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The Sword and the Shadows_The First Chronicle

Page 17

by Patrick Kriener

  Dalkreen took out a knife and slit his wrist. Drops of blood fell from the wound as Dalkreen raised his hand to the stone door. He smeared the blood from his wrist across the door. Suddenly, the door sprung open in a quick fashion. Dalkreen walked in followed by Yuri and the others. They were standing in a great temple room. Pillars and stone tablets held up the high roof. Sunlight came from the holes in the ceiling. In the middle of the room was a raised platform. On the platform, a man sat there, on what seemed to be a throne or a large chair. He sat with his hand on his chin, looking quite bored and uninterested with the world. The man wore a certain silver mask on his face.

  The only feature Berek could make out was two slits in the mask, revealing dark eyes. When the group entered, the man stood up. He walked down the stairs to the left of and platform and finally stood in front of the group. He had a long, red robe, with designs of the Baelrytic language written.

  "Zoran," said Yuri, bowing to his knee.

  Zoran held out a hand and pulled Yuri up by his shoulder. "Yuri, my warrior. You've returned!"

  "Yes, but I know not what happened," he replied. "I misplaced my Teleportation tablet. Also, Tablitha is here, but where are Kullian and Vormis?"

  Zoran looked away quickly and looked back. "All in good time. Tonight, you and I shall share our counsel's together and you shall tell me everything, as will I. But first, you must explain why you brought outsiders to the Temple!"

  Zoran seemed very angry. Yuri stood back and began to speak, however Dalkreen stepped forward and said, "My lord, they were with Yuri. They rescued him and if not for them, he would be dead. I trust them enough and you should too."

  "Dalkreen, my friend," said Zoran softly. He stepped closer to Dalkreen and seemed to look him in the eye. "I am the Master, not you. Do not throw away your judgment so lightly." He then turned to Berek. Berek looked back into the man's face, feeling a strange disturbance.

  "You there. Outsider. What say you?"

  "I am Berek of the Shieldvanes. This is Helen, Roark, and Aleazar," said Berek motioning to each. "We have come to appeal to you."

  And then, Berek told Zoran of everything, of how Yuri and he met, and how Seraph stole the Maldark Santorium, and how the Shieldvanes were wiped out.

  "The book meant everything!" hissed Zoran. "Without it, the Blood Shadows will cease and become a mere legend. This cannot happen. The Ancients were an annoyance to begin with...and now they think they can take control of the Shadows? No more!"

  Zoran turned his back to them. Finally he turned around. "Berek, son of Hector, you have my assistance. I shall take the Shadows to Wyndal, and there, we will reclaim the book and hopefully destroy the Ancients forever."

  Berek smiled and nodded his head. The Blood Shadows warriors cheered around them. Now Berek had an army. And it would be all the worse for Seraph.

  "Dalkreen, show our guests to their rooms," commanded Zoran. "Tonight, we shall dine and rest. Tomorrow, we will plan out our strategy and then it will be over."

  Berek nodded. Dalkreen also nodded in agreement and took Berek, Helen, Roark, and Aleazar with him. As Yuri was about to turn to go with them, Zoran stopped him by grabbing him on the shoulder.

  "Yuri, come with me. I much desire to speak with you about...this mystery concerning you." Yuri nodded and followed Zoran to his secret chamber, as he hoped that his questions would be answered and Zoran would provide the facts.

  Chapter Forty-Two: Questioning

  Y uri sat down on a wooden bench that connected to a round marble table. He was offered wine by Zoran and resisted.

  "We trust you ... I trust you Zoran, I have been on plenty of trials and missions from you, to receive truth..."

  "The reason I wish to speak, Yuri, is to tell you my knowledge of these events. These barbarians have intruded our every mission." Zoran pulled out a book and laid it upon the marble table. Zoran pulled off his mask, after he sipped wine. He then continued, "I have word that our good friend Hulio is dead..."

  "Didn't you notice there are two more missing?" Yuri could not feel any more anger from Zoran's ignorant being.

  "I know about the loss of Hulio... and your two other assistants. Dalkreen clearly stated that he was told from Tablitha, that they used the spell. We will do everything in our power to find them."

  Yuri stood up from the table, saying, "The only way they could be missing is through the creator's mind of the tablet. You appear to be the creator!"

  Zoran motioned his hand down as Yuri flew down to the chair, for the force was unbearable. "Yuri, you must cooperate with me. Tender down and be loose in your thinking, for I am only trying to help fix this problem."

  Yuri then relaxed, for he knew his temper could blow the chance to get some real answers. "How well do you know Drahk, personally?"

  Zoran was surprised from Yuri's straightforward questioning. "I speak with him in my prayers every day. So this is the ritual of all of us. Our kind shall be recognized throughout Alundiel, if... we receive that book."

  "You must understand there was nothing I could do; it was a battle. A battle with these Ancients. They were stronger and more flexible in combat," replied Yuri.

  "So bringing these outsiders could save all of us? We can handle our own..."

  "They saved my life!" Yuri paused at that moment. "Three of my greatest friends are gone because of the men in black coats. Tell me who these men are!"

  Zoran picked up the book that was previously set on the table. He opened its contents to the middle. "This tells everything about the Brothers of the Night."

  "Why... why would these men be after us? We have more in number and power. We could wipe out the ingrates easily!" Sweat came from Yuri's brow.

  "They are assassins; they will do anything for their share of money. Your father, he was a great deal to them."

  "Why then, why did they kill him?" Yuri could not stand the facts.

  Zoran continued, "In hate and riot, they murdered him on the way to Rodinfront. As he dropped you off in our cave, he informed me he had to take care of certain business. So I for one knew the land was tainted with the Brothers' evil."

  "You are telling me that you knew my father would die."

  "You see, an assassin's guild is made for a purpose: follow the code. In this fraternity, you must give them your life and never walk out, so my belief could be your father was important to them."

  "My father would never be a part of such treason, never commit unnecessary acts of murder." Yuri seemed confused, he never seen his father truly, but through his line of family he knew he was born for a better purpose.

  "So tell me this, why did your father walk out on you? Instead of taking care of you, he left for Rodinfront for random business. I would believe an assassination mission-"

  "We were under attack! There is no possible way he could just stay. At least he cared dearly enough to escape with me, to care and hope for his return." Yuri was speechless after that; he could see Zoran was bluffing. Yuri changed the subject. "Dalkreen, he had the same thing happen, and his parents are gone too."

  "I trust Dalkreen. I trained him and cared for him; he was like a son to me. Now he is my servant and hands out the missions to my followers." Zoran continued, "He will always be trusted by me, for he has done nothing to harm us."

  "Why is Dalkreen kind... kind enough to send scouts with him... to search for me?"

  "So, it was Dalkreen's idea?" Zoran wanted all credit. "No, it was sent out by me of course." Sipping more wine, Zoran grew much rage in his heart.

  "That isn't what I heard. You are upset of these outsiders when they are the ones you should appreciate."

  "Appreciate? Those imbeciles! Never shall I enjoy anyone's company rather than the members of the Shadows."

  Yuri grew upset with Zoran. "I suppose this is the end of discussion then. If you don't appreciate my new friends, the ones that saved me, then I am out!"

  "If you are out, then you die!" Zoran jumped up quickly and struck Yuri. He breathed harder;
he remembered what Zoran said of the Brothers of the Night.

  "So now this temple is a club. A guild of death, that whosoever leaves will be punished unto death?" Yuri couldn't believe his ears.

  "Yuri, listen now. I am a father to you."

  "You never were, unlike Dalkreen who showed the certain compassion. I have done too much for you, even sacrificing myself out there for this book!"

  Zoran jumped over the table and slapped Yuri across the face. "You will turn the cheek, brother."

  Yuri did so, afraid and out-strengthened, knowing Zoran's capability in a duel. Zoran slapped him twice more and spat on Yuri.

  "Meiitako heviirite, elas sontreis!" Zoran prayed to Drahk after hearing Yuri's blasphemy. He waved his hands in the air, and prayed for Yuri to be forgiven. "You don't understand, Yuri. That book is the reason for our existence."

  "I... tried Zoran, I am sorry." Yuri was frightened; he would dare not speak another word. For each slap resulted in blood and scars.

  "My son, you will go now and send word to your friends. They must leave."

  Yuri thought different. "See here... we are looking for helpers, and that is what they are. You already agreed to the help. We must take the battle to Wyndal."

  "We will just strike Wyndal at force, alone. For we have the numbers and the battle-power. What are they, three men with limited experience and a woman. A woman for war?" Zoran had no hope for the strangers.

  "You don't know what they are capable of. Berek is strong and very skillful; he could slay three Ancients with one strike of the blade. Roark is powerful with heavy, blunt weapons. Aleazar is tall and very flexible with the blade, and Helen is a master of arts and skill with multiple weapons." Yuri saw Zoran's face satisfied, and said, "Trust me Zoran. They are the best we have and will ever receive." Yuri waited for an answer. When none came, he asked, "Will you help them, give them our force and together strike Wyndal?"

  "That is where Seraph is found, the Ancient who took the book?"

  "Yes, that is from understanding. We take it to the heart of the Ancients and we will reclaim the book and so Drahk, our lord, shall be resurrected."

  Zoran smiled. "And then may the world recognize the true power of the Blood Shadows. Melageth thought he was more powerful, but it is us who will triumph!" Zoran turned to Yuri and wiped the blood off his cheek with his hand, saying softly, "We will help your friends, and we will fight off the Ancients."

  Yuri bowed down to Zoran, "My lord, I thank thee kindness. I will not fail, for the Maldark Santorium shall be returned to its rightful place."

  "Come now, we dine with your friends. We will discuss more important matters there." Zoran exited the quarters as Yuri followed.

  Chapter Forty-Three: In the Caverns of the Shadows

  B erek followed Dalkreen as he led them to their rooms. The ceiling above was lowered down, so Berek had to turn his neck sideways occasionally. They were led down a dark tunnel, but several doors stood on each side. Finally, Dalkreen stopped and pointed to four doors, two on each side.

  "You may pick a room to stay in," stated Dalkreen. "Although I recommend this one for the lady." He pointed to his left at a wooden door. Helen stepped forward and opened it. Inside was a lavish room with decorations and decor all around. A huge red rug was on the ground, next to what seemed to be a king-sized bed. Cabinets and drawers stood to the sides. It seemed to be a very well-kept room. Helen turned to face Dalkreen.

  "Please, I cannot take this," she said humbly. "This is too much."

  "I insist," replied Dalkreen. "This is my room, and I would be glad to lend it to a lady such as you." Helen seemed to blush.

  "Thank you, sir."

  Berek had a sudden burst of jealousy for Dalkreen. "Dalkreen, could you show me my room?" he asked, trying to get Dalkreen away from Helen.

  "Of course, Berek. Follow me." Dalkreen walked past Berek, as Berek turned back around to look at Helen. Berek winked at her and then left. Helen smiled and a small giggle escaped her mouth. Dalkreen led Berek to the room across. Inside was a small, dirty room. A small bed stood there, which seemed to only fit one person. "Here you are," said Dalkreen.

  Berek had to grit his teeth in order to keep his anger. "Thank you," he muttered.

  "You're welcome. Now, come. We all must attend the feast of the Shadows. It may be our last meal."

  They followed Dalkreen down another hallway until they came into a grand room. A very long table stretched across the middle. On the table were many items of food. Meat was scattered all around. Steaks and chicken were on each white plate. Cherry pies and chocolate pudding was also found. It looked to be truly a feast. Roark came in and once he saw the food, he rushed straight to sit down.

  "Looks like our friend, the Crimgurd, has already initiated the dining," spoke a voice. Berek turned to the corner ahead of him and saw Zoran and Yuri enter. Yuri had marks and bruises across his face. Berek wondered what had happened between him, but he could not take his eyes off the food.

  "Dwa’iin," spoke Aleazar, "where's Helen?"

  Berek turned around. Helen was nowhere to be seen. "Probably in her room getting dressed or something."

  "Ah, yes, she is," spoke Dalkreen. "She told me she had to prepare herself. One of the female Shadows members gave Helen her evening dress. She wants to try it on."

  "I see," replied Berek. "Very well. I'm hungry. Let's eat."

  Berek sat at the table with Roark and Aleazar to his right and left. Soon, more Blood Shadows members entered and within minutes, all were sitting at the huge table, eating away. However, Helen had not returned.

  "So, Berek," spoke Zoran after a moment's silence. "You were a part of the Shieldvanes, you say?"

  "Yes, sir," said Berek. "They trained me to become who I am. But they..."

  "Yes, I know," said Zoran in a low voice. His silver mask was raised only slightly to reveal his mouth for eating. However, when Berek looked close, it seemed Zoran's teeth were filed to sharp points. "Did you know a man named Jarem?"

  Berek felt sadness in his heart. "I did. He was my master and Leader of the Shieldvanes."

  "I knew him well," replied Zoran. "He was like a brother to me."

  "How did you know him?" asked Berek, suddenly surprised.

  Zoran opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly, all of the Shadows turned their heads to the left. Berek noticed this and also looked. Standing there, at the doorway, was Helen, looking radiant and beautiful. She was dressed in a long, red dress with straps on her shoulders. Her hair was fixed up and curled, her blond strands showing in the light. She smiled as she entered. Berek could not believe it was her. Of course, she had been beautiful, but tonight...

  "Helen," he said, "you look...good."

  Helen chuckled. "Thank you. Berek, you may sit down now."

  Berek wondered what she meant but soon it came to him. When she entered, he stood up, expecting everyone else to. However, he looked around and saw he was the only one standing up. He felt embarrassed.

  "Ah, yes, young Helen," spoke Zoran in a loud voice. "Join us, please!"

  Helen sat across from Berek. She looked as good as ever. Berek could not believe it.

  They spent a full hour dining and eating and sharing each other's stories. Soon, it came time that everyone was stuffed with the plethora of food they had received. When everyone was departing to their rooms, Berek walked to Zoran.

  "Sir, I'd like to thank you," he said. "The food was most excellent."

  "You're welcome, young Berek," he said with a smile through his mask. "Tomorrow, you shall accompany Yuri and me to the armory where we will plot out our strategy."

  "Yes, very well," replied Berek. "But you never answered my question. How did you know Jarem?"

  "Well, I-"

  "Sir, could you come here please," spoke a voice. The voice belonged to Yuri who was standing behind Zoran. Zoran looked at Berek with pity.

  "Sorry, son, another time," he said. He turned and walked with Yuri. Yuri stared at Berek with worry
and disdain in his face. Berek wondered why he distracted Zoran from telling him. Zoran and Yuri walked away to their quarters. Berek began walking to his. Through a hole in the ceiling, the bright moon shone through. Berek always liked looking at the moon and stars. The stars were so far away and their light took so long to reach him.

  Suddenly, something hard bumped into him. Berek fell to the ground. He looked up and saw Aleazar standing over him, looking disgusted.

  "Watch it there, eh?" spoke Aleazar angrily. He walked past Berek with a stride. Boiling anger seeped inside of Berek. Berek stood up with a fast movement and turned around, watching Aleazar go.

  "What the devil is your problem with me?" yelled Berek. Aleazar turned around. "Who do you think you are, just running around, acting so important? Who died and made you king?"

  "Dwa’iin, watch your words carefully," spoke Aleazar in a low voice.

  "No!" shouted Berek. "I've had enough of you and your snide attitude! After this battle, I hope and pray to the gods that I never see your sight again! I curse all elves because of you!"

  Aleazar frowned but Berek did not care. He turned on his feet and walked away quickly. Berek opened his wooden door to his room and slammed it. He sat on his small bed and placed his head in his hands. He fell backward. He was angry beyond belief. Who was Aleazar to act so important? Did he even care about the Shieldvanes or Jarem, or the mission?

  A small knock was heard at Berek's door. Berek sighed. "It's a little late, whoever you are. Go now and leave me in peace."

  "Berek, it's me," said a female voice. Berek knew who it was before he opened the door. Helen stood there in her dress.

  "Helen," said Berek. "What is it?"

  "I just..." she looked off into the distance. "I just wanted to say goodnight."

  "I see," replied Berek. "Would you like to come in?"

  Helen nodded. Berek opened the door further as she came in. Berek closed it. Helen sat on his bed.


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