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Alien King: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Warlords of Aegir Book 1)

Page 6

by Luna Hunter

  This might be the last bit of peace and quiet we have together in a long time. I intend to make it count. But first, there is something I have to take care of.

  “Just a moment,” I tell my future mate.

  I head for a room in the back and close the door behind me. I unclasp the bottom part of my armor. My hard, throbbing spear springs out instantly. Fuck. I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard.

  The scent of Emma’s wet cunt drives me mad. I want, no, need to claim her, but I need to control myself. I grip my member and squeeze the base. A drop forms at the top of my shiny head, and I slowly spread it out across, suppressing a deep growl.

  It’s a waste of a full load of my potent seed but I simply need to come before I do something I regret. I’ve never felt like this, this pure need. The human female is more special than she knows. I cannot wait to kiss her, to feel her body on top of mine, to taste her sweet pussy, to become one.

  Soon, I pray to the old gods. Soon.



  No reply follows.

  I have no idea where he suddenly disappeared off to, but this is a perfect moment for me to escape. My ship is hidden somewhere in this massive cruiser of his. I won’t get a better chance.

  I have to make this moment count.

  A stifled groan catches my attention as I tip-toe down the long hallway. I can’t help but peek around the corner.

  What I see there takes my breath away.

  Malak’s back is pressed against the wall, his eyes closed, head tilted back, horns lightly scraping the wall. His mouth hangs open slightly as he takes quick, short breaths. Every few seconds his forked tongue darts out to wet his lips.

  That’s not what draws most of my attention.

  No, it’s the massive, veiny, deep blue cock resting in his big claws. He strokes himself up and down, his spear throbbing wildly with every stroke.

  Holy smoke.

  I’ve been secretly daydreaming about this very moment — and now he’s a few feet away, showing me all he’s got.

  His eyes are closed, and he hasn’t spotted me yet.

  I should turn away now, before he sees me.

  I should respect his privacy.

  And I should be using this moment to escape.

  I probably should not slip my hand into my panties and play with myself as I watch the alien warrior get himself off.

  But hey, no one’s perfect. Definitely not me, because my hand is already a blur, lodged tightly between my legs, my eyes locked on the sight in front of me.

  I’m absolutely spellbound.


  My heart leaps in my throat as Malak growls out my name in his deep, sexy voice — but his eyes remain closed. He’s moaning my name. A mere second later his member erupts like a volcano, his seed shooting straight up into the air.

  The thick, potent seed he promised he’d fill me with.

  I almost feel a tinge of regret as I watch Malak milk himself. That could have all been mine…

  That wicked thought sends tingles of pleasures down my spine, and I quickly duck into the hallway, out of sight, my back planted against the wall as I come quietly, biting down so hard on my bottom lip that I taste blood.

  Damn. That was… crazy.

  And to think this is only the beginning. I’m not sure if I’ve got the strength to turn him down, the next time he makes a move.

  I’ve just got to escape before that happens.

  “There you are.”

  Malak’s low voice startles me, and my eyes fly open. Damn, he nearly caught me.

  “Come with me, my homeworld approaches.”

  “O-okay,” I stammer.

  So much for my daring escape…



  So this is Nyrr.

  A frozen wasteland.

  The wind is so cold I can feel it in my bones, the snow so deep I could never walk through it.

  And Malak is waiting for me at the bottom of the ship’s ramp like this is all business as usual. The Aegir warrior doesn’t seem bothered by the conditions one bit.

  “Are you coming?” Malak calls for me. “Our carriage awaits.”

  “I-I a-a-a-m t-t-r-y-inggg,” I chatter. It seems my legs are on strike, and if this cold keeps up, my lungs are soon to follow.

  Malak rushes up the steps and slips his thick and comfy cape around my shoulders. “I am sorry, you must be cold.”

  “Y-y-ou t-h-i-nk?”

  He wraps his strong arms around me and lifts me right up. Normally I’d scream bloody murder, but I’m too cold to protest. Instead I snuggle against him, craving his warmth.

  The alien carries me to a carriage with four thin, creepy horse-looking beings impatiently pawing at the snow in front of it.

  Malak snaps his fingers when we get on and the beasts are off.

  We travel across small, winding paths through the snow-covered mountains with a speed that makes me sick to my stomach. Night is starting to fall, and two bright moons are the only things illuminating our twisted path. If one of those horses trips even once, we’re careening into the depths down below. All I can do is snuggle closer against Malak, rest my head on his chest, and listen to his heart beat.

  I’m really out of my element now. Back on that ship, I could at least still pretend I was going to escape.

  I can’t do that anymore. I’m at Malak’s mercy now.

  We enter a valley where in the distance a dark and foreboding castle gleams in the moonlight, the pointy towers jutting up like spears. A winding river leads down the sea, which you can just barely see in the distance. Ramshackle houses line the riverbanks, the river cutting a swerving path through the many buildings.

  All my hopes of this being some type of fairytale planet are instantly dashed. This world is frigid and harsh.

  “Why couldn’t we’ve just flown here?” I ask as we approach the dark castle.

  “You didn’t like the scenic route?”

  I look at Malak. Is he joking? It’s hard to tell with him at times.

  “No ships are allowed within these sacred peaks,” he says, pointing the snow-covered tops out to me. “And it keeps us closer to our roots.”

  I climb out of the carriage myself — and instantly sink into the thick snow down to my navel. It chill me right down to the bone. Escaping on foot is out of the question.

  “Little help here?”

  Malak plucks me out and lifts me right up. I guess I have no other choice than to let him carry me.

  I only now see that the ‘horses’ have six long, bony limbs and eerily red eyes. Malak pats their skeletal heads affectionately with his one free hand, the other resting on my bottom.

  “Gorgeous creatures these Unurs, aren’t they?”

  “Uh, they are certainly… intriguing.”

  “The Aegir would be nowhere without our trusty Unurs. They are sacred beings to us, capable of withstanding the coldest blizzards.”

  Right. That’s good to know, before I refer to them as ‘those creepy bone-horses with the weird eyes’. Now that I’ve gotten past their unconventional appearance, they are cute in their own strange, bony way. The way they whinny happily is kinda adorable. Malak must treat them right.

  Akil Pay approaches us along with Ezra and Gada, ready to take the horses from Malak. It seems criminal to me for such an old man to be out in this weather, but the cold doesn’t seem to bother him in the slightest.

  “Your grace, I must inform you that there’s a surprise gala being thrown for you.”

  “What?” Malak growls. “Right now?”

  “Yes, your grace.”

  “I’m in no mood for festivities so soon after the funeral — What is it for?”

  “To celebrate your engagement to Emma Fairheart of Earth, of course,” the old Aegir answers, nodding in my general direction.

  Malak pinches the bridge of his nose. “Of course. Who is attending?”

  “Everyone, your grace.”

“And by everyone you mean the Yagnans, the Egos, the lot?”

  “Like I said, your grace. Everyone.”

  “Fuck. What if we don’t show?”

  Oh, yes please. I don’t do human fancy dress parties, let alone alien royal shindigs. No thank you. In fact, I’ve come down with a mysterious ‘flu’ for every ball and dance I’ve ever had to attend, from my freshman dance all the way to the annual Christmas parties at NASA.

  My co-workers always said I ‘missed’ a ‘big night’. I don’t think Ian from accounting trying to relive his glory days by doing a keg stand and injuring his back qualifies as an ‘epic night’, but you know, different strokes for different folks. On those nights, I’d take a bath with some wine and dive into a novel. Now that’s an epic night.

  And those seems awfully far away now, as I gaze up at an alien sky, two unfamiliar moons staring back at me.

  “I’d strongly advise against it, your grace,” Akil Pay says diplomatically.

  “Let’s get it over with, then.”

  “Isn’t your word law?” I ask Malak. “Isn’t that how your society works? We can skip this, right?”

  “I’ve not been crowned Xeer yet. First, we must have our mating ceremony, Emma.”


  “And even then, you’ll find that there are limits to a monarch’s power. Even Nyrr needs allies. Especially in these trying times. No, we need to show our faces. Unfortunately”

  I can just feel the color draining from my face, and my dress feels suddenly rather tight. Is it choking me? It feels like its choking me.

  “Your grace,” Ezra breaks in. “Please let us help change your yali into something more appropriate for this occasion.”

  “Is that really necessary?” Malak frowns.

  “Oh yes — this dress is suited for leisure, but completely unsuited for a royal gala of this magnitude, your grace,” Ezra says, gesturing at my garment.

  “Hm. I don’t see it, but okay. Don’t take too long.”

  Malak lowers me to the ground, and Ezra and Gada lead me to the castle. I follow in their footsteps, hugging Malak’s cape close to my freezing body.

  The moment we’re out of earshot of the two males, the two girls burst into giggles.

  “I can’t believe he bought it,” Gada says. “You’re such a daredevil, Ezra.”

  “Oh come on, like Malak knows fashion,” Ezra laughs.

  “Well, he does look good, no matter what he wears,” Gada says.

  “Exactly, no matter what he wears being the important part of that sentence. He’s just blessed with good looks, he could make my drab uniform look good if he wanted to,” Ezra says.

  “What’s going on?” I ask. All these compliments for Malak’s looks are starting to make me feel strangely jealous. He’s mine, girls. Back off.

  “I told a white lie to give you a moment to collect yourself,” Ezra says. “Yes, you could wear something fancier, but it’s your party, really, so you and Malak make the rules. You just seemed a bit stressed, so I figured you might want a breather.”

  “Oh, you have no idea,” I sigh as we approach the castle. It looks even more menacing from up close, which does absolutely nothing to soothe my nerves. “I didn’t ask for any of this.”

  “You’re lucky, though,” Gada says. “Malak is the most eligible bachelor on this entire continent.”


  “Of course, he’s the High Prince of Nyrr after all! One of the most prosperous Xeerdoms on the entire planet. Plus he’s kind, sweet, gentle, protective, sexy…”

  Gada has a dreamy look on her face, and to my own surprise, that jealous nagging isn’t going anywhere.

  “Plus, he’s not such a stuffy aristocrat like most other royals,” Ezra says.

  “Yeah, he’s just himself, you know?” Gada says. “He doesn’t care for court politics, for backstabbing and back room schmoozing. What you see is what you get with Malak.”

  “I’m not so sure. I just… want to go home,” I say, though for the first time, I’m starting to have doubts. Some girls would kill to be a princess, to be stolen away by a hunk like Malak. Why am I so quick to reject all of it?

  Because you’ve got a mission, Fairheart, and it wasn’t to be knocked up by an eight foot tall alien. It’s your mission to find a suitable home for Earth, and so far, this doesn’t seem to be it.

  Right you are, brain. Yes, I can breathe the air here, luckily, but the conditions are arctic. Not exactly paradise.

  “Oh, no. This is your home now,” Ezra says as we pass through the large, metal gates and enter the ominous castle. “Come, let’s find you something spectacular to wear.”

  I think she means well, for she’s only been nice to me, but her words seem oddly foreboding. Is this haunting fortress going to be my home… or my prison?



  “Ah, the woman of the hour finally graces us with her presence!”

  A voice calls down from the bottom of the swooping staircase, drawing the attention of the entire crowd of Aegir royalty. The music falls silent, and hundreds of eyes look up at me.


  Now they expect me to walk down this staircase in freaking heels?! Ezra and Gada are nice, but I’m never going to forgive them for talking me into wearing heels. I’ll never be as tall as them, so who am I even kidding? I’m a dumpling surrounded by giants.

  Also, I’m a flipping astronaut. As a rule, heels are not part of my wardrobe. Well, technically it’s not a rule, I know Katherine Adamson rocks a mean set of heels, but… I’m not Katherine.

  I’m Emma. Emma does not do heels.

  Or so I thought.

  I search the crowd for Malak’s warm eyes. I need him by my side now more than ever for my heart is beating in my throat and my palms feel sweaty and I’m afraid I just might stumble down this staircase and break every bone in my body along the way if he doesn’t catch me.

  Would that show weakness? Would it cause Malak’s enemies to invade? What if you embarrass him in front everyone?!

  Oh, brain, stop, please. You can be handy in a pinch, but this is NOT one of those times. I’ve already got Earth’s fate resting on my shoulders. I can’t fit Nyrr on there as well. Perhaps Malak’s broad shoulders could take that burden, but definitely not me. I’m already buckling under Earth’s weight as it is.

  I catch Malak’s vivid eyes from across the room and breathe a sigh of relief. Thank the stars.

  The crowd is already whispering. I’m sure they can hear the beat of my heart drumming up a storm, letting everyone know loud and clear that I don’t belong here.

  The Aegir are all gorgeous. The men are broad and strong, dressed in gorgeous suits of armor, one more colorful and decorated than the next, and the woman are tall and slender, like a bunch of… sexy giraffes.

  I don’t feel like a sexy giraffe. In comparison, I’m more of a sack of potatoes in a dress far too pretty for me.

  “There is my yali.”

  Malak’s deep voice soothes my rattling nerves.

  The crowd parts for him, and he walks up the stairs and holds out his hand for me.

  “You look absolutely stunning,” he says and the gleam in his feline eyes tell me he’s telling the truth.

  I don’t even know how to respond to that. I’ve never been the belle of the ball. All I know is that heat is rising to my cheeks, and butterflies seem to have migrated into my stomach.

  My alien protector is wearing a gorgeous suit of armor that complements his rugged looks.

  “So do you,” I say.

  Malak leads me down the stairs, his hand planted firmly in the small of my back. Everyone is staring at me, so I keep my eyes fixed on the ground.

  “You can look up now, Emma.”

  When I do, I see that we’re in the middle of the ballroom, the crowd still parted for us.

  “What’s going on?”

  And then the music starts.

  And I know. I know what’s happening. This is a dance. W
e’re dancing. Oh no, he’s grabbing my arm and my back and my body is moving stop it please stop it now oh no everyone’s looking I can’t breathe—

  “Calm down, you are doing fine,” Malak growls into my ear.

  I’m sure it looks weird from a distance, purely because of the height difference between us both. Everyone’s got to be laughing at me.

  “Look into my eyes,” Malak says.

  I follow his command, gazing way up. His volcanic eyes smolder, and my knees want to buckle just a little bit.

  “You are beautiful, my yali.”

  “Are you kidding me? Every woman here is prettier than me.”

  My body seems to be moving to the strange, unfamiliar music okay, but that’s mostly because Malak is leading me so well.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because. They are. They are tall and slim and have pointy ears. What’s not to like?”

  “And what if I said I like you?” Malak growls possessively. “What if I like the way your body looks, both in this dress and without? What if I like the way your body feels in my hands right now, so soft, so inviting? What if I also like your ears, every round bit of them?”

  “Then I’d have to say you’re weird,” is all I can muster. “And this is all, so, so weird.”

  “Not to me. You are the most beautiful woman to have ever graced this room, Emma. I’m sure every man here wants to be me right now.”

  I look up at the crowd.

  The Aegir males have hunger in their eyes. I don’t know if they want to fuck or eat me, but they definitely want a piece of me either way. The women look snooty. Distasteful. Jealous.

  “See. You are a rare gem. And you are mine,” Malak growls.

  I shuffle a little closer towards Malak, and rest my head on his chest as we sway to the rhythm. This planet is cold and inhospitable, but in the arms of this alien warrior… there’s definitely some warmth to be found.

  The song ends, and so does our little moment. The crowd applauds, and the next moment Malak introduces me to a seemingly never-ending line up of Aegir statesmen.


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