Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love Page 56

by Koko Brown

  Victoria felt herself becoming what she didn’t want to be. Needy. Vulnerable. She hated how she clung onto him after he made her come. Her virgin days had ended over a decade ago. As soon as Russell pulled back from her, an overwhelming feeling of loss washed over her. Although she wanted to deny it, Victoria had to face facts. She needed someone.

  No. She needed him. Russell Griffing. Ex-con.

  Christ. Victoria’s mother would have slapped her if she knew Victoria wanted Russell for more than just someone to entertain her. Eloise might have dabbled on the wrong side of the law, but she and Crush started down that path together. Victoria still didn’t know Russell’s agenda. Maybe he had her back. Maybe he had something else in mind. Not knowing would be the part Eloise would have worried about for Victoria.

  Russell seemed different now than before he went to prison. He had done something most men in her life hadn’t done. He had come back. He looked out for her. As much as she wanted to say she hated the feeling, she didn’t want him to leave her again. That worried her, especially now.

  With the uninvited guest at the door, she needed to do what she had always done. She would do what she had to do to protect herself.

  Russell held his hand up to Victoria to nonverbally signal to her to remain quiet. What the hell? Did Russell think she needed to be rescued? Victoria scanned her surroundings. Damn. She wished she had a gun. Victoria had wanted to stop off at her home to get her piece. Since Russell joined her, she had to keep moving. She didn’t need him knowing where she lived.

  Victoria’s initial plan with Russell to use him as bait went out the window as soon as she realized he wanted her as much as she wanted him, and she had to admit to herself that she wanted him. Fooling herself that she’d only had sex with him and sucked his cock because she wanted to get him to be on her side stopped at her first orgasm. Damn if she didn’t want his long, thick, hard dick again.

  After a beat, the knock returned, more forcefully this time.

  Russell sprang into action. He slipped on his jeans. “Ask who it is,” he whispered to her. Then he crept to the door.

  Victoria shook her head. She stomped to the closet by the door and grabbed the iron from a shelf. She gripped the handle like her life depended on it while the appliance plug trailed behind her like a limp tail.

  Without looking through the peephole, she asked, “Who is it?”

  “Miss Crandall?” A young male voice permeated through the door. “Are you okay? We’ve gotten some complaints at the front desk about some noise.”

  Victoria snickered. She didn’t know her orgasms would cause anyone a bit of concern. What really calmed her down had to do with not recognizing the person’s voice. More than likely, the person didn’t work for Crush Crandall.

  “I’m fine. I had the volume up too loud on the TV. It won’t happen again.” Victoria wrapped the long cord around the iron.

  “Oh, okay. If you need anything, please call us at the front desk.” He raised his voice to match the volume of Victoria’s.

  “Thank you.” She waited a minute before she finally returned her makeshift weapon back to the closet.

  As she raised her hands to return the item, Victoria noticed Russell staring at her.

  “Doesn’t look like you need my protection.” He continued glaring at her.

  “I just need someone to watch my back.” She placed the iron back in its spot. “I never said that I was some sort of helpless woman who needs to be rescued.”

  “You might need someone to look out for you.” Russell padded toward her. “What were you going to do with the iron if he had a gun?” He stood by her side. “Is this how you want to live, you having to look over your shoulder at all times?” His voice dropped down to a damn-near lethal level.

  “I prefer not to, but you know my family.” Victoria strolled back to the bathroom to take another shower.

  Watching Russell when he had talked to his parole officer stirred up some deep feelings within her. Maybe she found it enticing to be in a hotel room with a true bad boy, a man with a record, a man who would kill – and probably had – if needed.

  She found the tattoos covering most of his chest, arms, and back grimy but sexy. Most of them she couldn’t read. Age and his changing body had darkened and distorted some of them. Some of the tats had to be new, work he had done while on the inside. When she touched him, ran her fingers over his rough skin, tasted him, she desired more of him.

  Victoria didn’t believe him when he said that he would have stayed away from her had he not gotten caught when she had sent him her naughty picture. No. Russell hid something from her. Victoria felt it. The same intuition she had in accepting his help also screamed for her to keep her wits about her.

  She stopped to address him. “Thanks for having my back. But I could have handled myself.” She turned on her heel to go back to the bathroom.

  Russell captured her hand and pulled her back. “Tough girl.” Then he undid his jeans.

  Victoria took a step back, not to get away from him. She wanted to take another look at that delicious cock again.

  “I thought you said no more sex.” She held up her hand to halt him.

  Russell shrugged. “No sex. I’m joining you.”

  “That might not be a good idea.” She approached him and stood on her tiptoes. She whispered in his ear. “You know how loud I can get.”

  “Why do you think I’m joining you? I’ll make sure to keep you quiet.” He peered at the window. “And we need to get out of this room. It’s dinner time. Forget eating that salad and sandwich.”

  Victoria blinked. “We’ll be safer in here.”

  Russell snickered. “Safer? I’ve seen you in action. You look like you can protect yourself.”

  “We don’t know for sure if that guy at the door wasn’t really working for Crush.” Victoria tried retreating back into the bathroom, but Russell stopped her again.

  “You’re right. We don’t know. I do know this. I’m going to watch out for you this weekend.” He took a deep breath before continuing. “Considering where I just came from, I have no interest in leaving one prison for another.”

  Victoria studied Russell, waiting for her intuition to signal her of any lies and possible deception. Either Russell learned some great acting skills while away, or Victoria had gotten soft from the sex she initially did to sway him to help her.

  As soon as Russell entered her intimately, that plan went out the window. Victoria had almost forgotten how much she missed the sensual connection. The longer she interacted with Russell, the more she realized that she didn’t miss being with men. She missed Russell. That fact scared her more than the threat of Crush finding her.

  “Let’s split the difference.”

  Russell furrowed his eyebrows at her statement.

  Victoria elaborated. “Carryout.” She nodded her head. “There’s a book over there with a list of local restaurants. Let’s order something, pick it up, and eat it here.”

  “First we shower.” He held her shoulders and turned her around to the bathroom. “Then we’ll fight on where to go.”

  Russell carried two flat boxes filled with two different cheesy pizzas, and a bag filled with drinks, paper plates, utensils, napkins, and parmesan cheese packets.

  A few things didn’t escape his attention during their trip out of their impromptu sex den. Once he and Victoria left the room, she didn’t stop scanning their surroundings. Every noise got her attention. She stopped when birds flew out of bushy treetops. Russell even noticed that she would reach behind herself, like looking for a weapon.

  He decided not to worry her even more by delaying getting back to their hotel room. Once in the safety of the room, she put out the Do Not Disturb sign again, and locked every lock on the door. Victoria even went so far as checking inside closets and the shower stall.

  “We’re safe.” Russell placed both pizzas on a small circular table near the window.

  “I can never be too sure.” She kicked
out of her shoes and glanced at him. “You think I’m crazy, don’t you?”

  He toed off his new sneakers, courtesy of Victoria. “What I think doesn’t matter. What matters is that you get really comfortable while we eat.”

  She screwed up her lips like she wanted to smile. “What does that mean to you?”

  “You getting out of your clothes.” He started by removing his shirt and tossing it to the side.

  Victoria sat at the table and crossed her legs. “Won’t it make you feel uncomfortable if I’m sitting here without any clothes, you know, because we’re not supposed to have any sex?”

  “I can be mature about this. I don’t know about you after you see all of this.” He swept his hand over his chest, which made Victoria laugh.

  She picked up a slice of Hawaiian pizza on thin crust and placed it on her plate. Russell flipped open the other box of pizza, which held a pie piled high with all kinds of meats and veggies. Who needed a plate when he would eat this whole thing in one sitting?

  He picked up a slice, curled the crust, and shoved the pointed end in his mouth. When Russell chewed the first bite, the taste of grease filled his palate first. To wash the taste down, he pulled out a bottle of root beer from the bag and drank half the bottle.

  “Good?” She sprinkled parmesan on her slice.

  “It’s fine.” He reached in the bag for the second bottle of soda that he wanted to save for later. To get through this meal, he would need it now.

  “Liar. You don’t like it.” Victoria picked off a piece of pink, curled Canadian ham on her slice and popped it in her mouth.

  “Why would you call me a liar?”

  She had been right. Even after the bland, tasteless prison food, Russell had expected more from food in the outside world, especially pizza. Maybe he had in his mind the homemade pizzas his mother used to make. She had done it all, from the made-from-scratch crust to fresh toppings. That woman treated him and his brother like kings.

  Russell wondered how Victoria could tell he didn’t enjoy the taste. Besides immediately going for a needed alternate flavor, he didn’t think he had done anything to tip her off.

  Victoria pointed to his face. “Your left eye twitches and the corner of your mouth twists up when you’re not being honest.”

  He felt his eyebrows rutting together. “I do not. You haven’t been around me long enough to notice my expressions.”

  To prove her wrong, he took another bite of his pizza. “See. It’s fine.” Beyond his control, he now noticed his left eye closing slightly. When he felt his lip twitching up, he covered it by wiping his mouth with a napkin.

  “Slice too hot?” She stared at him.

  “I was sucking something out of my teeth.” He shook his head.

  “No, you weren’t.” She took a bite of her pizza. Unlike him, she made no facial expressions, which surprised Russell. Who in the world could love a pizza with fruit on it?

  “And how do you know that?” He wiped his fingers on his crumpled, grease-stained paper napkin.

  Victoria kept her gaze down. “When you lie, you also shake your head. It’s almost like you don’t believe the words coming out of your mouth.”

  This time, she didn’t laugh. She didn’t smile. She almost seemed disappointed.

  “I don’t lie.” He picked up the pizza again, but before taking a bite, he put it back down in the box. “And I don’t like being watched.” He stood up. “I had enough of that in prison.” He went to the tiny fridge and took out one of the salads Victoria had purchased earlier from Walmart. “Have I said anything to you that you questioned?” He plopped down in front of her and split his attention between the addition to his dinner and Victoria.

  Russell didn’t think he had any obvious tells when he had been less than honest. If Victoria had caught him lying, she had been cool about it…until now.

  She shrugged. “Just the meal is what I noticed.”

  “Or what you’ll admit to.” He stabbed his fork into the green, curly lettuce before he shoved it into his mouth.

  The bitter vegetable mixed well with the slightly sweeter dressing. It definitely tasted better than the pizza.

  “Speaking of things to admit, answer some questions. You don’t like people walking behind you, and you don’t like to be watched. Let’s change the vibe.” She picked up her drink, a frosty can of ginger ale. “Tell me what you do like.”

  “You mean besides eating your pussy and fucking you?” He winked at her.

  “So you like that, but you haven’t smiled.”

  Christ, how closely had Victoria been watching him? Had he been that obvious with his feelings? Maybe he had gone soft since getting out of prison. Before, no one really fucked with him. A day with Victoria, she got in his head.

  “And we haven’t kissed.” She twirled the tip of her finger around the top of her soda can.

  “And we won’t, either.” He shook his head and hoped Victoria took that gesture to mean exactly what he meant. “Kissing complicates things.”

  Victoria snickered. “More than sex?”

  Russell kept his stare on all the colors in the salad container. “Sex is just an activity.” He peered up. “A kiss is a promise. I’m not in any position to make a deal I can’t keep.”

  “Even if I agree that fucking and kissing are the same to me?” Victoria scooted her chair closer to him.

  Damn, he wanted her, and for more than just getting his dick wet. If Victoria confessed that she could kiss him and let him go on with his life, he would take her up on the offer. Then he would have to admit to himself that he needed her for so much more.

  Russell had to get her off this topic and on to something else.

  “One thing at a time.” He sat back and crossed his arms over his chest. “You want to know what I like? Freedom.”

  Victoria’s gleeful expression sobered at his admission.

  Russell continued. “When you have been locked up for years, you realize how good you have it when you’re released. But even as I sit here, I’m still shackled.” He sighed. “Money would give me the freedom I need because I would have choices, options. Maybe my mother would still be alive. Maybe I could fucking find her grave and show my respects.” He kicked his foot out in front of him. “Then I could see my brother, let him know that I’m proud of him and that he doesn’t need to worry about me anymore.” He brought his gaze up to Victoria. “I would love the freedom to date and be with a fine-ass woman…like you.” He pointed to her. “And when I say date, I really do mean that. I pick her up. I take her to dinner. Have great conversations. She tells me she enjoyed my company. And then we agree to another date. Simple.” He nodded. “I guess that’s what makes me happy. The simple life. No complications.” He stared at Victoria.

  As beautiful and sexy and smart and enticing he found her, she came with a whole lot of complications. Plus, with her new responsibilities, she wouldn’t have time for him or any relationship for that matter.

  Victoria stood and sauntered to Russell. She straddled his lap and sat down. To break the barrier between their bodies, she unfolded his crossed arms and made him put his hands on her hips.

  She placed her hands on his shoulders. “You took me to dinner.”

  “Crappy pizza you paid for.” He sniffed and continued staring down, which didn’t help him.

  Victoria wore a light summer dress that looked paper thin. Skinny straps kept him from spying her breasts. She had to lift the hem of her dress to get her legs around him. In his head, he calculated the moves it would take for him to get his gradually hardening cock out to plunge it in her sweet snatch.

  “I’ll take the money from the money I’ll pay you.” She laughed a little.

  Even that light sound didn’t soothe him.

  “You drove me here. I find this conversation interesting.” She put her hand to his chin and lifted his head.

  Looking in her brown eyes, he got lost and forgot why he had been so angry.

  Victoria tightened her l
egs around him. “Even after this, after your job is done, I hope we can—”

  Russell cut her off. “What?”

  What would she say? She hoped he would continue working for her? She hoped he would sneak in the back door of her mansion to continue servicing her sexually? She hoped he got out of this trip what he wanted?

  She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and rested her head against his. “Will you just be my friend again? Please? I don’t know how you did it, being on alert all the time to fight. It’s exhausting. I’m looking over my shoulder everywhere I go. I want to be able to relax.” She brought her head up to stare at him again. “Being here with you, believe it or not, has been the happiest I’ve been in a long, long time.”

  Shit, he wished his intuition would flag him now to tell him if everything she had said had been lies. Victoria looked so sincere, his heart broke for her.

  Russell wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against his body. He didn’t think about her breasts pressing against his chest. He thought about how this woman opened herself up to him when she could have remained silent.

  Victoria kissed the side of Russell’s face, then moved to his forehead where she placed her lips on it to kiss him there. “I like your shaved head.” She moved up to kiss him on the top of it. “And your tattoos.” She kissed his cheek. “And the way you look out for me.” She brought her lips over to his and stopped short of kissing him. “Will you tell me about them?”

  He blinked? “What are you talking about?”

  Victoria ran her fingertips over his arms. The sensation prickled his skin and ignited his senses.

  “They say every tattoo has a story.” She turned over his arms to look at a few of them.

  “You want a bedtime story?” He cupped her ass cheeks and drew her in closer to him.

  “Something like that.” She placed her hands on his chest. “Which one was your first one?”

  “Easy.” He removed his right hand from her ass, balled it into a fist, and held it up to her face. “I remember watching Spike Lee’s Do The Right Thing, and dude had those knuckle rings. He had love across one hand and hate on the other. I didn’t want brass knuckles, though. I went down to a tattoo shop. I was always big for my age so no one carded me. I got them to do hate on the right hand.”


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