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Page 7

by Jamie Begley

  “We were friends. We were sent in after the fighting to clean up after everyone else’s mess and get out the causalities. They had started to pull Shade for special assignments, and when they did, they would send in Cash. That’s how we met Viper and Gavin. They were in another unit.

  “I was young, dumb, and God, so idealistic.” Evie shook her head at her naivety even now.

  Getting up, she took her glass to the bar, pouring herself another drink. Instead of sitting back down, she leaned against the bar, facing him and keeping the bottle near.

  “It’s not easy for a woman to be in the military. There’s a lot of sexism. I had several brushes with it, but I was fortunate to have friends who always watched out for me. I was six weeks from getting out when a Corpsman at base camp was injured by enemy fire and was medavaced to the base hospital. They needed someone immediately, as a result I was ordered to the new unit. Most of the men there had been in country longer, and for many of them, it was their second or third tour. The unit commander should have been released from duty. It was like a sociopath over a pack of wild dogs. I thought I could handle him. He was from Atlanta and had casually dated my sister for a short time when he was on leave.”

  She was still looking at King, but she was no longer seeing him, her mind going back to the past. “One night, we had come back from a skirmish. The adrenaline was high and the men were antsy. It made me nervous to just be around them, so I went to my quarters. I didn’t even take the time for a shower. I called Shade to check in with him and the others, and he could tell from my voice that something was wrong, that I was scared. He told me to stay put and he would come as soon as he got permission from his unit commander.

  “I hung up from him, and for about ten seconds, I felt better, believed I was just imagining the men were losing control. Then I heard the knock on my door. I didn’t answer, but it didn’t matter. Four men broke it down. One was my unit commander. They laughed at me when I tried to fight them off. Made fun of me for entering the military, asking me why I had joined if I didn’t want a steady supply of dick.” Evie picked up her glass, taking a large drink.

  “By the time Shade found me the next morning, they had made me their personal toy. When Shade walked in and saw what had happened, he did what I wished I could have done. It took six men to get him off them.

  “You’re going to enjoy this part.” She lifted her glass at King.

  “I’m not enjoying any part of this.” King had been given a basic bio on Evie by Jackal. He seemed to have left out quite a bit of pertinent information.

  “Shade was the one brought up on charges. It was a mess. All the surrounding units knew the stories. Anytime I was around them, they called me some of the vilest names imaginable. The men said I had led them on, had let them in my room. I had two broken ribs, one had punched me in the eye, and I had a dislocated shoulder.”


  Evie took another drink. “They moved me back to my original unit, though. If not for Shade, I don’t know what I would have done. We would sit and talk for hours while he listened to me rant and rave. Four weeks later, I was discharged. So, when you throw Shade up to me, it really pisses me off. Lily is lucky he loves her. She couldn’t be in safer hands.”

  King got up from the sofa, coming to stand next to her, sliding his hand under the thick swathe of her hair. “What happened to the men?”

  “They were killed by enemy fire the next week. The whole unit was nearly wiped out. If they hadn’t raped me, then I would have been with them and killed.”

  “You don’t know that for sure.”

  “Yes, I do. Knox’s wife was my replacement. She was killed in my place.”


  “I don’t know if Knox would agree with you, but it was bad. They had only been married a short while.”

  “He’s the sheriff of Treepoint?”

  “Yes, he’s married to Diamond. I’m glad he fell in love again.”

  “So, you joined The Last Riders when you got out of the service?”

  Evie was done talking about the past. “Send for Henry. I’m ready to go home.”

  “Stay.” King used his hand on the back of her neck to pull her closer. Before she could say anything, he caught her mouth with his. His other arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her close to his warm body. She was chilled from recounting the past.

  Evie didn’t want to go back to her empty bed and stay another night wide-awake, remembering the past. She needed to forget, and she had a willing male to help make her. Letting her weight sink into his, her mouth gave her answer.

  King lifted her up, carrying her down a dark hallway into his bedroom, not bothering to turn on the lights. Setting her down on the mattress, his hands went under her dress to pull down her stockings. Evie wiggled her hips, helping him as she raised her arms to pull off her dress.

  She sat on the side of his bed, completely naked except for the tiny bra covering her breasts. Her hands then went to the clasp on the front, but King beat her to it, unsnapping it with a flick of his fingers.

  His expressionless face swiftly turned to one of lust. He jerked his shirt off, snapping several of the buttons as he toed off his shoes. Evie bent forward, unbuckling his trousers and unzipping them, pulling out his cock.

  Evie gave a murmur of approval. “Not bad for an old man.” Damn, a younger man in his twenties would be envious of the erection she held in her hand. Unable to resist, she scooted to the edge of the bed, taking his cock in her mouth.

  “Fuck,” King hissed.

  Evie smiled against him as she took him to the back of her throat in an experienced move she had perfected long ago. Her fingers pulled him out of his pants farther to be able to reach more of him. She felt King sliding his pants down and kicking them away without budging his cock from her greedy mouth. Her tongue slid up and down his length as she took him to the back of her throat, swallowing against him.

  His hands went to her hair, but he didn’t try to push her down on him; instead, he used it to keep her steady as he began fucking her mouth. Her hand went to his balls, lifting the heavy sacs as she explored them while taking him even deeper.

  Evie slid out of the bed, going to her knees on the floor. Taking her mouth off his cock, she went between his thighs to suck one ball, then the other into her mouth, her tongue lashing the tender flesh.

  King used his hand in her hair to bring her back to his cock, guiding her back with his hand. “Open your mouth.”

  Evie willingly opened her mouth, letting him thrust back inside. She rubbed her breasts against his thighs, teasing her nipples as his thrusts sped up. Evie thought he was about to come; however, he had already lasted longer than she’d thought he would.

  His hand pulled her hair as he jerked her head away from his cock, using it to make her stand. As he tossed her onto the bed, Evie panted, waiting to see what he was going to do next.

  When King turned to the nightstand, Evie saw him pull out a condom, putting it on. She parted her thighs, her hand going between her legs as she stroked her clit. His face tensed as he watched her.

  Reaching forward, he slapped her hand. Shocked, Evie removed her hand.

  “This is mine until I’m done with it. That means no one touches it, pleasures it, but me. And that includes you.”

  Evie became angry. “Fuck off then.”

  “I’m going to get off in about ten minutes when I finish fucking that pussy of yours.”

  Evie started to argue but decided against it. Why start an argument over something he didn’t mean anyway and she had no intention of obeying?

  “Then get to it, or I’ll let my fingers do the job.”

  King laughed. “The problem is you’ve forgotten how much going slow can build your orgasm.”

  “You’re going to give me a lesson on fucking?”

  “It will be one you will never forget.”

  Evie’s head fell back on the mattress laughing, until King slammed his cock home in one thrust. The
n, her laughter turned to a long moan as he began building her passion by tilting her pelvis up, his cock sliding against her g-spot with every hard thrust. His hand pressed down on her belly, making her shudder at the feel of him inside her. Damn, he knew how to fuck.

  Evie wiggled her hips, trying to thrust against him, but he controlled her movements.

  “I like having you underneath me, Evie. I like your tight pussy wrapped around my cock. Damn, it’s hard to pick which one I want: to come in your pussy or your mouth.”

  “My pussy. I need to come,” Evie threw in her vote.

  “Are you always a greedy bitch when you fuck?”

  “Yes, and I prefer doing it without all the chit-chat,” she moaned.

  King’s hands tightened on her thighs, spreading her wider while his thumb brushed against her clit before sliding under the hood giving her the added friction she needed.

  Evie felt her climax strike with waves of sensations that had her tossing on his bed, gripping his cock with her inner muscles. King groaned above her, pushing her legs up and pulling her hips closer, making her take every inch of his cock as he came.

  When he finished, he pulled out then took off his condom, throwing it away in the trashcan beside the bed.

  Evie tiredly closed her legs as she felt herself lifted and placed on the middle of the bed. The sex and alcohol she’d consumed were finally hitting her. With only a brief hour’s sleep the night before, she was exhausted.

  As King started to wake her up, she sensed he didn’t want her to sleep in his bed, but she had no intention of getting up. She heard him picking up their clothes from the floor before going to the bathroom. As soon as the door closed, she climbed beneath the covers, snuggling down into the bed. Stretching out, she let her body relax on the silken sheets.

  “He might never get me out of this bed.” Her drowsy voice filled the oversized bedroom.

  The bastard could fuck, so she might manage to have some fun in Queen City while she did what Shade wanted. No one said she couldn’t find out everything she needed to know about King and still enjoy herself. If she could get him to lower his guard, she would be able to find out more about him while keeping her emotions contained. She was confident she could remain neutral. He didn’t stand a shot in Hell of getting inside her heart—it was already taken.

  Chapter 11

  Sometime the next morning, a sharp smack on her ass woke her.

  “Hey!” Evie mumbled, burrowing further under the pillow lying over the back of her head.

  “I have to go to work.”

  “So? Go and leave me alone.”

  She felt the bed sink down next to her, his hand soothing the tingling on her ass before his mouth brushed her neck. “You owe me one.”

  Evie turned her head to the side, opening one eye. “If you’ve got the time, I’ve got the skill.”

  “Don’t tempt me. I have a meeting in fifteen minutes; I’ve got to go. I’ll send Henry back for you. He’ll be downstairs when you’re ready.”


  King’s mouth kissed her lips briefly before he rose from the bed.



  “Next time, leave me a note. Don’t wake me up.” She rolled over, sitting up in bed and rubbing her bleary eyes.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Do that.” She plopped backwards on the bed, pulling the pillow back over her face. “I’m on vacation, dammit.”

  His laughter followed him out the door as he slammed it behind him.

  “Mother-fucker.” She wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep.

  Taking her dress and underwear, she went into the bathroom where she showered and washed her hair; it didn’t take long. Evie then stepped out of the shower, dressing quickly. Brushing her hair, she blow-dried it only long enough to take the wetness out, leaving it still damp.

  Evie went into the bedroom, taking a deep breath and pushing the guilt down as she began her search.

  * * *

  “You want me to send Henry to get her?”

  “No, leave her alone.” King watched the security camera with his head of security. Taking a puff of his cigar, he stared at Evie as she searched through his drawers and closet. She even searched under his bed and mattress before going into the other room. The other room was treated the same before she put on her shoes and purse, going out the door without a backward glance.

  “Call Henry and tell him she’s on the way down, and put one of Jackal's men on her. I want her watched twenty-four hours unless she is with me.”

  “Got it.”

  King went out of the security room that was next-door to his office. Going to his desk, he opened the folder waiting for him; Jackal had handed it to him at their meeting. King drank his coffee while he read. When he finished, he sat back smoking his cigar. He should have checked her out before when he first realized he was attracted to her. He refused to feel guilty over some of the things he had said to her, though. How was he supposed to know she had been dealt a shitty hand?

  King began wavering in his outright judgment on Shade, as well. It was hard to judge them when his own life was much dirtier than theirs, and some of the things they had done were to right wrongs done to them.

  Evie had been dealt with the worst. She had downplayed the viciousness she had suffered after her rape by the commanding officer. She had been a damn good Corpsman, and the Navy had lost a woman who’d had dreams of making the military a home. She had easily transferred her loyalty to The Last Riders, and King couldn’t blame her.

  He switched focus, bringing his mind back to work. He began making phone calls and taking appointments from those needing to be discreet. He also set up an important meeting with Ice. It took him the better part of the day before he could even take time to eat, and afterwards, before he went back to work, he called Evie.



  “How did you get my number?”

  “I looked on your phone before I left.”

  “The phone was in my purse.”

  “Yes, it was.” King couldn’t hide the smile in his voice.

  “Haven’t you heard it’s bad manners to snoop?” King thought that was hilarious coming from the woman who had searched through his underwear drawer.

  “Sorry.” He wasn’t, just as he was sure she felt no recrimination for searching his apartment.

  “What do you want?”

  “Have dinner with me at the club.”

  “You want me to eat with you while women are on the stage naked?”


  “Sounds like fun. What time?”


  When she hung the phone up on him before he could say anything else, it actually made him smile. She was the first woman he could truly admit he liked. However, he would see her long enough to find out a weakness of The Last Riders then cut her loose like he did the rest of his women before she became entrenched in his life too deeply. He could fuck her and remain detached; he couldn’t let her get too close because his life was too dangerous until he could talk Desmond into taking over completely. He didn’t want to see her hurt; she had her own demons in her life to deal with without taking his.

  He went back to work, stopping only when it became dark. He headed over to the shower in his adjoining bathroom and dressed in a clean suit for the night ahead.

  Going downstairs, he sat in his booth, facing the door instead of the stage. When she came through the door, she was wearing a black leather miniskirt that barely covered her ass with heels that made her walk sexy as hell. Her top was a leather vest with tiny cutouts, and you could see her flesh underneath. Her black bra had a tiny amount of lace showing at the top. She slid into the booth across from him.

  “What are you doing?” King asked.

  She tilted her head at him inquisitively.

  “Get your ass over here.”

  As Evie slid back out of the booth, King stood up, bending down t
o kiss her mouth. She opened to him immediately, letting his tongue in. When he found himself tempted to tongue fuck her, he broke away and guided her into the booth on his side before sliding in next to her.

  “You’re busy tonight.”

  “We’re always busy.”

  “Is that Sherri on the stage?”

  “Yes.” Sherri was wearing a wig and mask tonight. She was always experimenting with costumes to see which would get her bigger tips.

  “Ask if I can borrow that costume sometime. It looks like fun.”

  “No, it doesn’t.” She was dressed as a dominatrix.

  “You’re no fun. Don’t you enjoy playing it kinky sometimes?”

  “Not when it involves me being the one flogged.”

  “Don’t tell me, you can dish it out but can’t take it.”

  “I’ve never used a flogger on a woman in my life.”

  “Want to?” Her question created images of her bent over his desk with her naked ass presented to him in the perfect position.

  King laughed, shaking his head before he admitted, “I have laughed more in the last two days than I have over the last two years.”

  “You’re too serious; you need to lighten up.”

  His private chef brought out two plates of food, setting them down on the table. Evie uncovered her plate, staring down at the burger and fries.

  “Thank you, God. If I had to choke down one more pretentious meal, I was going to hit the nearest McDonalds on the way home.”

  “I could tell you weren’t thrilled with last night’s cuisine.”

  “Sorry, I’m just a plain woman with simple tastes.”

  “There’s nothing plain about you, Evie.”

  She smiled up at him before digging into her plate of food, and they ate while Sherri danced. Evie watched the skills the woman used to entice the men. Hell, she was doing a pretty good job of enticing her.

  “You into women, too?”

  “No, but I can appreciate them. I like to snack, but when I eat dinner, I like a good steak.”

  “That’s one way of putting it.”


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