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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

Page 115

by Koko Brown

  “Destini, are you sure?” I managed to ask when I briefly pulled away.

  “Positive!” She exclaimed.

  Laying her on the bed, I took off every piece of clothing to look at her creamy, sandalwood colored body. She was absolutely beautiful with big eyes that were on me. More importantly, she was mine.

  “I want you,” she whispered.

  There was no response for that. I snatched off my clothes, grabbed a condom from the top drawer, and threw it on the bed. First, I had to do what I’d been wanting to do.

  Taste her.

  Lifting Destini’s legs, I threw them over my shoulders and buried my head in her hot center. The woman nearly bucked off the bed when my lips snagged onto her clit.

  “Fuck,” she hissed.

  I kept sucking and licking that sweet pussy of hers until her hands were wrapped around my hair and her body was quaking around my face.

  “Oh my God, Diego,” she screamed while the climaxed ripped through her.

  Destini’s thighs squeezed together, threatening to close in on my head. I was able to easily pull them a part as I kissed her stomach, traveled to her bite-sized chest, her neck, and then that mouth. Those sultry lips and her wide eyes had me on the verge of pledging my undying love. Instead, I kissed her deeply while sheathing myself.

  “Tell me if it hurts,” I murmured against her mouth.

  My cock parted her lips, and I pushed inside her wet heat. Her quick inhale and catch of her breath caused me to pause.

  “You okay?” I asked. “Need me to stop.”

  “No, no. Keep going.” She urged.

  The uncomfort of my penetration was written on her face, but she held on as I continued to push through at a slow pace. After a few strokes, her hips began to join the party, and we rocked back and forth until she was writhing under me and biting my ear.

  “Yes, Diego.” She moaned. “Yes!”

  We continued to move to our own rhythm, and after Destini’s second climax, I could feel the lightening charging down my spine. My lips wrapped around hers as I tried to share what I failed to say at the moment of my first release with Destini.

  She was mine and only mine. I wanted her and no one else. I would die and kill trying to ensure that she lived.

  “Goddamn,” I uttered under my breath.

  “Yeah,” she smiled dreamily up at me.

  “How are you doing? Was it too much?” I asked as I searched her body.

  “I’m good. I’m good.” She laughed. “That was sooo good, Diego. No wonder people lose their minds over sex.”

  I laughed at the truth of her words. There were many of men and women that fell into the lust of sex and lacked self-control. A little like me falling for a terminally ill woman, who probably just wanted to live her life out in peace.

  I had to get the fucking cure.

  Like yesterday.

  The next day, we went through our normal routine, but Sebastian and Ian were both at my place that morning, since we had business to discuss. By the time ShaRon left, we were getting ready to leave as well, but Destini wanted me to come to our room for a quick chat.

  “Mi querida, que pasa?” I asked.

  “Nothing.” She smiled and kissed me on the lips. “I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate everything that you’ve done for me. You have been a real friend, and I’ll never forget that.”

  “Friend?” I asked as I could feel my lip turn up.

  “Well, I’m not sure what to call this.” She clarified.

  “You’re mine. That’s what it’s called.” I answered, unsuccessfully keeping the annoyance in my tone.

  “Yes, now that’s true.” She laughed and kissed me on the lips again. “Yours.”

  “Everything alright?” I asked because she seemed off for the past few days. “You tell me.”

  “It’s fine. You’re fine.” Destini tried to reassure me. “We’re fine.”

  It didn’t feel fine.

  Valvorino: 1:00 PM

  The answer to the problem had been right under our noses the entire time, but it wasn’t until Ian pointed it out that we started to mobilize. Malvo had Destini’s blood type and the likelihood of one of his sons having the same was highly probable. Sebastian hacked in and scoured through all of his family’s medical history and found that Des, the very one that left his father in that shit hole of a hospital to die alone had the exact same type. Mama had ordered us to kill on site any of the Dominguez for the shit they had done before, but it seemed a little like more than payback.

  Sebastian, Ian, and I drove to Valvorino, where Des stayed, and camped out at the local motel and scoped out a restaurant near the small town called Twigs. A restaurant that Des frequently visited because his long-time girl toy worked there. Intel showed that he often frequented the small establishment on Tuesday and Thursdays. On Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays, he was with his main woman, who was a Cuban Diplomat and had a lot of pull in the political climate. This connection was smart of Des, but I was almost certain it had his father written all over it. Des wasn’t too bright to begin with.

  “Brothers, you don’t have to do this.” I reminded Seb and Ian. “I can handle this by myself. No need for mama to have Hugo kill all three of us.”

  Mama hadn’t ordered this hit nor would she approve of it for the purposes of why I was doing it. After speaking with Destini, it seemed that Mama was banking on Destini dying and for her death to be used as a lesson to help me realize that love was a waste. She engrained that into us, but the heart wants what the heart wants. Mama also knew that too, which was why she married Papa. I think she had the same notion about Hugo, which is why she gave me the order since she just knew it would happen. For Mama, it was a matter of time, and in Destini’s case, she already knew when that time would come. This meant, she would prevent from prolonging or messing with the inevitable.

  “We’re with you brother. No questions.” Sebastian chimed as Ian nodded.

  Our surveillance gear was scattered around the room with Ian and I at the windows while Sebastian was working on the logistics of the operation. All the cameras were set up at Des’ residence, which wasn’t far from the restaurant. We had eyes on both places and ears in his limo that he used to travel. He really was a fool because he never stayed below the radar. The boy was always flaunting what his daddy gave him, which was something he never earned.

  He had no honor.

  Therefore, he wouldn’t be missed.

  “Is that Uncle Vane’s car?” Ian asked more to himself than us.

  My eyes followed his binoculars and sure enough, Uncle was leaning against his car watching the restaurant where Des was currently eating.

  “Fuck,” I hissed.

  “No Bueno,” Sebastian muttered as he moved towards the window to see. “This is not fucking good. Is Mama on this too?”

  “She must be,” I whispered as it dawned on me what was happening. “The bloodline.”

  “What?” Ian asked. “What are you talking about?”

  “I overheard Mama talking with Uncle about a killing off the bloodline. Everybody. Uncle told her we wouldn’t do it, but he would for a price.” I shook my head. “I didn’t understand it, but if he’s here, it’s to kill Des and everything related to him. Son of a fucking bitch.”

  “Fuck!” Sebastian growled.

  “Then, we stop him,” Ian surmised. “We just change the plans but stop Uncle.”

  I put down my binoculars and faced Ian.

  “You know what that means, right?” I asked to confirm.

  “War,” Sebastian commented with the words that we most feared. War within our household, and since it was the three of us, it might be Hugo and Mama and whoever else is on her list against us. It meant, we could be disowned or terminated from the family.

  And the business.

  What it surely meant was that Mama wanted Destini dead for sure and on her timeline. That meant war.

  “Fuck!!!!” I roared.

bastian jumped up and moved towards me.

  “Calm down.” His eyes moved towards the window. “Calm down. You got to think with a straight head. We nab Uncle or Des but we need to move and need to move now.”

  “We can do both,” Ian interjected. “Here’s the plan.”

  My heart was beating like a racehorse in last place. How did it come to this? In a matter of weeks. I grew up in the business, but I always knew the risks. I knew what it meant. Hell, I was ordered to kill Hugo’s girl but after they parted. Fuck, I needed to get control. Nothing had ever torn me away from the family, and now my brothers were in it as well. I’d never forgive myself.

  I slipped my backup gun in the back of my pants, grabbed my bag of weapons, and walked out the motel door.

  “Wait, Diego.” Ian called.

  “Hermano,” Sebastian called after me, but I was already making my way down the steps of the old establishment and across the street.

  “Uncle,” I called. “Uncle, what are you doing here?”

  The man was about six foot, three inches, very slim as he always ran in his spare time. Quick, smart, and the most cunning motherfucker I had ever met. He taught us everything we knew, but I was almost certain, he didn’t expect me to pull out my Baretta M9 22LR with the silencer on it and shoot him in the leg.

  “Move another muscle and I’ll shoot the other one!” I whispered as I dropped behind the car next to him to pull his backup guns and knives from every place they shouldn’t have been.

  “You fucker,” he hissed on a groan. “You shot me.”

  “Yeah, I did.” I kept pulling his weapons and tossing them into my bag.

  Footsteps approached and I turned my gun toward the sound.

  “It’s me.” Ian said with wide eyes. “It’s just me. Sebastian is getting Des, now.”

  “Good, help me with him. Watch him because he’s a wily one.” I warned.

  Once we secured him in the rental with plastic all over the back of the car, we drove Uncle to the hideout and tied him up.

  “What were your orders?” I pulled out his serrated knife as a threat that he knew I would use by the look in his eye.

  “You know I’m immune to torture. You are too, so don’t fuck with me,” the old man growled. “I was following orders. Just like you should be doing?”

  “What were your orders?” I repeated as I approached him.

  “That pussy has you all fucked up, huh?” He spit. “Your mama was right about y’all boys. A little pussy, and you’d be gone forever. Look at you.” Uncle turned to look at Ian. “Fucking, look at you both.”

  I dropped the knife and pulled out my gun, aiming for his knee cap.

  “I’m not asking again.” I got on one knee close to him, so he knew it was with all due respect, but I’d do it.

  “Fucking bitch. You know I like to run.” He shook his head. “Fine, I’ll let your mama deal with you ‘cause if it was up to me, I’d stuff your dicks up your ass and leave you in the desert to rot.” He sighed and then said, “It was to kill the bloodline. She knew you’d figure it out somehow and knew none of your brothers would do it. Definitely not you.”

  Uncle Vance shook his head and turned the corner of his lips up in disappointment, but I could care less.

  “She’s mine,” I told Uncle. “I told Mama, but she wouldn’t listen. She’s mine. I’m telling you now, and if you get a chance, you’d better kill me because if you come after her again, I’m taking you out.”

  “Mijo, you don’t have to worry about me. It’s your mama you need to deal with. I took the job, shit. I didn’t know it was that serious. Hell, I thought your mama was exaggerated, but you fucking shot me in the leg. I’m your familia.”

  He started cursing in a string of Spanish, but I was up and walking to confer with Ian.

  “What’s happening now?” I asked.

  Sebastian has Des, and they are going to the hospital that you set up for the transfer. He’s stopping to get Destini now.

  “Okay.” I nodded. “Can you handle Uncle until this is over?”

  “Yeah, yeah. He likes me better than you now.” Ian laughed. “Finally.”

  I shook my head.

  “Okay, I’m headed out.” I grabbed my bag. “See ya Uncle.”

  “Going to kick your ass,” he hissed back.

  “See,” Ian laughed.



  I took some sleeping pills and that allowed me to get on the first plane to Florida. There was a two-hour layover until I could catch the plane to New York. A little kid walked past me with a man who resembled Diego, and my stomach churned as I continued to watch the two interact.

  “Papi, will the plane transform into Megatron?” The little boy asked.

  “No, because…” The man put his hands on his hips and declared, “I am Optimus Prime.”

  The boy burst into a ball of giggles at his father’s antics, and I started laughing too. Before I realized what I was saying, my mouth started moving.

  “I’m calling autobots everywhere,” I chimed in on their moment.

  The boy’s wide eyes turned on me, and he said, “You’re an autobot too?”

  His father smiled widely at me and said, “Mijo, we are all over.”

  I smiled and finished, “We’re waiting.”

  The man smiled at me as the boy looked as if I was going to transform at that very moment. They continued to walk and that should have solidified me with what I was attempting to do. Leave Diego, so he could experience a secure relationship with a woman who would be alive and could bare children. He deserved that more than anyone I knew.

  However, I wasn’t feeling like I was right in my departure.

  I did not feel right at all.


  I couldn’t have heard him right. There was no way I heard him correctly.

  “Diego, man she’s not here.” Sebastian repeated.

  “What the fuck?” I huffed as my mind racked with where she could be. “Could it be Mama?”

  “Naw, she wouldn’t have known that quick unless she had a tail on Uncle.” Sebastian commented. “That’s not her way.”

  “Yeah,” I surmised.

  “Wait, there a phone with a video on it.” There was some shuffling and then I could barely hear her voice. “Yeah, she left.”

  Holy fuck.

  My chest began to beat faster than normal, while my body started to feel the damp clothing from the sweat I didn’t realize was there.

  “W-wait, what do you mean she left?” I stammered.

  “How far away are you?” Sebastian asked. “I need to get this guy to the hospital, but yeah, she left. Probably back to New York. The video is here. You can check it out when you get back.”

  What in the absolute hell?

  She couldn’t have left. Actually, left me and went to New York. Maybe the nurse Claire found a donor for her, and she tried to get in contact with me.


  She left a video so that means she did not want me to know. The anger began to float to the top of my patience.

  “Sebastian, get him to the hospital and send a flare. To the airports, billboards, marines, and even the border patrol. Flag her passport and find out exactly where she went. The flare should include something about the blood bank and six months.” My mind was racing with everything that would get a message to her, since she’d left her phone, and I had no other means to contact her.

  I had to let her know.

  It was a complete surprise that the police had not pulled him over at the speed he was driving to his home. When he finally arrived, Sebastian had left but the fucking phone was there with the video pulled up. Slowly walking towards it as if it was about to transform into a decepticon, I hit play.

  There she sat in the living room, dressed in a white t-shirt, khaki shorts, and her hair in a ponytail. No makeup or any color to her lips, but she was drop dead gorgeous. Destini’s sandalwood skin was vibrant with an undertone of orange and yellow, and i
t was apparent that she was much healthier than when he first found her.

  “Diego, my love. Thank you. Who knew you were exactly what I needed when I needed it. You made me feel again. Fall in love for the first time and just be taken care of, instead of handling everything myself. I love you for that. However, I had to find a cure, and if I don’t, I had to leave you so you wouldn’t be hurt. You have to experience this life I didn’t. I know your family comes first and the business, but YOU SHOULD LIVE. You should experience a woman who loves you and can give you everything you deserve. You should have that.” She sighed. “If I find a donor and get the transplant, I will contact you. I promise you that but if I’m not successful, then let’s let dying dogs stay dead. Live your life, my love. Live.”

  The video stopped with her hand reaching forward as tears streaked down her face. Even there, she was still beautiful. However, I couldn’t stop the pang to my heart as it felt like it was being ripped from my body. I hurled the phone against the wall, then the table, couch, the vase, and anything she had touched. I had effectively betrayed my family all in a day, shot my uncle, went against Mama’s wishes and she had left. Talking about a fucked-up fairy tale.

  My chest was on fire, eyes were probably red with rage, and the fucking woman had left. The phone chimed with a message from Sebastian.

  “Yeah,” I tried to make my voice sound normal and tamp down on the emotion that threatened to escape.

  “The flares have gone out,” he reported.


  “We might have a hit.” He followed up. “A call came through, and it was a woman who said she may know more information about the flares.”

  My eyes brightened pushing the anger back. It couldn’t be. Not that quick.

  “Verify it then. I’m coming to you.” The phone closed as I left the apartment with everything as it was.

  The flares were the code words we in the family used for sending messages worldwide. In this case, the flare was the raiding of a blood bank and only six bags of blood were left, and they were drawn six months ago. We, and whoever the party was, knew about the symbolism, but I had not told Destini everything, so I wasn’t sure what she would glean from this phenomenon. If she saw this from our town of Jovellanos, then it should trigger her that it could be a message.


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