Book Read Free

Heart of the Devil

Page 24

by Ali Vali

  The swing hanging from the old oak branch was covered in pillows and seemed like the perfect nest for an afternoon of reading. “Not being accepted, I guess, was my greatest fear,” she said, putting her feet up and resting against Cain when she encouraged it by patting her chest. “There’s no one like you back home, and I was tired of living in denial to please my mother.”

  “No matter what, you should always go with what makes you happy,” Cain said, placing her hand flat against her upper chest. “If you do everything to make someone else happy, eventually everyone around you, especially you, will be miserable.”

  “I’ll be glad to keep that promise, just as long as I get to keep you.”

  “I’m more than willing,” Cain said and sighed. “Mum should be thrilled as well.”

  “How so?” She moved a little so she was facing Cain and not hiking her dress up.

  “When we had the talk about settling down, I told her I still had plenty of oats to sow.”

  “You do, mobster. Only now I have exclusive farming rights.”

  Chapter Twenty-two

  “So what exactly do you want from me?” Callie Richard asked the guys Big Gino wanted her to meet. Shawn and Royce Liam seemed to come as a package deal, and they’d talked nonstop since they’d sat down.

  “Casey was our buyer, but Royce and I would like to go in another direction,” Shawn said. “If we’re not supplying her, then it shouldn’t be too long before she becomes vulnerable enough to take out. From my understanding, you’re interested in that.”

  “I don’t talk much business with people who come to me out of the blue and uninvited.”

  Shawn smiled like it was all he had to do to convince her of his sincerity. “We have plenty of mutual friends who’ll vouch for me and my brother, so I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”

  “So I shouldn’t worry my pretty little head over it?” she asked sweetly before taking out her switchblade and pressing it to his neck. “You can’t be that stupid, can you?”

  “One of our mutual friends did say you took a little getting used to, but I’m as interested in taking Casey out of the game as you. Consider that, and I’m sure you’ll realize how beneficial a partnership between us can be.”

  “What’s your beef with her?” she asked, thinking this pretty boy looked like he didn’t take too kindly to rejection and that was his problem with Cain.

  “We want to do business with someone else who understands mutual respect, and Cain is not that person,” Royce said.

  Her phone rang, and it was Boone, so she decided to let him wait until she finished with these two fools. “Let me talk it over with my brother, and I’ll get back to you.”

  “When you’re ready, we can sit and talk not only buying, but how to turn a profit once you’ve received your supply,” Royce said.

  “Casey shared that with you?”

  “Not exactly, but our family has been in this business longer and is much more successful than Casey will ever be,” Shawn said.

  “Sounds like you should do it all yourself then, but you might get those soft hands dirty and callused,” she said and laughed. “Respect is earned, and so far I’m not there with you. Like I said, I’ll talk to my brother and call you. If that’s not good enough, then move on.”

  “Opportunities like this don’t come around often,” Shawn said.

  “Yeah, that’s what every scumbag in the old neighborhood told my mother, and now she’s a strung-out hooker. So you wait or you don’t. I’m not the one who wanted this meeting.” She folded her knife and stood up. “The next time you want to play the tough guy, bring more than your little brother,” she said, pointing to Royce.

  “You’re turning us down?” Royce asked.

  “I’m telling you to wait. Go home and I’ll be in touch, but forget Casey. She’s ours and we’ll handle it, but we’ll do the same to you if you try to set up in our neighborhoods on your own.” She pushed her chair back and stepped behind Royce. “You do that, and I’ll be happy to remove your tonsils through your neck.”

  “Do you ever get tired of the threats, Ms. Richard?” Shawn asked.

  “It’s the killing that tires me out, but the thrill more than makes up for it.”

  * * *

  “I hope you’re not a stranger after this Sunday, Emma,” Therese said as Cain prepared to take Emma home. “Here’s something to help you study.”

  Emma accepted the shopping bag full of containers of food before handing it to Cain. “Thank you, Mrs. Casey, and I’d like to come back to help Marie with the art project I brought. I promise to call first to make sure it’s okay.”

  “You come whenever you like,” Therese said, hugging Emma. “But do call if you need anything before then. If your schedule’s not too bad, come by and have lunch with Marie and me. We’d love the company.”

  “Okay. Let’s not smother her right off,” Cain said, placing the bag in the backseat.

  “You hush, Derby,” Therese said before kissing Emma’s cheek, followed by a shyer Marie. “It’s important for Emma to have someone looking after her since she’s so far from home.”

  “Don’t laugh,” Billy said, kissing Emma next. “She knows where you live, so you can’t escape her now.”

  “You and your sister behave, and I’d love to come for lunch, Mrs. Casey.”

  “We don’t stand on ceremony here, so call me Therese. I’ll see you this week then, and definitely on Sunday.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Emma said, hugging Therese again. “And thanks for the food.”

  “You ready?” Cain asked, helping her in the car. Emma waved as they drove off before she grabbed Cain’s free hand. “See? They loved you.”

  “They’re certainly different from my family, and easy to get along with.” Emma leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Thanks again for bringing me.”

  “I wanted you to know them and vice versa,” she said as she parked close to Emma’s building. “Do you have to study?”

  “I got everything done ahead of time so we could relax for a while. Do you have to run off?” Emma’s soft voice had a way of making Cain want to touch her. “We could watch a movie or something.”

  “Let me help you unpack the two weeks’ worth of food my mum gave you, and we’ll do just that.”

  They walked upstairs and sat on the sofa after everything was refrigerated, leaving them free to get close. “You make me nuts when you kiss me like that,” Emma said a few minutes later.

  “Do you mean that in a good way?” She kissed Emma’s neck and rubbed her hand down to her butt. “Or in a bad way,” she said, reversing course.

  “It’s definitely a good thing, honey. I think you know that already and just like to tease me,” Emma said, then groaned when her phone rang. “Sorry. My dad usually calls today.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Hey, Bea,” Emma said after she answered. The way she rolled her eyes made Cain think it wasn’t a call Emma wanted to stop for. “No. I got home a few minutes ago. I had lunch with Cain’s family.” Emma grabbed her hand when she got too close to her breast and smiled. “Maybe later. I’ll ask her.” She paused again and bit one of her fingers. “Okay. I’ll call you…or that’s good too.”

  “Something wrong?” she asked as Emma leaned over her and kissed her neck.

  “Bea’s got this new boyfriend, and she’s really anxious to get us all together. It’s nuts, but we’ve both been single for so long that I guess it’ll be fun now that we’ve both found someone.”

  “You want to invite them to the pub for a few drinks? Sunday’s usually our slow day, but the band’s pretty good. They take enough breaks that we can talk in between sets.”

  “I really wanted you all to myself for the rest of the day.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t leave right away when we come back.” She stopped to kiss Emma with a little heat. “You can drive me crazy, then send me home to my cold shower.”

  “Poor baby,” Emma said, rubbing her shoulder
s. “You’ll survive.”

  “Barely, so call, and I’ll phone the house and let them know I’ll be a bit.”

  “What? That you’ll be out past curfew?” Emma said, kissing the tip of her nose.

  “Yes. My guys worry when I’m left to my own devices.” While Emma called her friend back, Cain stepped aside to talk to Billy. “Take a few of the guys and sit back. It’s probably nothing, but Emma’s friend sure is pushing this meeting for it to be only a double date.”

  “We’ll beat you there, so feel free to ignore us,” Billy said and hung up.

  “It’s weird, but you made Bea’s night.” Emma had put on some more lipstick and handed her the tube. “Do you mind if I leave my purse?”

  “I won’t need it, and I’m glad to be of service to Bea.”

  “I promise we don’t have to stay long, since I’m not sure what this is about. Bea has never been a shy dater, so maybe this has to do with you.”

  “How so?”

  “It’s strange that she knew all about you and warned me at first to stay away from you, but now she can’t wait to spend time with you. I really don’t want to stay long, but if you really don’t mind, it’ll get her off this double-date thing.”

  “You’re the boss tonight, lass, so whisper in my ear, and I’ll bring you home and whisper some stuff back.” Emma kissed her and wiped her lips to get the lipstick she’d left behind. “Did she tell you Mr. Wonderful’s name?”

  “Not yet, but judging by her little hints, they must be horizontal as much as possible.” Emma shrugged and appeared somewhat uncomfortable. “I know it’s what everyone does without much thought since it’s a totally natural thing.”

  “Except when you want it to mean something,” she said, not liking Emma’s bout of self-doubt. “Don’t rush something that’s special, lass. When you’re ready, and the time is right, you’ll know it, so stop beating yourself up about it. I’ll be happy to tell you that as many times as it takes.”

  “But you want it, right?”

  “I was hoping that when that day comes, I’d be the one you’ve been waiting on,” she said, squeezing Emma’s hands. “But if you need me to be clearer, it’s a resounding yes. I really want to.”

  Emma laughed, then filled her in on all things Beatrice Weller. The only Wellers Cain had heard of ran a small rackets operation in St. Bernard, but she wasn’t familiar enough with them to know the extended family. It was small-time, but small fish were always interested in fattening up from the scraps of bigger fish, so it paid to be vigilant.

  “Hey, Boss,” one of the bouncers said when she left the car idling. The guys working the pub’s doors parked it for her and would bring it back when she was ready to leave. “Hey, Emma. You sure clean up good.”

  “Thank you,” Emma said, taking her hand. “Wow,” she said when they walked in and the band was in the middle of a song. The place was full, but the table in the corner was waiting for them.

  “I should’ve said Sundays were our slow days, but now a day of beer, pretty girls, and singing has been a hit,” she said, waving to the bartender. Josh was usually off on Sundays and Mondays, but his backup Benny was as trustworthy. “What would you like to drink, lass?”

  “White wine, please.”

  She gave the waitress their order and pulled out Emma’s chair after she’d hugged the young woman hello. It didn’t take long before Bea arrived, dragging a large man behind her, and the guy did what she would’ve in the same situation. He glanced around slowly enough that Cain was impressed with his thoroughness, but he seemed to overlook Billy and his guys.

  “Bea,” Emma said, pointing to the chairs across from them. They’d be able to have a normal conversation for the fifteen minutes the band was on break. “This is Cain Casey.” The introductions between them were done except for the big guy, who didn’t seem the coed type.

  “This is my new boyfriend Boone,” Bea said, and Cain fought her urge to show surprise at the name.

  “Boone,” she said, standing up and cutting only her eyes toward his chest. The double holster was identical to the one Billy and Merrick wore. “Cain Casey.”

  “Boone Richard,” Boone said, not making a move to sit.

  The way he stood with his feet slightly spread and still holding her hand made her think she’d somewhat miscalculated the situation by having Emma this close to what was potentially a bad situation. “Emma, do me a favor and go to the bar for the next round.”

  Emma had started to get up when Boone opened a switchblade in his other hand. “Sit, and keep your mouth shut,” Boone said to Emma as he pressed the knife tip right under Cain’s breastbone.

  “Boone, what the hell?” Bea said, loud enough to draw attention to them.

  “I said shut the fuck up.” He took his eyes off Cain long enough for her to grab his hand, but his bulk helped him slice deep enough to make a large spot of blood appear on her shirt. “I wanted to fucking enjoy this, but quick is good too.”

  Before Boone could do any more damage, Billy knocked him out cold with the butt of his gun. “Take this jackass out back,” Billy said to the bouncers. “What the hell?”

  “He said the service was too slow and the beer wasn’t cold enough,” she said, holding her hand over the cut. “Call the cops and tell them what happened with Mr. Boone Richard. I want to press charges.”

  “You got it, so let Emma take care of you.”

  Emma had grabbed some clean bar towels from the waitress and put them over the wound. “You need to get us to the hospital,” Emma yelled at Lou.

  “Emma, I’m so sorry,” Bea said, appearing terrified.

  “So help me God, if you know anything about this…” Emma said as she wrapped her arm firmly around Cain’s waist. “What the hell was that about?”

  “We’ll deal with it later,” Cain said, the ache in her abdomen becoming acute. “Billy, everything by the book.”

  “Don’t worry. I know who’s outside,” he whispered in her ear as he helped Emma get her in the car. “Get going, Lou, and I’ll be there as soon as I’m done here.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Emma said as Lou sped away.

  “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for. This is the part I want you to think about.”

  “All I want is to concentrate on you and what you mean to me. Stop trying to talk me out of being where I want and need to be, or I swear I’ll stab you. You said you loved me, so you’re stuck with me now.”

  “Fair enough, and I do love you,” she said, wiping Emma’s tears. “Your friend Bea, though, not so much.”

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Callie called Boone for the fifteenth time after not accepting his call, and now it was going straight to voicemail. He’d left a message telling her about meeting Bea, and then he’d disappeared. If he’d tried to take Casey on alone, he might be dead already.

  “When did you see him last?” she asked Ryan as she tried Boone again.

  “Yesterday, and he told me to fuck off when I gave him your message.”

  “So that’s it?” She slammed her phone down and bowed her head, trying to think. They had been able to get so much done because only Big Gino and the people he’d introduced them to knew them.

  “I don’t know about that, but he wasn’t happy with the handcuffs he thought you’d put on him. Boone wanted to go into Casey’s place guns blazing and finish it.” Ryan put his hand on her back as if in comfort. “He thought doing that would make it easier for you to get what you wanted going forward, since it would give you the reputation as someone not to fuck with.”

  “If he’s dead, what the hell good is a reputation? Take some guys and hit all the spots again.” She waited until she was alone to call Big Gino and tell him Boone was missing. He and the rest of her crew probably thought she was panicking, but Boone always called her back.

  “Your idiot brother’s not missing. He’s in central lockup for stabbing Casey. It’s highly disappointing that the bitch is still alive and fucking strange that s
he had him arrested.”

  “No way he didn’t call me if he got picked up.”

  Big Gino laughed, and she would’ve stabbed him had he been in the room. “You think you’re so smart, so think about why he didn’t. Maybe he kept his mouth shut so he wouldn’t lead Casey to your door.”

  The reasoning was probably right, but Boone had made a pact with her when they were children to never leave each other alone no matter what. They did it together or not at all, so he would’ve called because he knew she’d take care of herself and him. “Are you going to help him? I need to know before I waste any more of my time on your ass and any of your friends.”

  “There’s the little public-housing bitch I hired,” Big Gino said, laughing at her again. “You and Boone are too deep in this shit to fuck me now, so sit your ass down and wait. If you even think about talking to pull you or that idiot out of a hole, you won’t be able to hide from me no matter how far you run.”

  “I just want him out. No one’s talking about anything. You don’t think I know we’re screwed since I did what you asked.” She stopped and took a deep breath, not wanting to sound as hysterical as she felt. “How do you even know for sure that’s where he is?”

  “I’ve got friends in the department, so wait it out—he’s fine for now.”

  Fuck you, she thought as she hung up and considered her next move, but she really didn’t have anything to think about. If Boone was in a cage, she was going to get him out and they’d take off. They had enough money to last a while as they started over somewhere else. The last thing she’d do for Big Gino was give Cain Casey the information she’d been hunting down on the street. Casey was willing to pay big money for it, and if she did, that would be the most fucking hilarious thing of all.

  “Your fat ass should’ve helped me,” she said to the phone. Guys like Big Gino always bullied their way through life, and the only thing that stopped them was a bigger bully. “Cain Casey sounds like the right bully for the job.”


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