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Truth or Consequences

Page 24

by Sharon C. Cooper

  A slight smile tilted the corner of his lips. “You’re very observant.”

  “More like paranoid from spending so much time with Malik.”

  “I guess I am, too,” he chuckled. “He’s always talking about these gut feelings he has. Quinn and Wiz used to be like that. Suddenly I’m having them as well.”

  Since the incident with Dr. Halsey, Natasha had started trusting Malik’s gut feelings. “What is your gut telling you?”

  “That we should head downstairs.”

  Natasha tilted her head. “Why? Besides the game room and weight room, what’s downstairs?”

  “I’m not sure if Malik showed you this.” He went down a short hall toward the back of the house and Natasha followed, surprised at how large the basement actually was. “Malik has a storm shelter. Well, it’s a little more than a storm shelter.”

  He opened the door and a light flickered on when they stepped inside the room. Water, canned goods, and a host of other survival items lined the walls. There were also spiders; Natasha hated spiders.

  “You said that this is not just any storm shelter. What did you mean?”

  They went a little deeper into the room, Stan knocking down cobwebs along the way. Tank stayed close to Natasha’s side.

  “This room leads to a tunnel that Malik had constructed a few years ago and goes almost to the end of his property line. It exits near the neighbor’s yard, concealed by a couple of trees and bushes.”

  Natasha’s nerves were getting the best of her. She didn’t like tight spaces, but what bothered her more was that Stan was telling her about this secret hide out.

  “Why are you showing me this?”

  “Because if something should happen, you need to know it exists, and use it if you have to.” He looked at her pointedly, and she suddenly felt like crying. Something was going on. “Let’s turn back.”

  “Stan, you’re really scaring me now.” Prior to Dr. Halsey’s murder, Natasha couldn’t ever remember being afraid of anything. There were things that made her uncomfortable, like spiders and amusement park rides, but lately everything seemed to freak her out.

  They re-entered the game room and Natasha felt like she could breathe again.

  Tank trotted to the stairs and looked up, his low, rumbling growl catching her attention. She still hadn’t learned all of his sounds, or signs, but she’d never heard him growl before.

  Apparently, Stan had. “I need you to stay down here.”

  Natasha gasped when the lights went out.

  “Stan …”

  “Natasha, give me your hand.” She did as he said, and he guided her across the room. She didn’t know what he was doing, but suddenly there were lights along the perimeter of the wall and near the stairs. That was when she noticed that Tank hadn’t moved from the stairs, his growl deeper and more threatening.

  “I need you to stay down here.” Stan pulled a gun from the back of his waistband. Before she could protest, he shoved it into her hands. “Just in case.”

  Thoughts of the attack from the other night at her house flooded through her mind. “Please don’t leave me down here.” Her body shook and she had no idea where to put the gun. What she wanted to do was crawl into a hole somewhere and never come out.

  “Let me check things out and I’ll come back down.” He removed another gun from his ankle holster. When Tank made a move to follow him, Stan stopped him. “Take care of Tasha.” He pointed to Natasha; Tank turned his head to look at her, and then trotted to her side.

  Glancing at the gun in her hand, Natasha looked around the room to see what she could do with it. She placed it on a shelf behind the bar just as another roar of thunder shook the house. She rubbed Tank’s back wondering what was taking Stan so long.

  There was a sound of shuffling over their heads, and then it sounded like Stan was running.

  “Maybe we should go up and check on him.” Tank looked up at her and then trotted over to the stairs and growled. “What’s up with the growling? Is it the stor—”

  “Run, Tasha!” Stan yelled and Natasha startled.

  “Wha …” Her heart pounded and her feet finally moved. She hurried to the stairs. “Come on, Tank!” She pulled on his collar but he wouldn’t budge. “Come on!”

  Two gunshots rang out, but before Natasha could react, the door at the top of the stairs swung open and Stan appeared.

  “Run, Tash—” He grunted, blood shooting out of his mouth.

  Oh dear God!

  “Stan!” She ran up the first three stairs, freezing when another gunshot rang out. “Stan!” His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell forward, barely giving her enough time to get out of the way. “Oh my God!” She cupped his cheek and then checked his pulse, which was thready. Tank was barking uncontrollably. “Hold on Sta—”

  “Step away from him!” A loud voice boomed from the top of the stairs.

  Natasha jerked her head up, regretting the sudden move when she swayed, but gripped the railing.


  Tank charged up the stairs toward him. When Ray lifted his gun, Natasha screamed.

  “No!” She fell up the stairs grabbing at Tank’s collar, not caring about the pain shooting through her knee. “Please, oh God please, don’t shoot him!”

  “Well get him away from me!”

  “Okay, okay, just let me put him in a room.” At first, she couldn’t budge Tank. He stood firm, growling at Ray. Natasha’s heart was pounding so loud, she thought for sure Ray could hear it. “Come on, Tank. Please.” Tears suddenly bloomed in her eyes, blurring her vision. What am I going to do? Her mind raced as she continued to fight against Tank’s strength.

  “Hurry it up. Otherwise, I will put a bullet in him.

  “No, no, please, don’t. Just stay there so I can get him to calm down.”

  She practically had to drag Tank away. “Come on, boy.” He finally settled down and went with her toward the shelter.

  “And don’t try any funny stuff or you both will die!”

  “Okay, give me a minute to put him in this room.” There was no way they’d be able to get far without Ray coming after them. She was going to have to leave Tank, praying that he would be okay. Then she needed to come up with another plan.

  When they got to the shelter, Natasha knelt down and held Tank’s large head between her hands. Her body trembling in fear. “All right, I need you to be a good boy and stay here.” He barked and she hugged him. “God, I wish you could go and find Malik.” He barked again. She heard movement in the other room and hurried to back out of the space, Tank following. “Stay here, boy, and I’ll be right back,” she said for Ray’s benefit. This time Tank’s vicious bark scared even her.

  Natasha closed the door, and went around the corner. Ray was walking toward her.

  “I’m sorry it took so long. I couldn’t get him to settle down.” Her voice shook despite her efforts to stay calm. She moved around Ray and tried not to look at Stan, but she couldn’t miss all of the blood painting the tiled floor. She also noticed blood staining Stan’s pant leg, a few drops dripped onto the floor.

  “It’s good to see you again, love,” Ray said, his voice deeper than usual.

  Natasha stared at him. That voice … I’ve heard that … She swallowed hard. “It was you. You broke into my house. You …” Her words trailed off. She couldn’t believe her attacker was Ray. “Why are you doing this?”

  “As a trained killer, I’m all about removing obstacles. I was hired to do a job.” He shrugged. “I did what I had to do, but for you, I have big plans for you.”

  She inched back, trying to do it discreetly, but her whole body was shaking. “Well, Malik is going to be here soon. So I suggest you leave while you can.”

  He released a ruthless laugh and slowly approached her, shoving his gun into the back of his waistband.

  “I’m not worried about your boyfriend. In fact, I have a feeling he won’t be returning for a long time. A very long time.”

every step he took forward, Natasha took a step back until she bumped into the pool table. “Ray, you’re making me very uncomfortable.”

  “I don’t mean to, love. I just want us to get to know each other better. That’s all I’ve wanted for the past month, but you never gave me a chance.”

  He grabbed her arm before she could react, and pulled her against the hardness of his body.

  “Let me go!” She pounded on his chest, her efforts useless. The smirk on his face scared her even more.

  “Fighting me is pointless. I know you would’ve given me a chance had it not been for Malik Lewis. Now that he’s out of the way—”

  “What have you done to him?” she screamed. A burst of adrenaline shot through her and she took out all of her fear and frustration on him, hitting him with everything she had. She even kicked at his injured leg, but he blocked her efforts.

  “Stop it!” he yelled, dodging a fist to his face before he locked his arms around her. His lips twisted into a wicked grin. “I never pictured you as a fighter, Natasha, but I like that.” He pressed his nasty mouth against her neck, despite her struggle to get away from him. “It’s just you and me now, love.”

  “No!” She kept squirming and he loosened his grip. “There is no you and me! I love Malik and no matter what you say or what you’ve done, that will never change!”

  He grabbed her by her hair. “Don’t say that!” he growled, the look in his eyes deadly.

  “Stop it. You’re hurting me.” Tears rolled down her cheeks. She didn’t know what he’d done to Malik, but it literally felt as if her heart was crumbling inside her chest. “Pl–please don’t hu–hurt me,” she sobbed.

  “If you don’t fight me, I won’t hurt you.” He released her hair. His arms tightened around her upper body, making it impossible for her to move her arms as he backed her against a card table, his pelvis grinding against her. “I won’t hurt you. All I want to do is love you.”

  Her sobs grew louder and bile rose to her throat as he placed kisses along her neck.

  “You smell so good,” he mumbled against her skin, his grip loosening as he went lower.

  “No!” Natasha lifted her knee, connecting with his groin, panic rioting inside her. She ran toward the shelter, but he grabbed her ankle. A glass-shattering scream started at the pit of her stomach and flew out of her mouth just before she crashed to the floor. Dizziness overtook her. She lay dazed against the cold, ceramic tile. Natasha heard Tank barking frantically, but she couldn’t get to him. The room wouldn’t stop spinning.

  “I see you like it rough.” Ray climbed on top of her.

  “Get off of me!” She pounded against him with fisted hands, connecting with his chin.

  “Why you …” He slapped her, then pinned her to the floor. He held both her hands above her head and ripped her shirt as she screamed and wiggled beneath him.

  “Get off of me!”

  A loud crash sounded in the distance, and before Natasha could process what was happening, Ray was yanked off her. She scrambled to the bar area and watched as Malik slammed Ray to the ground, punching him over and over again like a prize fighter.

  Ray growled, kicked up his legs, and jerked Malik off him.

  Ray whipped out his gun. “Move and you die!”

  “I have waited a long time for this moment,” Ray said to Malik, his tone deadly. He had Malik pinned to the floor, the barrel of his gun resting on the bridge of Malik’s nose.

  This wasn’t the first time Malik had stared down a barrel of a gun, but it was the first time he’d had to stare down one with the woman he loved in the room. He had hoped she would run when he got Ray off her, but he knew she was still here. He felt her presence.

  Malik had entered the house through the tunnel, thanks to Tank’s incessant barking. Fear of what he’d find once he arrived overwhelmed him. However, when he’d heard Natasha screaming and saw Ray on top of her, terror like nothing he’d ever experienced washed over him. He’d charged in without thinking. Fury drove his every move and he tackled Ray, his fists moving on their own accord, punching him in the face repeatedly.

  Ray now hovered above him, his bloody nose dripping onto Malik’s shirt. “I told her that if you didn’t stop asking questions and butting into things that were none of your business, I would let you watch me kill her,” Ray said, his breaths coming in short spurts after their wrestling match. “Now I’ve changed my mind. I’m going to let her watch me kill you.”

  “No!” Natasha screamed. Malik cursed under his breath. He could handle Ray, but not with her in the room. “Please don’t shoot him. I’ll do whatever you want. We can leave, Ray. Just you and me,” she pleaded.

  “Ahh, isn’t this sweet, she’s trying to save you. Too bad it’s too late.” Ray turned and pointed the gun at Natasha. Malik roared and caught Ray by the throat, throwing him to the side. The gun went off and slid from Ray’s grasp. Malik couldn’t stop pounding him. He wanted him dead. Malik punched him in the side of the head with everything he had, and Ray stopped moving, but he wasn’t dead. Malik jumped up and grabbed the gun that he had lost when he first tackled Ray.

  He aimed the gun at Ray, whose eyes were barely opened. “Now, your ass is going to die.”

  “Move, Malik!” Natasha’s frantic voice came from behind him. He glanced back and his heart leapt into his throat. He swallowed hard.

  Where the hell did she get a gun?

  Natasha stood ten feet away, a gun in her trembling hands, tears flowing down her cheeks. Oh damn. He shoved Ray’s gun into the back of his waistband, knowing that Ray wasn’t going anywhere. Malik eased away from him, his hands lifted half-mast.

  “Natasha, what are you doing?” He moved slowly, not wanting to scare her into pulling the trigger accidently.

  “He’s going to pay for what he did.” The anguish in her voice tugged on Malik’s heart.

  “I know, baby, and he will, but not like this.” If she shot and killed Ray, Malik knew she would never recover from taking a life. “Remember our conversation about guns? What did you tell me?” She cried harder. Her shoulders shook and the gun bobbed up and down as he inched toward her. “You told me that you’re about saving lives, not taking them.”

  “He deserves to die … the way … the way the others died. I couldn’t save Stan. He ki–killed him!” Her eyes conveyed the fury inside of her. “He hurt me,” she sobbed.

  “Ahh, baby ...” Sorrow seared Malik’s heart. “I swear to you. I won’t let anyone hurt you again. Just give me the gun.” Malik held out his hand.

  “I ca–can’t.” She cried harder. “I can’t let him get away.”

  “He’s not going anywhere, and he’ll never be able to hurt anyone again.”

  Her sobs came loud and hard, her body shaking violently. Malik eased the gun out of her hands and set it on the bar, just as he saw Wiz and Detective Sheldon near Stan.

  “Come here.” He pulled Natasha into his arms, kissing the side of her head and holding her tight. “Baby, I love you so damn much,” Malik said into her hair, his own emotions getting the best of him. Tonight he could have lost her. “God, I love you. I swear I will spend the rest of my life showing you just how much I love you.”


  Three Months Later

  Malik stood at the podium, in the small banquet room, with a glass of champagne in his hand talking to Cameron’s father. Natasha admired how good Malik looked. His dark Armani suit draped over his broad shoulders and across his wide chest made him look like a GQ model. He had such a powerful presence, garnering attention no matter where he went. It wasn’t just his physical size that turned heads. Malik exuded confidence. Wearing a fearless and commanding persona like a Medal of Honor. Natasha couldn’t think of anyone else she’d rather spend the rest of her life with.

  “I’ll be right back,” Layla, who was sitting next to Natasha said. “I see someone I know.”


  Layla turned to Stan and kissed him on the lips. “Be bac
k in a sec.”

  Joy bubbled inside Natasha every time she saw them together. Considering the pints of blood he had lost, no one thought Stan would survive his injuries from the gun battle in Malik’s basement. He suffered a gunshot to the stomach, barely missing some vital organs, and another shot that shattered his leg. Despite still walking with a cane, Stan claimed that Layla had nursed him back to health.

  Malik tapped the microphone. “Excuse me. May I have everyone’s attention?” His deep voice boomed around the room, and Natasha smiled when he met her gaze and winked. He still had the ability to make her blush, and she fell in love with him more and more each day.

  “Just in case you haven’t figured it out,” Malik said, “the rumors are true. Cameron “Wiz” Miller and Olivia, Ollie to me, are engaged to be married … again.” Cheers and whistles went up around the room.

  “Please lift your glasses.” Malik waited. “Congratulations to two of the most important people in my life. Wiz, Ollie, I wish you both a lifetime of happiness and if you ever need me, I will always be here for you both. I love you, guys. Cheers.” Everyone sipped from their glasses and then clapped. “Oh, and Ollie.” Olivia glared at him, wagging her finger. “Oops, I mean Olivia, you’re getting a helluva man. You’re not only marrying my best friend, my brother, but you’re marrying a man who loves you above all else. I know this because he and I can’t have a simple conversation without him mentioning you.” Laughter filled the room and Malik stepped away from the mic.

  Natasha watched him walk toward her. His gaze held hers and everything else around them disappeared. The past couple of months had been some of the most heart-wrenching days of her life, but also some of the most amazing. Her and Malik’s relationship was growing stronger by the day. She never thought she’d experience such happiness.

  When Stan almost died trying to protect her, and Ray tried to kill her, she thought she would never recover. The fear, guilt, and anger dominated a huge part of who she was. Even more so, when she found out that the day she rode with Ray to his mother’s house, they were actually at the social worker’s house. He killed her and Natasha hadn’t had a clue. She still shivered at the thought. For a while, she wouldn’t go anywhere without Malik, or someone from his security team, and the guilt of Stan’s injuries had her seeking professional help.


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