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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

Page 2

by Koko Brown

  Laz pulled his gaze away from the ADA and gave his head a slight shake, as if that would loosen the fog the sight of Journey always caused. He ran the back of his hand across his mouth, double-checking to make sure he didn’t have drool on his face.

  What the hell was it about that woman? For the past few years, just the sight of her did something to him. He wouldn’t call them friends, exactly. They had more like a working relationship. A history. Though most encounters with each other resulted in arguments regarding her accusing him of jeopardizing her cases, there was still a mutual sexual tension that sparked between them. He never pursued her, but he’d often thought about it.

  “Well?” Ashton prompted.

  Laz frowned. “Well, what?”

  Ashton looked at him as if he was crazy. “Uh, the shoe collection. Have you seen it?”

  “Like I’d ever tell.” Laz weaved around desks and chairs, heading to his boss’s office. He knew Ashton’s question had more to do with whether or not he and Journey had gotten naked yet, more than it had to do with her shoe collection. If anything juicy ever transpired between Journey and him, that would be one situation he’d keep close to his chest.

  “You wanted to see me, Sarg?”

  Sgt. Duane Ford tossed his pen onto his desk and leaned back in his office chair that squeaked, protesting his weight. “Close the door.”

  Laz did as instructed and turned his attention to his boss. Ford folded his arms across his chest. If he knew how much the move brought attention to his protruding beer belly, he’d probably stay hidden behind his desk.

  “You want to tell me what happened to Scott Buckner’s face? It looks like he slammed into a wall, several times.”

  Laz shrugged. “Hey, ask him.”

  “I did.”

  “And what did he say?”

  “He said he fell. But I have a feeling there’s more to it than that. Have a seat.”

  Laz dropped into the rickety wood chair in front of Ford and braced himself for the tongue lashing he knew was coming.


  Frustration drummed through Journey Ramsey as she stuffed her tablet into her oversized handbag. She’d been in the interrogation room for the last twenty minutes, prepared to offer a deal to a suspect, but hadn’t been able to take her mind off of Detective Lazarus Dimas. The man was a thorn in her side on most days, but damn if he didn’t make her body quiver whenever he looked at her.

  “Sorry about having you make a wasted trip down here, counselor,” Detective Jones said when they left the interrogation room. He pulled the door closed, leaving his suspect cuffed to the metal table. “I thought having you present, with the promise of a deal, would get him to talk.”

  Journey shrugged. “You tried.” They discussed next steps with the case. Again, Journey tried giving him her full attention, but knowing Laz could still be nearby had her anxious to get out of there. Not because she didn’t want to see him. On the contrary. She loved looking at him, everything from his wind-tousled hair to those hazel-green eyes that seemed to look right through her. No, she was ready to leave because if she happened to run into him, she might end up telling him something she had no business telling him. Something he needed to know, but coming from her could jeopardize her job, law license, and compromise the DA’s office.

  She said her goodbyes to the detective and moved through the bullpen where a nest of desks and cops were on the telephone or pecking away on their computers. It took all her willpower not to look in the direction of Laz’s desk. She didn’t want to give anyone a reason to think she was interested in him even though she was seriously attracted to him. Who wouldn’t be? The man was not only fine, but he had that intense, bad-boy vibe rolling off him in waves. The disheveled hair, muscular body, and that self-assured walk did something to her.

  A door slammed to her left and she slowed. She couldn’t stop her gaze from going in that direction even if she wanted to and…

  Her breath hitched at the sight of Laz storming away from his boss’s office. From the strong set of his jaw and the way he ran his hand through his dark hair, he wasn’t happy. But God was he beautiful to look at.

  Laz glanced up and his piercing gaze locked on hers, diverting Journey’s plan to keep walking toward the elevator.

  Damn those eyes.

  They bore into her like a laser beam zoning in on its target just before detonation. With the intensity behind his stare, it was a wonder she didn’t trip over her feet. She didn’t know if the way his gaze seemed to take in everything, while also making her feel as if she was the only person in the room, was practiced or if this was a skill he’d been born with.

  “Heading out?” he asked, his baritone voice like a whisper against her heated skin. He held the door open and then followed her out.

  “Thanks,” she mumbled trying to ignore the way his long-sleeved T-shirt stretched across his wide chest and hugged his thick arms. Even fully dressed, she could tell he was all muscle without a lick of fat anywhere.

  Warmth spread through her body as he fell in step and walked down the hall with her as if they’d planned to leave together. Normally when they talked, or argued about a case mostly, it was out of earshot of others. Right now, she wasn’t sure why he had followed her out. As far as she was concerned, they had nothing to discuss, especially since in the last few minutes, she had made up her mind that she wouldn’t share the information she’d learned less than seventy-two hours ago.

  “Hey Laz, got a minute?”

  Journey and Laz turned simultaneously toward the deep voice coming from where a police officer stood in the doorway of an office.

  Laz turned back to her and moved in close. “Don’t leave yet, alright? I want to talk to you,” he said, his tone serious, his gaze unwavering.

  Journey swallowed hard and watched as his easy gait carried him away without giving her a chance to respond.

  Has he already heard about the investigation? No way. He wouldn’t be this calm. Then again, maybe he’s heard and wants to question me.

  Journey shook the thought free. There was no way he knew.

  She stepped out of the middle of the hallway, toward the elevator, debating on whether to leave or to wait for Laz. If by chance he’d heard what was going on, she didn’t want him asking her any questions, especially since she couldn’t tell him anything. But Laz had a way about him. A way that made her want to succumb to his will. She hated the out of control feeling that seized her lately when it came to him.

  “Well, well, well. If it isn’t the DA’s golden child.”

  Journey rolled her eyes, not bothering to turn around and acknowledge her coworker, attorney Gabriel Hall. For the most part, she liked the people she worked with, but Gabe could fall off the face of the earth and she’d be the last person to go looking for him.

  “Funny running into you,” he said, now standing alongside her. “Are you here to have lunch with your thug cop? Oops, I mean thug detective. You know, it’s a shame you couldn’t find a brotha to knock boots with, especially in a city loaded with them.”

  Journey turned and glared at him. She didn’t have to ask who he was talking about, but was a little surprised he brought race into the one-sided conversation. A first. For some reason, Gabe had it in his head that she and Laz were sleeping together. He had walked in on them once in her office when they were having a heated conversation, and the bonehead took it as a lover’s spat. He’d been giving her a hard time ever since. Considering his childish behavior on occasion and some of the nonsense that usually fell from his mouth, she’d often wondered if his wealthy parents had purchased his law degree. Then again, probably not since she’d heard they’d kicked him out of the family for some stunt he’d pulled during college.

  “So what? Nothing to say?” The stupid grin spread across his lips grated on her nerves.

  “What the heck is your problem, Gabe? You clearly have an issue with me since every word out of your mouth lately has been meant to get under my skin. Why is that? Is
it because I’m not interested in you?”

  He made a gagging sound as if the thought was ludicrous.

  Journey looked him up and down, exhibiting as much disdain as possible. He was a good-looking man, with honey-brown skin, and a nice build, but his funky attitude would be a total turn off had she been interested.

  “Or is it that you’re jealous of me? Do you feel threatened because I’m a better attorney than you are? Or does your poor attitude have anything to do with the fact that I’m the new ADA while you’re barely able to maintain the title of prosecutor?”

  She had recently been awarded the position, and though she was honored to get the promotion, it gave her even more pleasure knowing she had beat out Gabe for the job. He had looked down on her from the moment she stepped into the DA’s office eight years ago. Knowing that he would give his first born for the title, it pleased her to taunt him whenever he gave her a hard time.

  His features twisted into an evil scowl and he got in her face. “My merits alone made me the better choice, but I guess if you kiss the boss’s a—”

  “Go to hell. You would’ve been the last person the DA chose.” Now she was angry, her scowl as deep as his. “From what I’ve seen, you’ve had your paralegals doing all of your work. Either one of them would deserve the next ADA job before you.”

  “You win a few big cases lately and suddenly you’re walking around acting as if you’re queen of the office. You ain’t shit, Journey,” he spat. “The sooner you realize that, the better off we’ll all be. The only reason you’ve gotten as far as you have is because the powers that be want to tap that ass.”

  Journey’s jaw dropped open and disbelief engulfed her. There was no love between them, but even when their comments were snarky, they’d always kept their interactions professional. The hatred glowing in his eyes and the disdain in his tone now caught her off guard.

  “Everything all right over here?”

  Journey swung around to find Laz standing behind them. She hadn’t heard him approach, but by the malevolent glare he bore into Gabe, he’d overheard some of their conversation.

  “Just peachy officer,” Gabe snarled and stomped away.

  Journey’s heart pounded rapidly as her gaze followed Gabe down the hall. It was no secret they didn’t like each other, but his words stung and had her wondering if something else was going on.

  “You all right?” Laz asked and pushed the down button for the elevator.

  Oh great. She’d been standing in front of the elevator and hadn’t even pushed the button. “I’m fine,” she snapped a little harsher than intended, still trying to shake off Gabe’s words.

  It was as if Laz knew she needed a moment to gather herself. Silence fell between them as they waited for the elevator.

  “For the record, I don’t like that guy.”

  Journey couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her face, nor the laughed that bubbled inside her throat. “Yeah, me either.”

  “How’s it going with the Turner case?” he asked.

  Laz asking about the Turner case made her think of the other case she’d been debating on telling him about. The one that could possibly land him in jail.

  “We had to let Turner walk.”

  “What?” he ground between gritted teeth and faced her full on. “What the hell, Journey? That case was solid. There’s no way he should’ve walked.”

  Laz only called her by her first name when no one else was within ear shot. Clearly he had no idea of the affect his presence had on her, the way her body hummed with lust when he stared at her the way he was doing now, otherwise he’d back the hell up. Or risk her grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him in for a searing kiss.

  How could she have a crush on a man, a cop, who pushed the boundaries of justice while alienating his superiors at every turn? The city streets were safer because he was on the force, but he walked a thin line between following the law and being a criminal himself. They might’ve been on the same side of the law, but he went against everything she stood for. She couldn’t condone someone who took justice into his own hands at every turn, often jeopardizing her cases by not following procedure.

  Journey hated being attracted to him. Hated that she longed to be wrapped in his muscular arms. And she hated that she’d give almost anything to taste his lips just once. And more than anything, she wished there was a way to ignore whatever this was between them.

  She didn’t speak until they stepped onto the elevator, and when she did, she kept her voice low knowing there were cameras. “There wasn’t enough evidence to hold Turner.”

  “Bullshit! That was a clean arrest and you know it. Besides that, two witnesses put him at the scene and his prints were on the weapon.”

  “So were a ton of other prints from people at that party. And as for the witnesses, they recanted and Turner had an alibi, a weak one, but one nonetheless.”

  Laz slapped his palm against the back wall of the elevator. He didn’t speak, but she could almost hear the gears in his head turning, trying to figure out what he’d need to do to get Turner behind bars. Turner was a known drug dealer with ties to organized crime. Law enforcement had been trying to nail him for over a year. Laz was the best detective on the force, and relentless when digging for answers. No doubt Turner would eventually screw up and Laz would be there to capitalize on his mistake and finally get this guy once and for all.

  Laz’s passion to get criminals off the street was admirable, but Journey had often wondered what drove him. It wasn’t until recently she’d found out about his girlfriend who had died during his first year as a detective. The details were sketchy, but Journey suspected that the girlfriend’s death fueled the demons pushing Laz.

  Journey studied his profile, taking note of the wisp of gray hair near his temple. He was in his late thirties, early forties, with thick, dark hair that curled slightly at his collar. Gone was the short ponytail he used to sport. During a conversation years ago, he’d mentioned his parents were deceased. His father of Greek decent and his mother, Irish. No doubt he was a perfect blending of the best of his parents’ features. The man was exquisite.

  Still leaning against the back wall, Laz turned and searched her eyes. “What else?”

  Her brows dipped. “Excuse me?”

  “What else, Journey? There’s something else on your mind, and I’m not talking about whatever issue is going on with that chump, Hall. When you stepped into the bullpen earlier and you saw me, I could see it in your eyes. Something’s bothering you.”

  All she could do was stare at him. Could he read minds? Debating on whether to give him a heads up or not, weighed heavy on her mind. She owed him. Laz had saved her life a couple of years ago after she’d been attacked by a man on her way to the MARTA station to catch the train home.

  Journey shuddered as the scene of blood and ripped clothing flashed in her mind, reminding her of how terrified she’d been. But then Laz had come out of nowhere, tackling the man, beating him to within an inch of his life. To this day, she didn’t even want to think about what would’ve happened to her if he hadn’t shown up. She would forever be indebted to him.

  Journey quickly diverted her gaze from his even though she knew he couldn’t read minds. He was playing her. Trying to extract information out of her the way he masterfully did with so many of his collars. No. This was something she had to keep to herself right now. She’d figure out another way to help him.

  She released a long breath as the elevator doors opened. “There’s nothing else,” she finally said, “but if you find anything on Turner, make sure it’s something my office can use.”

  Laz followed her out of the elevator. “What difference would it make? The guy probably skipped town the moment the cuffs were off.” Laz continued walking with her. When they stepped outside he touched her arm, forcing her to stop. “Why do I feel there’s something else on your mind?”

  “Of course there are other things on my mind, Laz. I have a ton of open cases.
I’m tired and I haven’t had a day off in six months.”

  He gazed into her eyes as if searching for a clue. She was a lawyer who rarely backed down, but damn if he didn’t have her squirming inside. It was as if he could see right through her.

  She glanced at her watch, anything to break eye contact with this man who set her body on fire with just a look. What was it about him that made her want to leap into his arms and grind her body against his?

  She shivered at the thought, knowing it was a fantasy that would never come to fruition.

  “Detective, I’d love to stand here while you try to read me, but I have to be in court shortly. Besides, I’m sure you have more bad guys to get off the street.”

  He nodded, but still didn’t look convinced. “All right. I’ll let you go, but I’ll be in touch…soon.”

  Laz strutted back into the building without another word and without a glance back.

  Why did his words feel more like a promise than just a figure of speech?

  “And why did he have to make them sound so darn sexy?” Journey blew out an unsteady breath and shook herself before walking away. “He is off limits. He is definitely off limits,” she mumbled to herself.

  Now, if only her words could make her body cooperate.

  Hours later, Laz sat at his desk and twirled a pen between his fingers. The heated discussion between Journey and Gabriel Hall bothered him. He’d only caught the tail end of the argument, but he had heard enough to make him want to snatch up Hall and slam his ass against the wall for the things he’d said to Journey.

  What bugged him more was the conversation he had with Journey. Something was bothering her and he had a nagging feeling it had nothing to do with Hall, but everything to do with him. An intense sexual vibe had always transpired between them, but today’s energy had nothing to do with his attraction to her. Today was different. Journey had been different. There was something she wasn’t telling him.


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