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My Fair Captain

Page 18

by J. L. Langley

  Nate took his hand and sat on the bed behind Aiden. Wrapping his arms around Aiden, Nate pressed his face into the back of Aiden’s bare neck and inhaled his scent. “Mmm…”

  Aiden laughed, reaching up and running his fingers over Nate’s beard. Last night and this morning, Aiden had kept stroking his beard and mustache, trying to tangle his fingers in it. Nate didn’t think he even realized he did it. Not that he was complaining. He liked Aiden touching him.

  Resting his chin on Aiden’s shoulder, he glanced at the sketch again and the hair on the back of his arms stood up.

  Even in black and white it looked very lifelike. The sketch was both beautiful for all the skill put into producing it and horrible for its likeness to the person it represented. Nate felt as though he could wrap his hands around the man’s throat and choke the life from him just as he’d tried to do to Aiden. The reminder took some of the edge off Nate’s desire. His hand moved up to Aiden’s throat, rubbing absently. He hugged Aiden tighter with the other arm. “You are unbelievable.”

  Turning his head, Aiden smiled and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

  Oh, he still liked that, the self-confidence. It was every bit as sexy as Aiden drawing. “Why did you do this on paper?”

  Aiden shrugged, jostling him. “I can’t find any of my screens.”

  “Any? How many do you have?” That didn’t sound right to Nate. Had it been anything else he might have considered that Aiden misplaced it, but not his art.

  “Three. A large, a medium and a small one.” Aiden shook his head, bumping Nate. He touched the side of Nate’s face and began playing with his beard again. “Actually, I have four if you count the new large screen I bought yesterday to replace the other one that was stolen.”

  Grabbing Aiden’s waist, Nate turned him so he could see him better. “Maybe they’re still in your old room?”

  “Hmm…” Aiden began fiddling with Nate’s mustache. “No, the trunk I keep them is in the other bedroom, the one Trouble is using. That’s where I found that.” He pointed to the sketchbook. “My paints, charcoals and easel are still there.”

  Nate frowned, catching Aiden’s hand to still it. “Does this happen a lot?”

  “No never.” Aiden’s eyebrows pulled together and he began running his thumb over Nate’s fingers. “The first time was the day the weapons were stolen.”

  It was too strange to be a coincidence.

  Apparently, Aiden came to the same conclusion. Still looking at Nate, he bit his bottom lip. “Jeffers, are any of my screens in the castle?”

  “No, milord.”

  “Who took them from the castle, Jeffers?” Nate asked.

  “I do not know, Lord Deverell. I did not see them leave, I only sensed them.”

  “What?” How the hell was that possible? Nate frowned. “That doesn’t make any—”

  Aiden nodded and squeezed his hand, bouncing a little. “Yes, it makes perfect sense. After Rupert dropped his screen a couple of years back without updating his data on Myron—his house butler—he lost all his sketches. No way was I going to end up in the same predicament. So I instructed Jeffers to update my files whenever one of my screens left or came into the castle. If Jeffers can’t see them he wouldn’t know who took them, but he knows when they cross a threshold leading outside and he can download information from them until they exit the gates.”

  Then all of Aiden’s sketches were saved in Jeffers’ memory. Nate grabbed Aiden’s hand and the sketchbook. “Come on, we need to look at your drawings.” He suspected they were about to find not only Aiden’s attacker but who stole the weapons.

  It never occurred to Nate that they were both barefoot and missing cravats and waistcoats until they got to Raleigh and Steven’s hallway. He should have realized they weren’t going downstairs. “Why are we here?”

  Aiden raised his hand to knock on his parents’ door. “Because the access screen in Cony’s private study is larger than the one in the library.”

  Wonderful. They were half naked—by Regelence standards anyway—and judging from the looks Raleigh gave him last night, Raleigh already thought Nate was taking advantage of Aiden.

  “Father? Cony?” Aiden knocked on the door.

  The door flew open. Raleigh immediately started fussing over Aiden. He was dressed much the same way Nate and Aiden were, with his shirt un-tucked and no cravat. “Aiden, are you—”

  “We need to access Jeffers from your study, Cony.” Aiden pushed right past his sire and waved at Steven without breaking stride. “Hello, Father.”

  “Hello, Son.”

  Raleigh caught sight of Nate, his eyes widening. “Nate? What’s going on?”

  Nate and Raleigh watched Aiden round the corner into a room in the suite as Steven came to the door. “Nate.”

  “Steven.” Shrugging, Nate handed Raleigh the sketch pad and followed his consort. “That’s the man who attacked Aiden.”

  Raleigh scrutinized the sketch.

  The private study looked more like a command center. There was no actual desk, only chairs and a huge screen along one wall. Nate felt like he’d just stepped into a war room. It was all very high tech and didn’t fit with the rest of the castle.

  Aiden was already standing in front of the display barking out orders. After a few seconds, he turned around. Spotting Nate, Aiden grinned. “Do you want to see all of the sketches before the weapons were stolen?”

  He stepped up behind Aiden, still taking in the room. “No. Start with the ones you did on that day, then we’ll go back if we need to.” He wrapped his arms around Aiden’s waist, pulling Aiden flush against him, and looked at the display panel.

  The picture changed, going through sketches of the docks. They were all very nice. Once again Nate was awed by Aiden’s talent. Nate kissed Aiden’s ear and whispered, “These are good.”

  Aiden reached up, his hand absently going to Nate’s beard. “Thank you.”

  “What are you two doing?” Raleigh demanded.

  They turned their heads to find Raleigh standing in the doorway, his hands on his hips, scowling at them. In his hand was the sketchbook Nate had given him.

  Steven came through the door behind Raleigh, his attention on the screen. He pointed. “There. Stop.” He rushed forward, standing next to Aiden and Nate. “Look at that.”

  On the monitor was a sketch of the weapon crates being loaded onto a Cargo Hydro-Space Craft.

  Aiden closed his eyes and rested his head on Nate’s shoulder. Riding in a lift hadn’t made him sleepy in years. But then he’d never spent all night making love either. “What was your childhood like?”

  Touching his cheek, Nate held Aiden’s head against his shoulder. “Probably a lot like yours, actually.” Nate’s voice was soothing, relaxing.

  It was nice being able to spend time alone with him during the day, even if they were on a mission of sorts. “Really?”

  “Yes, really. I was raised on Englor. It’s very similar to Regelence.”

  Englor? It was another Regency planet, he remembered that from his schooling. Did that mean— “Are you really an earl?”

  “Earl of Deverell.” Nate turned sideways in the seat, resting his back against the side, and pulled Aiden in between his legs. “And heir to the Duke of Hawthorne.” Wrapping his arms around Aiden’s waist, Nate nuzzled his neck.

  Oh, that felt good. Aiden closed his eyes and relaxed. He loved Nate’s beard. Loved just being near Nate.

  Aiden’s eyes flew open, and he turned his head slightly. “You’re heir to a dukedom?” That meant Nate had known what their society would think of them dancing three waltzes together. But why would he do that?

  “Not anymore. I was disowned.”


  “Why?” Nate settled Aiden back against him. “I killed my father’s best friend’s heir in a duel.” He said it very matter-of-factly, but Aiden wasn’t fooled. There was a story here.

  Nate tightened his grip on Aiden’s waist and kissed his cheek.
“Daniel’s fiancée accused me of compromising her. I tried to go talk him out of the duel. When he wouldn’t listen, I decided to shoot over his shoulder, but he shot first and clipped my arm as I pulled the trigger.”

  “But you didn’t compromise her.” Nate was way too honorable for that.

  “No, I didn’t. I caught her leaving a rendezvous in the garden at a ball. I’d heard her saying goodbye to her lover right before I rounded the hedge. She wasn’t about to let me go, knowing I’d overheard that. She ran to Daniel and said I attacked her.”

  What a witch. Aiden touched Nate’s cheek, where it rested beside his, and combed his fingers through the hair. “Why didn’t you tell him the truth anyway?”

  Practically purring, Nate leaned into his touch. “I didn’t have an alibi. Or rather I didn’t have one I could share. I was with Daniel’s younger brother.”

  Aiden didn’t like the idea of Nate with another man. Which was utterly ridiculous, it was in the past…and probably their future too. Aiden frowned, really not liking that idea because he was beginning to think of Nate as his and he didn’t like sharing.

  “Englor does not approve of same-sex relationships. It’s not illegal, but it’s not acceptable either. Had it been only myself to consider I’d have told the truth, but Presley was my friend and I was not going to jeopardize him.”

  That didn’t surprise Aiden one bit that Nate had sacrificed himself to protect someone else. It seemed to be a habit with him. It’s what made him such a wonderful captain. Aiden had heard numerous accountings of Nate’s bravery and altruism at the military ball.

  Aiden turned to face Nate, straddling Nate’s thighs. Catching Nate’s face in his palms, Aiden kissed him. “I’m sorry you lost your family over it.”

  “So am I, Aiden, so am I.”

  “Did you have a large family?”

  He shook his head. “No, only me, my younger brother Jared and my father. My mother died when I was young.”

  There was a longing to his voice when he spoke. Aiden’s heart ached for him. He couldn’t imagine not having his parents and brothers even if they were pains in the neck sometimes. “You have me now, if that helps. And Trouble.”

  Nate’s eyes flashed, his demeanor changing to one of certainty in an instant.

  The look almost made Aiden feel treasured. Mashing his mouth against Nate’s, he controlled the kiss all of a second before Nate made a growling sound and took over.

  Nate plunged his tongue into Aiden’s mouth, finding his. Wrapping his fingers in Aiden’s hair, he tilted his head back.

  The tingle in Aiden’s scalp went right through him, making his prick fill. He loved how demanding Nate was, how he always took over. It made him feel desirable, like Nate needed him. It seemed as though Nate was out of control to have him, but Aiden knew it was an illusion. Nate was very in control. Everything he did was designed to drive Aiden crazy. And it worked. Aiden couldn’t get enough of him. Being the center of such concentrated attention was becoming a craving.

  Tugging on Aiden’s hair, Nate broke the kiss. He nipped Aiden’s jaw, his other hand sliding to cup Aiden’s arse. “Boy, you have horrible timing, you know that? We’re almost at the docks.”

  Aiden whimpered. Oh Galaxy, his cock was so hard, it was throbbing. He loved how Nate’s voice got deeper and rumbled with passion. It made his body tingle, gave him goose bumps. He tried to scoot his hips forward to rub against Nate.

  Nate nipped his jaw again. “Raise up.”


  Nate’s face softened and he took Aiden’s lips in a brief kiss. “Lift up on your knees for a second.”

  Hurrying to comply, Aiden moved his arse off Nate’s legs. He didn’t know what Nate had in mind, but he sure wanted to find out.

  Unfastening Aiden’s trousers, Nate slipped his hands inside the back of them. He grabbed Aiden’s arse, pulling him forward, and kissed him.

  Fingers slid over Aiden’s crease, his hole. “Mmm…” Nate’s hands on him, anywhere, was a sensual delight. Nate had such big, strong, calloused hands.

  Moving one hand from Aiden’s ass, Nate pushed a finger into Aiden’s mouth. “Suck, boy. Get it good and wet.”

  A shiver raced along Aiden’s spine at the realization of what Nate intended to do. His arsehole clenched and relaxed. He sucked, gathering saliva in his mouth.

  Nate moaned, his lips going to Aiden’s jawline. His tongue traced down and then up behind Aiden’s ear, wringing another tremor from Aiden. Nate drew his finger out and worked his hand into the back of Aiden’s pants.

  A wet fingertip rubbed over his hole before pressing inside. Aiden groaned, his cock jerking. It was strange for only a second then his whole body relaxed. It felt very good.

  Pushing his finger in and pulling back out, Nate teased. He did it again, barely touching Aiden’s prostate.

  “Oh.” Shuddering, Aiden closed his eyes and dipped his head backward. He would have never thought he’d like such a thing. Clutching Nate’s shoulders, he tried to move, to impale himself. He should be embarrassed at his own actions, but he wasn’t. He wanted Nate so badly, wanted Nate to fuck him instead of using his finger. Aiden whimpered. “Please…”

  Nate rubbed his gland several times before taking his finger out and tapping Aiden’s lips with it.

  Aiden engulfed the digit. A warm rich slightly bitter taste filled his mouth and it occurred to Aiden what he’d done. He should have been horrified, but instead his balls drew tighter, his belly tensed. Oh.

  “You like that, boy? Like the taste? I’m going to eat this sweet little ass out, tonight. You’re going to love the feel of my tongue fucking your ass.”

  Aiden shuddered at the thought of Nate’s face buried between his cheeks. The things the man said to him. His cock got even harder.

  A second finger forged into his mouth. Nate’s tongue circled Aiden’s ear as he wet the fingers.

  Sliding them free of Aiden’s mouth, Nate bit Aiden’s earlobe. Not hard enough to hurt, but enough to distract Aiden when both fingers pressed into his arse. Going deep, they nudged his gland. Over and over, Nate stroked relentlessly as he kissed Aiden deeply, sharing the flavor. “Mmm, you like my fingers in your ass, boy?”

  Moaning, Aiden tried to thrust down and his eyes flew open. His hole squeezed Nate’s fingers. He was close, his prick leaking, just a little—

  Nate pulled out. “Un-uh, no coming. You have to wait until later.” Pushing the two digits he’d used into Aiden’s mouth again, he groaned.

  No, no, no. Aiden sucked greedily, hoping to entice Nate to continue. Dust, the things Nate did to him, made him want. Aiden moaned. “Fuck me, please.”

  Nate moved his fingers, sliding them over Aiden’s cheek, and ground his mouth into Aiden’s. He kissed him deep and hard, ravishing his mouth. “Oh fuck, boy.”

  Aiden squeezed his eyes shut, resting his forehead against Nate’s. Why did this man make him so out of control with need? He’d always been a bit of a hedonist, it was the artist in him, he supposed. But this trust and passion that flared between them surprised even him. And oddly, as new and almost scary as it was, he didn’t want it to ever stop.

  Nate tucked Aiden’s shirt back in and buttoned up his pants. “We’ve got to go. The lift stopped several minutes ago.”

  Panting for breath, Aiden tried to ignore the need for release. Knowing this was only a postponement, he stood.

  Nate stood too and immediately adjusted himself.

  Good. Aiden was glad he wasn’t the only one suffering. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay here a little while longer?”

  “Behave, boy.” The fondness and sexy growl in Nate’s tone made it less of a chastisement and more of a plea. “C’mon. We have a ship to find. If it’s in port, we shouldn’t have any problem identifying it.” Nate exited the lift and waited for Aiden to join him before ordering the door closed.

  That much was true, he’d had the details down so well that he’d even gotten the “Property of the IN”
on the side of the crates. Unfortunately, the ship numbers had been on the other side and he hadn’t gotten them. Jeffers hadn’t found the attacker in any of the crew lists of the ships in port either. Therefore, he and Nate were taking a trip to the docks to see if they could locate the freighter.

  Aiden reached for Nate’s right hand, trying to get his mind on business.

  Shaking his head, Nate stepped around Aiden and took his hand. “Left side. We’re at the docks.”

  Aiden must have looked as confused as he felt, because Nate chuckled. “I’m right handed. If I need my sword in a hurry…”

  “Ah.” That was a good point. Aiden sure could have used a sword when he was here last time. “I want a sword.”

  “You don’t have one?”

  “No.” They walked down the small slope between buildings to a wood pier. “Unmarried men don’t carry swords.”

  Aiden stared in awe as they got closer to the ships. They were huge. Much bigger than they’d seemed up on the cliff. And the smell. He was right, it was much worse closer to the water.

  “Can you use one?” Nate jerked his arm, making Aiden slam into his side.


  A sailor rushed by, a barrel over his shoulder. “Wotch out, guv.”

  He’d have run over Aiden if Nate hadn’t pulled him out of the way. Aiden turned to watch the sailor hurry past. Man, this place was much busier than it had seemed from above. Everyone seemed to be running about. And it was loud, with people shouting out orders. It was all very interesting.

  “Aiden?” Nate squeezed his hand.

  “Huh?” He looked back at Nate. “Oh! Yes, swords. I can use them. It was part of my schooling. I’m proficient in several firearms as well. But they can only be used for sport on Regelence so I’d need a sword to carry instead of a fragger.” His gaze drifted to the other side, past Nate. The buildings were dingy and rough, like they’d seen better days. The atmosphere itself was dull and gray. There was no green anywhere, unless you considered the murky greenish water. Yet the place was teeming with life.


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