Unbreakable (A Mermaid's Curse Book 3)

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Unbreakable (A Mermaid's Curse Book 3) Page 3

by Daniele Lanzarotta

  After a few minutes, things are completely quiet, and then, the woman from the front desk comes in.

  “Sorry guys. Dr. Patton asked you to meet her again at four.”

  We all get up and start to leave.

  “Blake,” she says and motions for me to come closer.

  She seems really nervous. “I’m sorry, but your father is here. He is in Dr. Patton’s office right now. She said you don’t have to see him. You can go back to your room and she will get rid of him until you are ready.”

  I don’t know what to think. I can feel my blood getting hot. I know I’m not ready to see him.

  I shake my head. “There is no getting rid of him.” I start to walk toward Dr. Patton’s office.

  I stop near the door. My hands are shaking. I close my eyes for a split second and take a deep breath.

  I walk into her office with my fists clenched. I don’t know what I will do when I see him. Sadly, I probably won’t have the guts to do anything. Once my eyes meet his and I spot the grin on his face, I know I’ve had more than enough. I launch forward and push him against the wall. I keep moving forward and punch him in the face. I know he could’ve stopped me, but I think I caught him by surprise. He actually smiles like he is proud and says, “Nice to see that you are finally learning to act like a man.”

  “Blake!” Dr. Patton yells. “If you are not ready, leave this room right now!”

  I let go and step away from him. The bastard smiles at me as he fixes his suit.

  “Pack your bags, son. This place reeks of weakness. Crawfords don’t belong in here.”

  “Mr. Crawford, if you want to be here, it will be under my terms, or else I’m calling security.”

  He looks at her and laughs. “Sweetheart, if no security showed up so far, I doubt you even have any.” He looks back at me. “Come on, I don’t have time for this bullshit.”

  “How did you find out that I was here?”

  “I was able to get the phone company to pull Owen’s calls.”

  My eyes widen. “Are they back?”

  “No, and they won’t be. Their boat got lost in a storm. Now let’s go. Your mother is a wreck. She can barely take care of your sister and, like I said, I don’t have time for this bullshit with everything else going on.”

  “What do you mean, the boat got lost?”

  “I mean… they are gone. His phone is unreachable. What a stupid idea to take the boat out in the open sea during a hurricane.”

  I can’t think. I just turn around and go back to my room. On auto pilot mode, I get my things and leave the place, ignoring Dr. Patton and everyone else in there. When I step outside, I see him in the car, waiting. He knew I was coming. I walk straight past his car and get into the cab. I can’t think straight. I can feel my hands shaking, the tears falling. I realize I left my phone back and I wait until he drives off before I go back in to get it.



  Dr. Patton is by the front desk, holding my phone in her hands when I walk in.

  “Can I have a word with you before you go?” she asks.

  I nod and follow her into her office.

  I know I look like a hot mess. I can barely think.

  “Blake, based on everything you have told me, your father is a controlling man, and after meeting him, I don’t doubt that he will go out of his way to make the situation what it needs to be in order to control you.”

  I suddenly feel like a little kid. “What do you mean?”

  “What I mean, is don’t rush to harsh conclusions until you verify the facts. Call your mom. See what she has to say about what supposedly happened.”

  She hands my cell phone back and I call my mom’s cell number.

  “Blake, sweetheart. Where are you?”

  “Still at the center. “‘He’ showed up here and mentioned—”

  “Blake, I want you to listen to me and listen carefully. When he told me about Owen and Arianna, I was a mess… at least until I spoke to Jones.”

  She pauses.

  “Blake, honey, I don’t know how he figured out where you are, but he is claiming that Owen and Arianna disappeared because he is desperate. Something is really making him nervous and I don’t know what it is, but he is losing his mind. And Jones told Owen to turn his phone off so he couldn’t track them. I just really wish someone would tell me what is actually going on. Why are they hiding?”

  “He mentioned he pulled Owen’s phone records. Does he know where they are?”

  “Jones has people looking after Owen and Arianna. The last call out of Owen’s phone was made out of Florida. Just please stay where you are. You are safe there.”

  I hesitate.

  “Blake, she would want you to be there. There is nothing you could do that Jones isn’t already doing to keep them safe… for whatever reason. Just please stay there.”

  “Okay,” I say hesitantly.

  “Is there a way I can reach you if we have news?”

  I tell her to call my phone, that Dr. Patton will have it.

  I hang up the phone and tell Dr. Patton everything.

  “I don’t know if I can focus on anything else while they are out there. Especially if he is so desperate to get me back that he made up all of this.”

  She sighs.

  “It’s your choice, Blake. If you go, I want you to promise to call me the minute you want a drink.”

  I nod. “There is something that I have to do first and I’d rather do it from here.”

  She gives me a puzzled look as I dial my father’s number.

  I put him on speaker. “Are you on your way back?” he asks.

  “No. I decided to stay.”

  “Blake, your family needs you. The girl is gone. What does any of this matter anyway?”

  “Like you said, she is gone. If that is the case, I have no reason to go back home right now.”

  He pauses. “What about your mother?”

  “You should be there for her. I will be back when I feel that I’m well enough.”

  His tone gets louder, “You little—“

  I hang up before he can finish the sentence.

  “Do you feel better?” she asks.

  I nod.

  “So, what now, Blake? What is your plan?”

  “I’m going to call Jones and find out where they were last. I will start there.”

  “And if you feel like you need a drink? Even a sip?”

  “I will call you.”

  “You don’t even have to wait that long. If you feel that things are hard and you need someone to talk to, give me a call.”

  I call Jones and before I get a chance to say anything, he tells me what I needed to hear.

  “She is safe, Blake. She is here at my house. Owen dropped her off two days ago and said he was going back to Florida until things calm down.”

  I ignore my dad’s calls from that moment on.


  Taking her to Jones’ house was the best idea Owen ever had. She wasn’t going to be safe with Owen around. Besides, Jones not only has connections, but he is also one of the few people dad respects, or at least doesn’t mess with.

  Once I leave the rehab center, I get on the plane to go to Jones’ house. Jones knows I’m coming and we agreed that he should tell Arianna.

  That is probably the longest flight of my life.

  Jones is waiting for me at the airport. He gives me a hug and we go to the car.

  He starts the car, but looks at me before he puts it in drive.

  “How are you doing, son?”

  ‘Son’, I think about how much meaning the word has when he says it and I’m not even his actual son.

  “I’m doing okay. Taking things one day at a time.”

  He nods. “That is good.”

  I can’t hold on any longer so I ask the one question that has been on my mind since we talked on the phone, “How is she?”

  He smiles. “She is worried about you.”

  I sm
ile back at the thought that after everything, she still cares for me.

  The smile leaves my lips as soon as he continues. “Do you want to tell me what happened to her?”

  I frown and shake my head. Again, I feel like a little kid, scared of getting someone in trouble. I don’t even know what Jones would do to dad. He definitely would not let him get away with it. That is for sure.

  “Blake, I’m going to be honest with you… she is not the same girl I met a while back. She rarely smiles and she is skittish. I suspect your dad has something to do with whatever happened, but Carol and I don’t know exactly what, or who, if anyone, we are keeping her safe from; so we protect her from everything and everyone. In fact, Jonathan came around the night she got here and we had to ask him to leave after he upset her.”

  “Upset her? What did he do?”

  “It was something he said. I’m sorry, I don’t know what, but we also don’t know what we are dealing with here. Let me in, son. I want to help you.”

  I look away and stare at the dashboard.

  “It was dad. He—” I fight back the tears. “He forced himself on her and I—I was too late. I couldn’t stop him… I couldn’t protect her.”

  He doesn’t say anything. For a while, he just sits there and listens to me weep and then, he drives off.

  I don’t look at him. I can’t bear to see the look of disapproval on his face. In a way, Jones reminds me a lot of my grandfather and I can’t handle disappointing him.

  It’s not until he parks the car at his house, that he says something.

  “Carol took Arianna out, so you have time to get yourself together before she gets back.”

  I can’t quite read his tone, so I just thank him and we get out of the car and go into the house.

  When we are inside and he closes the door behind him, he walks toward me.

  I can’t help but look away, avoiding his gaze, and I’m caught completely off-guard when he gives me a hug. “None of this is your fault, son.”

  He pulls away and looks at me.

  “I’m proud of you for being sober and for the man you have become, especially after watching you grow up in that house.”

  “Thank you. That means a lot.”

  “She is still here, Blake. Just focus on that. Carol and I are here for whatever you and Arianna need.”

  “Why are you helping us?” I ask.

  “I have my reasons. Just know that the world is not all evil. There are good people out there and I like to think of myself as one of them. Blake, your grandfather was the best person I have ever known. I owe a lot of what I have to him. He was there for me when I needed help, and now, I’m here for you.”

  I nod.

  “Go wash up and rest. I will come get you when they get back.”

  Arianna is staying in Jane’s room so you can stay in the guestroom.

  “Thank you,” I say before leaving the room.


  I shower, put on jeans and a black shirt and lay down on the bed thinking there is no way I can sleep, but I’m so exhausted. I end up falling asleep no matter how hard I try not to.

  I jump awake somewhere in the middle of the night, awakened by the sound of rain and thunder. I wonder if maybe she didn’t want to see me or just wasn’t ready to. It’s hard, knowing that we are in the same house and not being able to go to her. I just keep playing Dr. Patton’s words in my head. ‘Give her time and give her space. Let her come to you when she is ready.’

  I get up to go get a glass of water. When I walk by the living room to get to the kitchen, I see her standing in front of the window, watching the rain.

  I think about going back to my room, but I can’t move. “Arianna,” I whisper.

  She turns around. Even though she is wearing pajama pants and a sweatshirt, she has her arms wrapped around herself as if she is cold. I inch forward to go to her, but end up stopping myself.

  Her eyes meet mine and I know there are so many emotions going through her. I just stay where I am and wait for her next move. She seems lost and confused.

  “I missed you,” I finally say.

  She stays where she is. “I missed you too.”

  It’s so good hearing the sound of her voice again.

  ‘Give her time, give her space.’

  I can’t.

  I move forward, slowly. Looking for signs that I’m doing the wrong thing, but she gives none, so I keep moving until I’m right in front of her.


  I’m scared. I missed him, but I’m afraid of his touch. I’m afraid I will pull away and hurt him… I’m afraid of so many things… so I stand here, frozen, just watching him.

  “Can I hug you?”

  It feels weird hearing this question come out of his mouth. I hate that he has to ask, but at the same time, I love him even more for it.

  I nod.

  He hugs me and I feel my whole body tense. I hate this. I know it’s not his fault, but I can’t help it.

  He feels me tense but doesn’t let go.

  “Close your eyes,” he says. Then he whispers, “It’s just me. I would never do anything to hurt you.”

  And I know he wouldn’t, but I feel so scared. I try to focus on him. I really do. I don’t want to push him away. I focus on his words and on what he has endured his entire life. My fears disappear as I feel the need to protect him, to console him. We are both victims here. I can feel myself start to relax at the sound of his voice, his scent…

  “I’m sorry,” he says.

  I can’t fight back the tears. He hears me sob and pulls away.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I can go.”

  He starts to walk away.

  “Please, stay.” I beg him.

  “Are you sure?”

  I nod and yawn at the same time.

  I can tell that he feels lost and unsure of what to do.

  He finally asks if I’d like to watch a movie and I nod.

  Things feel weird, like he is being too cautious, afraid that I will break, afraid to say the wrong thing.

  I sit on the couch, expecting him to sit next to me, but he doesn’t. He sits on the floor, with his back against the couch, and starts the movie.

  I wish there was a magical way to fix all of this, but the only kind of magic at our disposal comes with consequences.

  I’m exhausted and end up lying down on the couch. He tenses as I do so. He is so close, yet so far. I see him look attentively at the TV. He can probably feel me watching him, but he just looks forward. After a while, my eyes close.


  I wake up to the sound of music and I see the credits on the screen. I now have a blanket over me. I sit up slightly to try and see what time it is. It’s four in the morning. I look down when I’m trying to get comfortable and I see Blake lying down on the floor right next to the couch.

  I lay back down but move to the side, where I can look down at him. I was so afraid that what happened would lead me to love him less, but I don’t. I love him just the same, if not more. But I know that I need time to deal with what happened and I would never ask him to stay around and wait. I just wish I could pull him away from his reality… make it so he doesn’t have to see evil ever again.

  He shivers and moves his hand from his side to his chest. I can’t help it. I reach down and slip my hand under his, feeling his warmth and his breathing.

  He slowly opens his eyes and intertwines his fingers in mine.

  “Thank you,” he whispers.

  “What for?”

  “For still being here.”

  I smile down at him and we stay like that for a while, until we fall asleep holding each other’s hands.



  I wake up in the morning thinking about the night before. I sit up on the floor, looking for her, but she is gone. I get up and go to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. Everything is so quiet. Knowing that there is likely no one home, I end up going to the back
porch and sit down to drink my coffee.

  “What’s on your mind, son?” I hear Jones ask as he sits in the chair across from me.

  I notice how often he has been referring to me as ‘son’ and how much I don’t mind it.

  “Life,” I tell him and he smiles.


  “Do you know where she is?” I ask.

  He nods. “She started volunteering with Carol at an animal shelter. It helps keep her busy.”

  I smile knowing how much she must be enjoying this then I look down at my cup. “I just feel at a loss for what to do. I can’t let Arianna be around him. I don’t even want to be around him, but it will be difficult to do that and still be able to see mom and Molly.”

  He gives one short nod and looks as if he is thinking about all of this.

  “I think your mom would want you to be happy and Molly, well, she might not understand at first if you go off and live your own life, but she will understand it one day.”

  “I’m afraid of what will become of Molly when she grows up… with him raising her.”

  He nods again. “Do you trust me, son?”

  “Of course.”

  “Let me worry about Molly and everyone else. You worry about you and Arianna. But please, stay here with us. I think it’s doing her some good being here, close to people she can trust.”

  I never had any reason to doubt Jones. He’s always been so good to me and I do trust him, but there is this question nagging me. ‘Why?’ He has his own family to care for so why offer all that he’s been offering.

  As if it’s a sign, I get a text from Owen. “Be careful around Jones. I don’t understand his motives for helping you but he is into black magic.”

  “Is everything okay?” Jones asks.

  “Yeah. It’s—hmm—I got a text from Owen.”

  As if he already knew, he says. “I wondered how long it would take him to tell you.”

  “Why are you really going out of your way to help?” I ask.

  He sighs and then, he starts to tell me the truth about it all; the whole insanity with this dark magic.

  “It all started with Carol.”

  I give him a puzzled look at the mention of his wife’s name.


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