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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

Page 99

by Koko Brown

“I should let the police know,” she said absently forcing herself back into the present.

  “I will see to it that the threat is dealt with,” Hyuk’s calming baritone was impossibly reassuring. “Until the matter is concluded you will come with me.”

  “With you?” she searched his face for the meaning and found herself transfixed by his striking ice blue eyes. Were they real or some sort of specialty contacts? He didn’t quite strike her as the goth fetish type. In fact, he was casually dressed in loose slacks and a white collarless shirt. The top two buttons were left undone and the shirt hung neatly over his pants. Even the expensive dark shoes he wore were a contradiction to being goth. But those eyes? She’d only ever seen that color in animals, predators, wolves to be precise. She was aware that they followed her every movement, assessing and… something else.

  “My home is secure.”

  What did he just say? His home? What were they talking about again? Oh, right her safety.

  “I’m sure the police could put a detail on me.”

  He gave a small snort. “You have obviously watched too much television. If the police even deemed this to be more than a robbery gone awry it is unlikely they would assign a protective detail to you. At most you would get a pat on the shoulder for being a good Samaritan,” he said calmly.

  Jeez, that voice. It was lethal. Every time he spoke she was distracted. It took her a moment to digest what he said.

  “Well, if there’s a real threat I have friends I can stay with until the police catch this guy.”

  He cocked a dark brow at her. “And you would want to endanger these friends so easily?”

  “No, of course not. But their place will be just as good as yours, plus they’re – they’re not strangers.”

  “And you expect to just go about your life as usual while you’re staying with these friends?” He said slowly, almost cautiously as if he were choosing his words carefully.

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Whoever did this will come looking for you and they won’t care who’s in their path? Your ID is all they’ll need to track you down, not just at home but work or wherever you might go.”

  A shudder ran through her at the thought of seeing the beady-eyed man again. “If you’re trying to scare me then you’re doing a pretty good job.”

  “I just want you to have a very real picture of what you would be in store for out there on your own.”

  “How can you be sure of any of this, it’s not like you know the creep?”

  “No, but I do know the type and what he said to you shouldn’t be taken as an idle threat.”

  She swallowed hard. “And if this man is coming for me, what’s to stop him from getting to me at your place, or my job for that matter?”


  The one word was said in his calm, easy tone but she could feel the edge in it. His eyes changed color sparkling a silver steel and Regina found herself instantly believing him.

  “Maybe it would be a good idea to still run this by the police and see what assistance they could offer?”

  He gave a slight nod. “Be my guest.”

  “Did the doctor’s give you an update on your nephew’s condition when you arrived?” She asked to change topics but also because she sincerely wanted to know.

  There was only the briefest moment of hesitation in which she thought he’d persist with the safety topic. She was grateful when he didn’t.

  “He should recover with little more than a scar to show for his ordeal, but I wanted to wait until he is in recovery before leaving. You’ll wait with me.”

  Was he asking or telling her?

  For the sake of argument, she assumed he was asking, although she knew she was wrong.

  “Of course but I should probably grab a shirt from the gift shop, this one…” Regina trailed off unnecessarily. She’d done a good job of washing off the blood from her hands and arms but didn’t even want to attempt it with the shirt. In fact, it was going immediately into the trash the moment she could get a new one. Her jacket slung over the sofa would be salvageable after a good soak and washing. Small blessings in the grand scheme of things.

  His gaze drifted down to the blood staining her shirt before grabbing up his phone from the table where he placed it earlier. “Go to the gift shop and bring me a woman’s t-shirt and sweat pants in…” he paused to let his gaze drift over her.

  It was a slow perusal which left her squirming in her seat. How was it possible for someone to cause a reaction with just one look, especially amidst everything happening around her.

  It was those bizarre eyes, it had to be.

  His gaze drifted back up to meet hers, “…a medium,” he finished.

  She broke eye contact and nodded slowly in confirmation but was sure, once again, he wasn’t actually asking her a question.

  Whoever was on the other end must not have probed him about his peculiar request because the conversation ended abruptly without Hyuk offering the briefest goodbye.

  Regina focused on him setting the phone back on the wooden table soundlessly.

  “So you have people you can just call up to do your bidding?”

  “Something like that.”

  She heard the smile in his voice but couldn’t bring herself to look at him again. It didn’t matter she knew his eyes followed her.

  Predator and prey.

  Why did she think of them that way?

  He hadn’t done anything to make her afraid of him but something in her sensed danger. Hyuk wasn’t a man to be taken lightly, inner intuition warned her, but he’d told her as much earlier with his declaration of protection. He seemed far too confident he could keep her safe from whatever physical harm the beady-eyed man had planned for her. Yet she couldn’t help but wonder how safe she’d be with him either.

  Regina stood abruptly not liking the path her mind was leading her down.

  “I don’t understand what’s taking the police so long to get here,” she said taking the long way around the coffee table back towards the window. Neither space nor the low standing table between them did much to settle the unease pushing at the outskirts of her thoughts.

  “You’re not from here, are you?” He asked.

  The question was unexpected. Regina found her gaze snapping towards his once again.

  A foolish, foolish mistake.

  “No, but if you’re trying to imply that I’m some naïve country girl, I’ll have you know that I’ve lived in this city for two years,” she said matter-of-factly but quickly realized as he grinned at her that she must sound like some fresh off the bus hick for sure.

  “So you’re acquainted with the crime rate in the city and the crisis in manpower to address the issues?” He continued.

  “But this wasn’t just some random mugging.”

  “No, it wasn’t,” he agreed.

  “And now your nephew is fighting for his life, surely that’s got to mean something.”

  “I think you’re over exaggerating Jay’s condition, as I mentioned before he is expected to make a full recovery.”

  “But the police don’t know that.”

  “No they don’t, but there’s no shortage of crime here and there is only so much they can do.”

  He stood and it was like she was seeing him for the first time. Sure, she’d recognized his height before but she’d also been too distracted to take in the entire package. The similarities between him and Jay were few. Where his nephew was attractive, in a youthful trendy way Hyuk was an impressive sight to behold, obsidian black hair was cut short but waved neatly into tapered sides. His bare sun-kissed skin was far lighter than her complexion but not overly pale by anyone’s standards. She noted the shape of his lips and how the bottom one was slightly plumper than the top. But it was his eyes, she’d noticed them when he first arrived. She remembered Jay’s being inky pools of midnight while Hyuk’s were bright almost translucent in their ice blue brilliance, or at least that’s how they appeared at first. They’d actually
startled her when she first turned to see who entered the room but she thought she did a great job of maintaining her surprise. They seemed… unreal.

  She swallowed hard when he folded his arms in front of him. Her gaze moved to the outline of muscles revealed in the action as the shirt strained to accommodate the expanse.

  “You - you sound like you’re making excuses for the police?” she said forcing herself to look away from him again and moved closer to the window. From her vantage point, New York was a spectacular array of lights and skyscrapers against the backdrop of the night sky and a waning moon. She’d always loved the starry nights of Colorado but this city possessed its own nighttime brilliance.

  “Hardly, but I’m a realist. I don’t expect the matter to be a priority for the police.”

  She definitely didn’t want to hear him say that hoping he was wrong about everything. The longer the crime went unsolved the longer she might be in harm’s way.

  “Don’t worry Regina the responsible party will be discovered.”

  She glanced at his reflection through the glass. “That’s a bit of a contradiction don’t you think, to say the police won’t consider the crime a priority and in the next breath try and reassure me that the man will be brought to justice?”

  The knock on the door cut off any reply Hyuk might have provided.

  “Come,” he said the singular word loud enough to be heard on the other side of the door.

  Regina turned half expecting to see a doctor enter but instead saw a medium built Asian man walk into the room. He gave her the barest of glances before zeroing in on Hyuk. No words were exchanged as he crossed the room to hand off a shiny white plastic bag with the hospital's logo prominently displayed. Hyuk addressed the man in a language she didn’t recognize but it definitely sounded Asian in origin. The exchange was brief and then they were alone again.

  “I’m sure you’d like to change,” Hyuk said even before the delivery man could close the door behind him completely.

  Regina looked at the bag he held out. Why did it feel like a lure meant to draw her in? She shook off the thought, looked between him and the bag once more before moving to retrieve it.

  See there, not a planned sneak attack, her inner voice reassured once she took the bag from him. It’s been a weird night and you’re on edge chica, now you’re seeing all kinds of danger where there is none. Regina mentally nodded her agreement at the self-assessment.

  She mumbled a quick thank you before escaping into the private bathroom offered en suite, the same one she was able to wash up in earlier when a friendly security guard escorted her to the empty room. Regina made quick work stripping out of the shirt and pants before scrubbing her skin where Jay’s blood had soaked through onto her flesh.

  It felt good to change into some fresh clothes, but she swore when she got home the hottest shower she could imagine stood in her future. The thought made her pause. Was Hyuk right, could she really not go home? What reason would he have to try and scare her?

  Hyuk glanced at the bathroom door again, resisting the urge to check his watch once more.

  He was anxious.

  What was taking her so long? Was she okay in there or had dealing with the bloody clothes sent her into shock? She didn’t seem like the sort who was accustomed to violence, especially not on the level she’d been exposed to that night.

  He would give her another minute to come out. Grabbing his phone for distraction Hyuk scrolled through his messages.

  Starry skies tonight but we expect the weather to change soon.

  It was code from one of his men reporting back from the crime scene. He knew it meant they hadn’t discovered the shooter yet, but there was a lead.

  Good. He wanted to deal with the people responsible, if the trail went cold the shooter would go underground or quite possibly be executed for the botched job as soon as Jay’s status was learned.

  He mulled over the list of possible suspects already formed in his head. There was a grab for power in a couple of the families and one of the stakeholders might have thought coming for the Chon’s was a strategic move in proving dominance and strength. Hyuk already planned to call a meeting with the first two families to get a feel for the friction and see what factions existed.

  His thoughts trailed off as Regina exited the bathroom wearing a fitted short sleeved t-shirt with the hospital’s logo emblazoned across her chest. Loose sweat pants hung a little long on her but she looked… magnificent.

  She extended the plastic bag back to him. “My clothes are in here in case the police need it for their investigation. They can keep them.”

  He nodded his thanks taking the bag from her and resisting the urge to pull her into his arms in the process. Hyuk could see the wheels’ of her mind spinning and wanted to reassure her.

  “I’m sorry that you were pulled into this… mess,” he offered. Was he?

  “It’s not your fault. You didn’t send the shooter after Jay, it’s been a series of unfortunate events.”

  He nodded more in understanding than agreement, then walked to the door to hand out the bag of soiled clothes to one of his men.

  “Burn this,” he ordered quickly in Korean before closing them back in the room.

  “How are you holding up?”

  Her question startled him and for several seconds all he could do was stare at her.

  “I’m fine, but knowing that the surgery is successfully completed without complications will be greatly appreciated.”

  “Waiting can sometimes be the hardest part. Will there be other family members coming?” She asked moving to one of the leather chairs.

  “My father is overseas so it’s just me here.”

  “And his parents?”


  Her mouth formed an ‘O’ shape but she sat quietly. He could tell she was trying to find something appropriate to say.

  “If you give me your key and address, I can have some things collected for you.”

  Her eyes met his suddenly. “To stay at your place?”


  “But I didn’t agree to that, I have places I can go.”

  Why did he want to know where and who with? More importantly were any of these options male?

  “It will only be for a few days, until the threat can be assessed appropriately.”

  She seemed to think.

  “If you think this guy is so dangerous why would you send anyone to get stuff for me?”

  “Believe me, my guards can handle themselves. I just thought having your own clothes would provide a bit more comfort for you.” And he wanted to have surveillance set up on her apartment for when the would-be assassin made good on his threat. He didn’t really need her to provide the address to him but it would be quicker and for whatever reason, he liked the idea of her trusting him with the information. “But if you would prefer I can have clothes ordered and delivered for you.”

  “You can what?”

  He opened his mouth to explain but she silenced him with a shake of her head. “That’s okay, I heard you the first time. I just wasn’t expecting you to make such a generous offer. I couldn’t possibly accept. If this threat is as real as you say I really don’t want to put your men in danger either.”

  “They are very adept at handling themselves.”

  She looked thoughtful but continued. “You must be pretty important to have guards and all this.” She motioned to the private room.

  “Something like that.”

  “It’s not exactly where the regular folks twiddle their thumbs over their loved ones. At first, I thought this was a private waiting room for people with someone in critical condition,” she rambled more to herself.

  “No, it isn’t,” he supplied.

  She sat quietly for several more moments but again he could practically see the wheels of her mind spinning.

  “So are you guys some type of diplomats, was this an assassination attempt on your nephew?”

  “I can’t be sure
what it was intended to be at this point.” He answered honestly, dodging the first part of her question.

  She frowned up at him. “How exactly do you think you can protect me if your own nephew wasn’t safe?”

  “I don’t like the idea of blaming the victim but my nephew dismissed his detail and went out of his way not to be tracked. If he’d followed protocol we would not be here now.” A matter Hyuk definitely wanted some answers to from Jay personally. “Were you meeting him, maybe he didn’t want to be seen with his men?”

  Regina shook her head. “I never laid eyes on him until he stumbled out of the alley.”

  Relief. Why?

  “But I can see how having a detail around you twenty-four seven would seem daunting if you’re trying to date someone,” she added thoughtfully. “Would I have to have a guard with me too?”

  “Of course.” he answered honestly, no point in sugar coating things.

  Regina looked horrified. “But I have to work.”

  “What is it that you do exactly?”

  “I’m a waitress and while it’s not as important as being some sort of diplomat it’s how I make my living.”

  “Of course. Does your job allow for time off?”

  “Minimal. It’s a nice restaurant and there’s a waiting list just to get a janitorial position there, no way I can take any extended time off unless I want it to be permanent.”

  “I understand, but if I can guarantee you will not lose your position would you consider taking some time away?”

  She shook her head. “I’ve already exhausted the few vacation days they give out each year, so taking time off without pay isn’t in the cards.”

  “If I can give you assurances that you will have your job and pay?”

  “In writing, from management, then sure,” she said but her tone sounded sarcastically doubtful.

  “Fair enough. What’s the name of the restaurant?”

  The name she rattled off was easily recognized. If memory served him correctly the owners had upscale chains in four major US cities and were itching to expand internationally. Hyuk already had interests in a few restaurants overseas, what was one more? Regina would have her letter in the morning.


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