Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love Page 103

by Koko Brown

  Surprisingly enough Hyuk took over the conversation this time. He kept things light while asking questions about her family and where she’d grown up. By the time the first course arrived she realized she’d learned very little from the exchange. Did it really matter if she knew anymore about him, it wasn’t as if they were going to talk after the shooter was found? But then the words of her friend intruded on her thoughts.

  Maybe Pickle was right about her indulging in a little inter-gender mingling. It had been a good… long while since she’d last dated not to mention the last time she had sex. She could do worse than breaking her dry spell with a rich diplomat. The question on her mind was if Hyuk were in the market for a brief fling. She thought about it. He seemed to still be a bachelor, but she didn’t know that for certain. It would be the first obstacle, she wanted to put to rest having never been one to go in for being any man’s side piece.

  She’d find out a little more about her benefactor and if all the stars aligned, and the opportunity presented itself she would permit herself a little dalliance with Hyuk. The thought caused an arousal excitement inside her.

  Hyuk crooked his head and raised an eyebrow in her direction. “What are you thinking about over there?”

  “ nothing.”

  “The look on your face says different and I bet if I were to breathe in your scent right now that would reveal a lot as well.”

  “You think so? Surely not even your nose is that sensitive.”

  “Would you like to place a wager on that?” he asked

  She didn’t get a chance to answer a muscular built Asian man approached their table, his movements were hesitant but that didn’t seem to stop him. He gave a curt bow in Hyuk’s direction and no more than a passing glance at her.

  “Excuse me for interrupting your meal. I just wanted to give you my well wishes on your nephew’s speedy recovery. If there is anything my family can do to help you find his attacker, my men are at your disposal.”

  “Your offer has been noted but this is a Chon matter, however you can let those curious know that I will be personally handling the situation.” Hyuk finished with a dismissive nod. An almost imperceptible look of contrition shuttered passed the man’s face before being replaced by anindifferent façade and just as quickly as he arrived the man was gone.

  “Well that was nice of him,” Regina said feeling the urge to speak after the brief exchange.


  “I take it he’s a friend of yours?” She asked before reaching for a glass of wine. It was a movement meant to give her something to do other than look at Hyuk’s grave expression.

  “We are known to each other, but to call him a friend would be an overstatement.”

  “Is he a diplomat as well?”

  “I’m sure you realize by now that neither of us serve a foreign government in any official capacity.”

  He was right, she’d begun to suspect and Jay’s odd reaction earlier wasn’t lost on her. The exchange with the stranger felt more God Fatheresque and less like diplomatic cajoling.

  “But you let me believe you were.”

  “It was a convenient omission that seemed to appease you,” he didn’t hesitate in his response.

  “You know lying by omission is still lying.”


  “So if you’re not a diplomat what are you?”

  “What or who?”

  “Both, aren’t they the same thing?”

  “No, not entirely.”

  “Alright than I’ll settle for who are you?”

  “I’m Hyuk Kazimir Chon the son of Jong Soo Chon and Albina Petrov. My father was married but accepted my mother as a concubine.”

  “Petrov, that’s Russian isn’t it.”

  “Yes, my father went to Russia on a business trip one year and came home with her. I was born a year later.”

  “That could not have gone over well with his wife.”

  “We all adjusted with time, families come in all forms,” he informed politely.

  “I wasn’t judging,” she insisted. “I was trying to imagine from the view point of both women.”

  “By the time I was old enough to remember, my mother and father’s wife got along fine enough. I also had an older brother, born to my father’s wife.”

  “Jay’s father?”


  “What happened to him?”

  “He was murdered. A casualty of our families business activities. My brother was my father’s original heir yet most of the responsibility of the business fell on my shoulders. My brother was more interested in the spoils our business produced and not so much interested in the actual running of things. I fear that Jay has inherited his short sightedness.” He paused as if giving her time to digest his revelation.

  She was grateful for the silence, it gave her a chance to mull over his admission in her head yet wondered what he still held close to the vest.

  “Does that tell you who I am?”

  “It gives me a frame but the picture is still very fuzzy.”

  “You’re life doesn’t seem as if it allows for room for a family of your own.”

  “I have raise Jay since he was ten, that has been enough for me in terms of parenting. I’ve never had the desire to marry.”

  “I wanted to know more about you so this has been very enlightening,” she admitted.

  “Are you frightened?” he asked.

  “Should I be, I mean the guy did everything but kiss your ring? Are people always like that with you?”

  “Sometimes, but you have no reason to fear me Regina, the last thing I want to see is harm come to you.”

  She believed him. Why would he go through the trouble to protect her when he could have easily gotten the information he wanted from her and let her walk unwittingly back into her life.

  “Jay’s shooting is related to your families business?”

  “I don’t doubt it. Seems less likely that it was some random act.”

  “How do you live under a cloud of violence?”

  “It isn’t always this way. There are those who believe I have no connection to my nephew and therefore wouldn’t care what happened to him.”

  “But you do, I saw the way you hovered over him.”

  His expression was solemn. “He is my only family besides my father and I will do everything in my power to protect him. Once Jay’s is found and I rip the veil off of who was truly responsible order will be restored and life can go back to some semblance of normalcy.”

  “And what is normal for you?”

  He shrugged. “Many things. It’s not always dangerous. Everyone has a role and a place and they understand that. When things continue to flow in order without chaos surrounding us peace is enjoyed by all.”

  His admission should have changed everything, but for some reason it didn’t. She’d known from the first night there was something different about him and now with just a glimpse into his life she still wanted him. What had really changed? They could enjoy a brief encounter and then go their separate ways. Her with a truly decadent bad boy tale and him on to the next conquest.

  He settled back in his chair, but his gaze remained ever watchful. She doubted if Hyuk missed anything in his life with those eyes.

  “Are you enjoying your meal?” he changed topic, but she had the distinct impression if she asked more he’d answer honestly.

  “This was actually the best meal I’ve ever eaten. It seemed such a shame to mess with the chef’s artistry but it’s all part of the experience I guess. Do you mind terribly if we skip dessert?”

  “What else did you have in mind?” he asked.

  “I don’t know, we could go back to your house and enjoy a different type of dessert in privacy. Seeing as there is an audience here who I’m competing with for your attention.”

  “Theirs is no competition.”

  She liked the sound of that. “But I agree, I’m suddenly feeling the desire to return home as well.”

bsp; He rose from his chair then came around to help her. The ride back to his townhome was made in virtual silence. The streets were cleared now cutting their drive time in half. A nervous energy bubbled inside of her, expanding and blooming as the minutes marked the arrival to their final destination. With only her silent musings a bit of doubt and recrimination crept into her thoughts.

  The car stopped in front of the townhouse and this time Hyuk didn’t wait for the driver to come around. He unfolded himself from the luxurious confines and reached inside with an outstretched hand for her. Regina felt that if she took it she’d be sealing her fate for the evening. There was a hesitation to her movements. Finally she settled her hand in his and allowed herself to be guided out of the car. Up the stairs, inside and into the grand foyer was a blur.

  “It seems as though the evening has come full circle now”, he said her hand still in his.

  “It would seem so,” she agreed.

  “Is that reluctance I sense?”

  “Not really, I guess I’m just muddling through it all.”

  “Don’t muddle too long, I’m not the most patient of men.”

  “Hmm, somehow I knew this about you.”

  “I’m going to kiss you Regina.”

  “You are?”

  He nodded his head already descending towards hers. Lips closer, then hovering over hers until there was just a breath between them. The hand holding hers dropped and circled her waist. While the other hand tipped her chin up a bit more.

  “You’re not going to try and stop me are you,” Again it wasn’t a question.

  She didn’t have a chance to respond because within seconds his mouth pressed down onto hers, coaxing until she opened up to him allowing him entrance into her. Their tongues danced and played. Each stroke was an arousing pull. She leaned into him more, pressing her body up against his. He took every inch that she gave. Regina hadn’t imagined that it would feel so good to be in his arms. His taste incited raw desire. She wanted more.

  She stretched up on tiptoes sighing heavily when she felt his erection pressed up against her. He groaned a deep throaty primal sound vibrating in his chest transferring from his mouth to hers and she seemed to follow suit.

  Inching away ever so slightly, Hyuk rested his forehead against hers.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked wishing he hadn’t stopped.

  “Remember what I said before?” he asked.

  Remember? That required thought and at the moment she was a bundle of nerve endings. Nerves didn’t think, they could only feel which was all she wanted to do at the moment. Regina brushed her lips against his once more hoping to reignite the spark between them. For her efforts she only received a modicum of a response and a heavy sigh.

  “A lot was said tonight,” she answered truthfully unable to get her brain to cooperate with any recall.

  “About what would happen once I kissed you?” He guided.

  “That sounds vaguely familiar, but I don’t believe I mentioned wanting you to stop.”

  He shifted to look her in the eyes. She dropped down from her tip toed stance and craned her head.

  “Tell me what you want?” he asked

  “Your lips on mine again.”

  “And?” he urged

  “Our bodies so close I can’t tell where yours ends and mine begins.”

  Her answer must have hit the right mark because he lifted her part way off the ground before his mouth descended on hers again.

  There was no tenderness, but she didn’t need it. Fire rushed through her veins at his unbridled handling. Everything about them together was carnal. Regina felt his hand against the back of her dress before hearing the ripping of material.

  She’d mourn the loss of the garment later for now her heart pounded in excitement.

  He pushed the fabric down her shoulders with a sense of urgency. She never felt more desired. After a few tugs the dress fell to the floor in a soft thud at her feet. She stepped out of the blue material. Her dark red strapless bra and panty ensemble along with the black strappy kitten heels given to her by Hyuk were all that remained. His eyes seemed to devour her, but only momentarily within seconds he was cradling her in his arms and carrying her to the singular elevator. Inside he quickly pushed the floor for his personal suite and they rode up amidst feverish kisses. The doors parted on an enclosed private suite. There was no time to take in the sights. Hyuk carried her across the space to a large bed swathed in dark masculine coverings. He placed one knee on the mattress for stability and laid her down gently, pausing momentarily to shrug out of his dinner jacket.

  Regina watched as he reached behind him to the small of his back and retrieved a sleek, black, hand gun. Being from Colorado she’d seen her fair share of hunting rifles but never a dark lethal weapon like that one. He placed it in a drawer of his bedside night stand. Either he didn’t notice or chose to ignore the way her eyes followed the weapon momentarily. Distraction came as he continued to undress. His button up was discarded quickly revealing that oh so sexy torso she’d only seen briefly that morning. Next to go were his slacks, shoes and socks, leaving him in a pair of gray boxer briefs that hugged well-muscled thighs but more importantly outlined the definition of a very serious bulge. Pickle would be proud. Gun forgotten she focused on him as she pulled herself into a sitting position and reached for her strappy heels.

  “Leave them,” he said.

  She eyed him curiously. “You want me to wear them to bed?”

  She’d dated some guys who had their own share of kink but she never indulged one who liked having sex with shoes on. In the grand scheme of things that was pretty tamed.

  “No, you’ll be completely naked when I’m making love to you but I’d rather undress you myself.”

  She reclined back on the bed feeling decadent, he settled at her feet and began to slowly unbuckle one sandal pulling the thin heel of the strap down and off. When she thought he would have moved to the next foot he didn’t. Instead he caressed and massaged her instep then toes. He lifted her foot off the mattress, she watched in surprised pleasure as he brought her toes to his mouth sucking in each one with sensual care. Tingling spread up her leg settling in core. She’d never had a man suck her toes before never given it any thought but she liked it. He switched to the next foot taking his time. Buckle. Strap. Hands behind heel and the shoe was dropped to the ground. Gentle massage. Those glorious lips. When he was done he slid off the mattress and stood to look down at her, his gaze taking in every inch of her.

  “You’re exquisite.”

  She felt like it beneath his gaze.

  He bent over her using the back of his hand to trace one of her legs, there was no rush to his movements now. At her hip he took one finger and hooked it in the fabric of her panties, he reached across her to hook the other in the opposite side. She raised her hips and he tugged the material down her thighs, past her knees, calf, feet then they were discarded on the floor.

  His fingers began a new quest up her ankle. Inner leg. Thigh. With one hand he urged her legs apart and dipped his finger past her labia folds. Teasing deft strokes sought out her clitoris.

  She moaned her desire to the air, arching her hips upward to meet his deliberate fingers.

  “Hyuk,” she whimpered.

  He pulled his fingers away and she watched as he took one digit in his mouth tasting her on him. He bent low over her, bracing himself with hands on either side of her body. Inches separated their faces, he moved in closer until he could suck her bottom lip between his and she could taste herself on him. She wrapped her arms around his neck wanting to pull him down onto her, but instead his hands worked their way around her body, his fingers making quick work of removing her bra. He scooped her up just enough to move her to the center of the bed and allow him to take up residence on the side she once occupied.

  Propped on one elbow now he leaned over to kiss her, and she turned into it. If kissing were a craft he’d definitely be a master. She groaned into his mouth drapi
ng her leg over his thigh. He growled rolling them until she were on her back without breaking their connection.

  Hyuk used his thighs to spread hers apart. He pulled back to kiss her neck.

  Down further.

  He found her breasts and she was ready to explode.

  Suckling. Stroking.

  “Oh god.”

  He wasn’t done, sliding down her body in a trail of kisses as he went.

  Her fingers mussed his shortly cropped hair as he nestled between her thighs. There was no coyness or hesitation. He dived in with his mouth. His tongue darted past her folds laving at her clitoris stroke after stroke until she was a mass of quivering flesh.

  His tongue flicked and fluttered with rapid fluidity. Relentless.

  “I… I’m gonna come.”

  Her words only seemed to urge him on and his devotion became more intense. The tension tightened and coiled inside her until she didn’t think she could take any more of the pleasure. She moaned her plea for release and it came in an earth shattering explosion that left her twitching as the sensation subsided.

  She felt a vibration against her mons. Apparently, she’d closed her eyes at the some point because she had to open them in order to look down at him.

  “Are you laughing at me?” Regina asked when she could speak.

  “Not at all, I was just wondering how much scalp I would have left after tonight.”

  She dropped her hands to her side bolting up in bed.

  “Oh my god, did I hurt you?”

  “Not in the slightest, I love your passion.”

  He sat back on his knees hooking his arms under her thighs and dragging her the slight distance down the bed until he lifted her to straddle his waist. His prominent erection wedged between them intimately.

  “Do you have condoms?” she asked breathlessly.

  His eyes locked with hers. “Do we need them?”

  She paused. “Yes, I’m not on birth control.” She felt suddenly stupid who thought about having sex in this day without condoms. Birth control wasn’t the only thing to worry about. She hadn’t been on anything in over a year but kept a stash of condoms at home just in case. But this wasn’t her home.


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