Book Read Free


Page 12

by M.S Watson

  Chapter Twelve

  ‘Our enemy always lasts longer than the happiness of those we envy.’

  Francois de La Rochefoucauld

  ‘I told him you’re going.’

  Lainie strode around the kitchen table and took a seat beside me. We were waiting for Nevada to come down and drive us to the store. I was planning on going simply to tease my sister whenever she chose a dress for Xanthias’ party, but I did a double take at her words. I frowned.

  ‘Told who I’m going where?’ I questioned, narrowing my eyes at her in suspicion. She rolled her own and sighed in annoyance.

  ‘You’re so in the clouds,’ she muttered, turning to face me. She reached into her wallet and retrieved a familiar shred of paper, flipping it teasingly around in front of my face. I reached forward to snatch it from her but she was too fast. She immediately replaced it back in the wallet and snapped it shut, beaming at me. ‘I told Xanthias that you are coming to his party on Thursday night.’

  ‘Oh, that’s lovely,’ Nevada commented from the stairs. ‘It’ll be good for you to go to a party together.’

  Neither Lainie or I had noticed her descending the stairs. She wore a bright yellow summer dress and had slipped into some tan sandals. The bag over her shoulder matched, while her hair had been pulled back into a loose ponytail. She pulled a pair of large, white sunglasses over the bridge of her nose and smiled. Apparently she had simply accepted that I wasn’t going to forgive her and had simply moved on. Lainie jumped up from her seat, having dressed into a skimpy black denim number that barely covered her womanly areas. She didn’t seem to worry, but Nevada tossed her a vest to at least cover her top half. Lainie placed it in her handbag, either oblivious or ignorant to Nevada’s unspoken message.

  When Lainie moved toward the back door without me, she paused and skipped back, grabbing my arm. She yanked me after Nevada, making sure that I followed her. I sighed, knowing that now she’d said I was going, there was no way she would let me out of it. Eventually I relinquished myself to my sister and she dragged me easily out into the back seat of Nevada’s car. I tumbled in, narrowly missing my feet as Lainie slammed the door where they’d been only two seconds ago. Pulling myself upright, I scowled to the window with my arms crossed as I was reluctantly reversed out onto the street and driven to the plaza.

  Lainie couldn’t stop talking about how excited she was about Xanthias’ party. Ryker and Isabella had both been invited, but while Isabella had declined politely, Ryker dove into the opportunity to get as drunk as possible, even if it was at his new enemy’s party. He probably figured that if he did anything stupid while he was under the influence would be adequate revenge. Lainie simply couldn’t wait to get him on his own, to talk him out of his relationship with Isabella and be with her instead. Nevada simply nodded, trying to smile as best she could without revealing her true feelings about Lainie’s obsession.

  ‘So,’ she said as Lainie took a breath. ‘Iris, you’re going?’ I shrugged. Did I really have much of a choice? She noticed my silence and glanced in the rear view mirror.

  ‘I guess,’ I replied noncommittally. ‘Lainie made my mind up for me apparently.’ Nevada pressed her lips together to stop herself from smiling, glancing across to Lainie where she absolutely beamed. I huffed, sitting lower in the seat, earning a laugh from both Lainie and Nevada. I couldn’t help the way my lip curled up in the corner, knowing I had made them laugh genuinely. The way life used to be. Lainie’s laughing ceased immediately, though. I leaned forward, peering between the front seats.

  As Nevada pulled into a space nearest the plaza, I noticed Lainie’s point of interest across from us. Isabella and Ryker were walking together with what could only be assumed was their personal assistant trailing behind, their black limousine taking up numerous spaces. Ryker’s family were known for being filthy rich, his father some major corporation leader or something of the sort. Despite Ryker’s disappointment of no longer having what it took in the pool, his father’s wealth more than tripled his chances of being chosen by a major sponsor. I had no doubt that in the future, we would be hearing Ryker Stewart’s name in the headlines of international newspapers and magazines.

  I had no idea what kind of background Isabella came from, but guessing by her floral dress and large black sunglasses, I concluded that she was probably just as rich as Ryker. She smiled as she walked with him, the two swimming superstars in one another’s arms. Lainie and I both seethed, but for completely different reasons. I sighed, knowing that it would be annoying now that Lainie’s object of obsession would be within the same vicinity - in addition to her object of utmost hatred. I looked at Lainie from the corner of my eye, watching as she flicked through her hand bag and found a pair of nail scissors that looked too sharp to be legal. She grinned malevolently and shoved them back inside.

  ‘Lainie,’ I muttered in a warning tone, causing her to jump. She offered me an innocent smile but she knew I had caught her in the act. Before I had a chance to speak again, she pushed herself out of the car and skipped too-happily after Nevada. Reluctantly, I followed them knowing that nothing good could come of Isabella and Lainie being in the same space for a period of time. With my eyes wide open, I followed after my sister and knew I would try my hardest to keep her out of mischief - easier said than done.

  Nevada didn’t notice Ryker and Isabella, following my sister as she led the way to some major boutique. As we entered, I saw Ryker sitting in the corner next to the change rooms, looking bored. He didn’t see Lainie as she shimmied her way past, running her hands over the delicate fabrics as though she owned the place. The woman behind the counter was beautiful in an exotic way, peering up from where she was writing with an expensive-looking black and silver pen. Her dark hair was pressed into a no-nonsense bun by the nape of her neck, and her pretty blue eyes shimmered behind a stylish pair of black glasses. While she smiled at Nevada and I genuinely, she turned a fake smile on Lainie.

  ‘Welcome,’ she announced. ‘May I help you with anything?’ Her lips twitched, only a slight movement but one that screamed her reluctance to having to do anything with my sister. Lainie simply shook her head distractedly as she turned towards a rack of devilishly short party dresses and peered at the change rooms from the corner of her eye. I knew she wasn’t really looking at what was in front of her, otherwise she would have shrieked and never laid her hands on the beautiful fabrics. They simply weren’t her taste.

  Ryker was oblivious. I’d never liked him but even now I could easily say that he was blind enough not to notice a runaway train if it was just about to slam him in the face. Nevada simply sighed and moved on to a rack of more tasteful dress choices, while I moved to the opposite side of the rack and blocked Lainie’s view.

  ‘Move,’ she hissed at me, her voice so low that I barely heard her. I shook my head, feeling mischievous.

  ‘I know what you’re planning to do,’ I told her quietly. ‘I would warn you not to, but then again, I find it hilarious the dress you’ve unwittingly picked.’ I nodded toward the rack in front of her, noticing the way the ugly peacock green dress rippled back in amongst the others as she shrieked and jumped away. I laughed hysterically, noticing the store assistant as she tried desperately not to laugh with me. I heard movement behind me and I turned in time to see Ryker stand. The door to the change room nearest him slid open soundlessly, and Isabella stepped out.

  I couldn’t help but feel instant jealousy and wondered how much Lainie was seething behind me. Ryker himself seemed to almost pass out. Isabella smiled shyly, her burned skin pulling painfully so she couldn’t smile for long. The dress she wore was a classic little black dress that fitted to her curves and made her look more like an hourglass than the thin figure we’d seen in the pool. It was made of some sort of shimmery material below, so the black lace over the top seemed to pop even though its colouring was no different from the material underneath. Ryker went to run his hands over her waist, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to do so. They s
imply hovered an inch from her body, earning a self-conscious blush across her marred cheeks. She was unbearably beautiful.

  Lainie hissed and moved away quickly, turning her back on the couple with intense hatred. I was about to follow when Isabella called my name. I turned to face her with a smile, noticing that she seemed unsure of herself until she saw me in full view. She stepped toward me, taking me into an unexpected hug while Ryker’s smile fell. He knew my sister wasn’t too far away. I quickly returned her hug, careful not to touch the scars that were still healing beneath the bandages all over her skin. She grimaced as she pulled away but didn’t make a sound.

  ‘Fancy seeing you here,’ she said, her voice genuinely happy. ‘Are you getting a dress for Xanthias’ party?’ I bit my lip and nodded, surprised at her little squeal of excitement. She bounced on the spot for a moment, and I imagined her original hair bouncing on her shoulders. I felt guilty for that, knowing that she couldn’t have helped no longer having her beautiful locks of hair. Even if she had been able to keep it, it never would have been the same.

  ‘Isabella is planning on coming now,’ Ryker spoke up. ‘I can’t wait to show her off in this. It suits her more than it could ever suit anyone else, don’t you think?’ It was a challenge. He looked at me, but I knew that he was aiming it at my sister. So, someone wasn’t nearly as oblivious as I’d thought. I met his gaze and nodded, keeping my back straight and my head up high.

  ‘It’s beautiful, but personally I am aiming for something more pastel,’ I admitted, nodding toward a rack of beautiful party dresses toward the front of the store. Isabella clapped her hands and snatched hold of my wrist, dragging me along. She quickly sifted through the rack until she found a pretty white dress, simple but elegant. It was strapless, shimmering like the black material behind the lace of Isabella’s dress, only much lighter and shinier. The material was smooth against my skin as she lifted it from the rack and held it up against my body. I squirmed, feeling weird that the new girl was picking a dress for me but I didn’t say anything.

  ‘Perfect,’ she breathed, placing the clothes hanger in my hand. ‘I know there’s a chance you mightn’t like it, but please go and try it on!’ Ryker tried to discourage her, stating that they were meant to go for ice cream, but when Lainie peered over the clothes rack nearest me, he soon silenced himself. Isabella quickly ushered me towards the open change room, shutting the door behind me. I locked it quickly, taking a moment to breathe in peace before I stripped down and slid my body into the dress.

  It fit perfectly, tight at just the right places but comfortable. I knew from the way it felt that it wouldn’t go riding up if I walked or danced, which was what worried me most when I went dress shopping for parties. When I opened the door, Isabella squealed girlishly and danced on the spot. Nevada gasped, and even Lainie and Ryker appeared to be short of words to say. Nevada was the first to speak.

  ‘That’s gorgeous on you, Iris,’ she complimented me. She almost appeared teary-eyed until she discreetly wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. ‘I know you and your sister don’t like being told what to wear, but I must say just this once, that is a stunning dress. I would be disappointed if you didn’t take it.’

  Isabella winked. ‘All the boys will need leashes to keep away from you,’ she told me. Ryker cleared his throat and settled an arm around her shoulders. ‘Well, nearly all.’ She rested her head on his shoulder and I quickly excused myself to get changed. As I was about to pull down the zip, I noticed my reflection in the mirror. My breath caught.

  I was … beautiful.

  I blinked, quickly shaking my head as I rejected the idea of conforming to a self-obsessed fool like my sister and quickly threw it back on the clothes hanger. I had had no intentions of turning up to Xanthias’ party, regardless of what Lainie had told him, but I was now reconsidering. If I was in that dress … I shook my head. I was not Lainie.

  As soon as I was dressed, I exited the change rooms and we said our goodbyes to Isabella, meeting with Lainie on the other side of the store. Lainie nodded to the dress over my arm as we approached, her cheeks red with anger.

  ‘Are you going to wear that?’ she demanded. ‘Because if you’re not, I will. It’s a hot dress.’ I twisted my lip into a sneer for a moment before she took a step toward me. I automatically pulled away, keeping the dress firmly on my arm. She glared at me and stalked past.

  ‘It’s not your lucky day,’ I called after her, watching as Nevada discreetly passed me a purple credit card and nodded toward the store assistant. As I approached, I was distracted by Lainie. Nevada had lost her outside, still looking left and right through the crowds. I watched as my sister crept towards Isabella’s new dress, now packed into a bag ready for her to take home. She wove her hand in, using her nail scissors to sabotage Isabella’s dress. I may have been jealous of Isabella’s beauty, but I wasn’t going to sabotage her. She was sneaking away and barely out of sight when Isabella finished looking at the dress racks and Ryker retrieved her bag for her. They were none the wiser.

  The sound of a throat being cleared drew me back to the present. I looked before me, noticing the woman behind the counter as she stared at me. ‘Is this all for today?’ she asked politely. I pursed my lips and thought to myself for a moment before I quickly shook my head.

  ‘No, sorry. Just one moment,’ I apologised, returning to the dress rack where Isabella had got her dress. Lainie may have been out for vengeance, seeing as Isabella had Ryker, but I wasn’t going to see Isabella’s night be ruined by my idiotic sister. As I searched through the racks, I thought to myself as I planned in my head what the perfect dress would be for her now that hers was destroyed.


  By the time we got home that evening, I knew what Lainie’s plan was. By sabotaging Isabella’s dress, she had been able to purchase one identical - only untouched by her destructive scissors. She sighed contentedly as she stroked the fabric between her fingers, the street lamps flickering overhead as they passed by. It was late, but a quick dinner at the Taco Bell was completely worth it - especially watching Lainie complain as she downed a skinny shake she’d had to consume instead. It was my version of gaining vengeance on Isabella’s behalf.

  Shortly after returning home, I had gone onto the local directories online and tracked down Isabella’s house. It was a modest little home slightly inland, far from the exquisite luxury I’d been expecting. I then realised that it was one of the cheaper homes in the area - and for good reason. As I parked a couple of houses down from Isabella’s home, I watched a group of very high and very drunk had-beens stumble past and some even littered the street with used syringes. I shuddered, not envying the lifestyle Isabella was forced to have. As I started the engine, I watched the lights turn on inside her house. I had been planning on simply leaving the package and driving off, but seeing the neighbourhood, I chose to stay and keep watch.

  Isabella’s dad stepped out onto the front porch, a baseball bat in his hand as his wife and Isabella peered from behind his beefy shoulder. He was in socks and boxers, his tattooed chest intimidating as he kicked the lid off the box. Isabella’s gasp was audible even from inside my car, and I watched as she cried and picked up the box. She read the message inside, carrying the box and card inside. I sunk down in my seat, fearful of what they might say or do, but her father saw me anyway.

  Thank you, he mouthed.

  ‘You’re welcome,’ I returned, watching as he returned inside the safety of his home before I turned and drove away.

  The streets were dark as I drove home, and I felt eyes on me at every turn. No one seemed to be out, despite the warm evening. Usually people would be out, walking their dogs or going for an evening run, but it was desolate. I sped up a little, yearning to get home as fast as possible. A flash appeared in my rear view mirror, and all of a sudden the blare of a car horn outside my window echoed through my head. I turned, shielding my eyes as I slammed on the brakes. I waited for the inevitable crash, but it never happened.
/>   An engine revved and the vehicle behind me quietly crept past, three old women staring at me from within. I shuddered, my amulet pulsing with instant heat and I knew that these women were dangerous. My car idled as they drove away, and I didn’t dare move until the pulsing at my collarbone stopped completely. With my hands tight around the steering wheel, I knew that I needed to find the woman I had seen on the evening of my birthday.

  The house lights were still on as my car squealed to a halt in the driveway, but I didn’t care if they knew I was home or not. I quickly ran up the back steps and threw my car key into the bowl in the hall, running straight through the house. Everyone appeared to have been either going to bed or were simply upstairs, so I locked myself into the downstairs bathroom and changed into my unused bikini that lived at the back of my closet and an easily removable summer dress. I didn’t bother with shoes as I ran across the road, pausing at the edge of the water long enough to check to see if the coast was clear.

  With my chest heaving and the air warm against my skin, I flexed my muscles and dived into the deep.


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