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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

Page 130

by Koko Brown

  In a show of dominance, he kicked her bench. “My men like the girls here. We will not want to move on.”

  Knives drawn, Lèsè sprung from her seat. “Use your hands…fuck each other in the alley. I don’t care but the Floating Lotus is closed.” Her voice was brusque and conclusive while she twirled the twin blades between her fingers. A practiced trick, they moved with a blinding rapidity.

  Licking his lips, Wan eyed her weapons. “Can’t we come to a compromise?”

  Lèsè nodded. “We stay. You and your men leave.”

  Tension and hurt male pride heated the air. Wan’s hands spasmodically opened and closed, inciting the situation. Lèsè anticipated his next move. So did her crew. Bit by bit, they’d edged in closer.

  “This port is big enough for the both of us,” he finally conceded, eyes never leaving her blades.

  Silently taunting him, Lèsè walked him and his men to the door. For good measure, she dropped the latch behind them. She didn’t choose to stay in brothels to guard them around the clock.

  Lèsè raised her arms. “Who’s up for shots of báijiǔ?”

  After buying three rounds, Lèsè called it a night. “I will see you in two days,” she announced. “Anyone interrupts my inner sanctum, I will see your head on a pike.”

  Liquid courage fueling her steps, she turned right at the top of the landing. Upon entering her room, she undressed then climbed into bed. She lay there several on moments staring at the ceiling or trying to find a comfortable with sleep being ever elusive. Giving up, she threw her legs over the bed then shoved her feet into a pair of slippers.

  Key in hand, mindful of the consequences but not caring, she trudged down the hall to a storage room. She opened the door and all eyes turned in her direction.

  Flynn silently set his chair down on all legs. Without saying a word, he stood, his lazy gaze surveying her.

  Finding what she’d been looking for, Lèsè headed back down the hall. Hearing the foot falls behind her, she smiled. She slipped into her room but conspicuously left her door slightly ajar. Heat already pooling between her legs, she ambled over to the bed and sat down. She desperately wanted to feel him skin to skin but she decided to wait for him.

  Eyes glued to the rooms only entrance and exit, feverishly wanting him inside her, she nervously opened and closed her thighs.

  And there he was. Her breath caught at the sight of him shadowing her door.

  “May I come in?” he asked pushing the door inward.

  “Please.” Lèsè pushed out a breath. She wanted him inside…inside her with an almost will-less desire. Her body became aglow with sensual heat, her loins aching in his presence.

  He came in and shut the door behind him.

  “Lock it.”

  Without question, he granted her request and a delirious craving burned through her body.

  “Do you need me?” he queried, looking murderously handsome leaning against the door.

  “Matter of fact, I do. I need help with my clothes,” she whispered her gaze flame hot.

  A second passed, then two. His expression remained vexingly blank, stance motionless. His blue eyes coolly measuring.

  Then exhaling slowly, he said, “You said you no longer desired my company.”

  Her gaze held his for a stark, direct moment. “I was wrong.”

  His gaze traveled over her, the force of it nearly tangible. Still, he remained staunchly planted.

  “Tell me you desire my company,” he drawled in a manner that excited her.

  She swallowed, opened her mouth to speak, shut it again, and finally, “I desire your company.”

  He slowly stalked toward her and a tremble swept through her.

  “You only desire my company?”

  “No,” she whispered, refusing to look away, facing this incomprehensible lust head on.

  He sat down beside her on the bed. “No, what?”

  She didn’t answer him at once, but he waited.

  “I want more than your company, Mr. Flynn,” she said on a breathy exhale.

  “Look at me and say it.”

  “You’re being petty about this,” Lèsè pointed out, directing her gaze at him.

  His lickable lips lifted in a wolfish smith. “Not in the least. I only want you to admit you want me and just not my company. That you can get from a sock puppet. Admit you want my kisses. Admit you want my arms around you.” He reached out took her hand and placed it in his lap. “Admit you want my cock.”

  Her fingers tightened around his rapidly swelling erection. “I want you.”

  Smiling, he leaned over her. “I want you as well.” His warm breath fanned across her cheek, jolting her. “Now…I want you to undress for me.”

  She stood because she craved him so desperately, she was willing to do anything he wished.

  While he watched, she undressed for him. She obeyed every one of his quietly worded orders. And to her surprise, his arresting authority from her made her so wet one would think they’d already made love.

  Limbs weak, she straddled him. He guided the crest of his penis against her slippery cleft. Desperately wanting him inside her, she pressed down, not stopping until she was fully seated.

  Their gazes locked as his hands spanned her waist, lifting her. For a hovering moment, he held her above him, her essence oozing down his cock, her body so close to orgasm.

  “You’re not going to last,” he drawled, eyeing the frosting coating his cock.

  “I agree.”

  Growling, he gripped her hips and pressed downward. Her eyes closed and before he sunk hilt-deep, she began to climax.


  The week sped by, the shipwright procured a replacement mast from a tree farmer only a day’s ride inland. Lèsè fielded inquiries to her employment notice, adding two cousins to her crew. She left notice of compensation to the families of the sailors she’d lost. Fortunately for Yaloon Wan, she didn’t cross paths with him or his men again. And ever since their passionate reunion, Christian remained her constant companion.

  He never once brought up his imminent future, in turn she thought about it constantly. So much so, fear held her in a choke hold. Fear she would lose his affection. Fear she would lose herself in him. Fear of losing this happiness (she didn’t feel she deserved) in a world of wasted lives.

  She’d presumed too much. Loyalty was a commodity which could be bought by the highest bidder.

  “Give me a good night kiss.”

  Draped across his chest, Lèsè pushed up on her toes, lips pursed.

  “Where?” he drawled, his tone both sleepy and sated. He should be both. He’d pounced on her the moment she’d walked into the cabin shortly after sunset when they’d finally made port. And today she would report to Madame Ching Shih.

  Somewhat deflated Lèsè plopped her chin on her stacked fists.

  Unaware of her change in mood, Christian continued, “Some women have a preference. And not all like kisses on their mouth but elsewhere.”

  While his answer was meant to be seductive, Lèsè experienced an unexpected jolt of jealousy precipitated by an upsetting image of him making love to another woman.

  Nooo! She forced her mind to blank, attempting to chase out a multitude of conflicting emotions—possessiveness, apprehension, despair, all in tumultuous disarray.

  A beat passed and saner reason eventually prevailed as she reminded herself that Christopher Flynn may touch something deep inside her, but this passion was only transient. He like the rest of his crew were cargo which would soon be handed over to Madame Shih.

  “I should send you to your men,” she threatened. Her threat had not been made in jest and more so for her benefit and not just than punishment. She needed to purge him from her system. And yet, she hated the idea of letting him go.

  His fingers tip-toed down her spine to the rise of her buttocks.

  “But you won’t,” he purred, cupping her ass. “Now…tell me where you want to be kissed,” he softly ordered.

  “Mistress Lèsè!”

  “Go away!” she growled to the urgent voice on the other side of the cabin door.

  “You have a message.”

  Lèsè rolled her eyes. “Slide it under my door, I’ll read it later.”

  “It’s not a written message. Madame Shih has sent someone to retrieve you. She requests an audience.”

  Lèsè stiffened. She wasn’t due to meet the leader of the Red Flag until tomorrow. She disentangled herself from Christian’s arms and immediately mourned the loss of warmth. Stumbling from the bed, she snatched up a silk robe then slipped her arms into it.

  “What’s your message,” she growled.

  Eyes downcast, Chunhua cowered in the hall.

  “Spit it out.”

  Chunhua pointed at a man standing on the quarterdeck. Powerfully built with bulging arms, he sported a bald head and a lush beard which teased the middle of his chest. Armed to the teeth two of her girls hovered nearby, keeping an eye on him.

  More bothered about the man lying in her bed than her current state of undress, Lèsè hesitated.

  “Should I tell him to come back?”

  One never refused a message from Madame Shih. “I will see him.”

  Lèsè stamped up the stairs. Hearing her, the pirate turned. His right eye was dark as midnight, the left a cloudy gray and decorated by a long thin scar.

  His one good eye raked over her. “You are, Mistress Lèsè?”

  “The one and only,” Wearing a shark grin, she plopped her hands on her hips, parting her robe. As expected, the man’s eye bugged out of his head.

  “M-M-Madame Shih wants to see you.”

  “I am due to meet with her tomorrow.”

  Eye solidly rooted to her vagina, the man shook his head. “She wants to see you now. My men are to escort you, your crew and your human cargo.”

  Goose bumps broke out over her arms. How did they know about the take? She didn’t send word ahead because Madame Shih’s network didn’t work like that. She depended on fear to ensure no one shortchanged her not a relay of reports. Despite her best efforts, Lèsè was fearful.

  “Give me a few moments to get ready.” Heart racing, Lèsè wondered how she was going to sneak Christian out of her cabin without Shih’s man witnessing it. “Umm…can you and your men give us a hand with the human cargo?”

  The messenger shook his head. “I only deliver messages,” he sniffed. “I make sure they’re answered. We will wait for you ashore.”

  Smiling, Lèsè watched him leave. His ego had played in her favor. As soon as he cleared his tender, she issued orders to lower the dinghies and procure the cargo from the hold. Confident her orders would be followed, she returned to her cabin…to say goodbye.

  Numb, Lèsè retraced her steps.

  “What was all that about?” Christian asked. Obviously, he didn’t think her visitor warranted anything other than a passing curiosity. His powerful legs stretched out before him, hands resting behind his head, he still lay in bed completely in the buff.

  His dark hair fell in waves to his broad shoulders. His blue eyes sparkled with warmth and possibly affection.

  “I’m to report to Madame Shih. I…I’m supposed to present you and your crew to her.”

  His dark eyebrows arched skyward. “Eager to examine the horseflesh is she?”

  Lèsè hoped his extrapolation proved true. Something about being summoned didn’t seem right.

  Silently, Lèsè crossed to her trunk. She pulled out the banner gown Christian had frothed over to the point she’d taken it off. Before shutting it, she also removed another set of garments.

  “I thought you tossed them.” Christian looked down at the clothes she’d placed in his laps.

  She sat down beside him on the bed. “You never asked me for them,” she pointed out.

  “But I huffed and puffed about them.”

  “I found that quite entertaining.” A smile played on Lèsè’s lips. “But you never asked me for them.”

  His hands slipped round her throat. “I should ring your neck.”

  “But you won’t,” she said throwing his words back at him.

  “No. I won’t.” He leaned in and placed her lips against her throat. “I love your neck and everything it’s attached to.”

  Lèsè sucked in a harsh breath when his tongue laved her trembling pulse.

  “I need to get dressed.” Unable to help herself, she melted into him. “They’re waiting on me…on us.”

  “One last time,” he whispered in her ear. His hands slid over her shoulders, his fingers digging into her skin, forcing her to stay. A shiver traipsed down her spine.

  Her breasts were suddenly bared. His hands palmed both and instinctively, she parted her legs.

  We can’t do this! Searing memory recalled the pleasure to be had and she shrugged out of her robe.

  There’s no time! Trembling, breathless with anticipation, she searched for what she wanted. Grasping his cock, she squeezed. She parted her legs wider, needing it inside her.

  “We are doing this,” he said hoarsely, gripping her waist. He rolled with her until she lay beneath him. Lèsè’s curled her toes. They were skin to skin.

  “Want you now,” she implored.

  He sealed his mouth over hers, and the moment their tongues touched, he pushed deep. He moved with wild abandon, driving in over and over again, penetrating without constraint, each thrust delivered with the entire force of his body.

  She panted his name over and over again in concert with his maddening strokes. Pleasure hammered her senses. It was savage. Total ravishment.

  “More,” she begged, prey to an overpowering need to be devoured. No rationale existed for this desire for violence.

  “All I have to give,” he growled, driving deeper, harder.

  His devotion to her pleasure stole her capacity to speak, reducing her to deep-throated moans and groans. She clung to him, locked her legs around his hips. Her arms twined tightly around his neck, not leaving an inch of space between them. Still, he serviced her like a well-paid stud.

  Lèsè moaned in response. A faint flutter echoed through her body, building into an orgasmic flutter then an exasperating pulsing.

  He swallowed her first cry with a kiss. His grip tightened as she crashed, broke apart into a multitude of pieces. Faint from excess, she threaded her fingers in his hair.

  “Good-bye,” she whispered.


  Madame Ching Shih’s court, and it was a court, rivaled any emperor. Converted from an abandoned Buddhist temple, her hallowed hall boasted soaring ceilings and slate gray marble floors. The focal point was an ornately carved throne sitting on a slightly elevated dais.

  Christian scanned the multitude of pirates in attendance. There had to be hundreds of them. Some crowded silk-lined benches, while others stood or leaned against the ornately painted walls.

  “Whot kind of fuckery is this?” Tully groused, turning his head to and thro as they were ushered to the front of the great hall.

  “A den of pirates.” Christian nodded his head toward the woman who commanded everyone’s focus. “And that’s their queen.”

  Tully’ eyes narrowed. “Queen of pirates? Humph…she looks rather gaudy?”

  “Better not let her hear you say that.”

  “Why should I fear some overdressed poppet,” he said, chest puffing up.

  “That poppet commands hundreds of pirates. All of them of them do her bidding.”

  Tully eyed the menagerie of weapons attached to their persons and gulped sharply. “I-I’ll be on my best behavior.”

  “You do—”

  Christian words came to a quiet halt. A buzz rippled through the room, disquieting him. Even more so when Lèsè stepped forward.

  Ordinarily, Lèsè would have found comfort in a hall filled with murderers, thieves and rogues. Today, however, she found herself watching to see if any of her peers were regarding her oddly. Erring on the side of caution, she position
ed herself and her crew on the far side of the hall. It wasn’t a cowardly move since they weren’t at the very back. On the other hand, she wouldn’t be front center and an easy target.

  Lèsè shifted her weight from one foot to the other. She was anxious to discover why Madame Shih wanted to see her a day early and in her great hall no less. Normally, an accounting of all expeditions occurred in a cavernous warehouse on the docks not in her great hall. This was where she held court, made special announcements, gifted promotions or carried out punishments. Unfortunately, she found herself no closer to solving this mystery since Madame Shih’s mahogany throne sat vacant.

  Lèsè closed her eyes, and prayed to Tianfei, the patron goddess of seafarers. She prayed long and hard, hoping the extra effort would prove beneficial. Or at the very least give her a sense of peace. Too bad it made her feel lightheaded and off balance. Discomfited, she focused on the snarling dragon tattooed on the back in front of her. Funny, concentrating on the detail of the scales and the mesmerizing colors took her mind off her troubles.

  Her peace lasted only until a late arrival. Delicate and beautiful, Madame Shih wore a red banner gown embellished with a gold sash. Luminescent pearl earrings dangled from her ears. Her dark hair, braided and coiled high on her head, reminded Lèsè of a crown.

  All conversation ceased for the smallest hush-held moment as she made her way up the center aisle then resumed in a spattering of whispers as she took her seat. On either side she was flanked by her highest ranking lieutenants

  Madame Shih launched into a territory dispute between two of her lieutenants. Since infighting was absolutely forbidden, and neither man wanted to forfeit, she provided only one solution: one had to buy the commission from her.

  Shrewd yet manipulative, Madame Shih maintained a system of order within the Red Fleet. One had nothing without her consent or authorization.


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