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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

Page 37

by Koko Brown

  She didn’t know how far she’d gone, but all that mattered was that she was away from Dallas and Grekon.

  Who are probably waiting for me at the end of this little parade.

  Where they would try to catch her again. As if she would let them. Ha! They thought they were so fucking smart. She snorted.

  It wasn’t like this was her first time ditching bounty hunters. Luxo had a bounty on her head ever since she’d stabbed him, left him for dead, and escaped the hellhole of a life that he’d called a marriage. But she’d been smarter than all the hunters he’d sent after her. Dallas and Grekon weren’t any different.

  She rolled to her stomach and glanced over the edge. A fiery red-headed kid ran along, holding one end of the kite handle.

  “Hey,” she shouted.

  The kid looked up at her. The joy on his face quickly turned to a frown. “How did you get up there?”

  “I fell. Can you lower your side a little so I can get down?”

  His mouth turned to an O. He didn’t slow down—she didn’t need him to—but the moment he lowered his staff, she slid to the ground. She quickly danced out of the way and pressed against the wall to avoid the fast moving crowd.

  As the children ran by her ,she turned her attention to the wall. It was made of clay and dirt, but a quick look up and she knew instantly that she wouldn’t be climbing her way to freedom. It was too high and steep. A master escape artist, yes, but she was no rock climber.

  “There has to be another way out of here,” she muttered.

  She walked along the side, making sure to stay out of the way. It would be just her luck to escape Luxo and the many bounty hunters that he’d sent after her, only to be trampled by a bunch of kids. Finally she came upon a narrow walkway that veered off the main path. With nothing to lose she took it. The steep pathway continued upward and soon she found herself at the top, behind the onlookers.

  Score one for the human girls.

  She put her fists on her hips and scanned her surroundings.

  Now all I have to do is find a way off this planet.

  There was an almost deserted outdoor market. Vendors hung around seeming to wait for the festivities to end so that business could return to normal.

  Then she spotted a picture of a transporter.


  Under a sign advertising discounted tour services, there was a Rasdon lounging on the ground under a tarp. Their species resembled snarling dogs with coarse hair covering most of their bodies and long snouts that sat just above yellow fangs that hung out of their mouths. One had wanted to hook up with her back on Tolanis, but she’d stayed far away from him. She’d heard stories of their bedroom habits. Their sexual tastes ran to the obscene.

  She inwardly groaned. I really don’t want to deal with him.

  But since he was her only way of escape, she threw back her shoulders and made her way to his table. When he didn’t stir at her approach, she nudged him with her foot. “Hey, you open for business?”

  He moved his arm from across his face and stared up at her. His dark as coal eyes focused on her, looking her up and down, lingering on the ribbon that covered her breasts. A part of her wanted to shield herself from his unnerving gaze, but with a limited number of credits in her account she would need any help she could to get her off this rock.

  He swiped his pink tongue across his thin lips. “Where are you trying to go?”

  She dropped into one of the chairs at his table. Little discs of star maps were spread across the surface, she grabbed one. “I’m going to be real honest here. I don’t have a lot of credits, but I need to leave now. Someplace human friendly, with a mild climate and where there’s plenty of work.”

  The Rasdon humphed and pushed himself into his chair. “When you say, you don’t have ‘a lot’ of credits, what are you talking about? My services aren’t cheap.” He gave her another look that was equally uncomfortable as the first. “But we can always work out other ways of payment.”

  This time she did use her arms to cover her breasts. “How much is it going to cost me?”

  “You’re holding the map of Prysvinta in your hand. That’s one of my most expensive trips.” She promptly dropped it. He pushed another disc toward her. “This is Dekespi. Humans are welcome. No slave trading. I assume that’s what you’re running from?”

  She didn’t want to tell him anything, but still, she nodded.

  “I can get you there.”

  “When can we leave?”

  “Seeing how you’re my only customer right now, we can go whenever you want.”

  What a relief. “Let’s go then.” She stood.

  “There’s still the matter of,” his eyes focused on her crotch, “payment.”

  She tried to do the calculations in her head. She didn’t want to give this guy all her money. Wherever she ended up, she would need to buy new clothes, food, and find a place to stay. Her old fogy gave her a generous allowance, but since she was missing in action he was probably already thinking that she’d skipped out on him. She had a day, maybe two maximum to clean out her credit account. “I’m on a budget, so what are we talking about?”

  “Are you escaping a brothel?”

  She glared at him. “No.”

  “So you don’t know any of those fancy tricks that are taught there?”

  “I’m not from a brothel,” she bit out. “Besides, I have the credits to pay you.”

  He licked his lips and growled low in his throat. “And if I want more than credits?”

  She glanced around the market. She saw jewelry makers, aliens selling clothes, some baked food, but no other transport vendors. No other pilots.

  He leaned across the table. His hot breath, rank in stench, wafted her way. “If you want off this planet and fast, I’m your best hope.”

  Her heart dropped. She’d sold her body before. It didn’t make her proud and the thought of doing it again and with him made her want to throw up all over herself.

  “No. All I can offer you are credits. Proper payment for services rendered. If you can’t take that deal, then I’ll just have to find another pilot. You can’t possibly be the only one on the entire planet.” Her breathing picked up. She didn’t have time to look for another pilot. Was he the only one near?

  His beastly eyes darted from side to side, taking in everything around him. “I’ll take you, but I’ll wait to see if I can pick up more fares.” When she opened her mouth to object, he interrupted her. “I have to make some kind of profit from this deal.”


  She thrummed her fingers on the table, weighing all her options. If she waited too long those bastards would surely find her again. But not being alone with this asshole was also a plus.

  “The festival will be over soon enough and I’ll be able to acquire one or two more fares. You’ll be off this planet and I can make more credits.”

  “Okay. But you can’t take the credits from my account until after we get into the air.”

  “Deal.” He brought out a container and undid the cap.

  When he brought the cup to his lips, her stomach growled. She hadn’t eaten or had anything to drink since yesterday. She was starving. She looked around the marketplace. There was plenty of food to be had, but if she ordered something using her credit account Grekon and Dallas would get a read on where she was and be on her in a heartbeat. She would have to wait until she was away from here to eat.

  Her stomach growled again.

  “Do you want some?”

  She lifted her chin. “What is it and how much is it going to cost me? I can’t pay you until we leave.”

  “It’s a protein liquid meal and it’s free. I give them out to all my paying fare, especially for the long trips.” He offered her the container.

  She eyed him cautiously. One thing she learned from being on her own was that hardly anything was for free. “Free?”

  He nodded. “Included in the fare.”

  She snatched the cup from his hands and d
rank so fast that some of the liquid spilled from the sides of her mouth and down her chin. It wasn’t the best meal she’d tasted, but it wasn’t the worst either. The warm brew was thick enough to fill her stomach but smooth enough to drink down heartily. When she finished, she set the empty cup on the table and wiped her mouth with her forearm.

  “You were a hungry one,” he said giddily.

  She eyed him cautiously. “You promised the drink was free. If you try to charge me for it now I’m not paying.”

  He chuckled. A sound that made her cringe. “Don’t worry about payment. Like I said, all my guests get it for free.”

  Something didn’t feel right. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. He watched her with a satisfied glint in his eyes.

  “On second thought. We can leave now.”

  She frowned. “What about waiting on more fares?”

  “Eh, what can I say? I think I can pass the time with just you in my transporter.” He opened his bag and scooped his discs inside.

  Find another way off the planet.

  She stood. “On second thought, I think I’ll find another pilot.”

  Before she could stop him, he grabbed her arm. “No, you aren’t. You’re coming with me.”

  She struggled to get away. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t. His nails bit deeper into her, piercing her skin. “Let. Go. Of. Me.”

  “You’re mine.” He snarled, revealing two rows of sharp and pointy teeth.

  I’m so screwed.

  Dallas couldn’t believe what he was seeing. At first he’d been happy to have found Tina, but when he saw the Rasdon grab her, he knew things were about to go south—fast.

  “I found her,” he yelled over the dispersing crowd to Grekon who’d been searching the other side of the canyon.

  Without waiting for Grekon, he ran to Tina and snatched her other arm. “She won’t be going anywhere with you.”

  “Huh? What?” Tina struggled against him.

  He pushed the Rasdon on the chest, sending him backward a few steps. The Rasdon released Tina but left marks in her skin. A small trail of blood ran down her arm where his nails had been.

  “Now hold on,” the Rasdon said. “The female and I had a deal.”

  “She’s ours,” Grekon declared as he met them.

  The Rasdon glared at Grekon as if sizing him up for a fight. With his free hand, Dallas pushed his jacket to the side, revealing the blaster hooked to his belt. “Do we have a problem here?”

  The Rasdon looked from him to Grekon, then to Tina where his gaze lingered as if trying to decide how much trouble she was worth. Finally he grumbled to himself then sat back down. “No problem from me.”

  “Good.” He pulled Tina’s arm. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Hey,” she tried to get away from him. “That hurts. Let me go.”

  He ignored her pleas until they were out of earshot of the pilot. “Why? So you can run away again?”

  She lifted her chin. “That’s not such a bad plan.”

  His fingers dug deeper into her arm. He pulled her closer to him. “Do you know what that Rasdon would’ve done to you?”

  “I’m fully aware of his intentions. That’s why I was about to leave and find another pilot.”

  Grekon snorted. “He wasn’t going to let you go anywhere.”

  “I can take care of myself. I would’ve gotten away from him.”

  “Yeah, right. Because you were doing such a great job of that.” He nodded to her arm where the blood was beginning to dry.”

  “This?” She lifted an eyebrow. “This is nothing. I’ve been through worse. I wasn’t going anywhere with him.”

  He pulled her through the crowd, navigating back to the transporter. “You think you’re so smart.”

  She snorted. “I was just thinking the same about the two of you,” she mumbled to herself.

  He glared at her but didn’t slow his pace. “He probably would’ve done whatever he wanted to you then sold you to the nearest brothel.”

  She batted her eyelashes. “Why, Dallas. Are you worried about me now?” she said with a Southern twang to her voice.

  “Yeah, you’re my asset.”

  She growled and tried to pull out of his grasp. “You motherfucker.”

  “Listen,” Grekon said, putting a hand on her shoulder. “You’re a human female. By yourself. And to make matters worse, you look like a…”

  She glared at Grekon. “So what if he was going to do God knows what to me then drop me off at a brothel? At least at a brothel there would be rules and regulations. The Galactic Council would be looking out for me there.”

  Grekon pulled back, appalled. “You wouldn’t mind being a brothel whore?”

  She sniffled. “What’s the big difference between whoring for Luxo or whoring for many? At the brothel I would get fed and I wouldn’t be beaten or chained.” She ripped at the ribbon binding her breasts. Her breasts sprung free. “It doesn’t matter where I go. That’s what I am regardless.”

  “Good Lord. Stop being so fucking dramatic.” He took off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. She tried to shrug it off but he wrapped his arms around her, holding it in place. “You are not a whore.”

  “Yes, I am, Dallas.” She pushed him from her and in a defiant move threw his coat to the ground. She stood naked save for the small shorts. Anyone passing might’ve guessed her a whore, but with her head held high and the wind whipping her hair around her face, she looked majestic.

  “Is that what you want? Should we start treating you like a whore?” he asked her. He stepped back. “Look, I told you. It’s nothing personal here. We’re just doing our jobs.”

  Grekon sighed and picked up her ribbon and Dallas’s jacket. “Come on, let’s go.” He wrapped the jacket around her shoulders.

  She let Grekon cover her and went with him as he led her away, leaving Dallas to stare at their backs.

  This is just a job, he reminded himself.

  Grekon turned around and gave him a look that said, “See, I told you that we shouldn’t have taken a human bounty.”

  Dallas followed them to the transporter and when he entered, Grekon led Tina to the bedroom. Without saying a word, he shut the transporter door and sat down at the helm. Grekon slid into the seat next to him.

  “Don’t say a word,” he warned.

  “About what?” Grekon asked.

  He pinched his mouth shut and engaged the take-off sequence. After this, there would be no more human gigs. Tina had been right. There was something wrong about all of this.

  He gave a sideways glance at Grekon. No matter how he felt, he had to finish this. He owed it to his friend.

  The transporter took off with smooth precision. They cleared the planet’s atmosphere and Dallas engaged the warp drive.

  “You do know that we can talk about it if you want.” Grekon said.

  “This isn’t a psychiatry session and you aren’t my shrink.”

  “I have no idea what any of that is.”

  “Forget it, I—”

  Tina let out a blood curdling shriek.

  He and Grekon exchanged glances. “That can’t be good,” they said at the same time.

  “Fuck me,” Tina yelled. “I need someone to fuck me nooowww.”

  Tina moaned loudly. The bedroom door slid open. They turned in unison and watched as she crawled, naked out of the room. Her hair flew wild around her. Her breasts swung pendulously. “I’m sooo horny,” she cried. “I need to be fucked. I need to come.”

  “What the hell?” he asked.

  Tina rolled to her back and swung her legs open. She dipped her fingers into her pussy and vigorously fingered herself. The sounds of her wetness filled the cabin.

  Grekon closed his eyes and laid his head against his seat. “Tell me this isn’t happening.”

  “What?” he asked again. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. As she fingered herself with one hand, with the other she pinched her nipple until it was red.

  As if sensing him, Tina flipped to her stomach where she gyrated against the floor, bucking against the tile. “I’m so hot,” she said in a voice that almost didn’t sound like hers. She pushed to her hands and knees and crawled to him, grabbing his leg. She pressed her body against it, wrapping her legs and arms around him.

  Grekon opened his eyes and looked at him. “That pilot drugged her with Xy.”

  “Fuck me, Dallas,” Tina breathed out. “Fuck my pussy, ass…my mouth.” She licked his knee and rubbed her groin on him, pumping furiously.

  “Yeah, she’s been given Xy alright,” Grekon confirmed.

  “What the hell is that?”

  “It’s a sexual stimulant.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Tell me something that I don’t know. More importantly how do counter it?”


  He pulled his eyes off a gyrating Tina to stare at Grekon. “Huh?”

  Grekon shrugged. “The chemical has to work itself out of her system. You’ll have to have sex with her. Otherwise she’ll hurt herself. It’ll just get worse and worse for her.”

  “Then I guess she’s getting dropped home like this because I can’t fuck her and take her back to slavery. I don’t know if my conscience would be able to handle that.”

  “You would be doing her a favor.”

  He pushed her off his leg. It was like trying to deal with a dog in heat. “Jesus.”

  Tina cried and thrashed around like he’d doused her with acid. “Fuck me. I need to be fucked. Fuck me.”

  “You don’t have a choice,” Grekon said.

  He just couldn’t. She was already going through enough. “Then you do it.”

  Grekon stared at Tina. He hadn’t seen Grekon with a female since they’d been together. He knew he shouldn’t have said that. It was wrong. “Look, man. I’m so—”

  With a growl Grekon got up, scooped Tina off the floor, and took her to the bedroom.

  After a few minutes Tina screamed out in passion. “Grekon!”

  Well, he might not have a dick, but Grekon had a working tongue. A fact that he’d reminded Grekon of plenty of times when they came across willing females.


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