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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

Page 92

by Koko Brown

  Basically, she made herself sound like a stalker.

  And me secondary.

  I truly wanted to run for the hills at this point, but as I knew these crutches wouldn’t be having any of that, I simply stood there, letting my friend bury us deeper, as she continued to ramble about our purpose for being on this man’s doorstep.

  She pushed the goodies out to him. “We made these. Well, Journee did. She’s actually your neighbor. I just visit a lot. It’s all good stuff. I eat her food a lot and it’s great.”

  “A lot.” “A lot.” “A lot.”

  Please stop. Please stop. Please stop.

  “Journee,” he said, and with a breath, caused me to pan in his direction.

  He stepped forward, his hand out. “I’ve seen you. In your garden across the street.”

  He… he had? I mean, I did go out there often. Especially, as of late with my leg. I enjoyed moving my hands in the dirt as I worked, the sun on my face.

  I moved my hand to go out to his, but a slip from under my arm gave me pause.

  The crutch slipped, but I caught it, laughing a little as I stabilized myself.

  “Sorry,” I returned, holding my position. “Awkward on these things I guess.”

  And a little awkward around him.

  His hand closed and whatever conversation had been there on his lips left. In fact, it all went completely absent from his mouth, his eyes…

  Clearing his throat, he pushed a hand behind his neck, nodding.

  “It’s fine,” he murmured, gaze escaping. Chewing his lip, he put his hand out to Aleise instead.

  “Sebastian,” he said, glancing at me before moving toward Aleise. “I’m Sebastian Lucas.”

  “Aleise,” she responded, giggling a little. She had no problem balancing all that food in her hands, readily taking his handshake.

  “Like I said, I’m not actually your neighbor, but the pair of us wanted to greet you. Say hi.”

  She wiggled the treats again and his eyes went warm at that, that bright blue blaze passing in my direction.

  “That’s very kind of you,” he said, but though the words had been said by someone else his attention didn’t go to that… someone else.

  He very much stared at me and my grip on my crutches went slick, my throat squeezing and making it hard to breathe.

  He dampened his mouth, those intense eyes finally making their way back to Aleise.

  “How about we take what you brought inside?” he asked, smiling at her. “It might be a little too early for cookies and stuff, but I just put out a pot of coffee and some Danishes on the veranda for breakfast. It’s not often I have guests and would love company—”

  “We’d love to!”

  Before I could grab her, before I could do anything, Aleise was pushing her way into this man’s home. She slid the cake into his large hands on the way and he was left standing there at the door.

  Standing there with me.

  I smiled a little, feeling that awkwardness from before creep back. “Yeah. Um, sure, thanks.”

  Gripping the crutches, I attempted to move around him.

  But his hand on my shoulder sure didn’t make that easy.

  “I’d uh, love your advice on some gardening tips sometime,” he said, his hand lowering. He’d touched me just to stop me, his lips twisting into a grin.

  “I’m just getting into it and since you seem experienced…”

  His smell only warmed closer with every step he made in my direction. In my path, he didn’t finish what he said, only opened his hands like he was waiting for a response.

  I dampened my mouth now. “Of course.”

  I got that hard smile again. He gestured to his home and I guess then, I really had no choice.

  I had to go in.


  “Could I assist you down the stairs, Journee? They’re kind of steep here.”

  Steep was an understatement.

  This was a damn drop off.

  Balancing myself for the journey, as well as tucking away a little of my pride, I stood tall for the mini grand staircase that led from Sebastian’s foyer to his living room. My place definitely didn’t have this or the vast brick fireplace and giant chandelier sparkling above from a vaulted ceiling.

  He must have gotten some upgrades.

  “I can help you.”

  Sebastian’s obscenely large hands went out, on standby I guess in case I face-planted.

  I waved my hand. “I got this.”

  “You’re sure?”

  My look must have told of my seriousness because he backed off, nodding before moving his attention to Aleise. She stood by his fireplace, studying the wide array of framed art he had displayed above the hearth.

  “These are nice,” she said, smiling when she got a little closer. “They look um, delicate.”

  Actually, they looked expensive, the wide paintings above his fireplace something one would normally spot in a museum.

  After setting down the cake and cookies on his coffee table in front of the sofa, Sebastian joined Aleise in front of the paintings.

  He smiled wide up at them, his hands behind his back.

  “I actually got a pretty good deal,” he said, adjusting one of them. He stood back. “My job allows me connections. The owners abandoned them.”

  Aleise’s brow lifted. “Oh, are you like a dealer? Bidding on auctions and stuff?”

  Sebastian formed a few words in response, but closed his lips at the start of each one.

  Sliding his gaze over to me, he lifted his chin a little. “Journee? Are you…”

  “Still good? Yeah.” In fact…

  I just owned another two steps.

  Keeping on with my journey, I moved down one more, Sebastian nodding at me again. His gaze swayed over to Aleise, but I couldn't help noticing a quick flash of those dark eyelashes in my direction before he refocused on my friend.

  He lounged against the hearth. “Not exactly, but I do travel a lot for work. That’s where I get the paintings. From all over really.”

  “Really?” Aleise leaned in, clearly intrigued. “Go on. Please. I’ve like never really been anywhere. Have you been to France? England?”

  Chuckling, he pushed a hand behind his neck. “Both many times. I don’t usually have the time to take in the sites much. Work, you know, but yes I go at least twice a year to each. This kaleidoscope actually came from Montmartre, which is in Paris.”

  Reaching around her, he came away with a cylinder object he fetched from the end of the hearth. But he didn’t back away from Aleise like I thought he would. In actuality, he got closer, enveloping her tiny frame with his large body.

  “It’s not like most,” he said to her. He brought up the scope to her eye and right away she looked inside.

  If anything, she hurried.

  He adjusted the scope around her, guiding her elbow up for her to hold it with him.

  “The colors have dulled, as you can see,” he whispered to her, most likely because he was so close. He let her hold the scope by herself when he removed his hand from her elbow.

  But it seemed only to hug her.

  He literally went full on navigator, his body around hers, his hands on hers.

  He must be friendly, my mind settled on. Shaking my head, I was determined now. I’d get down these stairs.

  Then I’d leave not long after.

  Reaching, he adjusted the scope for Aleise again and I was forced to watch, not much else to do while I moved myself onward.

  “But that doesn’t make the image any less striking,” he continued, looking at her. “The scope is over a hundred years old.”

  “Wow,” Aleise breathed, but she wasn’t looking through the scope.

  Only at blue eyes that were very much looking at hers.

  Angling my head, I attempted to see exactly what was going on here. I didn’t know why, but I needed to know.

  My footing had other plans.

  The crutch must have caught on something
, a dip in the floor—my feet—but whatever it was sent me flying. I lost the handles of my crutches immediately, the hardwood floor my destination next.

  “Journee! Sebastian!”

  Aleise’s voice I caught right before hitting the floor. I assumed she’d said my name because well, I’d fallen. She most likely said Sebastian’s on the other hand because…

  He caught me.

  I have no idea how it happened. One minute I’d been about to face-plant and the next I was pressed firm to hard pectorals.

  My body was hugged, the embrace solid, unyielding, but at the same time, not bad. I felt I supposed safe.

  Yes, that’s what I felt.

  I looked up, shaking a little, which couldn’t be helped. I basically saw my life flash before my eyes and something like that I never wanted to be faced with again.

  Especially so soon.

  I’d felt the same way mere weeks ago during the origin of my injury. The car had been zooming so fast and came virtually out of nowhere when it hit me. I’d been so scared, terrified. The experience burned in my brain so strongly it’d be a while before I could force it out. The fear, the strong sense of danger, didn’t occur in the present moment, though. In fact, quite the opposite.

  I think the blue eyes above me had something to do with that.

  Sebastian stared at me, hugging me close to him, and something seemed so familiar in his eyes. Like I’d seen him before, close like this before today, but that’d be silly of course.

  I’d just met him this morning.

  A throat cleared and we were quite obviously not the only two people in the room here.

  Aleise stood by, rushing over when Sebastian placed me back on my feet.

  “Nice catch,” I said, laughing a little. I stood on one foot while he dipped to get my crutches.

  Those full lips of his only curled up a little at my words. He got the crutches solid on the floor.

  “I guess I was lucky to be nearby,” he said, sliding one crutch, then the second under my arms.

  He stood back after that, his hands together and putting distance between us.

  “Nearby?” Aleise said, laughing a little when she pushed her micro braids around. “You made it to her in like a single bound, quite literally leaped.”

  He did have some reflexes for sure. I guess they’d both been by me, but not really that close. He’d have to do a serious move to get to me. There’d be no other way he could catch me, as quick as he did.

  Light laughter touched the air from Sebastian’s lips and though he looked to say something when he opened his hands, he paused for the second time today.

  A ringing cellphone had been the reason and he held up a hand while he retrieved it from his pocket. Clicking a button, he answered the call.

  Which he happened to do in an entirely different language.

  A deep and fluent, “Allô?” was followed by, “Bonjour, Monsieur Devereaux. Un instant, s’il vous plaît?”

  Pressing his large palm to the mouthpiece, he looked up.

  “Could you ladies excuse me for a moment?” he asked, but he already started to back away. “It’s a call from work and I unfortunately have to take it.”

  We nodded on autopilot, this guy seriously too different for words. The workout this morning, the call… catching me.

  After Sebastian observed he was in the clear with us, he nodded, thanking us both. Before he left, he said we could help ourselves to the coffee and sweets on his veranda.

  I had no idea we’d been invited to a party, though.

  He seriously had a spread fit for kings behind the double doors of the wooden deck he pointed us to and Aleise and I both let out a conjoined breath at the goodies.

  He may have had one plate and cup out there on a patio table, but he had a buffet of croissants and sweetened pastries set out for a group of many. A sterling silver coffee pot sat next to it all and in front of it, a patio chair resided with a single newspaper on it. Like the spread really was for one, for him.


  “Would this guy just marry me now,” was all Aleise said about it, heading right out onto the veranda. She shot immediately in the direction of a table off to the side. Some spare plates were there, as well as cups. All the china was organized and sat neatly next to a tidy stack of doilies.

  Freaking doilies.

  “Yeah, this is something,” was all I could say. Using my crutches, I plopped down on one of the extra patio chairs, completely awed.

  I stared in wonder around me, stunned beyond belief at how perfectly together this guy seemed to have his life. He was…


  Aleise said the words after taking a sip of coffee I could smell quite strongly and it wasn’t even directly in front of me. The aroma of the rich blend reached my way from across the patio table, smelling perfect like she said.

  I all but had a feeling she hadn’t meant the coffee.

  Wiggling her hips, Aleise did a happy dance while she sampled from all of Sebastian’s treats on the table. Don’t get me wrong, the girl loved food, but she was never this happy to eat and my mind pegged this reaction of hers probably had a little something to do with our host this morning and not the food.

  I mean, the girl basically threw herself at Sebastian the minute he opened the door to us.

  It’s not like he didn’t receive it.

  My thoughts couldn’t help remembering the incident with the kaleidoscope earlier and I started getting pissed at the turn of events today—which naturally led to Sebastian himself.

  What was up with his hands all over Aleise anyway? His hands on me anyway at his door… and…

  And then all this…

  This spread, as perfect as it was just seemed off. The whole thing was just too much.

  We should have never come here. It just feels… I don’t know.

  If my gut was telling me anything it was that we should have never come here in the first place. I didn’t know exactly what it was about this place, him, but I didn’t really want or need to know anymore. I liked staying in my lane and not getting too close to the neighbors. It just made more sense that way.

  Kept things normal.

  Opting out of the coffee, I watched Aleise enjoy hers. I debated an easy way to try to convince her we should take off and mind our business like we should have done from the jump, but the very obvious absence of our host made that easy. He was gone for quite a while and I stood, using my crutches for stability.

  “Where are you going?”

  She asked with a face full of croissant.

  I gripped my crutches. “Just going to see if Sebastian is going to join us soon.”

  I think she’d argue with me more if not for how much fun she was having eating. Taking advantage of her vulnerability, I headed off the veranda and back into the house. I was going to see what was up with Sebastian and after that?

  Make an excuse to take off.

  My next venture was trying to figure out where exactly Sebastian went in this big ole house, but found the feat much easier when I realized at least the general construction was made similar to my own. The veranda, living room, and even the kitchen when I went into it was where it should be, but I didn’t want to wander around too much looking for him. I mean, this was his house after all and I didn’t want to get all up in his business. I liked my privacy, too.

  Rocking back on my crutches, I exited out the kitchen the way I’d come. I stood outside of it for a while before losing all patience and heading in the direction of the bedrooms. I wouldn’t exactly go into them, but hoped if I made enough noise with my um… metal assistance he’d come out and see what the ruckus was about.

  I creaked and hobbled down a hallway adored with more elaborate works of art and even a few statues as well. All looked ornate and struck me as being very expensive.

  I wonder what he does for work.

  A question of many about him.

  “My status hasn’t changed, monsieur.”

; Stopping in front of a set of double doors down the hall, I caught wind of Sebastian, his low voice registering from the other side of the doors.

  Leaning on my crutches, I could even see him a little between the two doors. He hadn’t pulled them together all the way, his big body sitting on the edge of a wide oak desk.

  He braced a hand on it.

  “The job will still be done and at the deadline agreed on.”

  He paused a moment, continuing on for a little bit in what I knew now to be French. I took a couple of years in high school, but not enough to keep pace with someone as quick and well-versed as himself.

  He crossed a bare foot over the other.

  “I understand your need for immediate completion, but these things take time. I’ve explained to you my process.”

  I really shouldn’t be listening to this. His job or whatever he was discussing with someone was none of my business.

  Despite any logic at all, I got closer, pushing my sight as far as I could go. Sebastian’s deep voice had been calm, controlled during his conversation, but I didn’t miss the tension in his brow. His thick, black eyebrows were narrowed, his full lips a thin line.

  He drew a hand over his mouth.

  “This type of job is nothing new for me,” he said, pausing his English to speak in French. He shook his head. “And there is no problem. I assure you. I simply ran into some… complications if you will, but they’re nothing for you personally to worry about. He’s actually planned his next target, settled, and that will make it even easier to take care of him.”

  My eyebrows narrowed.

  “He’ll be unsuspecting,” he said, pushing off the desk to step away from it. He took the few steps over to his window, flicking the slats.



  “Like I said, he has his sights on something…”

  He moved back over to his desk, opening his drawer. I had no idea what he pulled out at first.

  But my throat sure did when it squeezed.

  The shine of a blade hit the air at the flick of his wrist, the blade jagged, sharp.

  Sebastian turned it in the light.

  “But he won’t get it,” he said, his dark eyebrows descending like storm clouds. He had an aggression in his voice I hadn’t heard before and when he stabbed the desk with the knife, he sent a strike right into my heart.


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