Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love Page 102

by Koko Brown

  “Your uncle’s right, you need to focus on recouping. The only person at fault is the gunman.”

  “Okay, out with both of you nags, I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other.”

  Regina allowed Hyuk to lead her out the room. His hold on her remained until they stood outside her bedroom door. His thumb caressed the pulse at her wrist before letting go completely. She wondered lamely if he felt the spike in her heart rate.

  Silly thoughts, she mentally dismissed.

  “I have the letter from your job, signed by management, in my office”

  “Really?” the disbelief was evident in her voice. “I though she trailed off…”

  “You thought what?”

  “I just didn’t think it would be possible.”

  He frowned. “You doubted my word?”

  “Yes… I mean no…I just didn’t think you were serious about doing it.”

  “You’ll find that I don’t say things I don’t mean. Your conditions have been met?”

  Her answer was a quick nod.

  “Have dinner with me tonight.”

  It was another one of his questions posed as a statement.


  A lazy grin started lifting the corners of his mouth slight. “You know that meal that usually occurs around sunset. All right, I’ll try again. You ready?” The smile inched. A dimple formed in his right cheek.

  Even sexier.

  “Will you join me for dinner?”

  She was ready this time. “Dinner sounds good.”

  “Any preference?”

  “I’m not picky so I’m sure I’ll like whatever your cook comes up with.”

  He gave a slight shake of his head.

  “I don’t mean here. I was thinking more along the lines of a restaurant with a bit of ambiance.”

  “Have you seen your dining room I can’t imagine any restaurant topping it.”

  His smile drooped. “So is that no?”

  She doubted the man had ever heard the word ‘no’ directed at him.

  “No,” she said shaking her head simultaneously.

  His brow furrowed slightly.

  “I don’t mean no to the invite. It was no to not wanting to go.”

  “Just so we’re clear your answer is yes then?”

  Heart in throat she still managed to eke out her answer. “Yes.”

  “Say six thirty.”

  “Sounds good.”

  The lingering look he gave her kept Regina rooted to the spot.

  “I look forward to it,” he said before turning to walk away.

  Feeling more than a little ridiculous she slipped into her temporary room.

  What was wrong with her? The moment Hyuk came within breathing distance logic seemed to find a swift exit. He’d done nothing but be nice and offer protection until Jay’s shooter was caught and yet instead of gratitude her emotions had run the gambit from suspicion to attraction.

  Talk about a fickle female.

  “Enough of this,” she mumbled. From now on she’d curb her silly emotions and try simply being grateful.

  A long hearty buzz sounded accompanied by a vibration against her chest reminding her she secured her phone in one of her bra straps after her practice.

  She was genuinely happy to see the familiar nickname pop up on the screen.

  “Hey Pickle,” she said excitedly into the phone.

  “If you hadn’t answered. I swear I was going to call the National Guard.”

  A rush of relief washed over her at the sound of his outraged voice. Familiarity was what she needed at the moment. It gave her some reassurance that she hadn’t fallen into some deep twilight zone vortex.

  Regina rolled her eyes, “Dramatic as usual.”

  “Uh-uh, you call me every night like clockwork and I get nothing but crickets from you last night. Lucy, you got some ‘splaining to do and I hope it’s of the juicy big “d” variety.”

  Regina couldn’t help but chuckle at him. Should she tell him the truth?

  “Nothing to explain, a little too much cheap wine and greasy food,” she offered. Why worry him unnecessarily and that’s exactly what he’d do.

  “Mmm hmm, try again.”

  She knew she’d have to cop to something.

  “I got the second audition and actually did pick up celebratory boxed wine and a Stromboli.”

  “You’re serious aren’t you?” Disbelief etched his voice.

  “I wouldn’t make something like this up, but I was really trying to keep things hushed,” she said

  “I would give you some modicum of congratulations but know you and your superstitions work in mysterious ways. If it helps I’ll rub on a rabbit's foot for you.”

  “Um, I don’t think that’s how it works.”

  “Sure it is. I guess I’ll give you a pass this time but know that your drunken stupor has prevented you from the latest scoop in my love life. And since my break is just about up you’ll have to settle for scraps.”

  “So why are you wasting all this time with extra commentary?” she asked.

  “I so hate being rushed,” he huffed.

  “Yes, but you hate holding in juicy information about yourself even more.”

  And to prove her point he caved right in,” Ross and I are going away with his family for the weekend.”

  “As an actual couple?”


  “Well it’s about damn time!” her excitement was about as palpable as his own.

  “I know, right?”

  “Good. I hope this means more forward progression in your relationship?”

  “You and me both, now all we have to do is get your little ass hooked up.”

  “Don’t start.” Regina could mentally see her friend’s eye’s rolling.

  “Is it so wrong to want your girl to be getting some on the regular?”

  “You just want to hear all the sordid details.”

  “And you know this.”

  “I’m hanging up.”

  “Like you have something better to do.”

  Regina scoffed. “I can’t with you right now.”

  “Don’t worry Ross and I will set you up as soon as we get back,” he reiterated helpfully.

  “I’m hanging up right now.” And she did, fairly sure her friend wouldn’t say anything she wanted to hear after his gut-wrenching laugh was done.


  Regina wasn’t going to pretend that she couldn’t spend a better part of forever enjoying the luxurious bathroom equipped with its own private whirlpool. She wasn’t sure just how long she lingered in the spacious tub letting the deep tissue massage of the jets manipulate her willing flesh but when she emerged resembling a prune and feeling more relaxed than she had in ages she looked longing at the inviting freshly made bed. Normally, her schedule didn’t allow for impromptu naps but with nothing better to do than wait she didn’t see the harm in passing some time with sleep. It was either that or wander around Hyuk’s home and risk bumping into him again for another confusing encounter. At least she could nap and then mentally prepare for their dinner.

  A nap was exactly what the doctor ordered.

  “Are you attempting to lecture me?” Hyuk spoke slowly. His temper which seemed to simmer at the surface was still in check but he didn’t appreciate his nephews emboldened questioning.

  “Of course not Unc,” Jay said.

  Hyuk watched as his nephew shifted in bed and could smell the nervousness pouring off him in waves, but it didn’t stop the younger man’s inquiries.

  “It just seems your interest in her is a bit beyond simple gratitude.”

  “And if it is?”

  Jay’s shrug was non-committal which seemed to be the smartest answer.

  “So what was up with the whole ‘diplomatic’ thing?” Jay switched gears.

  “She thinks we’re diplomats and the threat on your life had something to do with our status as such.”

  “And you didn’t cor
rect her?”

  “To tell her what exactly?” He was a little more than surprised that he actually meant the question. She would learn the truth soon enough the longer she stayed in his world. He wouldn’t hide from the truth honestly wanted her to really see him. It was something he hadn’t given any thought to in the past.

  “I guess you have a point there,” Jay said with a chuckle.

  “I’ll deal with Regina as I deem necessary. Of more importance at the moment is why you dropped your security detail.”

  Jay looked suddenly nervous. “Is it so bad to want a bit of freedom once in a while? Surely, you can understand that?”

  “I understand wanting to stretch your legs and enjoy a good run outside of my human trappings periodically but what you did was reckless. A dark alley, hunted and shot by what was most likely a human hit man. The risk of exposing who and what we are. What if you had shifted during your ordeal?”

  “I know, I know. It was stupid and I deserve all of the disdain you’re directing at me.”

  “What if you had injured Regina because of your thoughtlessness?” The idea actually struck a chord in him and his response was immediate, involuntary.

  “Uncle, your… incisors are showing,” Jay said with a mixture of trepidation and amazement.

  Hyuk administered a low growl at realizing his nephew’s observation was accurate. He willed them to retract.

  “I’ve never seen a woman, a virtual stranger, illicit that sort of reaction from you and I have to admit I think it was her presence which kept me from shifting last night, but she isn’t werekin. I didn’t even detect the slightest bit of a hybrid in her.”

  “No. She is human,” Hyuk confirmed.

  “And yet there is something different about her.”

  “But it’s not for you to worry about. You’ll be fully healed in a couple of days’ time and maybe by then you can come up with a plausible excuse for your disappearance. I’m not buying the one you’re trying to sell.”


  Hyuk silenced him with a raised hand. “If you’re not ready to tell the truth now, it’s better you don’t speak at all.”

  At his nephew’s continued silence he rose from the bedside seat and left the room. Jay could keep his mystery for now. At the moment he had a more pressing theory to explore with a certain house guest who had piqued more than his interest.

  The awkward beginning to any dinner date, casual or not, had to begin with one dinner companion staring at the other as if they’d grown a second head.

  “Is there something wrong? Your housekeeper said you bought the dress for our dinner so I assumed-”

  “You look stunning,” Hyuk interrupted, suddenly regaining use of his voice. “When I picked it out I didn’t expect for it to suit you so perfectly.”

  He took his time doing another sweep of her body and Regina felt suddenly naked under his scrutiny. Decadent.

  “It was very generous of you. I didn’t think about appropriate clothing before agreeing to our dinner.” What she said was true, as it grew closer to dinner time it suddenly dawned on her that her wardrobe was probably lacking for an evening out with him. What exactly did one wear to dinner with a diplomat? She smoothed her hand down the dark blue material that hugged her hips and enhanced her curves in all the right places, if she did say so herself. Hyuk’s appreciative stare only confirmed her self-observation.

  His head cocked slightly to one side when he reached the open toed heels.

  “Blood red?”

  “My favorite color. As a dancer one must show proper care and appreciation for one’s feet. Do you have a problem with the color?” she asked wiggling her perfectly manicured toes.

  “Not at all.”

  Finally, he looked her squarely in the eyes and Regina could see quite clearly the attraction reflected in them.

  “You’re looking pretty good too,” she offered up. Who was she kidding the man was an Adonis.

  He wore a dark blue button up shirt, no tie, with the first two buttons undone, a black blazer along with matching trousers. He looked temptingly contemporary and a bit devil may care.

  “Thank you.” He gave a casual nod never breaking eye contact. “Shall we get going? I know you’ll want another early morning to get some practice in before your big day so I promise not to keep you up too late.”

  “Disappointing,” she muttered aloud before having the chance to catch her words.

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing. Thanks for your consideration.”

  He crooked his arm for her to take and she slid her hand around his bicep allowing him to lead her through the spacious townhouse. Nice. Thick and contoured without even the hint of him flexing. The memory of Hyuk slipping into his t-shirt that morning came to mind and she recalled the toned muscle physique of his torso. The way the fabric molded his broad shoulders and chest. Truth be told she liked his entire physical package and wouldn’t mind letting her hands do a bit of free exploration.

  “Earth to Regina?”

  He was talking, she should probably pay attention. “What did you say?”

  “Where were you just then?”

  Honesty? Mentally, she was half way down the perfect vee of his abs but of course that wasn’t what she could tell him.

  “Sorry, just a bit of a squirrel moment.”

  “Mmm.” He inhaled deeply and let the breath out slowly.

  She looked up at him curiously and was greeted by sexy lopsided grin.

  “You know, you do that quite a bit.”


  “The deep inhalation thing.”

  “You mean breathing,” he crooked a brow at her.

  “No. There’s regular breathing which is a completely involuntary action and then there is deep breathing, more concentrated like when a person is trying to savor something.”

  “Or commit it to memory.”

  “So you do you know what I’m talking about?”


  “But you’re not going to tell me why you do it?”

  “You might find it a bit… peculiar.”

  “Try me.”

  “I love your scent, it’s very distinct and natural. You can tell a lot about a person from their smell.”

  “Maybe you can. My sensitivity isn’t so defined there’s funk, no funk and fragrance enhanced which could be on top of funk or not.”

  He chuckled. It was a genuine masculine sound. At the front door he stopped.

  She looked at him curiously.

  “Close your eyes,” he said.


  “Humor me.”

  She complied, but not before giving him a squinted look from beneath one eye.

  “No peeking.”

  “Fine but if you ask me to do one of those trust fall things it’s not gonna happen.”

  “Nothing like that. Try to clear your mind, just focus on the sound of my voice.”

  That wouldn’t be too hard.

  “Take slow breaths in and out.”

  Easy enough.

  “Now take a deep breath in, hold it. Let it fill you.”

  She did, and immediately identified the fresh clean scent of the foyer mingled with old world wood.

  “Now, let it go slowly.”

  The slow exhalation brought with it an after smell conjuring up images of warmth.

  “Once more breathe in slowly.”

  This was different, much different. A masculine musk filled her nostrils. It was an invitation. Virile titillation. She swayed in its direction seduced by the lure.

  “Now exhale.” His voice had changed, it was lower with a husky quality.

  When she exhaled this time her senses were assailed with a confection of emotions. She tried to sort through them but they rushed at her as if vying for a spotlight. Strength. Virility. Protection. Danger and something she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

  She opened her eyes to find only scant inches between them.

was… interesting,” she admitted.

  “Just interesting?”

  “A bit enlightening too. I didn’t realize something like that even existed.”

  “You’d be surprised at all the amazing things you can tap into with a little effort.”

  Regina didn’t shy away when he reached up to stroke her cheek. In fact she tipped her head back more in open invitation. What would it feel like for him to kiss her?

  “We should get going,” he suggested.

  She was jarred back to reality with his statement.

  “Right. Dinner.”

  Wow, she misjudged that one.

  The ride to the upscale restaurant was fairly short for regular uptown traffic and Regina found that she filled the quiet with a string of observations and chatter which allowed her to focus on anything but the man sitting next to her. The misread in his town house had rattled her more than she wanted to admit to herself.

  Finally, the car pulled up curbside in front of the restaurant.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, why do you ask?”

  “Well you’ve been a bit chatty, not quite what I’ve come to expect from you,” he said as he helped her out the back seat.

  “Nope, I’m peachy better than that in fact I’m-”

  “Stop. I’m not sure I want to hear you compare yourself to another piece of fruit. You’ve been this way since we left the house so I can only assume that it has something to do with our little experiment.”

  “No, of course not.”

  “You want to know why I didn’t kiss you?” He didn’t give her a chance to answer. “If I had we never would have left the townhouse.”

  Heat rushed through her body and she felt a sudden need to find the nearest bucket of ice water.

  She opened her mouth to speak but all that came out was a barely audible “oh”.

  “Shall we go inside?”

  He placed her arm into the crook of his and escorted her into the posh restaurant. It was a place unlike anything she’d ever dined. There was a somber elegance to the environment and she realized at that moment she didn’t know the difference between a salad fork and a dinner fork. Would he notice? She took some satisfaction in knowing that she probably wouldn’t eat much of anything anyway not with the knot that had formed at the pit of her stomach of his admission. They were seated and soon after a waiter came to take their order. Regina played it safe by finding familiar items on the menu to select from.


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