Unbreakable (A Mermaid's Curse Book 3)

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Unbreakable (A Mermaid's Curse Book 3) Page 2

by Daniele Lanzarotta

  I nod and take another drink. I finish the drink in silence… and then another… and then I start talking.

  “I can’t stop wondering whether she is okay.”

  “You said she is with your brother. Have you tried calling him?”

  I nod. “I had a missed call and a text from him when I got my phone back earlier. The text said they were safe. I called as soon as I read it, but I didn’t get an answer.”

  “But you mentioned they were taking the boat out for a while. He probably doesn’t have any signal.”

  I pause to take another drink. “I keep wondering what if my father knows where they are and does something to her again. It was stupid to leave her alone with anyone other than myself.”

  “You said your brother protected her before, right?”

  I nod, hating to admit that.

  “For now, you’ll have to trust him, Blake. He protected her once. He will again if he has to.”

  “What if she can never stand to look at me again?”

  “That is the wrong question to focus on. Just take one step at a time… one day at a time. There are things that only time will fix and if you have to wait, you might as well better yourself while you do so.”

  “It makes sense when you say it, but—”

  “I’ve heard all the excuses so many times, Blake. I know you think that alcohol makes it all better… I know it makes you forget, but at the end of the day, alcohol won’t make your problems disappear. It just creates new ones.”

  I take another drink.

  “I think the thing I regret the most was not turning him in while there was evidence. I was actually the one who helped clean up every piece of evidence there was.”

  “Why did you do that?” she asks in a calm tone. I know she said she is not here as a therapist but that is the exact tone she is using.

  “I wanted to erase what had happened. I wanted to burn every reminder of that night so she wouldn’t have to see anything, but also, fear of what would happen to my mom and my sister.” I finish the drink and start another. “How could she love someone so selfish? I fell victim to the same fear I always have and instead of protecting her and making sure he was locked up and away from her, I made sure he was going to stay around for my family’s sake.”

  She just listens, but doesn’t say anything.

  “I kept telling her to stay away from me… that I’m the farthest thing from a fairy tale, but she didn’t listen.”

  “Because she loves you,” she says.

  I put the drink down. “I think I’m ready to go,” I say.

  She nods and texts her friend to come pick me up.

  I pay the tab and sit there, waiting.

  “I know that as much as I want you to do this for you, you are not used to doing things for yourself. Some people just need other motives. I’m afraid if you do this for her, and it doesn’t work out, that you will drink again.”

  I avoid looking at her and facing the reminder that Arianna and I may never be together again.

  Dr. Patton puts her hand on mine. “Look at me, Blake.”

  I turn to my side and meet her gaze.

  “Be the man that your grandfather would want you to be.”

  I fight back tears.

  She smiles. “Your cab is waiting. I do hope to see you in the morning.”

  Her words keep playing over and over in my head. “Be the man that your grandfather would want you to be.”

  I don’t even know where to start.


  I don’t sleep well at night. I keep waking up and looking at my phone, hoping to hear from Owen. Finally in the morning, I leave him a voicemail saying that I’m going back to the rehab center and give him the name of the center in case he returns before I get out of there.

  I pack my bags and go outside, knowing there is at least one cab driver available. And there is. He is waiting for me.

  I walk over to this man who I’ve seen quite a few times over the past two days. He looks like he is in his fifties. When I reach him, I shake his hand.

  “I’m Blake. Thank you, for everything.”

  “Hi Blake. You can call me Tim. Are you ready to go back?”

  I nod. “Yes, sir.”

  We get in the cab and as he drives back to the center, I ask him why he cared enough to do what he did for me.

  He takes a deep breath. “I was in your shoes once… in a way.”

  I nod, knowing that he probably doesn’t want to talk about it.

  “It was actually my wife,” he says, “she used to drink a lot and she refused to get help.”

  I catch him glancing at a picture behind the steering wheel. It’s a picture of a little boy.

  “She didn’t think she had a problem. I wish I had done something about it. I always felt like I could have intervened.”

  Finally, he parks the car at the center. He grabs the picture from the dash and turns to look at me.

  “She died in a car accident.” He shows me the picture. “She took our son with her.”

  I see the tears run down his face.

  “I’m sorry,” I say.

  He takes a deep breath. “Dr. Patton is the daughter of a good friend of mine. She helped me a lot. After a while, I quit my job and started driving people back from bars, parties, and back and forth from the center. In a way, I like to think that by keeping someone who has been drinking in my cab, I’m in control, and the other drivers are somewhat safer.”

  I nod. “Thank you, for what you do. I honestly don’t know—“

  He puts his hand up. “Just give this opportunity a real chance. Dr. Patton is really great. If there is anyone who can help you, it is her.”

  I nod and thank him again before getting out of the cab.

  The young woman at the front desk smiles as I walk in.

  “Welcome back,” she says. “Dr. Patton is in her office and would like to talk to you.”

  “Don’t I have to do paperwork?”

  Her smile grows wider. “No. Everything we need is still here.”

  “Was everyone so certain I was coming back?”

  She shakes her head. “No, but some of us were hoping.”

  I smile back at her and go to Dr. Patton’s office.

  I knock on the door once.

  “Come in,” she says.

  She looks exhausted.

  “Welcome back, Blake.”

  “Well, I’m not one hundred percent back yet. There is something I want to ask you first.”

  She gives me a puzzled look. “Please, have a seat,” she says. “Go on.”

  “I don’t think I can do this if all I can think of is whether she is okay, and what if she calls me and I can’t answer my phone.”

  She sighs. “I can’t break the rules on that. We have other patients to think about as well. I’m sorry.”

  “I understand. But what if you keep my phone and let me know if she or my brother call or text.”

  She smiles. “That, I can do.”

  I hand her my phone and say thank you. For the first time, I think I’m really ready to do this.



  We wake up to the news of a tropical storm coming our way. We decide to stay put until the storm weakens or passes through. So here I am… with no phone and stuck in a hotel room with my brother’s girl.

  By day four, I’m about to lose my mind. The storm ended up turning into a hurricane, which just now passed through. I ended up sleeping a lot and watching so much TV that I feel like I might be brain dead. Arianna stayed to herself most of the time, either staring at the wall, sleeping, or watching TV. By dinnertime that evening, I can’t take it anymore.

  The sleeping pills are long gone and I know that I can’t leave her alone.

  “I have to go out and do something,” I say and she is immediately tense. “We could go get something to eat. I mean, at a restaurant. It will get us out of here for a few hours.”

  “Okay,” she agrees. I
feel bad that she probably doesn’t think she has a choice to go or not, but I really have to get out and do something or I will lose my mind.

  “I don’t think I have anything to wear,” she says.

  I look at her, wearing jeans and a black T-shirt. That night on the Island changed a lot about her. I was surprised when she asked if she could get new clothes and even more surprised when I noticed she wanted clothes that covered most of her body. I don’t blame her. It’s just weird seeing her in anything other than summer dresses. If she only knew that she can’t hide her beauty behind those clothes. Even in jeans and t-shirts, she looks amazing.

  “You are fine wearing what you have on,” I tell her.

  She looks unsure but doesn’t say anything.

  I grab the keys and we head out. We drive around for a while until we get to a local Italian restaurant. We order our food and eat silently, until I hear someone say her name.


  The annoying voice sends shivers through my spine. I fake a smile before I turn around. ‘Jonathan freaking Mikaelis’, I think to myself. ‘What the fuck is he doing here?’

  “Small world, huh?” he asks without looking away from Arianna.

  “Sure is,” I say, trying to take his attention away from her. “What brings you here?”

  “Business meeting. It’s actually just over and I was heading out, but since you are here, do you mind if we join you for desert?”

  I look at Arianna and she shrugs.

  “Sure,” I say.

  He waves over to a redhead who is coming out of the restroom.

  “Your date?” I ask.

  He laughs. “New business partner. Do you mind if she joins us too?”

  I look over at her and grin. “Not at all,” I say before thinking, ‘About time something positive comes from seeing Jonathan.’

  “Tara,” he says. “These are Owen and Arianna.”

  We shake hands and I can’t help but think about her firm grip. Staying locked up in that hotel room was definitely driving me insane, and for many reasons. She sits next to me, leaving the seat next to Arianna to Jonathan.

  I’m not a complete asshole, so I look at Arianna for signs that she is uncomfortable but she seems okay.

  We sit there and talk about work and whatever else there is to do around town. Tara is flirty, which gives me hope that I will get some release after this past week. At some point, she laughs and ends up putting her hand on my thigh as she relaxes back into her chair.

  She is bold, and I’m enjoying it. I’m usually the one making the moves, so it’s nice being on the other end of the game for a change.

  When she tries to move her hand away, I put my hand over hers, giving it a soft squeeze. She looks over and winks at me.

  Wanting to test her to see how far I can go, I slowly slide her hand up my thigh. I glance at her to see her reaction. She is now talking to Jonathan as if everything is normal. She doesn’t even blush. In fact, her hand inches higher until I can feel her hand graze against my dick. I don’t know who this woman is but, for a moment, I think she is my perfect match.

  She wants to go to some local club, but I know that won’t happen so I suggest we go back to the boat instead.

  Arianna, who has been quiet this entire time, excuses herself to use the restroom.

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  She nods.

  I stand up to go after her, quickly realizing that was a bad idea. I try to adjust myself, which is not easy. Jonathan shakes his head once he figures out what is going on. He meets Tara’s gaze and this time she actually blushes. I shrug it off and excuse myself as well and go after her.

  Once we are back in the restroom area, she turns around and looks at me.

  “Are you okay? Is it alright if they go with us to the boat? If you want I can take you to the hotel before—”

  “I’m okay,” she assures me and I give her a doubtful look.

  “I’m fine!” she says in an annoyed tone.

  Tara and Jonathan are whispering when I get back to the table.

  “Is everything alright?” asks Jonathan.

  “Yeah, it’s fine. She is just tired.”

  “Where is your brother by the way?”

  “He’s taking care of some personal stuff.”


  I see Arianna coming back.

  “Do me a favor and don’t mention him in front of her, okay?”

  I don’t know what Jonathan assumes out of that, but he smiles that stupid smile of his. “My pleasure,” he says.



  I like to imagine that I’m deep in the ocean. I picture that I’m surrounded by endless blue water… quiet, calm, safe… Over the past few days, I’ve escaped a lot to this lonely place I’ve created. That is the only place that numbs out the pain and it keeps me from worrying about everything else.

  But sometimes, I can’t escape for long. I have never felt so broken, and the worst part is knowing that Blake is as broken as I am. I’m scared of what will happen to him now and I’m also scared of what will happen when I see him again. I feel damaged. Blake has suffered his entire life. He doesn’t deserve this… he doesn’t deserve the reminder of what happened every time he looks at me.

  I’m broken and he’s had his share of broken in his life. He deserves to be happy and I can’t be that person for him anymore. I’m not sure I ever could.

  “Arianna?” I hear Jonathan call my name, but ignore him and stay in my own little world. We are walking on the beach while Owen and Tara are in the boat.

  “Are you okay?” I feel his hand brush against my wrist and I flinch. I feel like I’ve been abruptly ripped away from my safe little world. My eyes widen and I have to fight back the tears.

  “What did he do to you?” Jonathan asks in a soft, cautious tone.

  I keep staring at him as if confused, or maybe shocked.

  “Did Blake do something to you? Owen asked me not to mention him, but—”

  I shake my head. “He didn’t. I’m just—Do you mind if I walk around alone for a while?”

  He shakes his head, “I will be right here if you need anything.” He sits on the sand and I walk toward the ocean.

  I close my eyes once the cool water crashes against my legs. I always felt like I didn’t belong in that world, but there is still a certain connection between my body and the ocean that is empowering.

  I don’t know for how long I just stand there, feeling the water, relaxed by the sound of the waves…

  “Missing your mermaid days?” I hear Owen say and I open my eyes to look at him.

  “Jonathan was worried,” he continues. “I can’t say he has the best timing in the world, but what else could I expect from him, right?” He laughs and I shake my head.

  I look back to where I left Jonathan. He is still there, but now, Tara is sitting next to him and she looks annoyed.

  “I’m sorry he interrupted you.”

  Owen shrugs it off.

  He takes me by surprise when he sits down on the wet sand.

  I give him a puzzled look, but end up sitting next to him.

  The next wave comes, reaching us.

  “This water is fucking cold. I don’t know how you lived in it.”

  I laugh for the first time in a very long time. “I didn’t really feel the water temperature like I do now.”

  “Yet another thing I’m to blame for, right?” he says and his smile is gone.

  “I didn’t say—”

  He interrupts me. “I know you didn’t, but still… I got you in this situation.”

  “I would do it again if I had the choice, Owen. I would choose Blake. Always.”

  He smiles as he shakes his head and I know he is wondering why. Maybe that is something he won’t understand until he falls for someone.

  “Jonathan assumed that Blake did something to me.”

  “Son of a bitch. I told him not to mention Blake.”

en is about to turn around and look back at Jonathan, but I stop him. “It doesn’t matter, Owen. I only brought it up because… What if Blake feels like he did something wrong by not being there? I don’t want him to blame himself for any of it.”

  Owen shakes his head. “As long as he is still in the rehab, he is working through those things.”

  “Can we go to where he is now? Not the rehab, but maybe somewhere nearby, so he knows I’m waiting for him when he is done?

  Owen takes a deep breath.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  “I worry that my father will never let the two of you be happy.”

  My entire world seems to turn upside down at the thought of him. Just like that, I begin to question everything. Maybe Owen is right. Maybe we will never get past this, but I do have one thing that I’m sure of. “I just want to know that Blake will be okay.”



  It’s been a little over a week since I’ve been here. Dr. Patton decided it was best if I stayed out of the group meetings for this long. We talk mostly about my grandfather and my relationship with mom, Owen and Molly. She doesn’t bring up my father or Arianna much. I guess she is saving them for later, but the tone of the conversations helps me keep my mind off drinking, for the most part. Maybe that is part of detoxing… not talking about what or who awakens that need to drink.

  Today, she wants me to officially meet the group for the first time. The group is not that large, I suppose. There are five of us: two women and three guys, counting me. We are each supposed to stand up, say our names and whatever else we’d like to share.

  The first guy stands. “I’m Cody. I’m here because of a court order from a DUI charge.” The other guy, Mason, is also here because of alcohol and so is Rebecca. The last woman, Melanie, says her name and that she is here because of a sex addiction. For a moment, I don’t think I heard right. I know it’s not funny in any way, but for a split second, I think that Owen would’ve loved to meet her. I’m just getting done saying my name when we hear people yelling.

  “Sir, you will have to leave!” I recognize the voice of the woman at the front desk, shouting.

  Dr. Patton stands up. “I’m going to see what is happening. I will be back.”


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