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The Sword and the Shadows_The First Chronicle

Page 20

by Patrick Kriener

  "That was very foolish!" yelled Berek, for he had to speak over the sound of battle.

  "Forgive me, but I had to protect you!" shouted Roark. Berek helped Roark to his feet and the two of them stood facing the destruction of the gates.

  "They have taken the east wing!" yelled Dalkreen from a distance. He was running toward them with a fearful expression. "We must retreat!"

  Berek looked to the east and what Dalkreen said was true. Numerous amounts of Ancients were pouring in the east gates. The Blood Shadows members still held their defenses, but were being cut down. Berek gripped Dawnfrost hard. He hoped for reinforcements soon. He looked to Roark, seeing the same fearful expression that Berek now wore.

  "Roark, my friend," spoke Berek quietly. "We must defend these gates. Keep any Ancient from getting in. Protect the Emperor."

  Roark nodded. "It is a pleasure to fight by your side, Berek, son of Hector."

  Berek smiled. He held Dawnfrost up in the air near his shoulder as Roark reiterated this movement. Roark looked to the west wing, seeing its destruction and chaos. Berek looked to the east wing, now overrun with Ancients. Berek and Roark yelled a war cry as the two of them ran in opposite directions, Roark to the west, and Berek to the east, towards the fire of battle.


  Helen felt the wind rushing past her face. She was ahead of the group, galloping on her horse. She saw a large number of Ancients huddled outside the gate of the courtyard, trying to break in. This was where Berek was. Their plan had been to draw the attention of the Ancients scattered throughout the city. So far, it had worked. Around fifty Ancients were chasing them, as more joined once they noticed Helen and the others. Helen looked back, seeing Aleazar with a focused face and Tablitha with a determination.

  As Helen turned her head forward, she was thrown off of her horse. She landed hard on the ground. Two Ancients were standing behind her, holding a long rope. They had tripped Helen's horse and she had been thrown off. Tablitha gasped as in a matter of seconds, thousands of Ancients suddenly surrounded them.

  Helen took several steps backwards, standing next to Tablitha and Aleazar. The three of them were in a circle, surrounded on all sides by the Ancients; some in bird form, most in human form. They had no hope left. Their mission had failed.

  Suddenly, a horn blew far behind them. The Ancients and Helen turned their heads to the south as a large number of Reptikars came bursting through the gate. At the head of the Reptikar tribe was Gorzon, clad in what seemed to be wooden armor. He blew his horn again and charged for the Ancients. As Gorzon charged with his tribe, the Blood Shadows members who had escaped the tunnels with Helen and the others soon revealed themselves as they joined the Reptikars.

  They all charged for the Ancients. Suddenly, Aleazar unsheathed his sword and began hacking away at the Ancients surrounding him. Helen and Tablitha began doing the same, as Helen hoped that wherever Berek was he was safe.


  Yuri led his men behind the city gates. "We must climb over them," he ordered.

  "How?" asked a random guard. "We have no rope, no ladder."

  "Use your hands, fool," answered Yuri. He turned and placed his hands on the stone wall. Bricks stuck out of the wall and Yuri gripped them, climbing higher and higher. His men soon did the same and all were climbing the wall. Yuri knew that beyond the wall, was Berek and his army. They had one last hope, and that was Yuri and his men.

  Yuri climbed to the very top and stood on the edge of the gate. He stared down at the chaos below him. It seemed he arrived too late; many dead Blood Shadows lay twenty feet below him, slain by the Ancients. Yuri felt fury in his heart; he grabbed the sword by his waist and raised it high, yelling to the heavens.

  Suddenly, hardness slammed into him and next thing Yuri knew he was flying high in the air. He looked above him and saw a large Ancient in its bird form, carrying him higher and higher to the sky. Yuri felt for his sword, but found it was not in its sheath or in his hands; he was doomed.

  Chapter Forty-Eight: Forefront of Battle

  H elen sliced her way through two Ancients, as Aleazar kept close watch on the women. The Reptikars let out their battle-cries and clashed against the thousands of Ancients. The sudden sound of blood-slashing and iron-crushing was heard. The ears of Tablitha were sensitive and as she covered them, an Ancient was behind her with the blade lifted high.

  "Behind, Tablitha!" Helen shouted out. Tablitha rolled out of the way and she spun around, chopping off its head. The battle outside the gates had begun.

  Gorzon was seen in the front of his men. He had a small crossbow to his side and shot any enemy he couldn't reach. He chopped and slashed at many Ancients with his furnished claymore, made of the finest iron. The tip of the blade let out much rust, to whichever Ancient he stabbed let out much flesh for the finishing attack.

  "Helen! Where is Berek?" Gorzon came close to her; he spun his blade around, leaving Helen to duck. The surrounding Ancients were dismembered in many parts.

  "You came back!" Helen wriggled another’s neck from behind and stabbed it, and then she threw her blade into another Ancient's neck. She rolled and pulled it back out. She ran back to Gorzon.

  "As I promised good Berek, I would return, as I did with an army. We will destroy the Ancients!" Gorzon kept up the fight; he advanced his men up to the center of the bloodbath. Tablitha and Aleazar felt more hope now. There only objective would be to regroup with Berek in the center of the gates.


  Yuri felt the breeze dry his eyes. He felt woozy and was short of breath, for the creature lifted him higher into the sky.

  "Ah!" the echoes of Yuri filled the plains. He felt a dagger near his leather belt. He had no reach, though attempted the daring risk. The humongous bird clutched Yuri hard with its long nails. The nails of the bird fit perfect around Yuri's waist. Yuri felt his eyes squeeze slowly out, as much blood filled his brain. Life was subsiding slowly.

  Finally the creature flew him back to the direction of the city. Yuri felt the right time and stretched his arm an extra inch from his regular reach and grabbed the dagger. He stuck it right into the heart of the creature. Blood spewed out in Yuri's face, as he spat out much of the blood that entered his mouth. He stabbed repeatedly until the great bird released Yuri from its grasp. He fell through the air. Yuri saw the bird crash into a nearby scout tower in the city. He looked down seeing a little fortified roof. He also saw surrounding walls with many souls fighting below.

  Berek was seen in Yuri's eyesight, for the Shadows were trying to hold off the Ancients for a little while longer. Being quick in reflex, he grabbed a wooden shaft that stuck out. The stick broke, but this decreased the velocity of the impact on his drop. Yuri fell to the surface, and as he got up, he looked down to the mud, seeing his body leave an official print.

  He ran to a small battle taking place near the east walls. "Berek!" Yuri jumped over an Ancient, slashing its neck. The Ancients were the same-looking, perfect replicas of the one they stood next to. In a short time, the numbers increased across the wall.

  Berek saw Yuri in a distance. "Yuri... are you well?!" Berek hacked at an Ancient's chest with Dawnfrost; he pushed it down and stabbed it again. Berek tackled through many, with blade in front. Running through with the blade, the Ancients would feel a buzz of light and melt away, however close they were to Dawnfrost. Berek sliced off many heads, as he sprinted closer to Yuri.

  Yuri back-flipped over a Blood Shadows soldier and sliced an Ancient in two halves. Berek was only a few feet from Yuri. Berek and Yuri went back to back, and saw Ancients surround them. Berek slicked one's arm off and elbowed another, throwing it away from them both. Yuri waved his blade quickly at the Ancients, first stabbing one and then chopping at another. They were stuck in this position for a while. Finally the Ancients stayed back from Berek's fury with Dawnfrost. Berek turned to Yuri.

  "Where are Helen and the others?" Berek hacked at another; he spun his blade, killing five Ancients at once. Berek threw on
e down and stabbed it. Yuri grabbed an Ancient's neck and tore off the meat from it.

  "They are outside the gate; I could see everything when I was taken in the air by the one of the Ancients that flies. Those cursed birds!"

  "Those beasts..." Berek sighed, "We have to secure this courtyard first, and the Emperor is on a high terrace. We are all defending him." He chopped another Ancient's head and slashed at another. "Roark is in the West wing, we have the East. Dalkreen is near the middle, holding off any escaping Ancients from the gates."

  Finally Yuri ran the opposite direction. Berek ran with him, as he jumped in the air stabbing an Ancient on the left shoulder. He rolled on the ground and lifted another right over him, stabbing it after. Yuri was pleased with Berek's skill in fighting; he was the perfect fighter to wield Dawnfrost. It was almost like fate for this to be. They both ran to regroup in the middle.

  Dalkreen and his guards had a harder time now that Ancient's pulled through the West Wing.


  Tablitha and Helen stayed close. There was no progress on the outside. But the Reptikars were of great help.

  Gorzon saw Aleazar nearby, being held by three Ancients. They were dragging him and beating him with their powerful kicks. Gorzon loaded in an arrow and fired into one of their heads. Blood flew from the wound. He charged at the other two and blocked their attack; he pulled his blade up, scarring one through the mid-section. He grabbed the third Ancient by the helmet and broke its neck.

  Helen screamed as loud as she could. The Ancients surrounding her stood back a lot. Tablitha jumped near her and she cleared off the path, for she was quick with the blade. Adrenaline rushed through their veins as they sliced, chopped and stabbed any Ancients they saw. It was an endless tide, but their numbers slowly decreased.

  The Reptikars were dying quick. They had limited battle-armor, but this was a great distraction for Helen and Tablitha. Aleazar seemed like he was invincible, at least in his own thinking.

  "We must climb the walls... there we may see Berek!" shouted Helen.

  "And Yuri!" shouted Tablitha

  Gorzon and Aleazar fought their way bear the women. "The elf is okay!" said Gorzon.

  "I was never injured," said Aleazar in grief.

  Helen threw her fist in an Ancient's face and stabbed it. "We will have to find a way to pass the gates! We will work down from there... then we will give them grief!"

  Tablitha added. "This being the only way we can reach Berek and the others!"

  A large crack was heard in the wall of the main gate. The city walls were weak.

  "I believe west of here is an opening... into the city!" shouted Tablitha as she gazed out in view; Ancients began pouring in the opposite side of the city.

  "Yes, you must let your men stand their ground, for this way we can cut through the other side of the city. Enter into that courtyard, and then meet up with the others!"

  Gorzon nodded, replying with, "Good idea." He pulled out a horn and blew into it hard.

  The Reptikars shouted at once, as a loud cry was heard. All the Reptikars smashed their feet on the ground. They pierced many Ancients through, only feeling strong leadership under Gorzon.

  Helen and Tablitha knew this would work. The only worry was how they will enter in the gates, with all the Ancients in that area.


  "I recognize that horn!" Berek punched another Ancient's face and stamped his feet on its face. "The Reptikars... they have come to save us from near defeat!"

  Yuri knew hope came quickly. "We have to find Dalkreen!" The sea of battle was large. The whole courtyard became filled with Shadows and Ancients.

  The Emperor stayed out of view on the terrace, as many Shadows guards were filled in that room.

  "I thank you for your protection... you will be serving great in the halls of my palace one day my friends." The guards did not respond to Ramas’ speculations; however he only felt for Berek's safety.

  Dalkreen was in the middle of the sea of battle. He was guarded by ten Blood Shadows surrounding him. He spun his blade and chopped off one's head. He ducked, dodging another strike and pushed his blade in another's face. He saw Berek and Yuri in the distance.

  "Yuri! I am here!" Dalkreen shouted out. Yuri saw him.

  An Ancient tripped Dalkreen and waved his blade high. Yuri ran and with force, tackled it and stabbed it on the ground.

  "Dalkreen, we are here..." Yuri blocked many, waving his sword, even some from the Blood Shadows. The space in the courtyard was limited.

  "Roark, your friend... he is in great danger down there. Ancients are pouring in like locusts," Dalkreen said, but continued. "None of us will pass away. We will fight. We will save your friend."

  Chapter Forty-Nine: Victory is Near

  Y uri and Berek ran oppositely to the west wing. Now the gates were pulled down and the Ancients had overwhelmed the Blood Shadows in that sector. Dalkreen advanced with his men to the west gate. He was no more in Berek or Yuri's line of sight. Berek's heart raced; he only hoped that Roark could handle the pain for a while longer. The view of the battle was blurred with blood and crushed bodies from impact.

  "I will go to the left!" shouted Yuri.

  "Then I will go to the right. Whatever happens, we must reach Roark!" Berek ducked and wrapped his arms around a large Ancient's legs. He pulled it down to the ground and stabbed it.

  Yuri had two daggers near his leather belt. He had retrieved these in the previous battle. He took them out, sharpening the blades, as he jumped high in the air. Two Ancients to the left and right turned, as Yuri struck them both to the neck; he rolled to the ground. Blood squirted from the wound as Yuri pulled them out. Yuri looked back to Berek.

  Eight Ancients piled up on Berek, and the weight was heavy. Berek felt anger; he would not grow weak of such strike.

  "Ah!" Berek shouted and lifted up himself in the air. All eight Ancients fluttered around him; he stabbed and chopped at them until every one of them was killed. He landed in perfect form and kept close to Yuri, seeing he was close to Roark's destination.

  Yuri jumped across a big duel and met up with Berek again. "Be watchful, a big one approaches..." Yuri unsheathed his blade. Berek did the same as he looked upon a twelve foot, muscular beast. The Ancient was three times the size of a regular grown man. Being in Ancient-human form, Berek and Yuri could figure out this creature's weaknesses.


  Tablitha, Aleazar and Helen looked out to the gate. "Alright, we are here. Ancients are pouring in; we must be careful." said Helen, insuring this mostly to Aleazar.

  "Sneak past this apocalypse... I think not!" Aleazar was foolish, but was also afraid.

  Tablitha grabbed Aleazar by the chin, and pulled him close to her face. "Listen, we are here to defend our friends. We promised to fight with our comrades to the end... you will help us and you will be a part of the victory. Understand?" Tablitha let go after a few seconds. Aleazar had nothing more to say.

  "Now, we are on the surface. If we cut through with the wild pack..."

  "We could rush along with them, bringing us directly in the western parts of the Courtyard." Tablitha finished Helen's sentence.

  "Exactly." Helen looked at Aleazar once more, this time with trust. "Though beware Aleazar, they might see how tall you are, and try giving you a nudge with their blade." Helen chuckled.

  "We elves have much more-"

  "Now!" Tablitha and Helen charged to the piled up gate. Aleazar was confused but followed behind; he thought this would be his doom.

  Helen saw many bricks and long stone, sticking out from the destruction of the gate. "Stay close, we will climb across the mortar that hangs out!" Tablitha and Aleazar followed close with their life.


  Yuri dived right beneath the legs of the tall creature. Berek stabbed Dawnfrost into its large belly. Black blood flew all around Yuri and Berek, as the creature cried on pain. Yuri chopped repeatedly at the giant Ancient's legs.

  The creature wrapped his lar
ge hand around Yuri's head and threw him across the field. The creature then kicked Berek, though he grabbed on hard to the leg. The Ancients threw him also, landing near Yuri.

  "I... can't go on." Yuri coughed up blood, as he felt weak.

  "No, not yet. This is our time; this is our day to triumph!" Berek got up and pulled up Yuri. He ran at the beast once-more, blade at hand. The beast took out a mace, with spikes running long and sharp out of the iron ball. The creature slung the mace down, as Berek jumped out of the way. Much smoke and dirt rose from the strike. Berek chopped off the creature's arm, for Dawnfrost stung its body further. Yuri threw a dagger as it landed right onto the creature’s eye, and blood flowed to the surrounding battle. The Ancient slapped Berek hard, as it sent him a few feet back, Dawnfrost flying out from his hand.

  Yuri came from behind and pulled his blade back to stab the creature. Suddenly, the large hand punched Yuri. He fell to the ground; his blade was also misplaced. A few Ancient soldiers came to Yuri; he kicked at them and punched them. He grabbed one of his daggers and threw it in the heart of an Ancient. Yuri felt strength and he jumped on the long arm of the beast and stabbed it with his dagger. The twelve foot monster was unaware of this and waved Yuri around violently.

  "Yuri... take the blade!" Berek arose and threw Dawnfrost through the air. It was heading directly for Yuri. He crossed the arm and jumped high in the sky, grabbing the blade. He landed directly on the Ancient's head and plunged Dawnfrost directly in its mouth.

  The creature gave up its breath and fell across the surface. Yuri jumped off the body and saw Berek approach.

  "I found you another sword." Berek handed Yuri a sword that had a short, heavy blade with a single edge.


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