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The Sword and the Shadows_The First Chronicle

Page 12

by Patrick Kriener

  “You know, I will always lead the team. Giving orders and most of all... not stand here and see another man take my woman.”

  “What the devil are you talking about?” Yuri stepped closer to Kullian, keeping his hand close to the dagger kept in his coat.

  “You will stay away from Tablitha; she and I had enough adventures together and I will go to the next journey with her. My descendants will come... from her!” Yuri sucker punched Kullian after this, and they wrestled upon the ground. Yuri kicked Kullian in the stomach and even on his head. Blood came from Kullian’s forehead and seeped through his mouth. Yuri despised Kullian for such talk toward him.

  Tablitha saw this. “No, no, no! Get off now!” Yuri looked up to Tablitha; he pushed Kullian away and kicked him to be on his back.

  “I... am sorry, I never meant for this to happen. I was just...”

  “No, no more excuses, Yuri, you have caused too much trouble now. I think it is best you stay away from us tonight!” Tablitha came to Kullian and pulled him up. Kullian could not respond, for he felt weak and hurt.

  Yuri felt tears run down his eyes. He spoke no more.

  An hour passed and Yuri sat yards away from the fire pit Vormis made. He saw Kullian and Tablitha eating together, with their arms around each other.

  “What was that? Hello?” Yuri got up, hearing a quick human growl; he sat near dark trees leading to a forest. This was in the center of the Heartlands.

  “It’s a joke isn’t it?” Yuri talked to himself.

  In the distance he heard a scream; Tablitha’s voice. Yuri’s heart began to beat faster than usual. He ran to the fire pit.

  “Yuri, help us!” Not having good view, he saw Kullian fighting off dark-robed men. He gasped. These were the ones who had attacked his village, Kilton.

  “Yuri, please!” Kullian asked for help, and even Vormis yet not had the strength to fight.

  Yuri charged to the fire pit near the pond. He tackled one of the robed strangers and stabbed him through.

  “They are surrounding us! To arms!” Yuri and Kullian went back to back, fighting off the men. Yuri ducked through a slash and chopped his way through two of them. Kullian grabbed the third attacker and grabbed his wrist, breaking it. Tablitha came to the same one and pushed him to the fire pit. The smell of burnt flesh filled the air.

  The battle continued. “This is a stalemate!” Vormis chopped one of the strangers’ ankles. His axe was painted with red and his beard became moist with blood. Finally, the black-robed men ran to the pond by tens.

  “Surrender now! Give us your weapons!” One of them appeared to be the leader. He was young and had short dark hair. All of the men kept their hoods on and had half-face masks so the faces would never be revealed. He appeared to be the only one who revealed himself.

  “What is this... who are you?” Yuri stood in front of Tablitha, not letting the man close to her.

  “Please, you don’t remember us, you fool... we attacked your village. I remember slaying one of your loved ones.”

  “You cur...” Two fists jabbed into Yuri’s stomach, as Yuri pushed the two men away. Kullian, Vormis, and Tablitha were with Yuri, surrounded in a circle of the black-robed men.

  “You are the Brothers of the Night, be not stupid or immature with us!” Tablitha knew of these men more than the three she was with.

  “Yes... you could say that. But what if we are not? What if I say we are more of a...”

  “Lies, all lies!” Yuri fell down and to his knees, as he felt hatred. The supposed leader of the group became angry, and threw his hood over him.

  “You will take them away, now!” All of the men enclosed to them.

  “Yuri... use the teleportation spell! Go everyone!” Vormis and Kullian took out their tablets and disappeared with a flash of light, Tablitha doing the same.

  “What... where?” Yuri whispered to himself; he had misplaced the Emerald of Time. It was nowhere to be found, and all of the others were gone.

  All of the men stared at Yuri, as he struggled looking through his coat. “Look, you fool, you lost!” The leader came to Yuri and pushed him down, standing above him.

  “No... I believe you lost!” Yuri felt a singe of fear, but strength overcame him. He jumped up and saw veins of green running through his arms; this was the effect of the Callous Scales. His arms enlarged and neck became bulked. His grip was fastened upon his blade and stood taller than before.

  The mysterious leader stood back. “There are more of us... charge!” Yuri grabbed the leader’s neck and tore it off from its side. Blood shot out seven feet from his neck, and he fell to his death.

  “Ah!” Yuri sliced through many of the men, and he looked, seeing all the horses tied up, and alive. He threw some men above his head, into the fire pit. Adrenaline rushed through his body like he had never felt; it was a power that began slaying many of the men.

  Yuri ran to the horses and got on the female horse, Moonlight. He treaded over the enemies and the strong legs of the horse crushed some.

  He broke through the line of defense and escaped the pond. Yuri felt a great weight lift off him. He was out of sight from the strangers, for now.

  He began to worry for Tablitha, and he prayed for her safety. The weather changed and snow struck him dry, as he exited the Heartlands.

  “What just happened?” Yuri wondered why the same men attacked them at such unknown time. Yuri would have to get to the bottom of it, but now he kept all of his concentration on heading toward the Snowcleft Spine.

  He pulled open his map and saw he was only a few miles from his destination. Moonlight was fast, and never gave up on her strength; Yuri was pleased with such a horse. The valleys widened as he began to exit the Heartlands. The Snowcleft Spine was seen ahead, with mountains topping over the valley. Snow covered the paths, but Yuri made his own.

  “There, just a little more to the north.” Yuri saw a shack in the distance. It seemed like a hermit or some kind traveler would live here. He stopped his horse, Moonlight, and jumped off. Yuri saw a dead tree nearby and tied her up.

  Yuri felt his lungs freeze. He pulled his coat close, wanting more warmth. He headed closer to the shack. He heard a little commotion up ahead, but kept all his concentration on retrieving the Maldark Santorium.

  Chapter Thirty-One: Ancient Knowledge

  B erek growled at Seraph, who was standing right in front of him, glaring down at him. He bore a strange similarity to Melageth, from Berek’s previous dream. Berek clutched Helen tightly. Her breath was slowing down. She had a few hours to live, and if the blood did not stop soon, she could have less than that. Berek felt all sorts of emotions: anger, confusion, betrayal, worry, and fear.

  “What the devil is going on?” he asked loudly.

  Seraph laughed, loud and long. Finally, he spoke. “Dwa’iin, you are foolish; you know nothing. Allow me to explain. You see, your mother, Miriam, is working for us. You should have known that. After all, clues were given in your dreams...”

  Berek gasped. How did he know? “What are you talking about?”

  “Your dreams are mere visions, planted in your brain by your mother herself. She was with us from the beginning. She lied to you. Her death was a setup, all to kill your father. Your dreams, my boy, saved your life. You see, you possess a great power that Melageth desires. In order to lead you to us, you must be trapped, as any fool must.”

  “I don’t believe you!” he shouted. He turned to Miriam, who was snickering quietly the whole time. “How could you mother?”

  “Hector was an annoyance,” she replied fiercely. “An annoyance to me, and to Lord Melageth. He had to be taken out. But you, my boy, are special. You must survive, and join our ranks.”

  “Don’t do it!” shouted Roark. “Don’t listen to them. They’re scum!”

  “Shut up, Crimgurd!” Seraph shouted. He unsheathed his blade and hit Roark on the top of the hide with the hilt of Seraph’s blade. Blood squirted out and Roark fell to the ground, next to Helen.r />
  “If I need to survive, why did you just try to kill me?” asked Berek to Miriam.

  “My boy, this blade does not kill,” she replied, holding up the crude black knife. “This blade is Sorrowrose, the Blade of Melageth. It has the power to change anything into an Ancient.”

  “So you mean...” murmured Berek, looking down at Helen.

  “She will turn into one of us,” Seraph replied. “As will you, Dwa’iin.”

  “Why do you need me? What’s so special about me?”

  Seraph laughed, quickly joined by Miriam. “The Dwa’iin knows nothing, and is too foolish to learn. Enough talk. Use the blade on him.”

  Miriam nodded and came toward Berek. Suddenly, Aleazar yelled aloud and jumped in the air. He flew toward Miriam and struck her in the chest, sending them both flying backwards. They landed behind a bookcase, with books clattering on top of them.

  “Run, Berek!” shouted Aleazar.

  “Not without a fight!” he yelled. He picked up Roark’s blade and quickly slashed an Ancient down before it knew what happened. Seraph growled, and unsheathed his black blade. He stepped close to Berek and slashed at him. Berek quickly blocked and returned the attempted attack with another. Seraph blocked it and kicked Berek backwards. Berek tripped over the bodies of Helen and Roark and fell to the ground, hitting his head on an inanimate object.

  Berek heard scuffling behind him and knew it to be Aleazar and Miriam fighting. Berek stood up and quickly jumped out of the way from an attack by Seraph. Seraph’s blade pierced the ground, and the sound reverberated throughout the cabin. Many Ancients surrounded him, all with their swords unsheathed.

  “Roark, wake up!” shouted Berek. “I could use some help!” But Roark did not wake up, and groaned on the ground. Helen continued to bleed and gasp uncontrollably. Berek watched as ten or fifteen Ancients, including Seraph surrounded him in a circle. Seraph laughed. He quickly lashed out with his blade, but Berek blocked it. Another Ancient stabbed at Berek. Berek quickly sidestepped and chopped its head off. Suddenly, he was pushed to the ground by two Ancients. Seraph stood over him again, sword out in front of him. He held the sword over Berek, and began to lower it.

  Suddenly, Berek heard a war cry, as the door of the shack burst open. A man stood there, dressed in bright, red robes. He had curly black hair and bright green eyes. He possessed a nature of strength and stature, having green veins poking out. Seraph had stopped before the blade pierced Berek. Now was his chance. Berek kicked Seraph’s feet, causing him to trip and fall to the ground.

  The man who had appeared had attracted some Ancients, for they were coming straight for him. He quickly slashed them down, their extremities flying in the air, black blood coming from them. Berek stood up and picked up his fallen sword. The man killed an Ancient with a fatal stabbing move and pulled out the sword.

  “Who are you?” asked Berek.

  “Who are you?” asked the man.

  Before either of them could respond, Miriam suddenly appeared from the shadows. Berek looked quick and saw Aleazar on the ground, blood coming from his body. Miriam shouted out loud and a blue wind flew from her hands. Suddenly, Berek and the man flew backwards, hitting the wall of the shack. They fell through the wall and appeared outside, in the snow. Berek hit the ground hard, snow and blood filling him.

  Berek shook off the pain and saw Miriam and Seraph coming from the broken wall of the shack. Seraph held his black sword out in fury, as Miriam held Sorrowrose, the knife. Before Berek could react, the man had regained consciousness before Berek, and hustled to them. The man slashed at Seraph, knocking him down. Berek stood up and ran toward Miriam. He was to fight his own mother.

  “I’m sorry, mother, but you may not live!” he shouted. He charged to her with Roark’s sword in his hands. Miriam smiled and got ready to stab Berek. Berek quickly pulled back the sword to strike, as Miriam stabbed out at Berek. Berek then blocked the attack, knocking Sorrowrose from her hand. Berek spun around and slashed Miriam.

  Blood was spread across the snow. Miriam had a long gash on her torso. Her mad, lunatic expression was gone from her face. She looked surprised, but also thankful. She fell to her knees, blood dripping fast. She was still staring at Berek.

  “ son...” she said quietly. She then closed her eyes and began to fall backwards. Berek acted quick and caught her before she fell to the snow.

  “Mother, I...I’m sorry...”

  “ had to be done...thank you...”

  Berek felt tears fall from her eyes. He was then reminded of the day his father had died. “Mother, I lost you once. I’ll not do it again!”

  “Let me saved me...”

  Berek let the tears fall. “I love you, mother. No matter what you’ve done.”

  She smiled. Suddenly, she held out her hand. She was clutching a small vial, filled with green liquid. “Give the will...cure...”

  “Thank you, mother,” said Berek, taking the vial. Miriam smiled, and it was beautiful. Berek was reminded of the times his mother was caring and kind. All of that appeared in her smile.

  With a last breath, Miriam left Alundiel forever.

  Berek sobbed in the snow, not wanting to lose another parent. But he had to let go of it. He came back inside the shack, and saw the man and Seraph were locked in a duel. Roark, who had woken up, was battling three Ancients. Berek rushed to Helen; she appeared sick. Her skin was pale white, and her eyes were beginning to look white. Berek opened her mouth and poured the liquid down her throat. Suddenly, the white skin was gone and her tan skin appeared. Her green eyes came back, with bewilderment and surprise.

  “What happened?” she groaned.

  “It’s alright now, love,” he said.

  “Love?” she asked. “So you love me?” Indeed, she had returned to normal.

  “I...Roark needs our assistance.”

  “Right!” she said, standing up quickly. Berek’s heart was beating. Yes, he did love her, but he did not want her to know.

  Helen grabbed a fallen sword and rushed to aid Roark fighting the three Ancients. Berek saw the man and Seraph were growing tired of their battle. Finally, Seraph knocked the man to the floor with a blow from his hand. He turned and faced Berek.

  “Ah, did the Dwa’iin’s momma die?”

  “Shut up!” yelled Berek, rushing at Seraph with anger. He lashed out many times, but Seraph blocked them all. The man was crawling across the floor to reach his sword. Berek pushed Seraph backwards, causing him to fall out to the snow. Seraph crashed to the ground and groaned. Berek came to the man on the ground and helped him up.

  “I ask again: who are you?”

  “I am Yuri,” said the man. “I seek the Maldark Santorium, and was told it was here. I only see a bunch of miscreants and Ancients!”

  “Calm yourself!” hissed Berek. “We are not done with these Ancients! I know where the Maldark Santorium is, but first you must help me!”

  “Very well!” shouted Yuri, rushing off into the snow.

  “You mean this?” asked a voice. Berek turned around and saw Seraph holding the gray tome. Yuri noticed as well and gasped.

  “The Maldark Santorium!”

  “Yes,” replied Seraph. “It will be a good addition to Lord Melageth’s treasures.”

  “No!” shouted Yuri, rushing at Seraph. Seraph growled and slashed at Yuri. Yuri was thrown backwards, blood flying in the air. Berek groaned and rushed toward Seraph. He assaulted him with many sword attacks, utilizing everything he had learned in his Shieldvane training. But Seraph was too good. He knocked Berek to the ground, and lifted up his boot. He brought it down on Berek’s nose, blood squirting from the wound.

  “Dwa’iin, even before my evolution, I can still defeat you,” he said.

  “Evolution? What the devil are you talking about?”

  Seraph laughed once more. He pulled out something from his pocket. It was a small, golden crystal; the Crystal of Melageth. Berek gasped.

Where did you get that?”

  “From the Shieldvanes, of course,” replied Seraph. “Didn’t you know the Crystal was buried under the Spine, right below the Shieldvanes’ headquarters?”

  Berek suddenly had a revelation. Jarem would never give up the Crystal, at any costs. Even if it did cost him his life. Which meant…

  “What did you do?” he yelled, fear in his voice.

  Seraph laughed madly, as his form began to disappear.

  “What did you do?!”

  Seraph finally disappeared from the frosty air. Yuri appeared behind him clutching his torso.

  “I need that book,” said Yuri.

  Chapter Thirty-Two: An Alliance Forged


  e will get that book... first, we need to go after Seraph.” Berek wiped the fresh running blood from his nose.

  They all gathered together back in the shack. Berek could not believe the event that had just occurred; his mother was gone.

  “Aleazar, he needs help!” Helen felt better, as she had recovered fully from the healing potion. She saw another bottle of the same liquid that had cured her and gave Aleazar the potion.

  “Ah... thank you, Helen, you have been good to me. Always watching out for me, unlike a few.” Aleazar directed this to Berek and Roark.

  “Listen, I came here for a book called the Maldark Santorium,” said Yuri suddenly, “and now it is gone. Someone is going to explain everything, now!” Yuri saw Berek was the only one he trusted from the previous battle.

  Aleazar, Helen, and Roark gathered in the main living quarters of the shack. Yuri sat on the dirty couch, and Berek got up to begin explaining. “Okay, my name is Berek, son of Hector. I am a Dwa’iin that previously joined the Shieldvanes. Giving me training and skill in combat, I fought against the Ancients, dark creatures and an army of them forged by...”

  “Melageth, yes, I heard this story.” Yuri wanted to hear more of an explanation.


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