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The Third Throne: Angel of Death

Page 65

by Tabitha Barret

  “Where have you been?” Josilyn looked at him, trying to sort out all the details.

  “Hospital. I got pretty banged up. Cassie did a number on me,” he rolled up his sleeves to show her the healing scratches from the Shade attack on his arm. Then he pulled aside his collar to show Maraquette’s bite mark, which was still red and irritated.

  “I’m sorry I thought the worst of you, Derick,” she threw her arms around him and held him.

  “I would have thought the same thing,” he hugged her and tried his best to comfort her. “I think it’s time for you head back to Tulsa.”

  Josilyn pulled away and looked at him. She noticed that he didn’t say “we”. “Where are you going?”

  “I thought that I would see the world. I’m leaving Tulsa, Josilyn. I’m going to stay with Annie. I love her. I realized that when she found me,” Derick smiled.

  Josilyn stared at him as if he had three heads. “You’re serious. Are you sure about this? You don’t know her. I mean, I like her, and I’m happy that she rescued you, but are you sure?”

  “Yeah. I’ve never been more sure of anything Josilyn,” Derick nodded.

  “Okay. If you’re sure, then I’m okay with it. Just make sure you call me once in a while and tell me how you’re doing,” she playfully pushed him, the way she used to.

  He chuckled and nodded his head. “Josilyn, I was thinking, you should take the tapes. Maybe you can still make this work. You’re smart and you’re talented. I think you can find someone to edit the material we have and get someone to produce it. I’ll sign away my rights and you can use it as a demo or turn it into a special. Either way, the tapes are yours,” Derick said. He wasn’t sure how she was going to react, but he hoped that she would agree.

  Josilyn thought about it for a minute and shook her head. “I don’t know if I can watch them. Thank you for the offer. I’ll hang on to them. Who knows, maybe one day I can put this behind me,” Josilyn shrugged. “I’m going to miss you.”

  “I’m going to miss you too. Go home and forget about this place,” Derick put his hand on her shoulder.

  “We made a good team, didn’t we?” Josilyn sniffled.

  “Yeah, we did. Remember the good times, Josilyn,” Derick stood up and backed awkwardly out of the tower, waving goodbye to Josilyn.

  He disappeared and reappeared in the weapons room in the lower levels.

  “That went better than expected. Are you okay?” Anjali asked when Derick appeared behind her.

  “Yeah. I’m okay. I feel bad that she’s lost everyone, but she’s tough. I wanted to make sure that she knows it’s okay to use the tapes. I hope she can get something from them. Someone should benefit from this disaster,” he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

  It took him a moment to pull himself from his thoughts to see that the room was mostly back in order. Someone had placed most of the swords back into their holders on the walls and the suits of armor had been moved into a corner.

  Anjali was standing a few feet from the interior wall, staring at the ground. He remained quiet, giving her time to think.

  “I can’t remember the people that I killed with my power, but I don’t think I have ever killed someone with a weapon. I didn’t even have time to mourn Mrs. Pavel and feel sorry for killing her. I was too busy trying to stay alive. I know that she was destined for Hell, but it doesn’t make me feel any better. She shouldn’t have died to save me. I know that she accepted her death and sacrificed herself, but it shouldn’t have happened,” Anjali was angry with herself for not finding another way to fight Maraquette.

  “Maraquette was the one who put her in the middle of the fight. She would have killed her regardless of the outcome. She wouldn’t have wanted any witnesses. She needed the Council to think she was innocent. Mrs. Pavel was marked for death the second Maraquette entered into this castle, and you know it,” Derick hated to see her so upset.

  “I suppose, but I made the choice to take a life. I have to accept responsibility for that. Mrs. Pavel ended up in the Realm of Poison, which is better than ending up in the Realm of the Destroyer,” she regretted sending someone to Hell, even if Mrs. Pavel had poisoned her husband.

  “You need to stop this,” Alazar said as he walked in the room.

  Anjali was startled to see her angel.

  “Sorry, I was spying. Besides, I came back for this,” he pointed to his lounger in the hallway.

  Anjali snickered at him, but was grateful for the distraction.

  “Look, people die every day. One day, you will kill them all. I’m glad you have your morals intact and that you feel sympathy for what you have done, but let’s not dwell on it. Mrs. Pavel had a second chance on life and she screwed it up. She escaped my temptation when she was younger. Trust me, she should have learned from her encounter with me, but didn’t. Now, if you’re ready, I’d like to get my chair back home and relax for a while,” Alazar winked at her.

  “He’s right. You can’t dwell on all this, you’ll drive yourself crazy,” Derick walked over to her and put his hand in hers.

  “You’re right. I can’t cry for everyone that dies. I have to accept that I will be surrounded by death for the rest of my life because of who I am. I hope the day never comes when I no longer mourn the loss of a life and instead rejoice in it,” she held Derick’s hand tightly in hers. “Let’s go home.”


  Anjali walked into the Throne Room and got a quick look at one of the new servants, who was most likely Lev. He was tall and young looking, maybe 25 years old. He looked green around the edges as he stood guard by the thrones. It was a boring job, and one Lucifer loved giving to the newer servants. The guy had a pleasant face, which was probably why Lucifer had chosen to make a deal with him. The girls back home would have fawned over him, but she wasn’t interested. He looked too innocent to be in Hell.

  He eyed her questioningly when she passed to the left of the dais, but he didn’t speak. She stepped around the pillar and came face to face with the other new servant, who was standing guard in front of the door to Lucifer’s private room.

  “He doesn’t want to be disturbed,” the man had a gruff voice and was older than the servant on the dais. She knew immediately that this was Garret, Alazar’s suicider. His eyes were cold and calculating. He was taller than her, but not a large man, though he liked to intimidate people with his personality, based on the sneer he was giving her.

  “Step aside. Lord Lucifer will see me,” she replied evenly.

  “He said to keep everyone out. There were no exceptions, Lady Black,” he said her name harshly. He crossed his arms defiantly, blocking her path.

  Her skin crawled when he said her name.

  “You’re new here, so I’ll give you a break, this time. Move, or I’ll send you back to the Realm of Fire,” she drew out the word fire. Despite his bravado, she saw the small flicker of fear in his eyes.

  He stepped aside and sneered at her.

  She walked through the door and down the stairs. The staircase ended at Lucifer’s bedroom door. She knocked and called out to him, hoping that he wouldn’t lash out at her for disturbing him.

  A few seconds went by and she thought that Lucifer might not answer. She was about to leave when the heavy wooden door opened slightly. Lucifer wasn’t in sight.

  She slowly pushed the door open and saw Lucifer standing in front of the fireplace along the right wall. He looked to be deep in thought.

  “My lord?” she asked quietly, prepared to flee, if necessary.

  “Come in,” he said quietly.

  She entered and closed the door behind her.

  He was still dressed, though she had assumed he would be asleep if he didn’t want to be disturbed.

  “Come to me,” he said, though he stayed motionless, still staring at the fire.

  She crossed the room and stood behind him. When he didn’t say anything else, she put her hands on his taut shoulders and massaged them. He sighed and relaxed in her hands.

  “Is your wound healing?” she worked the muscles along his back and down his sides.

  “Yes. I don’t feel the pain anymore. Another day or two and all should be fine,” he replied. It was an automatic response without emotion. She knew his mind was somewhere else.

  “I’m sorry about Maraquette.”

  “I’m just happy that you are alive and safe. I don’t know if I would have been able to leave the Cave if it had been you instead of her,” he whispered.

  “You did the humane thing by not letting her suffer,” she replied.

  “I couldn’t watch her die like that,” Lucifer sighed. He stood and wiped his face with his hand. He looked defeated. “I thought that I didn’t miss Maraquette and then I held her limp body in my arms. I remembered how vibrant she was in Heaven and I wanted to weep for what I had lost. I am ashamed that her love wasn’t enough to keep me in Heaven, or to lighten my burdens in Hell. She shouldn’t have died because I didn’t love her enough,” his eyes filled with tears causing Anjali’s form to waver.

  “She obviously didn’t know what you needed to be happy. She selfishly believed that she could put you in a bubble and make you love her so that she could get her happy ending,” Anjali frowned and shook her head.

  “Maraquette always had a simple way of looking at things. I’m glad it’s over,” Lucifer put his hand on her neck and inhaled her scent of her hair.

  “I wish I could have stopped her sooner,” she grimaced.

  “Yes, she is the reason that you now have a Nachtghul,” Lucifer stiffened and removed his hand.

  “I couldn’t let him go. I’m sorry if you’re mad at me, but I had to do it,” she braced herself for his wrath.

  “I see the way the boy looks at you. He loves you. I envy him more than you can ever imagine. He gets to be with you whenever he wants,” Lucifer growled.

  “You don’t love me, not really. You love God’s light inside of me. If I didn’t have it, I would be just another servant to you,” she hated saying it aloud, but it was the truth. She stayed very still, waiting for Lucifer’s response.

  “That is not true!” he yelled. He stalked across the room toward the bed and paced. “You lighten my burdens yes, but I do love you. You are beautiful and strong, courageous and innocent. I love the way you wanted to fight Michael, even though Hades and I warned you that it would be foolish. I love the way that you stood up to the Council. I love the way that you walked into that cave and weren’t afraid of Maraquette or the creatures of the damned. You astound me every time that I look at you. It’s not Father’s power that makes you strong; it’s your heart, your will and your determination. It’s your sense of right and wrong, the very thing that Gabriel tried to instill in you by making you mortal for countless centuries. I am in awe of you. I know that I don’t show it all the time, but I do love you,” Lucifer stalked over, pulled her into his arms, and held her tight.

  “Sometimes it’s nice to hear,” she chuckled when her feet left the ground.

  Lucifer gently put her back down and looked at her solemnly. “This is why I am not mad that you have a Nachtghul, one who loves you. I told you long ago that I wanted you to be happy here. If he is able to make you happy when I cannot, then I concede. Just make sure that he respects my claim to you and doesn’t flaunt your relationship, or I will be mad,” Lucifer’s eyes flickered with anger, but his body remained loose.

  “Thank you, my lord. I have been instructing him on the appropriate way to act when we are in public,” she bowed her head slightly.

  “Good. Now, about Alazar. Are you able to maintain control over him?” he unconsciously rubbed his stomach.

  “You saw me stop him dead in his tracks when he was fixated on killing you, so yes. Even though I command him, I don’t want to force his compliance every second of every day. I don’t want that kind of relationship,” she stiffened, waiting for Lucifer to demand that she turn Alazar into her puppet.

  “So you’re saying that he will make mistakes and test my limits. I know better than to think that you would turn him into your mindless slave. I guess you will want me to be lenient with him while the two of you figure things out,” Lucifer grimaced when he thought about Death getting away with being an asshole.

  “Yes, I do,” she tried to keep the surprise out her voice.

  “I need to know the extent of your relationship with him. He is very possessive of you when he looks at you,” Lucifer knew the answer, but he wanted her to admit it.

  “It has nothing to do with you, Lucifer. We are drawn to each other. Alazar no longer misses Heaven. His loyalties lie with me alone,” she snapped.

  Lucifer joked to himself that Anjali was his own personal Heaven, but for Alazar, it was true. He considered that for a moment.

  He walked over to his bed and slumped down. “There is no possible way that I can keep him from your side. For the first time, I understand that.”

  “Alazar understands what is needed to calm you, my lord, and has not objected in any way. He understands the complicated relationship that we have. He saw it in your eyes when you asked for his forgiveness. He saw how different you are around me,” she sighed.

  Lucifer leaned his head against her stomach, enjoying the feel of her hands in his hair. “Please don’t leave me,” Lucifer broke down and sobbed.

  Anjali closed her eyes. She remembered Derick’s accusation about her having an abusive relationship. “I’ll bet he cries and tells you how sorry he is.” Derick was right when he said that her “boyfriend” keeps her under his control because he knows her weakness. She had promised not to leave him, no matter how hard it was. If he were willing to make concessions for Derick and Alazar, then she would find a way to be there for him when the darkness controlled his mind and he was a slave to it.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she mumbled into his hair.

  “Lie down next to me. I’m cold and I can’t get warm,” Lucifer muttered, lifting his head to look at her.

  She gave him a little smile and nodded. Watching him climb into bed, he looked worn out. He wasn’t the feral creature who had broken her arm a few days ago. He was an angel who missed his home and his old life, but was willing to be in pain so that he could do the task God asked him to do.

  She climbed into bed, wrapped her arms around his stomach, and laid her head on his chest.

  “Did you really have to make one of Alazar’s suicides into your servant?” she grumbled.

  “Yes. Yes, I did. Consider us even for the knife to my gut,” Lucifer pulled her closer and closed his eyes, content that she was with him, for now.


  Derick rolled onto his back and sighed. Anjali snuggled into his side and bit his shoulder. He liked when she was happy and sated. Not that lying in her bedroom in Hell was the way he had pictured their future together, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything.

  “Dear Lord, get a room,” Alazar strode into the room and sat down on the couch, crossing his legs.

  “We are in a room, my room. Knock next time,” Anjali growled while Derick quickly pulled the sheet over his body.

  “Please, like I haven’t seen naked men before,” Alazar looked away, annoyed.

  “What’s wrong?” she stood up and dressed herself.

  Derick grumbled and jumped out of bed. He pictured clothing in his mind, as Anjali had taught him, and willed his clothes to appear. He knew from Alazar’s mood that it could take a while for him to finish complaining.

  I’ll take up my post in the Hall of Mirrors and give you time to deal with Captain Mopey Pants. He’s rarely happy; I don’t know how you put up with him, Derick kissed her and left the room.

  He’s mad that he can’t find Zacharael. Give him a break, she replied.

  “Alazar, it took me a while to find you and I only found you because of the murder/suicide souls in the Realm of Fire. I found one that remembered you. People rarely die as a direct result of desire; it’s more of a gateway sin. He will be harder to trac
k, just like the others. I know you want to find him, but I want to go after Balthazar next,” she knew her declaration wouldn’t go over well.

  “Why do you want that jack wad?” Alazar snapped. He cursed himself when he saw her flabbergasted expression. “I’m sorry. I’m sure you have your reasons, I’m just pissed that I left Zacharael alone to deal with Lucifer’s brutal attack all those years ago. I won’t be surprised if he tries to take my head when I do find him.”

  “I want to find him too. I want to find them all, but something is telling me to find Vengeance next. I had a dream about you. You were alone, walking in the snow and you were cold, lonely. I knew that I had to find you. While I haven’t dreamed of Balthazar, there’s something pushing me to find him. It’s like an itch or a tic. It’s driving me to find him,” Anjali sat down next to Alazar and pulled her feet up under her. “I knew Maraquette was setting us up in the cave. The feeling of vengeance exploded in my mind for a second, and I felt what it was like for someone to want to destroy someone so completely, to seek their own retribution, and call it justice. I need to find him.”

  Alazar looked into the fire and thought about Balthazar. He hated to tell her, but she needed to know. “Before I left Hell, I told the Predznak that was going to kill you. Aeries challenged me saying that he always believed he would be the one to do it. I told him to back off. I even used my power to intimidate him. After that, Balthazar told me that if I failed to kill you, he would finish the job. Once he finds out that I have joined with you, I’m certain that he will strike at both of us. Balthazar doesn’t make threats. He makes mission statements. You have to understand how he works. He will find anyone that you care about and kill them before he turns the knife in your gut and watches you die. He’s methodical and ruthless. He’s always had his own set of rules. As you know, I really don’t have many rules, but he lives by them.”

  “He won’t hesitate to kill you or Derick,” she muttered to herself.


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