no place for pity, or fear; one could only be ruled by their beast in battle. It’s what had kept him alive.

  “How many shall I have at my disposal?”

  The look on Clotho’s face told him he wasn’t going to like her answer. It seemed as if they were going off on a suicide mission.


  He looked at her in disbelief. That wasn’t defying the odds; that was walking in blindfolded. There was no way they could defeat an army with only five warriors. This had to be some sort of joke.

  He was about to tell them all that the deal was off, when the doors opened and in walked Tomas. He came gliding through the doors, the tails of his red dress shirt trailing in his wake. The healer was an intimidating sight to see. Tomas looked at the people seated around the mahogany table. His eyes landing on The All Father last. There was a fleeting look of respect deep in the king’s one good eye.

  “Lady Emma is stable and is no longer in need of me. So I would like to pledge myself to your cause.”

  “That only brings us up to six fighters.”

  Clotho nodded not trusting herself to speak. How desperately she wanted to lay everything bare? To tell him with Chantelle’s wrath they didn’t even need two warriors. But she couldn’t, the laws of the council prohibited such interference.

  “It is still not enough. If we had a few days I could gather reinforcements.”

  “There is no more time. We must strike soon or risk everything.” That was the biggest understatement ever made.

  She watched as Bragi shifted in his seat, trying to take hold of Savannah’s hand. But she was having none of it. The Sister couldn’t help but smile. It seemed that Savannah had already learned that Bragi wasn’t for her and not a moment too soon.

  “I think ‘Telle would rather have friends fighting for her. So I offer my service as well.” Savannah’s voice was steady as she looked the immortal warlord in his pine green eyes.

  Ares folded his python like arms over his chest. “No, you will not be joining us. One woman where she does not belong is enough.”

  He waved her off and Savannah felt her temper rise at his dismissal. This was her friend that was in trouble and this stranger, immortal or not, was telling her she couldn’t help.

  In a rush she stood causing her chair to rock precariously, “And why the hell not?”

  Ares waved in Bragi’s direction, “Reign in your mate. Or I will.”

  Bragi reached for Savannah but she shrugged him off. Stalking over to Ares, she stood toe to toe with him. A feat, few men bigg
er than her would have tried.

  “He…” Savannah pointed a shaky finger in Bragi’s direction. “Is not my mate, nor my keeper. So can it.”

  “Whatever your problem is with Bragi do not assume that I am as easily cowed.” Ares looked down at her. His eyes seemed to sparkle with annoyance.

  “Chantelle is my friend. I won’t let her face that bitch alone. So you can either take me along, or I’ll just follow you. It’s all the same to me.”

  Ares clasped her arms in a warriors grip and was surprised when she responded in kind. “Where did you learn to greet like a warrior?”

  Savannah quirked an eyebrow at his question; did the immortal race have no women warriors? Maybe with Chantelle’s help they could change this backward way of thinking.

  “At the Academy and every summer I went Larping.” When Ares gave her another quizzical look Savannah smiled. “It’s a group who does medieval reenactment. I know a lot of things warriors do. I was even able to teach Chantelle what the Academy hadn’t.”

  Ares gave her a disbelieving look. “Such as?”

  She waved her hand, “Wield a sword. Hit a moving target with an arrow from 300 feet. I have even taken down a man bigger than you.”

  They all looked on as she put him in his place. She was tough, Ares would give her that. If half of what she said was true, Savannah was as vicious as any Valkyrie.

  “Ok, you have proven yourself worthy.” When Savannah broke out into a smile, Ares added, “If only for your loyalty to your friend.”

  He turned then to face Tomas. “And what shall you bring to the table? I do not wish to have to save any of you should it get dangerous.”

  The healer straightened his spine; he was no longer addressing servants. The man before him was a powerful warlord, and demanded respect. Tomas did not think he would be shown the same leniency as Savannah.

  “I know what Signe has planned. Besides, I have seen my fair share of war.”

  Odin spoke then, “I can vouch for all present. You could not find better anywhere else.”

  Ares stood quiet, deep in his thoughts for a moment. He knew whatever he was marching into was going to be bad. The Sisters of Fate did not call upon the likes of him if it wasn’t impossible odds. But the money she was offering him was too good to pass up. He would take his chances; for there hadn’t been a battle he had lost yet.


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