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The Third Throne: Angel of Death

Page 55

by Tabitha Barret

  Anjali smirked at Tabbris’ aggressive gesture. While she’d never had the pleasure of making his acquaintance, that she could remember, she knew plenty about him from Lucifer. He had once occupied her throne, long before Serena or Maraquette. The Hall of Mirrors had once been his home sweet home.

  “I will return to Hell once I find the mortal that she is holding captive. I’m not done interrogating the prisoner. So if you’ll excuse me, I have a few questions for her,” Anjali turned her back to Tabbris and attempted to make her way through the wall of angels.

  Tabbris was speechless and offended by the girl’s audacity. No one spoke to him in that manner, ever. He advanced on her until he saw the intensity in her eyes. He was intrigued by her anger. Lord Michael would want to know everything the Destroyer said, so he allowed her to continue. Part of him wanted to see what the famed Destroyer would do. He nodded his head to his warriors and allowed them to stand down.

  The warriors complied and let her pass.

  “Where is he?” Anjali’s voice was trembling. Instead of punching Maraquette, she summoned Alazar’s dagger and pointed at Maraquette’s throat, ignoring the sword-wielding warrior next to her.

  “Dead. Aganon wouldn’t dare fail me again,” Maraquette chuckled gleefully, until it turned into a bloody cough.

  Anjali roared and pulled the dagger back with the intention of driving it into her neck and taking her head. Tabbris grabbed her arm and kept her from stabbing Maraquette. Three of the closest warriors grabbed her around the waist and dragged Anjali halfway across the room before Tabbris spoke to her.

  “Get yourself under control, Anjali. She must be formally charged and convicted before we punish her,” Tabbris stared into her face yelling about protocol, while the other three warriors held her by her waist and arms.

  She was about to toss the warriors on their asses when she saw Gabriel appear in the doorway. The look on his face said enough. The energy drained from her body and she stilled immediately. She felt the warriors lessen their hold on her and slowly release her.

  “What will happen to Maraquette?” her voice was hollow and empty.

  “That is none of your business,” Tabbris snapped. He was smart enough to take a step back after seeing Gabriel appear.

  She looked Tabbris dead in the eye, and pushed away the panic filling her body. “For the record, my name is Lady Black. Call me Anjali again and you will face Lucifer’s wrath. You remember what that is like. You fail to understand that punishment of the prisoners is most certainly my business. Unless you plan to kill her, I will make it my personal business to see to it that she never has a moment’s peace for the rest of her miserable existence. Don’t bother taking her to the Hall of Shadows. Chain her to the Hall of Mirrors and save yourself the walk. No one in the history of Hell has ever suffered as greatly as I plan to make her suffer. You will be able to hear her screams from Heaven. I suggest putting her out of her misery now,” she brushed past Tabbris and went to Gabriel.

  The room was silent. Tabbris was offended by her threat, but believed her. Whomever Maraquette had killed must have been dear to Anjali. Lord Michael would certainly be eager to hear that bit of information.

  Chapter 20

  Anjali followed Gabriel and appeared in the ravine below the castle. Using her Hell Fire, she lit the barren bushes and trees around where Derick and Aganon were laying. She wanted Derick to be able to see her. She prepared herself for the worst, but it wasn’t enough for what she saw.

  Derick was pale and motionless when she arrived. She was numb as she knelt down next to him. Looking to Alazar, she could see that things weren’t good.

  She ignored Aganon knowing he was the reason that Derick was dying in front of her. She would deal with him later.

  “Hey,” Anjali smiled at Derick, though she knew it wasn’t a convincing smile.

  Derick open his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her. “Hey. Did you kill Maraquette?”

  “No, but she’s in custody. She can’t hurt you anymore,” Anjali took Derick’s hand from Alazar.

  Alazar stood and gave Anjali some space, as did Gabriel.

  “You’re bleeding,” Derick’s voice sounded weak, but she knew he was angry.

  “It’s okay. I’m more worried about you,” Anjali replied. She wanted nothing more than to take him somewhere peaceful to rest, but she knew he didn’t have much time left.

  “I love you. No matter what happens, I wanted you to know that,” Derick relaxed once he was finally able to confess that to her.

  “I love you too. I know why we feel like we’ve known each other before. I’ve lived multiple lives as a mortal and you and I have been together many times, as different people. You can say that we’re soul mates. That’s why your Uncle Benjamin has watched over you all this time. He’s really my father, the Archangel Gabriel. He’s protected you ever since we first met eons ago. I didn’t know that when we met at the castle,” she smiled when she realized that she had lived a normal life, with a normal boy. She was happy that they’d loved each other for a long time.

  “Alazar mentioned that we knew each other in past lives, and that explains how Uncle Benjamin is here. I’m glad we were together at some point. I hope we were happy,” Derick chuckled, but started coughing and choking.

  Anjali placed her hand on his cheek, trying to calm him. Blood was pooling underneath him at a startling rate. The firelight made his eyes look glassy and dark.

  “Gabriel, there has to be a way to help him. Please, I need to know. I can’t lose him like this,” she pleaded with her father to help Derick.

  “I’m sorry my child, there is nothing that can be done. There’s still a chance he will see Heaven,” Gabriel tried to be strong for his daughter, but he regretted seeing Derick like this.

  “We both know that isn’t true. He will most likely end up in Purgatory. Either way, I won’t be able to be with him. Please,” Anjali lost her composure and cried. She leaned down and kissed Derick’s cheek and forehead.

  “There is nothing to be done. He’s too close to death to make him a servant. It cannot be done while someone is on his deathbed. Their judgment is impaired and they are too fearful of death,” Gabriel turned his head and held back his own tears.

  “I’m not afraid to die. I’m afraid of losing her,” Derick whispered. He breathed in the scent of Anjali’s hair and returned her kisses as best he could.

  “There is something that can be done,” Alazar couldn’t hold his tongue any longer.

  “Don’t! We are forbidden,” Gabriel warned Alazar.

  “I swore to her Gabriel that I would do everything in my power to protect him. I refused to fail. Not now, not ever,” Alazar growled.

  “What is it?” Anjali tried not to get her hopes up, but she needed another way. She couldn’t say good-bye to Derick.

  “Alazar, no!” Gabriel yelled. He used his authoritative voice, but Alazar merely scoffed at him.

  “No offense, Gabriel, but I don’t have to follow your commands anymore. I belong to her. If you prefer, I can tempt him to commit suicide, wait until he suffers all the realms, and then she can make him her suicide servant. I will do it right now, but you know there’s a better way,” Alazar refused to give up.

  Gabriel closed his eyes and searched for the right answer. He would have to deal with the Council, but given Anjali’s current circumstances, there may be worse crimes for her to answer for. Sometimes it was better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission. This was certainly one of those times.

  “You can turn him into a Nachtghul. He would be your servant, but unlike any servant you know. The practice of making Nachtghuls fell out of favor because having that kind of servant opens you up to a number of complications. The servant becomes an extension of you and your senses. You will see through their eyes and hear through their ears. You will know their thoughts. They will hear your voice inside of their head, even when you don’t speak aloud. It is a unique bond. The person will be a
n open book to you, though they will still have control over their mind and body. They aren’t puppets, but more like familiars. Nachtghuls were outlawed centuries ago because when you kill a Nachtghul it causes indescribable pain to the Master, like having a part of your soul ripped away. You mourn them, always. Your enemies will seek him out just to hurt you, but a Nachtghul can be invaluable, if they are worthy enough. It’s the only way to keep Derick with you. He will have to do your will, though somehow I don't think he’ll have a problem with that,” Gabriel knew the problems inherent in creating a Nachtghul, but it was the only way to keep Derick and Anjali together.

  Anjali thought about making Derick her servant, but feared he wouldn’t like the Destroyer. He knew nothing about her life in Hell or that she was bound to Lucifer. If she bound him to her, there would be no going back. He might think she was a monster once he saw her anger.

  “Derick, sometimes we do things that are so terrible, so unforgivable, that there is no redemption. No amount of apologizing could grant someone forgiveness. I’ve done things; will do things that many consider unforgivable. I know my place in this world and I’ve accepted it, but that doesn’t mean I deserve happiness. I don’t want to condemn you to servitude, especially when you don’t know anything about me. I don’t want you to regret staying with me. I can’t be selfish just because I want to keep you by my side,” Anjali forced herself to pull away from him. He deserved better than to be someone’s servant.

  “Alazar told me you will end the world someday and I already met Lucifer. I also know that Alazar is really close to you. I don’t care about any of that. I meant what I said Anjali. You deserve to be happy. You need someone to remind you of that. I stared down Lucifer and told him that I loved you. I want to be there every day to show him what it takes to love you. I chose to be your servant, and do your will and love you always,” Derick couldn’t let her go. He didn’t want to be reincarnated without her.

  Anjali flashed Alazar a withering look.

  He sheepishly shrugged. “We had a lot of time to talk while on the run from Maraquette. I thought he deserved to know the truth about you. The kid didn’t even flinch when I told him. You should be more pissed at Lucifer for attacking him,” Alazar knew he needed to deflect her anger toward Lucifer; otherwise, he would suffer.

  “I intend on taking it up with Lucifer later,” Anjali growled, turning her attention back to Derick.

  Derick closed his eyes and remembered the look on Lucifer’s face. “It’s okay. Radek warned Lucifer that you would be mad if he hurt me, so he let me live.”

  Anjali shook her head. “You will be condemning yourself to Hell for an eternity with Lucifer. If you die, you still have a chance to live other lives and find others to love,” Anjali trembled, not wanting to condemn him to Hell.

  “I accept an eternity with you. My version of Hell is a place where I’m not with you. I’ve felt Lucifer’s wrath. You can’t do that alone, not anymore. You have Alazar to protect you, but you need someone to love you with all their heart,” Derick held her hand as tightly as he could.

  He closed his eyes and moaned. The pain made everything seem far away and dreamlike.

  Alazar spoke up. “My lady, you should know that Derick confided a secret in me. When he tried to take his own life, he had a vision. He saw a woman crying, accusing him of not waiting for her to find him. He’s convinced, as am I, that you were that woman. I truly believe you are meant to be together; otherwise, I would have never suggested this. He came back from the brink of death for you once. I believe he would do it again,” Alazar ignored Gabriel’s shocked look and pleaded with Anjali to save the kid. It was the first time in his life that he wanted to save someone, someone worthy enough to be saved.

  “Gabriel, how do I do this?” her voice trembled.

  Gabriel hesitated, but turned to look at her. “Make a cut on your palm and on his palm. When Lucifer made you his blood servant, he gave you some of his blood and his power, but didn’t take your blood or power in return. You will exchange blood, but you also need to push your power into him. In return, you will take a piece of his soul. He will die a mortal death, but he will rise as your servant.”

  “Like when Alazar bound himself to me. I felt some of his power flow into me,” Anjali could still feel the cold piece inside her heart that once belonged to Alazar.

  “Yes, but Derick will not be able to exist without you. If you die, he dies. If he dies, you will mourn him forever,” Gabriel wanted Anjali to understand how serious creating a Nachtghul was.

  “I understand,” she reached for Alazar’s dagger in her boot and sliced her palm.

  She flinched when she made the cut on Derick’s hand, though he didn’t seem to notice the pain. It became apparent to her how much pain he was in.

  Holding their hands together, she looked to Gabriel to continue the ritual.

  “You will need his consent. Once that has been granted, repeat these words: You have consented to be my servant. Swear to me your loyalty and I will grant you immortality. Blood of my blood, soul of my soul, you shall carry out my will henceforth. You are bound to me and together we are one. Rise and join your Master. Then you must push your power into him and seek out his soul. He must swear his loyalty to you. When you draw your power out, you will feel his essence enter you. His heart will stop and you will be in command of his life. Once his soul enters you, you must fill it with your power and your light. You will return his soul to his body, but it will be forever altered. Will him to rise and he will awake as your servant. Be warned, it will be very disorienting for both of you. He might not survive the ritual since he is so weak,” Gabriel put his hand on his daughter’s shoulder. “Please, I beg you to reconsider.”

  Alazar ran to Derick’s side and put his hands on his chest. “Anjali, the reapers are coming. I can feel them. You have to decide. I will hold them off and keep Derick here as long as I can,” Alazar closed his eyes and searched for Derick’s soul. He used his power to hold on to the boy as tightly as he could. Feeling the reapers approaching, he yelled at them to stay back.

  Anjali watched Alazar frantically work to keep Derick alive. Looking down at her beloved, she felt lost. She didn’t know what to do. The right thing would be to let him go. He would be reborn again into the world, eventually, and live another life. He could find love again, though she hated the thought.

  Derick looked up at Anjali, desperate to see her. “You told me once, Uncle Benjamin, Gabriel, whatever you want to be called, that I was destined for greater things. You said that I had to pull myself out of despair so that I would one day find what I was looking for. You were right. I finally found it.”

  Anjali’s heart opened up to her long lost love. She needed to have faith in him and herself. The sweet boy in front of her had stood before Lucifer and declared his love for her. Regardless of the consequences, she had to keep him. Lucifer would hate her, but she didn’t care. She needed Derick.

  “Derick do you want this? Do you want to be my servant, my Nachtghul?” Anjali’s eyes welled up.

  “Yes,” his answer was barely audible, but it was there.

  Anjali took a deep breath and focused her mind. Removing her ring, she placed it in Alazar’s hand. She was careful to keep her mind calm in an effort to control her power. She thought about how she had let her power rise so that she could bind Alazar to her. A hand touched her right hand. She knew immediately it was Alazar. He was there to make sure that she didn’t let her power overwhelm her.

  “Derick Hunt, you have consented to be my servant. Swear to me your loyalty and I will grant you immortality. Blood of my blood, soul of my soul, you shall carry out my will henceforth. You are bound to me and together we are one,” she said, though her voice was filled with power. The tempest inside of her flooded to the surface, but she quickly directed it toward Derick. She was afraid she would kill him, but held on to Alazar’s hand to steady herself.

  Her power rushed from her body and poured into Derick’s chest
. She reached out and felt Derick’s soul. It was thin and weak, consumed by pain. She found it hiding in a corner, afraid that the reapers would snatch it away. She knew he was clinging to this world with everything he had. Agony permeated his every muscle. She shuddered from the pain, but didn’t let it overwhelm her. She lent him her strength and bore his pain. Sweat broke out across her skin when she took on the burden of his suffering. She quickly understood Gabriel’s warning about the complications. If Derick were ever hurt, she would immediately feel it.

  She thought about all that he had endured to be with her. He’d lost his friends, been hunted by Maraquette, and been attacked by Lucifer, yet he was still willing to be with her. She thought about how he made her feel. She was happy when she was with him. Her love for this man spilled out from her heart and entered into him. Nearly laughing, she thought about making love to him in the cemetery and how much she desired to be with him again.

  When Derick chuckled, she realized he could hear her thoughts, or maybe even see them. Filling him with the lust she had felt for him when they were in the castle, she was rewarded with a smile.

  “I swear to you that I shall carry out your will,” Derick’s voice was stronger when he spoke his vow.

  Anjali’s power spiked, nearly knocking her backward.

  Derick’s body jolted and stiffened. He grunted and then yelled out.

  Anjali felt her power surround Derick’s soul and seize hold of it. The reapers didn’t have a chance to claim him. His soul entered her body and she surrounded it with her power and her love. His life force coursed through her whole body, merging them together briefly. Without looking, she knew his body was convulsing as his heart stuttered to a halt. Briefly opening her eyes, she saw his blank expression. His vacant eyes were open and staring at the night sky. His remaining breath left his body and he was silent. She kept his soul safe as his mortal life ended.

  “Rise and join your Master!” Anjali yelled to the sky.


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