Alpha's Second Chance (Harvest Moon Wolves 1)

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Alpha's Second Chance (Harvest Moon Wolves 1) Page 9

by Smith, Jessica Coulter

  “You were serious about me not showering?” she asked, her eyes going wide.

  “Yeah. If you wash off my scent, I can’t promise my wolf won’t come unglued and fuck the hell out of you again.”

  Well, that put things into perspective. As he untied her, she remained on the bed. After he walked out of the room, she stared up at the ceiling, wondering what was going on with her handsome wolf, and hoping nothing else bad was heading their way.

  Chapter Eight

  Torren stared at the phone after he hung up. Not having had a fated mate before, he hadn’t known that the moon would affect his beast as much as it was. It seemed that not only being mated to Olivia, but her carrying his pup, was making his beast insanely jealous and protective. The human half of him knew that he didn’t have anything to worry about. Olivia was his, loved him, and he knew she wouldn’t stray. The wolf inside though wanted to warn off any male who came anywhere near her.

  The Alpha he’d spoken to also recalled a case where a wolf shifter had mated a human, and every time a female shifter would have hit a heat cycle the male had felt it instead, being driven nearly insane with the need to fuck his mate. Even when their mates were pregnant, they’d been hit with the heat, even though a female shifter wouldn’t have one while carrying a pup. Torren had to admit the way he’d felt his body heating from the inside out, it was very possible that was happening to him. But he wasn’t about to impart that to Olivia. If it happened again, they’d talk about it, but for now, he’d chalk it up to a coincidence.

  He pushed back from his desk and went to make something to eat. He quickly boiled some noodles while he cooked and seasoned some ground turkey. When both were finished, he drained the noodles and meat, then tossed them together and poured a jar of garlic parmesan spaghetti sauce over them and stirred everything together. He made two plates, and grabbed two sodas, before returning to his mate.

  Olivia was sprawled on the bed, his cum still wet on her skin. Just seeing her like that, her legs spread and covered in his release, was enough to make his cock stand at attention again.

  “What’s the verdict?” she asked, sitting up on her knees as he approached with their meal. He handed her a plate and soda.

  “Apparently wolves go a little feral when their fated mates are pregnant and new males are nearby. And the moon doesn’t seem to be helping.”

  “Moon?” she asked.

  “There’s a full moon next week, and it’s going to be a blood moon. According to the Alpha I spoke with, my wolf will be on edge until it passes. Something about a blood moon being more powerful and we’re more animal than man during that time.”

  “So, I’m homebound until then?” she asked.

  “Yeah.” His gaze scanned her, stopping at her pussy. His heart pounded and his cock throbbed. “And I’m probably going to fuck you until neither of us can stand. That coming home every few hours thing might not have been far off. Just be naked and waiting.”

  She nearly choked on her pasta. “Are you serious?”


  “Will it be as… thorough as it was this time?”

  He smiled a little. “Do you mean am I going to tie you down, fuck every hole you have, and make you wear my cum all night?”

  “Yeah. That.”

  “Maybe.” He sniffed the air. “And that tang coming from your pussy tells me that you didn’t mind any of it one bit. In fact, when we’re done eating, I think you want me to do it again.”

  Her eyes dilated and he knew he’d been right. Yeah, his sweet, innocent little mate loved all the things he did to her. He teased her as they ate, telling her all the filthy things he wanted to do to her, and when they’d finished their meal, she practically begged to be fucked.

  Torren covered every inch of her in his scent as the night progressed. And when she was so exhausted she looked ready to pass out, he cuddled her close and let her rest. For as long as he was able. Eventually, the need inside of him grew too much for him to keep it locked up. If he didn’t wake her up, he couldn’t guarantee he wouldn’t fuck her in her sleep.

  Torren rolled her onto her back, then spread her pussy wide and played with her clit. Olivia moaned and her nipples hardened. He kept teasing her, knowing he was holding on by a thread, until her eyes slowly opened.


  “Sorry, sweetheart. I need you again.” Maybe that heat thing wasn’t a coincidence after all. He felt like he’d go insane if he didn’t fuck her.

  “Then take me,” she said sleepily.

  He thrust hard and deep, but kept stroking her clit, needing to feel her come on his cock. The beast inside was clawing at him, wanting to come out. His fangs lengthened over his lip and a light coating of fur sprouted along his arms and the backs of his hands. He drove into her, feeling completely out of control as the beast pressed to take over.

  Olivia screamed out his name, her pussy squeezing his cock as she came all over his shaft. Torren threw back his head and howled as he lunged into her until he filled her with his cum. As he gazed down at her, he knew he was looking through his wolf’s eyes. Olivia reached up and smoothed her hand over his cheek. His cock thickened and he worried that he might hurt her if he kept this up.

  He snarled and launched himself off her. As his feet hit the floor, he shifted, and backed toward the door. Olivia sat up and peered down at him.

  “Torren? What’s wrong?”

  He gave a mournful howl, but it didn’t hold her at bay. She got out of bed and walked closer, reaching for him. He felt her hand smooth over the top of his head and stroke his ears. The scent of her was making his blood pound in his veins. He shoved his nose against her, scenting himself on her skin, then with a growl, he spun and raced to the front of the house before he could do something he might regret. Olivia was right behind him and opened the front door, and Torren rushed outside. His paws pounded the ground as he took off into the woods.

  Even in his beast form, the lust he felt when Olivia was near still filled him. He ran until he’d drained most of his energy, then he turned to head home. By the time he reached the cabin, the sun was rising and he was too spent to do much but sleep. He shifted back to human form and let himself into the house. Olivia was still in their bed, naked and covered in his cum, just as he’d told her to be. It soothed something inside of him, and he crawled in next to her. With their mingled scent filling his nose, he pulled her closer and shut his eyes.

  Despite how exhausted his body was, he still couldn’t sleep. Olivia shifted against him, but thankfully he didn’t get hard this time. Maybe whatever had been riding his ass last night was over. But if that was the case, then it wasn’t the moon. He’d experienced the heat female shifters felt, but maybe between the thorough fucking he’d given his mate, and then running all night, maybe it had left his system. He knew females usually endured the heat for several days, but Torren didn’t think Olivia would make it if he was like that several days in a row. She was human and more fragile than a female shifter.

  “Morning,” she murmured as she snuggled closer. “Feeling better?”

  “Yeah. I don’t think it’s the moon.”

  She looked up at him. “Then what was that?”

  He explained what the Alpha had told him, about a male mated to a human suffering from the heat like a female shifter would. Her eyebrows rose.

  “So we’ll go through this what? Every month?” she asked.


  “Am I allowed to shower yet?”

  He shook his head. “I’m calm right now, and my wolf is content. But a female shifter goes into heat for at least three days. I only suffered for one night. If you wash my cum off of you, I can’t promise my wolf won’t rise up and decide you need to be marked again.”

  Her cheeks warmed. “So, I’m supposed to walk around the house naked the next two days with your… stuff all over me?”

  “Um.” When she put it that way.

  “I’m showering, Torren. If you lose it again and
need to come all over me and in me, then we’ll deal with it. What I won’t do is walk around sticky for the next two days.”

  “Probably shouldn’t get dressed,” he mumbled. “If I do lose it again, I’d probably shred your clothes and possibly hurt you in my attempt to get you naked.”

  She rolled her eyes and got out of bed. “If anyone had told me being mated to a wolf shifter would be so damn weird…”

  She let the sentence trail off as she entered the bathroom. Torren got up and decided if his mate had to remain unclothed in their home, then he would too. But before either of them were caught naked, he should probably call his Beta and tell him that the pack needed to give the cabin a wide berth the next two days. Not that being naked was a big deal to him, but his human mate probably felt differently about it. He grabbed his cell phone and took care of that, then went to make his mate some breakfast.

  When Olivia stepped into the kitchen, he had to stop and stare a moment.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said.

  Her cheeks flushed and she pulled out a chair, then sat at the table. Torren gripped the spatula tight, fighting the urge to bend her, press her down onto the tabletop, and claim her again. He plated their food, then set everything on the table, his hands trembling.

  “Are you all right?” she asked.

  “My wolf is restless and he isn’t happy that you don’t smell like us anymore.”

  She nodded then picked up her fork. “Guess I’d better eat fast then.”

  He grunted and dug into his food, savagely eating his bacon and chewing furiously as he watched her. The moment she took her last bite, he shoved everything to the opposite end of the table then motioned for her to come to him.

  Olivia pushed her chair back and approached, no hesitance in her eyes, even though he felt like he was coming unhinged again. He pointed to the table in front of him.


  She climbed onto the table and he pushed her thighs wide, staring at her pussy. Torren leaned closer and breathed in her musky scent before flicking his tongue against her for a taste. He fucked her with his tongue and lips, nipped at her with his teeth, until she was coming all over him. He stood so fast his chair hit the floor, then he held her tight and thrust deep.

  “Lay back,” he said, his voice more beast than man. “My wolf needs your submission.”

  Olivia lay back on the table, her head tipped back exposing her throat, and he slammed into her so hard her breasts bounced with every stroke. He drove into her again and again, until he came inside of her. Torren flexed his hands on her hips and tried to assess his beast. The wolf still wasn’t happy. Torren started thrusting into her again. He took her hard and deep, any gentleness he’d ever felt long gone. He was nearly all beast, just trapped in a man’s body, as he claimed his mate on the kitchen table. When he started coming, he pulled out and stroked his shaft until he covered her pussy in his cum.

  The beast inside pushed for more, but Torren fought for control. He worried that if he took her as roughly, and as thoroughly, as he had the previous night, that he might hurt Olivia, and that was the last thing he wanted. She was his, and he loved her, but she was also human and fragile. The wolf didn’t seem to understand, and just wanted their scent all over her, and inside of her.

  Torren gathered some of his cum on his fingers and slid them between her ass cheeks, pressing some inside of her. She moaned and spread her legs even further.

  “Jesus, Olivia. I’m trying to spread my scent around so I won’t keep fucking you, but when you make that sexy noise and your ass squeezes my fingers? It makes me want to fuck your ass all damn night, come in you again and again.”

  “Torren,” she said, her eyes full of passion and need.

  “No.” He backed away. “I might hurt you.”

  She closed her legs and stood, even though she swayed a moment.

  “Is your wolf content right now?” she asked.

  He rubbed at his chest and shook his head. “No, but I’m not going to lose it to the point where I shift. Not yet anyway.”

  “Then why don’t we head to the bedroom and you can put more of your scent on me. You can come on me without fucking me, right?” she asked.

  His cock was still hard, and he nodded.

  Olivia took his hand and led him into the bedroom, then she spread out across the bed. “Do whatever you need to do in order to calm your wolf. I won’t break, Torren. If you need to fuck me, then do it. If you can jerk off and just cover me in cum, then get to it.”

  He snorted a little and shook his head. “You should be freaking the hell out and throwing me out the front door right now.”

  “Or maybe I want you as much as you want me,” she said. “Now. Take what you need. I’m giving myself to you freely.”

  It was all he needed to join her on the bed, and over the next two days, there wasn’t a single inch of her that he didn’t mark in some way.


  Three Months Later

  Torren smoothed his hand over his mate’s baby bump and kissed her softly. “How are you and baby this morning?”

  “We’re good.” She smiled up at him.

  “Olivia, about last night…” He’d lost control again, that damn heat taking control of his beast and his mind. “If this keeps up, I could hurt you when you’re further along.”

  She nipped his lower lip. “Then you’ll have to tie me down the way you did the night you got me pregnant. Keep me from moving and you won’t hurt me. I think we’ve learned my pussy and my ass can take a pounding. And if that part of things worries you, then I can always help you jack off and you use your hands to put your cum all over me and inside of me.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “I think I’ve corrupted you. You’ve gone from sweet virgin to…”

  “Wanton slut?” she asked.

  He growled. “Don’t call yourself a slut.”

  She kissed him again. “I’m only a slut when it comes to you and that magnificent cock of yours. Pretty sure I’d love anything you’d do to me in the bedroom.”

  “Keep talking like that and we won’t leave this cabin again. My pack is probably worried by now. Even though I’ve explained why we need some space for three days a month, you’ve wrapped them all around your finger and I know they worry I’ll hurt you.”

  “Then we should go mingle before they come hunt you down.” She smiled and he could see the humor in her eyes.

  Torren swatted her ass. “Smartass.”

  She sauntered toward the door, his gaze locked on the sway of her hips. “Yeah, but you like my ass.”

  Yeah, he did. Like looking at it. Touching it. Fucking it. Oh yeah, he especially liked fucking it. Dammit. He adjusted himself as his cock hardened and followed his mate out the door. He hadn’t been kidding. The pack probably would beat down their door to make sure their Alpha Female was safe.

  Today was a celebration of sorts. The youngest wolf to join the pack, Lincoln, had decided to get his GED. He’d passed his exam and he’d already been accepted into an online college, thanks to Olivia’s prodding him to apply. Everyone loved his mate, and they would do anything for her.

  She’d brought some good things to their small village. More of the pack had started taking online classes and expanding their educations. Several had applied to online colleges and been accepted. Maybe one day, they’d want to use their knowledge out in the human world, and he wouldn’t stop them. They’d always have a home here. Thanks to his mate’s encouragement, they also had a clinic now. She’d somehow managed to find a doctor who was a wolf shifter without a pack, and he would be joining them in the upcoming weeks.

  They approached the center of the village where picnic tables were covered in food. Torren looked out over the gathering, his pack seeming happy and content, even the newer members. Wrapping his arms around his mate, he pulled her tight against his chest. “This is all because of you,” he said. “You helped unite them, gave them something worth fighting for, worth living for, a
nd every day you find some way to improve their lives.”

  She looked up at him, cheeks flushed, happiness brimming in her eyes. “They’re my family. My true family, and I would do anything for them. I’d do anything for you.”

  “I love you, Olivia. So damn much. More than I ever thought possible.”

  “I love you too.” She kissed him. “And to think, if I hadn’t been dying, you never would have bit me, and we’d have likely never found one another. Makes you wonder.”

  “About what?”

  “How many other pack members have human mates out there, or non-wolf shifter mates. There are shifters out there other than wolves, right? I mean all those stories have to be based off something.”

  There was a calculating look in her eyes.

  “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but no.”


  “Seriously, Olivia. If it has anything to do with bringing humans onto pack land, the answer is no. You can’t trust them. If other shifters want to join us, then fine. At least they know how to follow the rules.”

  “Not all humans are bad, Torren. Some are like me. Lost. Lonely. Unwanted. Maybe they have a mate here, and maybe they don’t. But I do know one thing.”

  “What’s that?” he asked, almost dreading her answer.

  “They all need a home.”

  He sighed and led her closer to the tables full of food. Torren had learned quickly that it was best not to argue with his mate. Oh, it gave him a reason to spank her ass, which he loved, but in the end, he usually gave into her. Humans on pack land. He shook his head, knowing it would only bring trouble to their door, but if there were a few humans she thought were lost and needed help, he knew he wouldn’t deny her.

  She left his side to mingle with the others, and his Beta, Baxter, came closer.

  “She fits in really well. Everyone loves her,” Baxter said.

  “I know.”

  “Then what’s that sour look for?”

  “She wants to bring humans here.”

  Baxter’s eyebrows shot up and he stared at Olivia a moment. “You know. If they’re anything like her, I don’t think anyone would mind. She’s sweet and she’s always finding ways to make things better for us. Maybe other human females are the same way. Wouldn’t hurt to let her bring one here and see how it goes. Worst case, we run the woman off if she turns out to be like other humans.”


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