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My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 10 Stalked

Page 4

by Marita A. Hansen

  “No, Jagger, don’t,” I said, shaking my head.

  He pulled a face. “It’s painful. You uncle hurt me so many times. He didn’t care how I felt, just used me for his own pleasure.”

  “I’m sorry, Jagger, just don’t do to me what he did to you.”

  “I wouldn’t,” he said, starting to rub his cock against my pussy again. “Did you enjoy me licking you?” he asked, his voice sounding almost boyish. Something was definitely not right. He was chopping and changing between different personalities. “Answer me,” he said.

  “Sì, I liked you licking me.”

  “That’s because I’m the fucking master at licking figa. I was made purely for sex.”

  “You’re wrong, you’re more than that,” I said, lying through my teeth.

  He stopped rubbing against me. “But you called me a whore.”

  “I was angry at you; that is all. We all say cruel things when we’re mad.”

  “Because I had Teodora. I might have been wrong about her molesting me.” He frowned. “I don’t know what’s real and what’s not anymore; that’s why I let her go. Maybe I should stop taking drugs, but they help me escape.” His frown deepened. “You’re truly listening to me?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “No one ever listens. They pretend by nodding, but they never truly hear me, especially women. They prefer to gawk at me. They think I’m simpleminded solely based on my looks.”

  “Of course you’re not.”

  “Don’t patronize me.”

  “How is that patronizing? I just agreed with you.”

  “Can I fuck you?”

  “Jagger, you’re changing the subject again.”

  “Because no matter what I say, it won’t make a difference. Now, can I fuck you?”

  “No,” I said, surprised he was asking permission.

  He started rubbing against me again. “You said you would fuck me.”

  “I’m engaged to Frano.”

  “Every woman I want to be with prefers my cousin over me. Maybe that’s the real reason why I need you right now.”

  “Bambino, just get off me and I’ll help you.”

  “Don’t call me a bambino!” he yelled, jolting me. “I’m not a baby or a child; I am an adult. I fuck women for a living.”

  “Then fuck me if you have to; I won’t object again.”

  He stilled; his expression disbelieving.

  “I’m not tricking you,” I said. “If Frano wants to cheat on me, I can play his games too. So, fuck me to your heart’s content.” When he didn’t do anything, I thrust my crotch upwards. “Go on; put your cock inside of me. Impregnate me, because your bastardo cousin won’t.”

  “Why would you want me to get you pregnant?” he asked.

  “Frano said I was pregnant with his child. It’s the reason why Pedro didn’t kill me, and since your cousin prefers to fuck that FBI troia instead of me, I will get a D’Angelo baby anyway I can, and I can’t go wrong with you: you will produce a beautiful child.”

  He sneered at me. “I might as well leave something behind after I die.” He took a hold of his cock and penetrated me, making me gasp at the sudden intrusion. He slowly began moving in and out of me, his eyes filled with anguish. It almost felt as though I was taking advantage of him, instead of the other way round. I had never seen someone look this troubled while fucking me. It made me feel deeply uncomfortable to the point I wanted to tell him to stop, but I didn’t, because he wouldn’t listen, plus my body was ignoring my head, still wanting the pleasure he was sending through me.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” he panted out as he moved in and out of me.

  “I never knew you before today.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You haven’t known happiness have you?”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “You can’t let what my uncle did ruin you.”

  “It already has.” He leaned down and kissed me before I could reply. My heart began pounding faster as his tongue plunged inside my mouth. I’d made love to many men, but none of them had ever affected me like this. Frano was the only one who came close, but obviously not close enough, because Jagger was making my heart hurt, ache, and pound outside of my chest, something I’d never felt before. I thought he was nothing but a beautiful, vacant man. But I was wrong; he was a tormented soul and right now, in this moment, I wanted to own him the same way my uncle did. Maybe I was just like my Uncle Michael, which was why Frano didn’t want me. He was too strong a man to be owned, which was why he kept rejecting me, but Jagger … he was broken, someone who needed their lover to give them validation.

  I kissed him back, spearing his mouth with my tongue, getting lost in him. If this was what crazy tasted like, it sure as hell was addictive.

  He pulled back and reached for the cabinet, picking up the cuffs’ key. He started freeing my hands, surprising me. Once he’d finished, he picked up the knife and held it out for me to take.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Take the knife.”

  I shook my head.

  He took a hold of my right hand and put the hilt of the knife in it, then started kissing my ear. “Stab me, then tell them I was raping you,” he said.


  His hand ran down my waist. “Frano won’t take retribution, you would be defending yourself.”

  “But, I don’t want to kill you.”

  He moved his face in front of mine. “I hurt your niece, so take retribution like you said you would.”

  “You said you didn’t hurt her.”

  “I took away her freedom.”

  I threw the knife on the floor. “I still won’t kill you.”

  “Why not?!”

  “Because I’m not a murderer.”

  “You tried to get me to kill Rita.”

  “Because I can’t physically do it myself, and right now, all I want is for you to fuck me.”

  He frowned for a moment, looking as though he was thinking, then moved down my body and freed my ankles. He then climbed on top of me and pushed inside of me again. I wanted to cry out, but instead I clamped my mouth shut, not wanting anyone else to know I was willingly fucking Jagger.

  My mind went blank for a second as he started to kiss me. His hands were all over me, caressing and kneading my flesh. No man had kissed and touched me like this before, as though it was the last time they were ever going to have sex. It was amazing, and even better, Jagger was going from slamming my pussy to taking me gently. What he was doing was confusing my body to the point I was pushing up at him, trying to take him instead of the other way round. Maybe that was the real reason all the women talked about him when he walked past. They had experienced what he could do for them, or knew in the back of their mind how fucking fantastic he was in bed.

  His lips latched onto my breast, sucking and drawing it into his mouth, making me keen and claw at his back. God, how could I have not felt like this before? The buildup he was creating, the way he was consuming me, taking me: it wasn’t love, it was a sexual nirvana.

  He let go of my breast and lifted my legs over his shoulders, staring down at me with those golden eyes. He started moving in and out of me again, his smooth cock pure heaven. It twitched inside of me, Jagger moaning in response. His neck muscles strained, the man so fucking intoxicating it pained me to watch him, because it set my body off again, the bitch straining to reach orgasm, not caring how it got there. But he slowed down again; no doubt aware I was only moments away from coming. This man was driving me fucking insane!

  “Faster,” I begged. “I need to come. Now.”

  He smiled, his endearing expression taking me by surprise. It appeared he enjoyed pleasing me, which was still strange considering how he’d been so cruel the day before.

  I returned his smile, wanting to see what he did. His eyes lit up, as though I had complimented him. He bent down and kissed me, those fine lips of his soft and l
uscious. I groaned against them, letting out a whine as he took them away from me. He was hurting me both emotionally and physically with the way he was winding up my body to the point I wanted to scream at him to give me release, which I couldn’t do in this damn house.

  He picked up momentum, never once taking his eyes off me. I cried out as he started to slam into me, hitting me forcefully, to the point of pain. But I needed it to push me over the edge. I flung my head back and muffled a scream with my hand, because I wasn’t coming, I was about to explode. The orgasm hit me hard, the strongest I’d ever felt. At that moment, I knew I’d been kidding myself about Frano. He never wanted me, because I’d heard Rita cry out like this as I’d walked past their room. And right now, I didn’t care either, because all I wanted was to live for this one moment.

  Jagger came a second later, crying out as his cock pumped inside of me, then another cry filled the room, but belonging to a woman. I turned my head, finding Honey standing in Jagger’s doorway with a hand over her mouth, her eyes filled with horror and betrayal.



  I stayed home from school the day after Christo had attacked me. I had told my father everything, knowing he wouldn’t allow Christo to get away with it, plus he needed to know about the bodyguards, something that still had me in tears. Christo should go to jail for what he did to them, but I knew he wouldn’t. Mafia families didn’t involve the police, the dons instead resolving everything, which was why my father had gone straight to the Dontelli don with his soldiers. My famiglia may not have been as powerful as theirs, but my father was still a respected man who had sway in the mafia community, plus the Donatelli don was supposed to be one of his friends.

  I walked down the staircase and into the lounge, finding my brother watching TV with my mother. He had the mind of a child, but the face and body of a twenty-one-year-old man. During his birth, his oxygen supply had been cut off, causing brain damage. Still, he looked like a male version of me, just with my mother’s lighter auburn hair.

  He looked up as I neared him, giving me a lovely smile. He was so placid, unlike my friends’ brothers who were holy terrors. Instead, he idolized me, treating me as though I was the older sibling, not the other way round.

  I sat down next to him, not wanting to stay in my bedroom any longer. My imagination was taking me to places I didn’t want to go. I had started conquering up all the different ways Christo could get to me—or worse, how he could hurt my famiglia. I had imagined Christo gunning down my father and his soldiers, or blowing up my house while we were sleeping—or the main one: raping me. That one kept plaguing my mind, probably because of the way he’d said he would take my virginity. It was terrifying, HE was terrifying. I hated him, and I hated his twin brother too. I wished my father had put a hit on them, something I had begged him to do. I had been so shaken after Frano had dropped me off, that as soon as he was out of hearing range I had told my father everything. I demanded that he kill Christo. My mother had gone into a panic, trying to get me to be quiet, but I was too upset to care about the FBI bugs in the house.

  “Where’s papà?” my brother asked. Thankfully, Lucan had been outside playing with our dog when I’d come home, which meant he didn’t hear what had happened, because if he had he would be crying and shaking in my mother’s arms. My brother was very easily scared.

  “Coming home, bambino,” my mother said, giving him a hug.

  Lucan smiled. “Papà promised to play soccer with me.” He looked at me. “You can’t break a promise.”

  I nodded, then jumped up as the front door opened, praying it was our father. He walked in with four of his soldiers. Our father wasn’t a big man, five-eight at the most, but he exuded power. The hard line of his jaw and his intense green eyes made him look both fierce and striking, even more so due to his red-brown hair. People called us inbreeds because both my mother’s and father’s families were redheads, and yes, they were related, but only third cousins, unlike the Donatelli don’s parents, who were first cousins. But no one would dare to insult the Donatelli, unless they wanted Christo coming after them.

  “Lucan,” my father said to my brother, “go outside and practice your goal kicks. I’ll come out in a few minutes after I get changed.”

  Lucan jumped up with a big smile and headed for the back door. Although he was half-blind, he knew the layout of the house so well that he didn’t need assistance. As soon as he had gone, my father’s intense stare moved to me.

  He lowered himself down to the seat and took a hold of my hand. “I have spoken to Don Donatelli and he assures me that Christo will be punished for what he did to you and your bodyguards. He won’t bother you ever again.”

  “He should be killed for it.”

  “Keep your voice down,” he said, lowering his own. “If I had him killed, I would be putting our whole famiglia in danger. The Donatelli are far too powerful, but be assured their don was furious with what his brother did. He did not sanction Christo’s actions, so that monster will not get away with this.” He squeezed my hand. “Though, I was not pleased that Frano D’Angelo brought you home. The D’Angelos are just as much trouble as the Donatelli. Have you broken up with Jagger like I told you?”

  “I tried to, but he started crying.”

  “I’m not interested in your excuses, Sophia. You will break up with Jagger immediately. You cannot associate with him or his lothario of a cousin.”

  “It’s only Jagger I hang out with; I hardly know Frano.”

  “As I said, you are not permitted to see Jagger. It will only lead to heartache when he goes into the priesthood.”

  “But, he doesn’t want to be a priest.”

  “I spoke to the Padre on the way out of the Donatelli casa and he said that Jagger did want it until he met you.”

  “The Padre is a liar.”

  My father’s jaw tightened. “You will not insult a man of the cloth, Sophia. He is not like his brother. He helps people, and has a whole congregation who looks up to him. You will show him respect.”

  I pulled my hand free from my father’s, ready to argue that the Padre was not a good man, that he was evil. But instead I bit back my response, knowing my dad wouldn’t take being yelled at well. He could go from being soft to a strict tyrant, someone who wouldn’t think twice about strapping me with a belt for my disobedience.

  “Okay, I’ll stay away from Jagger.” I stood up. “I’m tired; I want to go to bed.”

  He rose and took a hold of my face. “This is for the best, and, bambina, you will find someone else,” he said, letting go.

  I nodded, just wanting to go to my room now. I said, “Goodnight,” then headed past him, taking to the staircase. I entered my room and shut the door behind me, flopping onto the bed. My cell phone rang in my pocket. I pulled it out, not recognizing the number.

  A smooth, rich voice came over the line, giving me the shivers. “Sophia, how are you doing?” Frano said.

  I sat up. “Better.”

  “That’s good to hear. I was worried about you after I left. I couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened.”


  “Sì. You looked very shaken; too shaken for a normal accident.” He paused. “The Padre visited Jagger today. An argument between them broke out because of you. The Padre said some things that led me to believe his brother could’ve been the reason why you got upset today. Is that true? Because if Christo Donatelli is bothering you, you shouldn’t hide it, that man is dangerous; you need to tell your father.”

  “I … I did.”

  “So, it was Christo who upset you today?”


  “What did he do?”

  I relayed what had happened, telling him about Christo killing the bodyguards and threatening my life if I didn’t stay away from Jagger. Frano made an angry sound on the other side, making me stop talking.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have lied to you,” I said. “I was scared.”

  “I’m not ups
et with you, it’s Christo. He has no right to scare a child.”

  “I’m not a child!”

  “Oh, I am truly sorry; I didn’t mean to insult you. You are a lovely donna and I should show you respect.”

  I went quiet, taken by him calling me a lovely lady.

  “Are you still there, Sophia?”


  “Am I forgiven for my slip?”

  I smiled. “Sì.”

  “Grazie. Also, I will speak to the Padre about his brother. I will make sure he doesn’t bother you anymore.”

  “There’s no need, my father went to the Donatelli don and spoke with him. Christo will be reprimanded.”

  “As he should be. Anyway, I should go now. Sleep well, bella.”

  He hung up, making me forget all about Christo. I couldn’t believe that Frano D’Angelo was concerned about me. I flopped back onto my bed, feeling hope. Maybe he liked me, which was why he’d phoned. Plus, he’d called me bella, which meant beautiful, AND he’d called me a lovely donna. I closed my eyes and brought up a picture of his face.

  I wanted him so bad.


  Things were quiet for the next month with absolutely no trouble, other than my father not allowing me to date Jagger, which meant I had to sneak out to meet him. Though, I still couldn’t get my mind off his cousin. I kept replaying over and over again how Frano had picked me up after Christo had threatened me. At the time, I’d been too upset to appreciate him holding me, but now I couldn’t stop thinking about it. And whenever I caught a glimpse of him, all I could think about was being in his arms. He would come up and talk to me, asking how I was, being friendly and polite, which made me feel guilty for lusting after him, because he really was a nice guy.

  I sat down at the café table as my mother ordered a hot chocolate for me and a coffee for herself. Frano entered the shop with his brother. He was wearing smart black pants that highlighted his firm ass, and a button-down shirt that gave me a flash of his muscular chest. He was talking to his ape-like brother, who was throwing glances at a hot-looking guy sitting at a table close by. Alberto’s gaze shifted to my table. He tapped Frano’s arm and gestured towards me as my mother placed a hot chocolate in front of me.


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