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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

Page 9

by Koko Brown

  Journey wasn’t sure what to say to that. Tony was the only man she’d ever dated for any real length of time and he wasn’t into PDA which was all right with her.

  “With that said though,” Laz continued and ran the back of his fingers down her cheek, “Starting today, I’ll never do anything, whether you’re around me or not, that I think will hinder your job or your reputation.”

  “Yeah, right. Promises. Promises.”

  “You have my word, Journey. Everything by the book going forward. No exceptions.”

  Searching his eyes, his gaze didn’t waiver. She believed him. Or at least she believed he’d try.

  “Okay, detective, I guess we’re officially dating.”

  Journey raised up and covered his mouth with hers, again falling under the spell that he kept putting on her whenever their lips touched.

  Laz cupped her face between his large hands. He could be so gentle sometimes, making it hard to remember that he could also be just as dangerous.

  “There’s something you should probably know,” he said.

  “Laz, if you tell me that this was all a joke, I’m going to hurt you.”

  He smiled. “I’m serious about everything we’ve discussed, and I’m also very protective, Journey. Especially of those who mean anything to me. The shit I see out on these streets on a daily basis might have me being overbearing, but just know that it’s coming from a good place. You’re important to me and I can’t help but want to look out for you.”

  “Does that mean that you did have something to do with Gabe getting beat up?”

  “I told you before, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Yeah right.

  “Now can we finally get a few hours of sleep before the sun comes up?” He turned off the lamp on his side of the bed without waiting for a response, bathing the room in darkness except for the soft light coming from the hallway.

  Journey relaxed in the crook of his arm, her head resting beneath his chin as her fingers drew circles on his chest. She found comfort lying next to him, his hand caressing her hip. Had anyone told her that she’d be spending the night with Lazarus Dimas, she would have laughed in their face. And now look at her. They were official.

  Wow. Me and Laz.

  She lifted her head slightly, sensing he had dozed off. No doubt he was tired, but she was too wired to sleep.


  “Hmm,” he grunted and started back caressing her hip.

  “Does you wanting to be in a relationship have anything to do with Gwenn Andreou?”

  Laz stiffened against her and Journey suddenly regretted the question. She couldn’t help but be curious about his late girlfriend. The little that she’d found on her was sketchy at best.

  “I’m done with answering questions tonight,” Laz said quietly and moved her hand from his chest. Sitting up, he placed his feet on the floor and stood. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  Laz stood directly under the rainfall shower head. The warm water cascading over his body like a soothing balm, relieved some of his tension. Why was it that whenever Gwenn’s name was mentioned, it was like reliving that dark time in his life all over again? He had to figure out how to stop shutting down whenever anyone questioned him about her.

  It was past time to move on. He had taken out his own type of revenge on the people responsible for her murder, and had spent years in therapy. Yet there was still a part of his heart that hadn’t healed.

  Because you won’t let it heal.

  He turned his face up to the water and pushed his wet hair out of his eyes. He shouldn’t have walked away from Journey. If he wanted this relationship to work, he had to be willing to open up to her, the way he expected her to do.

  Laz wiped some of the water from his face when he heard the bathroom door open and close. Moments later, the shower curtain slid back and Journey stood in the narrow opening. Standing before him in all her naked glory. He felt like the luckiest man alive. He would never get tired of looking at her, nude or not.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, her voice low, and her eyes unsure. She was such a beautiful contradiction. On one hand, a kick-ass attorney who had put away her share of scumbags, and on the other hand, a soft, vulnerable woman who he had fallen hard for.

  Laz extended his hand and pulled her into the shower. “You have nothing to be sorry about.”

  He turned her away from the shower head, ensuring not to get her hair wet.

  “I know you’re tired and I shouldn’t have intruded in your personal life. I guess I—”

  “You’re a part of my personal life now. You have every right to ask me anything you want. I’m the one who’s sorry. I shouldn’t have walked away.”

  He lifted her chin with the pad of his index finger and kissed her lips. He hadn’t let a woman get this close to him, emotionally, since Gwenn. It was time.

  “I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”

  “Okay, but since we’re in here. We might as well get cleaned up. Or maybe…” Her words trailed off and she wrapped her arms around his neck, capturing his mouth in a wicked kiss.

  “Aw, baby,” Laz moaned against her mouth, backing her up against the shower wall. Their tongues tangled, exploring the inner recesses of each other’s mouths and he didn’t know how much he could handle before losing total control. The deep, searing kiss, and the caress of her lips against his made him powerless to resist anything she offered. They had resisted each other for so long, but he had a feeling the getting acquainted stage of the relationship was going to be a blast.

  A sensual charge shot through Laz when her hand slid slowly between their bodies and she gripped his engorged shaft. He groaned. The sound thick with need as she slid her hand languidly up and down, stroking, squeezing, heightening the desire roaring through his veins. When her thumb brushed across the tip of his dick, Laz almost lost it.

  Journey gasped when he lifted her. A small squeal of delight filling the tight space as he cradled her butt in his hands. She held on as her legs went easily around him, and he slid between her slick folds feeling as if he had finally made it home.

  Waves of ecstasy ricocheted through his body as he drove into her hard and fast, her breasts brushing the fine hairs on his chest with every thrust. That sensation only made him go harder, deeper, as he got lost in her sweet heat. She matched him stroke for stroke and when her body tightened around him, Laz knew his release was close.

  One last push and Journey came hard, convulsing in his arms, and a hot tide of passion raged through his body catapulting him over the edge. Weak in the knees, he staggered a bit before lowering her until her feet touched the floor of the shower.

  Man, that was…

  Laz rested his forehead against the tile, unable to do much else, he held Journey close as he struggled to keep them both upright. He couldn’t remember the last time he had…

  “Oh shit.” Laz realized he had just screwed up.

  “If that expletive is about our lack of a condom, I’m on the pill,” Journey said breathing hard near his ear. Laz relaxed though he was pissed he’d slipped up.

  “That was amazing,” she panted. “But, Laz, I don’t think I can move.”

  He chuckled and drummed up what little energy he had left. “I got you, babe.”

  Holding onto her, he got them cleaned up and ran a towel over their bodies, not caring that they weren’t completely dry. When they made it to the bed and Journey’s head hit the pillow, she was out. Laz had never seen anyone fall asleep that fast, but felt a little proud knowing their lovemaking had worn her out.

  He pulled the sheet over them and stared down at her sleeping form, barely able to keep his own eyes open. He didn’t know what the future held for them, but he planned to put all of his energies into making their relationship work. He just hoped he didn’t screw it up.

  Hours later, Laz woke slowly. A sliver of sunlight crept through the spot where the curtains were pulled together, letting him know it was morn
ing. Or it could’ve been afternoon for all he knew.

  Without moving, he glanced down at the top of Journey’s head nestled against his chest. She was sprawled over him, her arm and leg across his body as if she were trying to hold him down. Sound asleep her light snores were the only sounds in the room.

  Feeling as if he had run a marathon, twice, his eyes drifted closed. Thankfully he had the day off. Journey had zapped him of all energy and if given the opportunity, he could sleep for a week. He must have dosed off because when he reopened his eyes, she was staring up at him.

  “Good morning,” she mumbled.

  “Morning, beautiful.” Now, this he could get used to. Waking up to her sweet face beat the hell out of waking up alone in bed.

  Journey lifted up and started to move off of him, but he stopped her with a hand on her back. “Where you going?”

  “Well, I was getting off of you so that you could breathe.” She flashed a shy smile. Surely, she wasn’t implying that she was heavy.

  “I like you laying on top of me, and I love waking up to you.”

  She smiled and it was as if the whole room lit up. “I like waking up to you too.” She scooted up higher and kissed him. “I’m hungry.”

  Laz burst out laughing. “I guess I should get up and feed you then.” Thoughts of the conversation they never had the night before came to mind. “But first we need to talk.”

  “If this is about Gwenn, I told you last night that you don’t have to tell me.”

  “I want to.”

  This time when she made a move to climb off of him, he didn’t stop her. How was he going to share the darkest time of his life with her? Just thinking about the year after Gwenn’s murder made him want to shut down. It did help that she snuggled next to him, and his arm automatically went around her needing to have her close.

  “My first year as a detective, I cracked a case that the department had been working on for years. There was a big-time drug dealer who had relocated the bulk of his business from Chicago to Atlanta. Like most detectives, I was hungry for a big case. Cocky, and I had something to prove, not just to myself, but to some of the other detectives.” Laz exhaled loudly, as the memories flooded to the forefront of his mind. “I was determined to take this drug supplier down, especially since he’d been evading arrest, and I got him. Caught him with his pants down, literally. There were enough drugs in his possession to put him away for life.”

  Without realizing it, Laz moved his arm from around Journey and pulled away, but with a hand on his torso she looked up at him.

  “It’s time you stopped running, Laz. Tell me the rest.”

  He laid his head back on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling trying to get his thoughts together.

  “After this guy was convicted, I went after his whole operation.” Laz closed his eyes tightly and pinched the bridge of his nose as if in pain.

  “On second thought, if this is too painful, maybe—”

  “Long story short, those bastards pumped heroine into Gwenn, but made it look like she had OD’d. She didn’t do drugs. Ever. She had just received her master’s in environmental science and… She was curious about everything, always needing to find answers and crazy smart, too.” He squeezed Journey, trying to find strength in her being there beside him. “I guess I have a thing for smart women.”

  Laz tried to return Journey’s smile, but anxiety roared through him.

  “I found her…dead,” he choked out before clearing his throat. Journey laid her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arm around him. Strangely enough, that simple move brought him a comfort he had never felt when discussing that horrific time in his life. “When I arrived home that night, the back door to our house was standing wide open. I knew then they’d gotten to her.”

  “Oh my, God, Laz. I’m so sorry. No one should have to—”

  “I lost it, Journey. I fuckin’ lost my shit.” He shook his head, trying to wipe the vision of her body lying lifeless on the floor near the sofa. “I went after the whole fucking organization like a man possessed, starting at the bottom and working my way up until I got to the second in command. I had nothing to lose, at least that’s how I felt at the time. Journey, I did some things…”

  Silence filled the room, narrowing like a noose around his neck. The knot tightening with each passing second. Laz debated on just how much to tell her. He could easily be spending his life behind bars for the shit he did back then, but he’d gotten lucky.

  Journey placed a finger on his lips when he started to speak again. “I’ve heard enough. Thank you for telling me.” Her finger was then replaced by her lips in a lingering kiss that brought with it a sense of understanding and no judgment. “I hate you had to go through that, but it explains your low tolerance for drug dealers.”

  Laz had no tolerance for drug dealers. Since that night, he had vowed to clear the city of as many of them as possible. Some days were better than others in accomplishing that goal. Whereas other days he just wanted to walk away and never look back.

  If you’re ever looking for a change…

  Hamilton’s words floated inside Laz’s head. Maybe it was time for a change. Time to let go. And time to move on.


  Journey knocked on the district attorney’s partially opened office door before pushing it open. She had gotten word that he needed to see her before she left for the day.

  “You wanted to,” she started but stopped when she realized he was on the telephone. Before she could back out of the office, he lifted his hand and waved her in.

  “I understand, commissioner. We appreciate your help in the matter. Okay…”

  Giving him some privacy, Journey stood at one of the two windows that were on the opposite side of the room. Staring out at the courtyard below, she smiled thinking about the last two weeks with Laz. They had fallen into such a comfortable routine, seeing each other every day. It was as if they’d been together for years. Starting their relationship as friends probably had a lot to do with how well they got along. But their connection was so strong it was almost scary. To think that she had come to depend on his presence in her life in such a short amount of time was mind boggling.

  “Sorry about that, Journey,” the DA said after hanging up the phone. “Can you close the door?”

  Journey did as requested before sitting in one of the leather chairs in front of his desk. She studied him as he sifted through a stack of files. Henry Gaines was one of the best bosses she’d ever had and he was loved by everyone in the office. Handsome, with short dark hair, expressive eyes with laugh lines, and the friendliest smile she’d ever seen on a man. He didn’t look his sixty-plus years. Despite how stressful his job was, his demeanor rarely changed.

  “Thanks for stopping by my office. I know you’re trying to get out of here and start your weekend, but I wanted to talk to you before you left.” He stared down at the file folder in his hand.

  “O—kay,” Journey said slowly wondering what this was about since he seemed a little distracted. He finally passed her the file, but before she could open it, he continued.

  “I hope it goes without saying that whatever we discuss right now, will remain in this office.”

  “Of course.” Unease crept down her back. Rarely did he preface a conversation like that. Had he somehow found out she’d given Laz a heads up about the Monsuli case?

  Journey opened the file and her heart stalled. Her hands shook slightly before she set the opened file on her lap, willing herself to relax. Okay, don’t trip. This means nothing. At least that’s what she told herself as her attention remained on the folder’s contents.

  Case notes. Enrique Monsuli.

  “I know this wasn’t your case, but I wanted to talk to you about it. A couple of months ago, I thought for sure we had finally put this guy where he belonged—behind bars. But Monsuli is still insisting on his innocence and has hired a different lawyer to appeal his case.”

  Journey knew all of this because of whisp
ers that had floated around the office. But relief flooded through her that Henry didn’t seem the wiser about her conversation with Laz.

  “Monsuli’s new attorney claims our office withheld evidence that could have exonerated his client.”

  Journey had been skimming the file, but looked up at the last comment. “What?” The withholding evidence claim surprised her. If nothing else, their office was thorough. Sure, it was possible something could’ve been missed, but she doubted it.

  “The attorney is also saying that his defendant’s trial was clouded by injustice and undermined by his trial lawyer.”

  “That’s ridiculous. Maybe his lawyer did fail him, and I don’t know all the details about the case, but I know Carmen is thorough. She and Prentice worked hard and made sure their case against Monsuli was solid,” she said of the prosecutor who was a friend and Prentice, one of the DA’s investigators. The two had worked tirelessly to ensure they put this guy away once and for all.

  Henry smiled and sat back in his chair. “You don’t have to tell me. Carmen is one of the best prosecutors we have. I know she did her job, but now we have to prove, again, that we have the right guy.”

  “Why are you telling me all of this, sir?”

  He hesitated, tapping his pen rhythmically against the desk and then stopped. “You’ve always had a good relationship with the police department. Actually, better than most of our prosecutors. I’m wondering what you think of detectives Dimas and Chambers?”

  Journey felt she knew Laz well, but she didn’t know much about his partner, Ashton Chambers. That’s what she told her boss. No way she was sharing information about her and Laz’s relationship, but she highlighted his qualities as a detective.

  “Detective Dimas is relentless in cleaning up these streets of people like Monsuli.”

  “Relentless enough to tamper with evidence?” Henry asked carefully. “That’s one of the claims coming from the defense.”

  Journey shook her head. “No. Laz wouldn’t tamper with evidence. I’ve called him out on some of his methods over the years, but he’s a good detective, Henry. He wouldn’t jeopardize his career by doing something like that.”


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