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The Sword and the Shadows_The First Chronicle

Page 5

by Patrick Kriener

  “You gave a great speech out there, and I can also see you were offered the gift from Zoran. You accepted, I see?”

  “I suppose I wanted more. What do we do now?”

  “You are under my command now, Yuri. I will give you missions and you will have a group of allies to help you. You are their leader but you come to me for your reward, and I will report to Zoran.”

  Yuri got up, feeling the amazing strength he received from Zoran; he was bigger in size and much more flexible than before. He walked out to the center of the underground temple to see four people standing to greet Yuri. Yuri saw these were the four that would help him on his missions.

  Chapter Thirteen: Induction to the Shieldvanes


  B erek sat there by the body of his father, Hector, not wanting to move or get up. He wept and wept for this death. Berek felt himself drifting off into nothingness, as a dark void entered his vision and clouded his mind. More tears began to fall, and Berek’s wounds which he had sustained in the battle before, now broke out and bled again. Berek knew he had no life anymore, and wished to end it. Berek crawled over to a sharp piece of metal on the ground. He picked it up, tears streaming down his face. Berek lifted to shrapnel and pressed it against his throat. He took a deep breath and began to press harder against his throat.

  “No!” shouted a voice, and suddenly Berek didn’t know what happened. All he knew was that he felt a sharp pain on his hip and he was flying in the air. When he landed, he fell onto the soft grass. He groaned as he looked up and saw Jarem and his Shieldvanes racing toward him.

  Berek knew instantly that Jarem had somehow pushed him backwards before killing himself. Berek grew irate and rushed toward Jarem. As he reached him he thrust out the shrapnel at Jarem’s midsection.

  With quick and blinding speed, Jarem pulled out a long sword and quickly parried Berek’s attack. Jarem then kicked Berek to the ground and kicked the shrapnel out of Berek’s hand. Berek roared in anger as he tackled Jarem to the ground. The Shieldvanes surrounding Jarem quickly unsheathed their swords and started toward Berek.

  “No!” muttered Jarem with Berek wrestling him. “Do not harm him!”

  “Shut up!” shouted Berek, punching and grabbing at Jarem with all of his might. Suddenly, Berek was instantly thrown off Jarem as if a giant had pulled him. Berek was then flying through the air and landed five feet away. Jarem was standing up, his hand outstretched.

  “That, my friend was Magika,” said Jarem in a calm, but tired voice. “If I had used that spell to a more powerful effect, you would’ve surely died. Now, that’s enough of this foolishness. You are no good to us dead.”

  “Do I care what value I am to you?” yelled Berek through tears and blood. Jarem walked over to Berek on the ground. He reached for him, though Berek fought with disgust. He did not want Jarem to touch him.

  “My boy, stop this madness, or you’ll bleed to death!” cried Jarem. Berek muttered and stopped struggling. His wounds were too great to provide any more energy to resist. Jarem placed both hands on Berek’s stomach. He muttered many words, and they came out like a long stream of words. Berek did not understand the language Jarem was speaking, but it sounded like a song.

  Suddenly, his insides were on fire. Berek screamed as his wounds and his sores were greatly increased. And then it suddenly stopped and Berek was healed. Berek felt no pain anymore, although he was very tired.

  “What did you do to me?” asked Berek weakly.

  “I healed you and you had best be thankful,” replied Jarem. “Now, I am sorry for your loss. But you must let go of all emotions and ties to your past. You have a great destiny ahead of you.”

  “I don’t care about my destiny!” cried Berek. “My father’s dead. My mother may as well be. My life is over, and I have nothing left.”

  “You’re wrong, lad,” replied Jarem. “You do not know the skills and strengths you possess. You killed an Ancient all by yourself; many of my men are not able to do that, and yet, you are just a boy. You have so much to offer to Alundiel. And I believe you have the skills that make a Shieldvane.”

  “I cannot be a Shieldvane,” replied Berek sadly.

  “My boy, do not doubt me. I am the leader of the Shieldvanes and therefore, I decide who is worthy. And you are. Now, pick yourself up, take up your dagger, and follow me back to the Spine. You have some training.”

  With that, Jarem stood up and left Berek lying there. He returned to his men and conversed with them. After a minute, one of the men took a torch and dropped it into Berek’s torn up house. The fire grew within minutes and burned everything: his possessions, his bed, and his own father’s body. Berek’s past life was over. Now, Berek only knew what lay ahead. He would become a Shieldvane. And he would seek out the Ancients and destroy them with great vengeance. Berek took a deep breath of courage and stood up, following Jarem toward the Spine.



  The village of Wyndal was in total peril. Fire and mortar surrounded every edge of the city; people screamed and ran from their homes. The Castle of Wyndal towered over the village, the flag flapping against the wind. Black smoke rose over the village as hundreds of supernatural soldiers marched across the village, destroying whatever life they saw. The soldiers were draped in black cloaks, carrying long, obsidian-like swords. Their dark boots stepped on the wet mud, leaving behind their huge footprints. Black, horned helmets covered their faces, allowing only two slits in the helmet to reveal cold, white eyes. Their leader, similar in attire, but dressed in a long red coat, stood at the front of the line. He was sitting on a huge equine of black. His name was Seraph.

  Seraph held up a hand to stop his dark army of their movement. He looked around, his white eyes searching the perimeter. All around, the buildings and homes were burning. Women were screaming as their babies were slain by these black entities. Seraph growled as he unsheathed his long, black sword.

  “For Melageth!” yelled Seraph, his voice as black as the night. The soldiers behind them, Ancients in human form, yelled as Seraph galloped to the Castle of Wyndal. The Ancients followed close behind. As they neared the Castle, Seraph laughed, gazing upon a long line of men, dressed in blue-and-yellow armor. They were armed and prepared for a moment such as this.

  The line of men, led by an aged Jarem, stood fearless against the night. Jarem unsheathed his sword, as the men behind him did also. At the end of the row of soldiers, a young man stood, eager to fight. He smiled as he knew he might be able to kill some Ancients.

  His name was Berek.

  Chapter Fourteen: Wyndal’s Defense

  B erek gripped the hilt of his katana. He took a deep breath and exhaled the cold air of the night. Jarem turned to face his Shieldvanes, seeing faces of courage and bravery.

  “Men, today Wyndal has called on us to fight this enemy!” he yelled, piercing the ears of all around him. “Wyndal is in total chaos and is near ruin! We are Shieldvanes, keepers of Alundiel and bringers of peace! Do not let this enemy tear and break our statutes! Fight to the death, and fight for freedom, peace, and Savenur Octavium’s good health!”

  The Shieldvanes cried out in a loud voice of victory, for they knew who the victors were in this battle, and it was not the Ancients. Berek grinned as he saw Seraph and his Ancients approach the line. Seconds past, and the Ancients were a few millimeters away from the Shieldvanes. Berek growled and jumped to one Ancient. He chopped away at the Ancient, seeing blood and gore fly in his midst.

  Seraph growled and sliced from his black horse, but to no effect. The Shieldvanes were all skilled swordsmen and stood a great chance against his army. Seraph knew that to break an army’s defense, you had to destroy its centrality: the leader. Seraph searched through the line of men with his white eyes of malice; he spotted one man, leading the rest, shouting orders. Seraph pulled the reigns of the black horse, leading it to this man. Seraph held his long sword with two hands, getting ready to chop at the man, who was

  “Look out!” shouted Berek, as he spotted Seraph making this attack. Jarem turned just in time, as Seraph swiped at him. Jarem quickly blocked, but was thrown backwards onto the ground, for Seraph’s sword was very large in mass and easily pushed Jarem away.

  Berek growled again, slashing an Ancient. He pushed the dead Ancient to the ground as he ran for Seraph. Seraph was quickly caught off guard as Berek jumped and grabbed Seraph by his shoulders. Berek slung Seraph off his horse and Seraph hit the ground with a plop. Berek stabbed into the flesh of the horse, as it pulled backwards and kicked with rage. Berek held on for dear life, as the horse neighed loudly, but finally gave up and fell to the ground. Jarem saw Seraph on the ground and ran to him. Seraph quickly grabbed Jarem by the ankle and tripped him over. Seraph pulled out his sword and stabbed Jarem in the arm.

  “Fool!” shouted Seraph’s black voice. “Where is it?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” shouted Jarem.

  Seraph growled and pulled out the blade. He then pressed it against Jarem’s throat and said, “Tell me, or it’ll be your head!”

  “For father!” shouted Berek as he tackled Seraph to the ground. Jarem stood up, clutched his blade, and ran off to the interior of the castle. Seraph elbowed Berek in the nose, causing blood to flow.

  “After him!” shouted Seraph, pointing to the castle. Seraph quickly stood up, carrying his huge sword and rushed off into the castle.

  Berek groaned as he wiped off the blood from his nose. Seraph was after Jarem and Berek had to stop him. Berek quickly stood up, but noticed more Ancients had appeared in front of him. Berek blocked and stabbed as the Ancients surrounded him. He sliced at one’s leg, chopping it off instantly. Berek then slashed at an Ancient’s shoulder, splitting the body in two. One Ancient slashed at Berek, and he groaned aloud as blood spurted from his wounds. Berek slashed at the Ancient’s head, as it was lopped off. The head flew in the air and landed next to Berek’s feet. The helmet had fallen off, revealing the Ancient’s face. It was black as night; no facial features, other than white eyes, were visible. Berek became distracted as he gazed into the Ancient’s head.

  “Berek, what in blazes are you doing?” asked Germaine, a Shieldvane.

  “Forgive me!” shouted Berek, rushing off into the castle.

  The castle had a huge courtyard past the entrance. Berek looked for signs of Seraph’s trails as he could not find any. Berek heard swords clanging from one of the upper levels. Berek ran up the staircase and reached the door from which the sounds were coming from. As he was about to open the door, he heard a noise. It was coming from the door next to it, and it sounded like crying. Berek wondered what this was and opened the door.

  A knife was sent flying straight for him.

  Chapter Fifteen: The Four


  uri, we are here to assist you on quests and favors given by Dalkreen.”

  A man stood out from the four. He took his leather red hood off and revealed his face, being a tall young man with black long hair. He had dark shaded eyes with a long, slender face. “My name is Kullian, son of Dames. This is Tablitha.”

  A woman then stood by the tall man. Yuri looked upon her with interest as he saw her long brunette hair, with a hint of gold. Her green eyes were filled with passion and she had a slim upper body.

  “Also, meet our two newest members, Vormis and Hulio.”

  Vormis stood out and uncovered his hood. He was bulky and short. He wielded an axe by his side and a short beard that hung down his chin.

  “Pleasure is mine, great Yuri!” The short man came to Yuri and greeted him, though Yuri found no favor in the man at all.

  “It is nice to meet the warlord for the order,” spoke Hulio, walking to Yuri and shaking his hand. He had dark skin and appeared foreign to Alundiel. He had a mustache and brown eyes with short-shaved hair and a clean-shaved face.

  “Yes, thank you,” Yuri replied hesitantly, “it is nice to meet the new recruits. And you,” he motioned to Tablitha, “I believe I have not personally seen you yet.” Yuri looked up and down at the young lady. She looked back and said nothing, appearing to be shy. As she bit down on her lips and cherry red cheeks flushed her face, a shadow appeared behind Yuri. Yuri turned around quickly.

  “Yuri, come, Zoran needs to speak with you.” Dalkreen disappeared quickly in the shadows and Yuri walked towards that direction.

  He entered in the room where Zoran sat. Yuri then saw Zoran’s mask on the table. His hood was down and he sat turned from Yuri.

  Yuri gasped as he saw the grayish-black and wrinkled backside of the head. His skin was rotted and black veins enlarged the wrinkles in his dermis.

  “Yes?” Yuri spoke finally. “You wanted to see me.”

  “Yuri, I gave you a gift. I need to ask a favor from you then, so come and sit down.”

  Yuri walked to a nearby chair, and as he sat, the wood creaked and Zoran gasped. He stood up quick and looked in the opposite direction, still having his back turned. Yuri thought for a moment and it seemed the heavy breathing annoyed him greatly.

  “Are you well?” Yuri asked, stunned of the sight of Zoran.

  Then Zoran turned to Yuri quickly. His face had many scars upon it; his face also bore pale blue eyes. His pupils were barely noticeable and lots of rough, scaly skin covered his neck. He had no hair but a symbol of a Baelrytic rune tattooed on the top of his bald head.

  “Yes, Yuri, you met your new family I see. They will help you wherever you go and when there is an area where more help is needed, I will bring more assistance.”

  “Um, yeah, they are... great.” Yuri seemed confused as he looked into the eyes of a monster.

  “You look surprised, Yuri. What is the matter? Is it my hideous self?”

  Yuri tried to look away but then truthfully said, “I had no idea about...”

  “It is only a sickness from birth. There never was a cure to heal this certain skin disease, but I am human, worry not.” Zoran grinned and saw that the Callous Scales worked well on Yuri.

  “The potion did well, I see?” Yuri stood up and walked near the exit to the room.

  “It is well. So... what is the favor then?”

  Zoran knew he could trust Yuri for all the strength he had with the power. “First off I need to know your skills more. I will assign you to a certain target, and you will sabotage.”

  “You want me to wreck the place up?” asked Yuri, expecting this. Zoran knew Yuri saw the mission the same way he did.

  “The man’s name is Cornelius Habib and he owns an inn. He used to be a member of the Blood Shadows but he managed to alert every surrounding city to our presence, to which they came and destroyed our hideout near Rodinfront. He never was able to join back since then. You will find the inn near County Belmar, just below the Snowcleft Spine.” Zoran took out a wrinkled dry map and handed it to Yuri. “If you must, kill the man and burn the inn. Finish the business for him, as he was never able to join back here in this estate.” Yuri accepted as Zoran then continued.

  “After you finish with the mission, return here with your crew of four and you will be rewarded by Dalkreen.”

  Yuri then left the room accepting the mission. He saw Dalkreen talking with the four assistants.

  “Dalkreen, I believe it is best we go now.”

  “Yes... you are right. Come, I will take you outside and show you to the stable where each of you will receive a horse.” Tablitha walked toward Yuri.

  “I will be there in a second.” Yuri looked at the four, then watched Dalkreen leave and looked back to Tablitha. She moved closer to him.

  “By the way, I never met you personally either,” Tablitha spoke quietly with a polite smile. Yuri listened to her voice being as a clear as the sound of the perfect waterfall. He responded trying to keep up the conversation.

  “Yes, well, if you ever need a hand in anything on a mission, I will be there, yes?”

  Tablitha took Yuri’s hand and laughed randomly
, then turned to exit quickly out the temple.

  Yuri wept off sweat from his forehead and walked out. As Yuri exited the door, he felt light snow sprinkle on his face. He looked around the area to see dead vegetation and stone roads covered in white snow. Mountains overlooked the surrounding area.

  “Yuri! Over here!” Hulio shouted out for Yuri’s attention.

  Yuri ran to the stable, seeing each ally getting a horse. Dalkreen disappeared from the area and Yuri was unable to see him anywhere near the temple.

  “This will be yours, Yuri, for it fits your command perfectly.” Kullian dragged the reigns of the horse to Yuri. Yuri looked at the horse wielding iron armor on the legs and back. It had black and gray fur.

  Yuri looked to the other steeds seeing two gray and two black furs.

  “These horses are good for now.” Yuri saw the four ready to ride. “So what is Dalkreen’s story?” The steeds began to ride slowly through the stone roads leading to the inn. Kullian carried the map and then quickly responded.

  “Well from birth he was taken into the order. Zoran kept him as his right-hand since he was born and trained him to be the second in command at all times.”

  “How is he living through all these years though if Zoran precedes an age no other mortal can achieve?” Yuri felt like he knew nothing of the Blood Shadows.

  “Zoran is rumored to be an immortal, though no one ever knows how he was brought up. But he is sick fatally through his skin as you might have seen.”

  Hulio then added, “But you achieved a great gift from Zoran. The Callous Scales will make you strong, but it does bring effect in some ways.”

  “Like how that gift will surely make you victorious in every battle.” Vormis interrupted Hulio, and he spoke no more. Yuri was confused so Kullian continued.


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