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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

Page 95

by Koko Brown

  Constant smacks of heated flesh burned the inside of my legs, but I only spread wider, letting him tear me apart from the inside out. My breasts jiggled and he covered one with his mouth, never to be neglected.

  He pinched the nipple of the other, my dark areola hard and painfully sensitive.

  He didn’t care, twisting a little between two fingers while he drew off the other. He laved, suckling before flicking the peak. Switching off, he scraped his teeth along the already charged surface and a tightness hit my belly I couldn’t fight off anymore.

  I came with a fury, feeling it deep within my core. I flooded all around him, the velvety, thick surface of him covered in my juices, as he pushed himself in and out.

  His orgasm wasn’t long behind and I could tell by how hard his abdomen worked, perfect sections forming sharply into hard rock, as he moved his hips. His brow wrinkled, his mouth opening in pleasure, and he was coming, full-on, his cock swelling inside me.

  Flooding his condom, I felt the fullness, his body a heavy blanket, as he let himself release his weight on top of me.

  Breathing, he drew up on an arm, still inside me as he moved to kiss my mouth.

  This was my favorite part, his kisses. I didn’t know this man at all, not really, but kissing him I found so much in his lips. He was sweet like that man who’d been so accommodating downstairs.

  But he was also so much more. He had to be.

  He gathered me tight against his body after we both relaxed, sliding away the obstruction of my cast. My back to his chest, he held me close. He had this possessiveness about the hold I’d question, if I didn’t enjoy it so much, not an inch of separation between our warm bodies.

  His lips brushing my shoulder, I laughed a little, his mouth tickling.

  “We had sex,” I sighed, dreamily. I didn’t know why it took me so long to realize. I just had sex.

  And did so with my hot-ass neighbor.

  I felt his smile against my shoulder, then my neck when he moved to that.

  “We did,” he said, the depth in his chuckle lining my neck. He pressed his mouth harder. “We had… a lot of sex.”

  The very thought had us both laughing in each other’s arms, Sebastian’s so much deeper than mine.

  I had no idea how this happened. I didn’t do things like this. I wasn’t… wild and free like this.

  But I seemed to be with him.

  Turning around, he let me separate enough to watch his eyes, his fingers drawing through my twisted locks.

  “Do you think we crossed the line?” I asked him, a chill creeping down my spine at his touch. His fingers in my hair felt so good. I opened my eyes. “We are neighbors.”

  His laughter falling away from his lips a bit, he pushed his hand over my shoulder.

  “I probably have,” he said, then shrugged a little. “But I don’t care.”

  I didn’t get what he meant. If he did, then that meant I did…


  He didn’t elaborate, only using my shoulder to bring me closer, squeezing. His hardness against my stomach, I gathered he was ready again. But I wasn’t, exhausted and falling back when he went in to kiss me.

  I pressed a hand on his chest. “Tell me something about yourself. Something you don’t tell people.”

  This was such a sophomoric game, but I wanted to go there with him, know more about this man who so expertly worked me between my thighs all night.

  His hand on my shoulder, he moved me a little, his stare far away like he was contemplating something.

  “Something I don’t tell too many people,” he said, black lashes flicking up at me.

  “Something you don’t tell any people.”

  “Any people, okay,” he said, laughing a little. He fingered my twists again. “I hate my job.”


  “Yeah, I do,” he said, his smile wide while he pulled his hands down my back. “But I’m good at it and it… well, it helps people.”

  “What do you do exactly?”

  The ultimate question and one I think I walked in on while on his phone call, but it hadn’t been my business then. I guess it wasn’t now either, but we were just talking. No pressure.

  “I put away bad people,” was all he said, staring at my shoulder again. He seemed lost in it. “People who want to hurt people.”

  “…that will make it even easier to take care of him…”

  What he said downstairs on the phone totally made sense now. If he were a cop or special forces or something what he said would make sense…

  As well as all the heavy artillery he had.

  He could literally be a special branch of government, someone paid to protect and serve on the stealthiest level…

  And there went my imagination again.

  I blamed it on the fact that I worked in a bookstore.

  Feeling so… calm all of a sudden, calm about him, calm about everything now, I went in to kiss him. I wanted him to make love to me again, to feel his body hot against mine, but it was him who stopped me this time.

  His large digits on my chin, he tipped it.

  “It’s my turn,” he said gazing into my eyes. “My turn to request something about you, a question.”

  “Okay,” I told him laughing a little. I made my face straight. “Shoot.”

  The irony of the word after tonight had me wanting to laugh again, but I resisted it.

  Sebastian’s thumb moved over my lip.

  “Are you scared of me?” he asked and I nearly laughed again.

  Until I realized… he was serious.

  There was no humor in his expression, not an ounce and I pressed my hand on his chest.

  “Should I be?” I countered. “Scared of you, that is?”

  He said nothing, only continued his dance along my lips with his thumb and the heat in my body heightened a little, my mind wandering.

  I stared at him. “Who are you, Sebastian Lucas?”

  I had no idea what I meant by the question, but like before, Sebastian said nothing. He simply reached between my thighs, spreading me wide, and soon enough he was on top of me, moving my cast again. The condom from his bedside table on quickly, he entered me with his eyes locked on, a steady pace in his hips.

  “I’m the man between your thighs, Journee,” he eventually said, and moving in to kiss me, he thrust, balls deep. “And I’m going to make you come now.”


  “I knew it!” Aleise pushed into the phone, following her shout with an excited squeal. “I knew it. I knew it. I knew it! I knew you liked him.”

  Biting my lip, I melded onto my bed. “Are you… mad because I didn’t mean to…”

  Have sex. Have… a lot of sex with Sebastian. I mean, it just kind of happened and I didn’t do it to step on her toes at all. I wasn’t that girl to do something like that to a friend, so what I’d done was so out off the beaten path for me.

  “Oh, girl, no,” Aleise said, and her laughter came with a sigh of relief on my end. When her chuckles tapered off, she went on.

  “I knew he liked you,” she said and I could hear her smile through the phone. “I just had a feeling. I mean, besides the fact he wouldn’t sleep with me, he kept asking about you. He wanted to know how long I knew you and what you liked to do. It took me a second to put two and two together, but once I did, I made an excuse and left.”

  My belly warmed hearing that, loving the sound of what he’d been asking. I just wondered why he’d never come over sooner… If he noticed me…

  “Besides, it was getting kind of awkward when he started asking about what color lingerie you liked to wear—”

  “Aleise, he didn’t!”

  “Kidding, kidding,” she admitted with a giggle. “At least on that last bit, but everything else was completely factual. He’s into you, girl.”

  And I was kinda into him, a lot into him.

  Sighing, I could still feel his hands on me, his fingers in between my legs and elsewhere. We lay in that bed of his all night
and into the morning.

  Then came the next two days.

  We literally spent all that time wrapped up within the other, tossing in the sheets like a couple of horny teenagers. He was so physical with me, showed his care and thought in that way. Sebastian proved to be a man of few words, but that had been okay. I got to know him in different ways and… well, I hoped to get to know more about him tonight.

  He hadn’t invited me over officially or anything, but I hoped I could convince him to have dinner with me at my place. I spent all day hobbling around my house on my crutches. I’d been cleaning and baking/cooking. I had a roast in the oven as we spoke, the house warm with mouthwatering smells I hoped he would appreciate.

  As far as what kind of lingerie I wore…

  I guess if he really wanted to know he’d find out if he came over tonight.

  I got to hear Aleise for the next thirty minutes or so, her questions shooting off like rockets about Sebastian and my sexual escapades. I avoided the truly invasive stuff like his size, but the sweet kisses I might have went on about a little. Eventually, she let me off the line and I was happy my friend wasn’t too terribly disappointed about the way her night turned out the other night. She said she actually went to call me and tell me she thought Sebastian was into me, but I didn’t pick up.

  For obvious reasons.

  The timing Aleise hung up by had been perfect, though, because my roast just pinged in completion via the kitchen. Taking my crutches, I got it out of there and was happy these things under my arms would be gone very soon. I had some fun I was planning to have without them and my cast and that very much involved me and my mysterious neighbor next door.

  So mysterious…

  I was going to crack open that vault that was him a little tonight if I could. I wanted him to open up and… I wanted to know him.

  I was all grins when I went over that night, wearing something pretty yet casual that sat just above my knees in a wavy print. The evening was just starting to set in and though Sebastian’s house looked dark from the outside, there was still enough light in the air for that to make sense.

  Leaning off my crutches a bit, I knocked, my heart racing and my body ready to see him. He didn’t answer at first so I knocked again.

  But nothing.

  I supposed he could have stepped out or something, but at the third knock his door moved a little. Pushing, I gathered quickly it was open.

  It was… open.

  I widened to the scene of an empty house, but not just empty of him.

  The glow of the setting sun highlighted a vacant entryway, empty of furniture and end tables. His pieces were gone off the walls, all the artwork…


  My voice ricocheted off the walls, the sound traveling wide as there was nothing, absolutely nothing for it to hit besides the walls.

  This doesn’t make any sense.


  He was here not twenty-four hours ago. I knew because we’d left his house together. He walked me home, told me to take care of myself a bit and take a bath.

  But he didn’t say he’d see me later.

  In fact, that lack of wording rang in volumes through my mind and I stamped my way through every room. I checked everything. The veranda, the kitchen…

  His office.

  That was empty too, nothing as if he were never there.

  Swallowing, I veered back and decided to check somewhere else. That somewhere else was directly behind this room and when I got there, my heart pushed up into my throat it hammered so hard.

  The wall that held Sebastian’s armory slid open quickly, but like the rest of the house…


  I checked his bedroom last, feeling like the world was closing in on me. No way did he leave, take off and say nothing, no way did he—

  But a single note posted on his open bedroom door gave me a strong inclination that he had.

  The room was empty too as I moved forward and when I saw my name on that piece of paper, “Dear Journee” at the top…

  I just knew he was gone.


  Dear Journee,

  The last few days with you have been nothing but amazing for me. They consisted of things I thought I couldn’t have and because they did, I let myself think I could keep them. I believed I had a right to keep them and I don’t, not really.

  I know none of that will probably make any sense to you and I’m glad it doesn’t. I’m glad you’re spared from the life I live and the things I’m mixed up in. Unfortunately for both of us, there’s no out for me. This is it, my life, and I can’t have you involved in it. I have a bigger purpose and it’s my cross to bear, not yours.

  I wish I could tell you things, things about me and who I am, but I can’t. Because if I did, you’d see me differently. You would be scared and I couldn’t allow that. I felt it best I leave instead, which I know will be a shock to you. Just know it’s not what I want and it’s for the best. It’s the best for you and the most I could give you. I just hope that one day, when you’re in your garden and living your beautifully normal, simple life you’ll pass a thought my way, you’ll think of me and the thoughts will be good things. I know it’s a lot to ask but I hope you do. I’d love for you to.

  It’s been life changing knowing you, but I hope our paths don’t cross again. Because if they do, that’s bad for you. It’s bad like it was the first time. I let things go too far with you. I let myself…


  He hadn’t even finished his letter that day and that’s all I could think in all my attempts to force him out of my mind.

  As well as my heart.

  He hadn’t held it completely… not yet, but it could have gotten there. He started to work his way in and I knew that’s exactly where we were headed. Our meeting had been unorthodox, our hookup of something completely odd for me, but it worked. It worked for both of us and it could have been something more. It could have been, but how could it now?

  He’d never given it a chance.

  The whole thing was so screwy… confusing just how his letter had said. He basically said something about his life was keeping him away, but that sounded like a copout if I’d ever heard anything. I wished he would have just told the truth. I wish…

  My heart did ache by what he actually did. He fucked me. He fucked good, fucked me hard with the emotion of a man that had some kind of feelings for me. Instead, he left me out to dry and skipped town on top of it. I felt used and incredibly dirty.

  And if he really cared he wouldn’t have done that.

  A “for sale” sign was in his yard the following day and the one after, couples were already going inside and looking at it. He really had left.

  And all I had was the aftermath.

  “You’re good to go,” my doctor said to me only a few days later. An elderly man, he had a kind face, smiling at me. “I bet you’re relieved. You’ve been wanting to get that thing off.”

  My cast-less leg I should be relieved by, but I still felt weight dragging me down. Despite the fact, I thanked the man for taking it off. The less weight I had on me the better. I could move on now, go back to work and live my life.

  I waited outside with a million thoughts in my head following my doctor’s visit, my leg free and wishing my mind were the same. Aleise had agreed to pick me up following the appointment, my ride here in a cab as I couldn’t drive with a cast on my ankle. At work already, Aleise said she’d swing by to get me once I was cast-free, and I waited for her at the bus stop, a good view of the street there since it was right outside the clinic.

  My friend and coworker had been amazing these past few days when she didn’t have to be. I hadn’t been myself after Sebastian, but she’d been there for me, willing to come by and watch movies or just talk. I really did have a good friend.

  I just wished I had better taste in men.

  The minutes ticked and with still no Aleise, I started to type her a quick text. She had a habit of be
ing late and this wouldn’t have surprised me. I had just typed the “where” in “where are you,” when a car pulled up in front of me at the stop, the finish new and the driver inside I didn’t recognize.

  He had his hand tapping on the wheel, a pair of thick-framed glasses on his face, and I thought he’d keep driving. I mean, he had no reason to stop in front of me, no stop sign, but he didn’t. He just stopped there, eventually putting the car into park.


  He knew my name too and that officially freaked me out. I didn’t know him, his face foreign to me. Baby-faced, he had the features of a man younger, but this seemed as if an illusion, tiny wrinkles at the sides of his eyes and his mouth. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and must have finally figured out I didn’t recognize him because he laughed, putting his hand on his chest.

  “Colin?” he said, tilting his head at me. “I’m your employee. Well, Aleise’s employee. She hired me while you were gone. Remember we met that one time?”

  The name immediately peaked an awareness, but the face I was still having a moment placing. I had met a Colin, a new hire, but I remembered his brown hair being a bit more kemp. The man before me had it a little overgrown, the shag coming over his ears and just over his eyes, and because it did, I realized why I hadn’t recognized him. He changed his look a little since we met the first time, the encounter brief as I just came to check in.

  Feeling rude, I got up, reaching in through his passenger side window to shake his hand.

  “Sorry,” I told him, apologizing. “You looked a little different. But how have you been? The store? Aleise has been telling me you’ve been doing a good job.”

  Actually, a great job if I remembered her praise. He’d re-cataloged most of the genres in the store, which according to my manager, had made the place a breeze for customers to shop in.

  Colin went bashful at the praise, his cheeks tinting rose a little.


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