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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

Page 54

by Koko Brown

  Although she wanted to hold him, touch him, taste him even, she wanted to control this session.

  She jerked her hand back. “No.”

  Russell’s face creased even more when he scowled at her. “You’re fucking with me?”

  “No. I want complete control.” She dropped her towel this time.

  Russell did not hide the fact that he viewed her entire body, scanning her from head to toe. When he started to reach for her, she apprehended his hand and lowered it.

  “Not yet. Patience.” She shook her head.

  “Lady, I’ve been waiting a long time to touch a woman. I think I’ve been patient enough.” He started to reach for her again with his other hand, but Victoria backed away.

  “I told you. I’m controlling this. And don’t call me lady. Every time you speak to me, say my name.” She started to walk around him.

  “Seriously?” He started to snicker.

  Victoria stopped. “What?”

  He turned his head to look at her. “I mean, seriously, Victoria?”

  Her knees buckled. “Yes.” She swallowed hard. “I want you to put a name on the woman who is about to rock your world.” She continued walking when Russell turned.

  “Don’t walk behind me.” He shook his head. “I don’t like that.”

  Boundaries. She understood that. “Fine.” She stood in front of him. “Guess I’ll have to do my inspection this way.”

  Victoria reached behind him and grabbed his ass cheeks. His firm ass filled her hands and barely moved under her grasp. Then she pressed her face into his chest, kissing his skin up to his neck before licking the water droplets off him, up to his chin. The saltiness of his flesh appealed to Victoria enough that she lowered her head to suck his hardened nipple.

  “Oh, hell.” In one strong move, Russell scooped her up under her ass and carried her backward to the bed.

  “Wait. Wait.” She gripped his shoulders to steady herself, but that only lasted until he deposited her onto the mattress.

  From that vantage point, she caught the full view of his dick. Long, strong, hard, thick. Damn. Had events not occurred the way they did when she had turned eighteen, he would have put a serious hurting on her.

  To stop his frantic movements, Victoria gripped his cock in both hands. The hold did still him. Russell peered down at her. She started to move forward to give the tip of his cock a lick.

  He shook his head. “Don’t. Don’t.”

  “What?” She licked him anyway.

  The motion got him to suck air between his teeth. “I’m going to fucking explode.” He tried backing from her.

  “Tell me what you want.” She thought about her statement and amended it. “No. Let me tell you what I want.” She let him go and slid back on the bed, her legs spread. “Still hungry?”

  Russell didn’t need to hear anything else. He crawled on the bed between her legs, dropped his head down, and devoured her soaking pussy. Victoria arched her back and dug her heels into the bed.

  What he lacked in finesse, he more than made up for in aggression, need, desire, and raw, animalistic lust. He gripped her legs as his mouth covered her clit, licking and sucking it until she couldn’t hold back her screams. Her stomach tightened and every muscle in her body constricted as the hardest orgasm she’d ever had hit her.

  Russell moved his mouth down to her opening and dove his tongue inside as far as he could go. In between licks, he mumbled, “Inside. Need to be in you.”

  “Finish. Give me one more. Please.” She held his head in its spot at her sex.

  Victoria even raised her hips to accommodate him more. She heard him lapping up her juices, sucking and licking her until her body felt limp and lifeless, yet alive and strong at the same time. Her hands didn’t shake. Her body trembled only when she climaxed, which she did again, harder and faster.

  “Nightstand. Behind me.” Victoria couldn’t say more than that.

  Luckily, she didn’t have to explain herself. Russell drew himself up on his knees and moved off to the side of her body where he reached over and grabbed the box of condoms. He ripped it open, sending strings of condoms all over her body and on the bed.

  He picked up one strand of them and ripped open the package. With her wits about her, Victoria sat up and pushed the extra condoms onto the floor.

  “Get on your back.” She took the rubber from his hand and waited for him to assume the position.

  She straddled him and rolled the filmy protection over him. Victoria looked in his eyes as she hovered her greedy pussy over the tip of him. “Say my name.”

  He shook his head. In one swift, powerful motion, he pulled her down and pressed her face down on the bed and hiked her ass in the air. Then he got behind her. “You say my fucking name.”

  She started to complain about the new position when he shoved himself inside of her so hard she saw an explosion in her head. “Asshole.”

  He gripped her hips and growled. “Fuck. Fuck. Don’t move.” Russell pounded his fist on the pillow next to her face. “Don’t fucking move.”

  His long fingers dug hard into her flesh. Victoria wanted to comply. Her body had other plans. She pushed her hips back and forth in small, precise movements, moving him in and out of her. Despite filling her completely, she loved feeling him inside her. He felt like he belonged there, like they belonged together.

  Every time she tried propping her upper body up, Russell put his hand in the center of her back and pushed her back down. So much for taking control.

  “Not yet.” He squeezed his eyes closed. “Shit. Not fucking yet.”

  “Don’t tell me what to do.” Victoria continued moving her hips, if nothing else, to get herself off. His long, thick cock rubbed her in all the right places. She wished, though, that she could see his face. She felt something dripping on her back and on the back of her neck, and assumed Russell’s sweat showered her.

  He reached one hand under her to grab her tit. The roughness should have offended her, and yet, she desired more of his forceful nature. She pushed her ass up higher to provide him deeper access.

  “Christ almighty.” He pumped away. “God fucking damn it.” Then he held himself inside her, plunging deep while growling. “Shit. Shit.”

  Before Victoria could say anything, he pulled out of her and got out of bed. Faster than she could blink, she saw him rip off the condom, now filled with his essence, and throw it away in the trashcan next to the bed, and roll another one on himself.

  Russell got between her legs again while she remained on her knees and shoved himself hard and deep into her sex, even harder than what he had done before. The immediate pain strangely satisfied Victoria’s need to feel something. She wrapped her feet around his calves as much as she could.

  The heft of his body left her breathless, only allowing her to take small gasps of air, but she didn’t care. She wanted the weight of him to consume her.

  This time he held himself there for a moment, panting hard and attempting to hold her hands down against the mattress.

  Victoria refused to be trapped. She attempted to cross her arms under her head, but Russell overpowered her, snagging one wrist and pressing it against the bed before he did the same to the other.

  “I want to see you.” She turned her head to see if she could see Russell’s face.

  When she did that, he turned his head in the opposite direction.

  He panted hard. “So sexy.”

  “Fuck me.” She rubbed her feet over the backs of his meaty calves. “Take all of me. I want you to fuck me hard. We can keep doing this all day and all night.” She shook her head. “I won’t leave.”

  “Shh.” He held her hands down using one hand, and used his other to cover her mouth. “Don’t say shit you don’t mean.” He lowered his head to position his mouth by her ear. “Everyone splits eventually.”

  She shook her head to get him to release her mouth. “Let me see you.”

  Without verbally responding to her, Russell slid the
hand he used to cover her mouth down to her breast and pinched her nipple. Stinging sensations shot through the backside of her nipple, through her chest, and radiated throughout her body.

  She wanted so much to touch him. This time, he imposed his own prison, one she didn’t want to escape from any time soon.

  “Tight. Tight.” Russell buried his face against the side of her neck.

  “Big. Much bigger than I thought.” She pressed her face against the pillow.

  He snaked his hand to the back of her head and cradled it before his thick fingers became entwined in her hair and he fisted it. This time she felt his body shaking. She knew what would be coming.

  Victoria moved her hips back and forth as much as she could to correspond with Russell’s thrusting. Besides her movements, she finally complied with his demand. “Russell.”

  Saying his name didn’t make her feel weak. Calling him gave her a sense of empowerment. Too bad he didn’t reciprocate and say her name.

  He shook his head, then cursed under his breath before he penetrated her soul with a few hard thrusts and held himself in his spot until his body relaxed and eased down on top of her back.

  As she panted, attempting to catch her breath, she whispered, “You’re not spending the night in the car.”

  She expected Russell to at least laugh at her statement. He pulled out of her, leaving her cold and exposed.

  Without a word, he stomped to the bathroom. She took it from the slammed door that despite both of them coming multiple times, he didn’t like the experience. She had to know why. Then again, maybe this would be the clean break she would need. Keep it to this one-off event and let it go. Her pussy twitched.

  Nope. She needed more. She needed Russell.


  After a second and much cooler shower, and some serious pacing in the small hotel bathroom, Russell re-emerged into the main room. He found Victoria in bed asleep, or at least she looked pretty knocked out. Either he had been in the bathroom longer than he thought, or she needed the nap after their rough session.

  As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he had been less than gentle with her. Russell stood by the bed and stared down at her. A white sheet covered her back and ass as she slept on her stomach. She had her face turned to the window, away from the bathroom. Her slow, rhythmic breathing calmed the anxiety inside him.

  He shouldn’t have fucked her. With just getting out of prison, he didn’t need to dip his dick into anyone. Pacing. Timing. Plus, he now derailed himself from convincing her to return home. If anything, he wanted to remain here and go for another round.

  Russell had always planned to make it out of the Hampton Roads area, and then find some pro, either on the street or in a club, and get out his pent-up energy that way. Russell never imagined getting propositioned by Crush’s daughter.

  Victoria had changed. No way did she match Crush’s characterization of being irresponsible. He stood next to the bed as a forty-year-old man, looking down at a thirty-year-old woman. Knowing that still didn’t ease his conscience. He had sex with the person who could give him a big payday if he delivered her to Crush Crandall. She also could offer him a sweeter deal if he complied with her wishes.

  If he wanted to, he could have wrapped her up in the sheet, carried her to the car, and driven her back home. Russell’s days of using brute force to get what he wanted had vanished along with having a positive outlook on life. He would have to make it out of this situation alive and paid handsomely. So far, he didn’t feel secure on either front.

  Victoria looked peaceful, content. He supposed having tons of money would do that. She lay before him embodying everything he would want. Money, power, sex, definitely sex. How the hell did she end up as a billionaire with a convict in a low-rate hotel?

  He knew they would be on borrowed time. At some point, Crush or maybe someone else, would be looking for her. That meant they would associate Russell with her disappearance, which wouldn’t bode well for him staying out of trouble or prison.

  Russell sauntered to the window and opened the curtain slightly. With it still being late afternoon, he didn’t want the sunlight to wake her up so soon. She deserved some sleep. He imagined that her perceived fear of her father must keep her mind racing at all times.

  Russell didn’t know if her claims held any merit. He peered back at her for a moment, breaking his concentration on the woods and the interstate view behind the hotel. While he watched her, he realized that she still listened to him. Her whole attitude earlier proved that. He wanted her to be the boss. She showed him with her body that she could be. The thought of that and her demands had his dick firming up again.

  Easy, boy. Don’t forget the plan.

  Russell couldn’t recall the last time he had gotten this lucky to end up in bed and having sex with the woman who had invaded his every thought for the past twelve years. He had hoped, though, that if he had an opportunity to make love to her that he would have been cooler than how he had performed.

  He didn’t want to come so quickly, although he knew no matter who he ended up with the first time out of prison, it would have gone that way. With Victoria, he wanted so much more, do so much more.

  Her body couldn’t compare to any dream he had. Touching her seemed surreal. Her soft flesh felt like velvet. Her pussy surrounded his shaft like a second skin. This time he didn’t mind the confinement.

  The more he thought about Victoria, her incredible body, that luscious mouth, those delicate hands, and her salty-but-sweet taste, he longed to have her again. The throbbing from his cock stirred him to distraction. He kept his concentration on the traffic to keep his mind occupied.

  “You’re a first.”

  The sound of Victoria’s voice startled him, but Russell kept his cool, kept still. He took a beat before turning to her.

  “I know you’re not trying to say that I took your virginity.” He released the curtain. “Someone who moves their body like you did has had sex once or twice before.”

  She cocked a smile at the corner of her mouth. “Maybe twice.” She held up two fingers. “You’re the first man, though, who bolted from the bed after sex.” She exhaled. “At least you stayed. I thought you would have tried sneaking out while I slept.”

  “If I leave, I won’t get paid.” He leaned against the wall by the window, determined to keep far away from her. Russell didn’t need to get close to her and expose more of himself.

  “Nice to know what you’re thinking…sometimes.” Victoria patted an empty spot beside her. “Come back to bed.”

  Russell shook his head.

  “I wasn’t asking.” A sultry yet serious expression covered her face.

  He remained quiet as he stared at her.

  “Okay, what gives with this silent treatment?”

  Russell didn’t think Victoria would pick up his reserved nature so quickly. He absolutely didn’t think she would bring it up.

  “I’m sure you don’t plan on being plowed by a convict over the next few days.” His warning to her matched what he had been telling himself since he made the decision to turn her over to Crush Crandall.

  “Don’t you ever call yourself a convict again. You’re more than that.” Victoria stretched her arm out. “As for that plowing, did you hear me complaining?” Then she rolled onto her back, exposing her tits.

  Damn, she looked good. Her breasts remained round and firm. The palms of his hands itched to touch her again. Russell wanted to do so much more to her body, like slide his hard cock between those soft orbs.

  Victoria pulled a pillow under her head. “You gave me what I expected.”

  He shook his head. “Shit.”

  “So you’re saying you didn’t enjoy what we did?” Her brows furrowed until he answered.

  Russell strolled closer to Victoria. “I’m not a kid anymore. Believe it or not, I did learn a lot while I was locked up.”

  “So an old dog can learn a new trick.” Victoria propped her head on her hand. “What did you t
ake away from your experience?”

  “Patience. Hell, when I had my first meal after I got out, I didn’t shove the food down my throat. I savored every bite. I took my time.” He kept a comfortable distance from the bed.

  “Like I said earlier, I’m here. We have time.” She smiled. “And, if it makes you feel any better, I wanted it just as fast and as hard as you did it, although I would have preferred to look at you.” Victoria dropped her gaze for a moment before she continued. “It hasn’t been twelve years, but it’s been two, almost three years for me.” She snickered. “I have trust issues.”

  That confession made Russell blink. What made him so lucky to get in her good graces? Why did she trust him?

  “Welcome to the club.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

  “I’m so sorry.” Victoria slid back and rested against the headboard.

  Russell cocked his head.

  “I saw your back when you were at the window.” She shook her head. “Oh my God.”

  Russell dropped his gaze for a moment. Old prison habits died hard. He didn’t like for people to come up behind him for a good reason. Now Victoria saw why. The mention of his stabbing scars had the old wounds aching again.

  “Unless you put the guys up to it to shank me, there’s no reason for you to apologize.” He moved in closer so that she could look him in the eyes.

  “You should hate me. If I hadn’t sent that stupid text—”

  “Stop.” He sat on the edge of the bed. “Whether you sent me the picture or not, I would have gotten caught eventually.” He took a deep breath. “That reminds me. Whether you stay here or go back home, you’re going to have to face your father.”

  Victoria groaned and looked up to the ceiling. “Can’t we just stay here forever?”

  He started to think the same thing. He had to pinch himself to think about the fact that not only had he just had sex with his dream woman, but this same woman now had mad money.

  “I have to report in to my parole officer. You now have people reporting directly to you.” He sat on the bed. “Then there’s Crush.”

  Russell placed his hand on her thigh and felt her trembling. Shit. He shouldn’t have touched her. Getting close to her again tested him. He’d failed on both accounts.


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