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Knight of Her Life

Page 6

by Marisa Chenery

“Did the training not go well today?”

  “It did go well. At least Terric thought so, but he has a very unorthodox way of going about it. Let us just say he wanted me to treat him like a quintain.”

  “Please tell me you did not agree to do it.” At Jacqueline’s sheepish look, Beth groaned. “Oh, Jacqueline, you could have refused.”

  “Do not look at me like that. He is the one who has the most experience in this. I just did what he asked.”

  “Well, I think he got more than he bargained for. Why else would he still be upstairs in his chamber, alone?

  It was Jacqueline’s turn to look surprised. “Where is Edwin? I thought he was with Terric.”

  “He is at the barracks, taking his meal with the men-at-arms.”

  The uneasiness she felt increased tenfold. Her mother tapping her fingertips upon the table in impatience was enough to make up her mind. Jacqueline stood and headed for the stairs.

  * * * *

  She stood before Terric’s chamber door, raised her fist, and pounded loudly upon it. “Terric, open this door!”

  The sound of rustling came from the other side, but Terric did not open it. “I will be down momentarily.”

  “No more. Either you open this door right now, or I will get the key from my mother. Which will it be?”

  The unmistakable sound of Terric cursing met her ears. She thought she heard him say, “Plague the woman.”

  Jacqueline had not counted on having Terric open the door only clothed in his hose. The sight of all that bare male flesh left her speechless. She had never seen a man without his tunic on before. Not even William. Although she had had a relatively isolated upbringing on the isle, her mother had made especially sure Jacqueline was kept ignorant of men. As any respectable unwed daughter should be.

  Right now, the large expanse of bared chest was enough to keep her fascinated. He was solidly built, well-padded with muscle. There was a light sprinkling of hair on it as well. Seeing it was not only on his chest, but also arrowed down and seemed to disappear past the top of his hose caused Jacqueline to gulp. That tiny line made her think wicked thoughts about what could be found beyond that point, about what that particular part of Terric looked like. She might be ignorant when it came to a man’s body, but that did not mean she was not curious. Quickly, she raised her gaze back up to his chest and saw his left shoulder.

  Chapter Seven

  “Did you plan to sit up here all night and suffer?”

  Terric stepped away from the door and returned to the bed. He sat heavily and looked at Jacqueline. “That was not entirely how I saw my evening developing.”

  Jacqueline closed the door behind her before she walked to him. There was no missing that colorful array of bruises on his shoulder. Nor the way he held his left arm close to his body. “It is dislocated. Correct?”

  Terric casually tried to shrug, which caused him to hiss in pain. He kept his gaze averted. “It is nothing. Once you have had it happen, it can happen again quite easily.”

  Jacqueline shook her head. “You call me the fool.”

  Her words caused him to look at her. “Are you going to scold me like a child or help me?”

  Taking advantage of having him at her mercy, she decided to toy with Terric a bit. She pretended to think over his question, and said, “I do not know. After all, it was your idea for me to pummel you today on the training field. Maybe you should suffer the consequences for your stupidity.”

  Before she knew what he intended, Terric grabbed Jacqueline around her waist and threw her onto the bed. He laid his full weight atop her. He must have seen her shocked expression at having her advantage so quickly taken from her, because he smiled. “Now, what were you saying, saucy wench?”

  She squirmed a little, managing to free her hands and placed them on his chest. She gave a shove, but he did not budge an inch. Intending to plead for her release, she lifted her gaze to his face. The look of teasing, which had been there a minute before, was gone. What Jacqueline saw made her shiver.

  It was not from fright, but something else entirely. He looked as if he wanted to devour her, and she had to admit she found it exciting. The vein in his neck quickly pulsed, a match for his rapidly beating heart, and licked her lips. With a groan, Terric lowered his mouth and claimed her lips.

  To Jacqueline, nothing existed but Terric and herself. She found the sensations his kiss caused thrilling and a tad bit scary all at the same time. She had never been kissed like that before. It was like being consumed by fire. Her whole being became focused on the joining of their mouths. He licked her bottom lip. She gasped at the mere brush of his tongue, which allowed him access to her mouth.

  His tongue gently sweeping hers made the delicious sensations swirling in her body intensify. She moaned. She craved something only Terric could provide. She ached, for what she had no idea, but she felt it prominently at the apex of her thighs.

  She tried to relieve some of the ache by pressing herself against Terric’s strong body. That only intensified it as something large and hard come in contact with her mound. Jacqueline rubbed herself against the hard ridge of his sex. Pleasure shot through her, causing wetness to pool between her legs.

  Her small movement seemed to bring Terric back to reality. He twisted his head away, breaking contact with her lips. Jacqueline opened her eyes and found him looking at her. Her face felt flushed with desire, and her lips bruised from his kisses. The look he gave her was filled with passion.

  “We cannot do this, Jacqueline. I am sorry. I let things get out of hand.”

  Blinking, she finally became aware of where she was. The feel of him lying flush atop her, settled between her legs, sent ripples of pleasure through her. Now that he no longer kissed her, her common sense took over. She realized her hands were still pressed to his chest and gave Terric a push. This time he released her by rolling onto his side. Jacqueline quickly slid off the bed and turned to face him.

  “I know we cannot. Do not take all the blame for this. I could have stopped you if I chose to.”

  Terric, having moved onto his back, groaned and stared at the ceiling. “Are you trying to torture me? Do not say such things. Or you might very well find yourself back under me on this bed.”

  She felt her face grow hot, and a shiver of pleasure ran up her back. “Then I had best say no more.” Flustered, she walked toward the chamber door. Terric stopped her before she could reach it.

  “Jacqueline, wait. You have to help me with my shoulder.”

  Turning, she nodded and returned to the bed. “Would it not be better for me to just get Edwin?”

  “Nay. I am in no mood for him to berate me. I will hear more than enough from him on the morrow as is. You can do it. Just as I did for you.”

  With a deep breath, Jacqueline removed her boots and climbed up onto the bed. She took hold of Terric’s left arm and placed her foot in his underarm. When he had done that to her, it had only taken him a couple of tugs. For her, she found it no easy task to perform. She was hurting him. He groaned with each attempt she made to right the shoulder. After a half dozen tries, they were sweating from the effort.

  “Terric, I do not think I am strong enough to do this.”

  “Do not give up now, Jacqueline. It is just about back into place. One more good yank should be all it needs.”

  Jacqueline wiped her sweating palms on her tunic, adjusted her grip, then pulled for all she was worth. At that instant, two events happened. The chamber door was thrown open by her mother and Terric’s shoulder loudly popped back into place.

  Jacqueline and Terric froze as her mother barreled into the chamber. Looking from one to the other, she demanded loudly, “What goes on here, Jacqueline?”

  Feeling much as she had as a small child when she had been caught doing something her mother had disapproved of, she dropped Terric’s arm and jumped off the bed. Her mother stood stiff as a board, which meant she was furious.

  “I was only helping Terric.”

p; “Helping him to do what exactly? I expected better from you, Jacqueline,” her mother snapped back.

  Knowing what her mother thought had happened between her and Terric, Jacqueline quickly defended herself. “It was nothing inappropriate, Mother. Sir Terric had dislocated his shoulder during our training. So I was only returning the favor he did me. I simply fixed it.”

  Her mother did not appear to be happy with her explanation. Her eyes seemed to be shoot sparks with anger. “This will not do. Do you think I am a fool? What I heard being said behind this closed door did not sound in any way appropriate.”

  Jacqueline recalled what she and Terric had been doing before and could not stop the guilty flush that heated her cheeks.

  Terric rose off the bed to stand next to Jacqueline. “Please do not be angry with Jacqueline. It is entirely my fault for her being here. I convinced her to stay, even though it went against her better judgment. I can assure you, it will not happen again.”

  “It will not, Sir Terric. For if I find my daughter in your chamber while you are only half-dressed again, you will no longer be welcome here. I suggest the next time you injure yourself, have your squire attend you and not my daughter.”

  Terric bowed. “You have my word, my lady. I will not put Jacqueline in such a position again.”

  “I am glad we have reached an understanding, Sir Terric. Now, I am having the evening meal served. Come, Jacqueline. Let us leave Sir Terric alone so he can garb himself decently.”

  Not giving Jacqueline any chance to refuse, her mother took hold of her arm and pulled her from the room. Jacqueline had just enough time to throw an apologetic look over her shoulder at Terric before her mother roughly yanked her through the chamber door.

  The meal was a very strained affair. At least that was how Jacqueline found it. Her gaze was drawn to Terric time and again. She still felt the sensation of his lips claiming hers, his powerful body surrounding her. He seemed not to notice her watching him, but he was not totally oblivious. For each time she averted her eyes, she felt the sensation of being watched. She had no idea if things would go much further with him, but she wanted the chance to explore the possibilities, especially after what had happened in his chamber. The only question was—did he feel the same way about her that she felt about him?

  * * * *

  They ganged up on him. Much to his disgust, he had had to give ground.

  After the slight injury to his shoulder the day before, Jacqueline and Edwin decided training had to be put off for a few days. Terric had told them his shoulder was all right, but they would not listen. The rest would do him good, or so they had told him.

  He would rather be on the training field. The idleness gave him too much time to think, too much time to remember. The incident that had taken place in his chamber the evening before still haunted him. So much so, he found he could not be in the same room as Jacqueline for long stretches of time without his body betraying what he felt. His cock grew hard the instant she entered his thoughts. So he had escaped to walk the castle walls.

  Even up there, the memories would not leave him. Just closing his eyes brought the taste of her lips and the feel of her body pressed flush against him flooding back. As if to bewitch him more, Terric spotted the object of his desire crossing the bailey below. Jacqueline conversed with Edwin as they walked toward the stables. He did not bother to hail them.

  How he could have believed her to be a man was beyond him. Jacqueline was every inch a woman. Even with her cropped hair, it did not detract from that overall perception of her. If anything, it enhanced her features. Soft dark hair framed her face. Terric would have loved to see her with it long, falling to her waist.

  Jacqueline and Edwin disappeared into the stable. A few moments later, she stepped back out. She appeared to be searching for something. She scanned the bailey, turning her head to look in every corner.

  Terric knew when Jacqueline finally spotted him standing atop the walls, staring down at her. A radiant smile broke across her face. She waved, then came up to join him.

  “So this is where you have been hiding yourself.”

  “I am not hiding. I am only enjoying the sunshine,” Terric replied.

  Jacqueline laughed and shook her head. “If that is what you want to call it. I get the distinct feeling you are trying to avoid me.” As if to prove her point, she moved to stand right next to Terric. With her arms resting on top of the walls, the same as he, their bodies almost touched. He moved farther down, increasing the space between them.

  “What is it, Terric? Have I done something to upset you?”

  “Nay, you have not. It is I. I am the problem.”

  Jacqueline took a deep breath. “If you are worried about what happened the other night, do not. I know how you feel about that. It was a moment of weakness. We will just have to put it behind us.” She squeezed his hand before she left him alone again.

  Terric released the tight grip he held on himself. Just the simple touch of her hand on his had almost been too much. It had taken all, everything he possessed, not to pull her into his arms. If he had given in to his impulse, he would not have let her go. It mattered not that they were atop the castle walls. He would have taken her then and there. He would have pulled her down onto the rough, cold stones and sunk his throbbing cock into her moist depths.

  Terric brought himself back under control. He would not be able to put the kiss they had shared so easily behind him. For better or worse, Jacqueline was now in his blood.

  * * * *

  Having left Terric to his brooding, Jacqueline decided to seek out Beth. She needed some advice. As luck would have it, she found her alone in the solar, sitting before her embroidery frame. She looked up when Jacqueline entered the chamber.

  “If you are looking for Mother, she is with Sir Guy.”

  Jacqueline shook her head and pulled up a chair to sit next to Beth. “Nay, I am not. I came looking for you.”

  Beth placed her needle down and turned to face Jacqueline. “Well, you have found me.”

  Unsure of exactly how to broach the subject, Jacqueline spoke hesitantly. “All right. I was wondering if you could give me some advice.”

  Beth smiled. She glanced to where Jacqueline nervously dug the toe of her boot into the rushes. “You want some advice about Terric. Correct?”

  Jacqueline smiled sheepishly. “How did you know?”

  “I have had my suspicions. It is not hard to miss the longing glances the two of you give each other when either of you is not looking.”

  Jacqueline groaned. “Is it that obvious?”

  “Nay. Only to me.”

  “Since you have noticed, tell me what I should do. Terric avoids me. No matter that he says otherwise. He thinks the kiss we shared was a grave mistake.”

  “You do not agree with that?”

  Unable to sit any longer, Jacqueline stood and paced. “Of course I do not.”

  Beth patted the chair beside her for Jacqueline to sit. Once Jacqueline complied, she nodded. “Now, if you want to win Terric, do what I say. Let him think you feel the same as he, that nothing has changed between you two.”

  “How is that going to win me him?”

  Beth shook her head, then continued. “There is more to it. Along with acting as if it is nothing, do your best to never let him forget it either.”

  “What do you suggest I do?” Jacqueline leaned in closer.

  Beth smiled conspiringly. “Take every opportunity you get to touch him. A simple brush of your hand will suffice. Make sure to put the least amount of distance between you. The closer the better. Do not give him any chance to ignore you.”

  “It sounds as if you are suggesting I seduce Terric.”

  “Of course I am. If left to him, he will avoid you like the plague. Use what you have. Women through the ages have. No man can resist the lure of a woman he desires. Use his weakness to your advantage.”

  Jacqueline stood once more and absentmindedly nodded while she mulled ov
er Beth’s words. It could work. “Thank you. I will do as you say. Starting right now.”

  With renewed purpose, Jacqueline left the solar. Terric would not know what hit him.

  * * * *

  He was going out of his mind. Everywhere he went Jacqueline was there, and she drove him mad. Terric noticed the change in her during the meal the evening before. Having sent her away after she had spoken to him on the walls, he had assumed she understood how he felt. He seriously doubted she had.

  She had seated herself beside him at the table. As they had eaten, he had not been able to ignore her closeness, especially when she had kept touching him. Her thigh had brushed against his as she had shifted in her seat. Once she had stretched and seemingly caressed the back of his neck. She had not been overly pointed about it, but the slightest touch still affected him.

  Terric was unable to tell if Jacqueline had known what she had done. She had spent a large part of the meal acting as though he was not there. Much to his chagrin. By the time the meal was over, Terric had found himself wanting Jacqueline all the more, which resulted in his spending half the night tossing and turning, aching for her. When sleep had claimed him, she had filled his dreams.

  Waking to a sun-drenched chamber, Terric groaned. His head pounded like a battering ram from lack of sleep. He had slept longer than usual. He dragged himself from the bed, then pulled on a plain tunic and hose. After slipping his feet into his boots, he strapped his sword around his waist and left his chamber.

  Having slept so late, Terric had missed the morning meal. Everyone would already be about their daily business. Hopefully, Lady Elizabeth had arranged to have a meal set aside for him. At the hall, he was surprised to find Jacqueline still seated at the trestle table. If he did not know any better, he would swear she was there waiting for him to show up. He was not sure how he felt about that.

  She had her back to him. Not wanting her to think he snuck up on her, Terric loudly clomped down the last remaining steps. “Jacqueline, what do you here? I thought I was the only slug-a-bed this morn.”


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