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Heaven's a Beach

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  Heaven’s A Beach

  Her Angels Book 2

  Erin Bedford

  J. A. Cipriano

  Edited by

  J. B. Garner

  DDCO Publishing, LLC

  Copyright © 2018 by DDCO Publishing, LLC

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Want to get this FREE?

  Also by Erin Bedford

  Also by J.A. Cipriano

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Thank You for reading!

  Author’s Note

  Want to get this FREE?

  Sign up here. If you do, I'll send you my short story, Alone in the Dark, for free.

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  Also by Erin Bedford

  The Underground

  Chasing Rabbits

  Chasing Cats

  Chasing Princes

  Chasing Shadows

  Chasing Hearts

  Fairy Tale Bad Boys






  The Celestial War Chronicles

  Song of Blood and Fire

  Visions of War and Water

  The Mary Wiles Chronicles

  Marked By Hell

  Bound By Hell

  Deceived By Hell

  Tempted By Hell

  The Crimson Fold

  Until Midnight

  Vampire CEO

  Granting Her Wish

  Also by J.A. Cipriano

  Starcrossed Dragons

  Riding Lightning

  Grinding Frost

  Swallowing Fire

  Pounding Earth

  The Goddess Harem

  The Tiger’s Offer

  The Wolf’s Hunt

  The Dragon’s War

  Justice Squad

  Miracle’s Touch

  Her Angels

  Heaven’s Embrace

  Heaven’s A Beach

  The Shaman Queen's Harem

  Ghosts and Grudges

  The Pen is Mightier

  The Pen is Mightier: Company Ink

  Star Conqueror

  Star Conqueror: Recompense

  Super Human

  United We Stand

  King of the Gods

  Falcon Punch

  World of Ruul

  Soulstone: Awakening

  Soulstone: The Skeleton King

  Soulstone: Oblivion

  Bug Wars

  Doomed Infinity Marine

  Doomed Infinity Marine 2

  The Legendary Builder

  The Builder’s Sword

  The Builder’s Greed

  The Builder’s Pride

  The Builder’s Wrath

  The Builder’s Throne

  The Builder’s Conquest

  The FBI Dragon Chronicles

  A Ritual of Fire

  A Ritual of Death

  Elements of Wrath Online

  Ring of Promise

  The Vale of Three Wolves

  Crystalfire Keep

  Kingdom of Heaven

  The Skull Throne

  Escape From Hell

  The Thrice Cursed Mage







  The Half-Demon Warlock

  Pound of Flesh

  Flesh and Blood

  Blood and Treasure

  The Lillim Callina Chronicles


  Kill it with Magic

  The Hatter is Mad

  Fairy Tale



  Mind Games

  Fatal Ties

  Clans of Shadow

  Heart of Gold

  Feet of Clay

  Fists of Iron

  The Spellslinger Chronicles

  Throne to the Wolves

  Prince of Blood and Thunder

  Found Magic

  May Contain Magic

  The Magic Within

  Magic for Hire

  Witching on a Starship


  Planet Breaker


  My blood rushed through my veins, my heart beating at a rampant pace. My palms began to sweat, and I quickly rubbed them on my jeans, less my hand slip. My nose had been itching since I’d started, but I refused to jeopardize my mission for the sake of a little itch.

  Just a little bit further. I’d never been this close before. Soon, it would be mine. They would all be mine.

  “What are you doing?”

  I jumped in place, my hand slipping on the keyboard. Right before me, my entire life flashed before my eyes as my last spaceship exploded into a billion pieces. I cried out as the words ‘Game Over’ appeared on the screen.

  Spinning around in my desk chair, I glared up at Lucifer. “You couldn’t have waited five minutes? I was almost there! All those hours of hard work, down the drain.”

  “My apologies, I would never wish to leave you so unsatisfied,” Lucifer smirked at me, making my insides tingle most inappropriately. As always, Lucifer stood in a designer suit which fit him like a glove. Today’s suit happened to be a sapphire blue that really brought out the color of his eyes, making it even harder to keep my tongue in my mouth and off the floor.

  I forced back my attraction to him and stood from my chair. “I’m sure you have left plenty of women unsatisfied.” With Lucifer on my tail, I walked toward the little kitchenette area of my new office.

  Gotcha! had been up and running for a few weeks now since my first case with the Blessed Falls Police Department, and I had to say business was slow. Okay, not slow. Nonexistent. Sure, I had just started my psychic detective agency, but still, you’d think I’d get a walk-in or even a random crazy spouting tales of alien abductions.


  The only visitors I’ve had were kids thinking we were some kind of joke shop. Maybe Mandy was right, maybe I should change the name. The hundreds of business cards and pens I’d just bought crept up into my mind. Maybe I’d just deal with it.

  I grabbed the only coffee mug I had and glanced inside. A few brown stains colored the bottom, but I shrugged and put it under the coffee machine anyway. What? It’s my cup!

  “I’d never leave you in such a position, love.” Lucifer leaned against the counter, his fingers stroking along my arm, causing a buzzing sensation through me. God, what I would give to feel those hands on me for real.

  “All talk,” I told him pointedly, before snatching my cup of coffee up. Some of it spilled over the side, burning my fingers. Cursing, I sucked on the offended fingers while I kicked the mini fridge open with my foot. Withdrawing my fingers with a loud pop, I set my cup
on top of the mini fridge and bent over to retrieve my flavored creamer.

  Lucifer made a noise behind me, a mixture of approval and pain. Good. Let him see what it’s like.

  “You know, Jane, I would love to touch you, to make all your dirtiest fantasies come true, but it is you who have been avoiding me, not the other way around.” Lucifer’s voice had moved closer, and little electrical zips went crazy all over my back. I knew that if I turned around I’d find him pressed up against me, and I couldn’t figure out if it would feel even better on my front or not.

  Pouring my creamer, I went about mixing my coffee while I tried to think of a plausible answer. Okay, so Lucifer hadn’t been avoiding me. Maybe it had been me avoiding him. Or more likely, I got busy and forgot that I had three sexy angels just dying to find out what paradise was really like. And by paradise, I mean my vagina. Believe me, it’s wonderful.

  I took a large drink of my coffee, closing my eyes and letting out a pleasant hum as the caffeinated sugar hit my veins. Once I had a good buzz going, my eyes snapped open and bored into Lucifer.

  “For the record, I never said you were avoiding me, but you could put in a bit more effort. Between working at the bar, consulting for Mandy at the police station, and working here, I’m working three full-time jobs!” I threw a hand up - not the one with coffee, that’d be insane – and I made an overexaggerated exhausted sound. “Really, I can’t keep up with it all.”

  Lucifer tucked his hands into his pockets and rocked on his heels, his eyes scanning the office. “Yes, I can see you are very busy.”

  “I am busy,” I quipped back, sidestepping him to go back to my desk. I could have walked through him, but all the buzzing energy was conflicting with my caffeine high, and I didn’t want to contaminate the experience. I jerked open the desk drawer and pulled out a heavy file, dropping it on the desk so it made a loud plop when it landed. “See, very busy. Lots of cases to solve.”

  There actually wasn’t anything in the folder but a bunch of blank pieces of paper, but he didn’t need to know that. For all he knew, I was up to my eyeballs in missing persons and cheating spouses. I could only wish.

  “I see,” Lucifer mused in that condescending way of his that made me want to kiss him and hit him all at the same time.

  A happy thought reminded me that I could do both now. With just a bit of my blood, Lucifer would because a full-blooded angel - eh, person, uh human, thing. I didn’t really have the logistics of it all worked out. All I knew was one drop of my blood, and he got to be a real boy! Which, let me tell you, made the whole ‘incorporeal to all but me’ tortuously good-looking angels so much easier to bear.

  Lucifer propped his hip against my desk, traitorously close to my hand. I glanced down at my fingers so close to his delectable ass and then back up to Lucifer, wetting my lips with my tongue. “Yeah, you better see.”

  Okay, so that was a bit lame but give me a break. I hadn’t gotten laid in weeks, and my libido was doing a happy dance at all the deliciousness so close to us.

  “Are you sure you don’t need a doctor?” Lucifer’s brows raised. “You look a bit flushed.” He reached out to touch me, and I backed away.

  “No, no. I’m fine.” I picked up my stack of papers and clacked them on the table. “Just really busy.”

  “Jane.” The way he kept saying my name like it was a prayer or something you would put whipped cream on and lick off each other’s body made my nipples stand at attention.

  Shooting a glaring ‘down, girl’ to them, I met Lucifer’s gaze. “I’m fine really. Just a bit overwhelmed.”

  His lips pursed together, his dark eyes peered into me, and I knew he knew I was lying. Of course, I wasn’t alright. I had three, count them three, hotties wanting nothing more than to get jiggy with me. Which I was all onboard for. I wasn’t having any ‘but there’s three of them, I should be true to only one’, monogamy bullshit. God handed me three of his tight ass angels, so I was taking what was given. It was the actual taking that was the hard part.

  After figuring out that I could make them corporeal, I hadn’t really had a good opportunity to make the most of it with Lucifer. I’d already done it with Michael, and Gabriel and I had mostly done it, though I had Mandy to thank for cutting that short. Lucifer was the only one who hadn’t gone corporeal yet, and I was having a hard time figuring out how to go about it without making it awkward.

  “Jane, you don’t have to lie to me,” Lucifer purred, that silver tongue of his well at work.

  I sat in my chair, my thighs pressing together as I imagined where else he could work his magic tongue. “I’m f-”

  “If you say, you’re fine one more time, I’m going to tell you horror stories from Hell until your ears bleed.” The sharp tone of his voice promptly squashed any dreams of his slippery muscle.

  I opened my mouth and then snapped it shut, shooting him a glare. When he didn’t relent, I let out an unattractive grunt. “Geez, you win. I’m not fine. I’m far from fine. I’ve been working double time trying to help Mandy on her cases as well as work more at the bar to pay for this place.”

  I waved a hand at me. “I’d hoped to have clients busting down my doors wanting me to help them but have one of them come?” I practically shouted. “No. This?” I picked up the file of papers. “It’s just printer paper. It’s not a case. It’s not anything.” I threw it in the air and watched the papers fall around me like rain.

  Lucifer sat quietly next to me while I had my meltdown. After a moment, he asked, “Are you finished?”

  Glancing around the floor at the mess I made, I grimaced. “Yes. I’m done.”

  “Good. Then listen to me.” Lucifer knelt beside me so that our eyes were level. “You can do this. You didn’t get the ability to see us if Father didn’t believe you could handle it.”

  “But why did I get it?” I asked for the millionth time.

  Lucifer lifted a shoulder. “Who knows? Father doesn’t tell us everything. It’s not in his way. Just know that he would never give you more than you can handle.”

  I gave him a small smile. “I suppose you’re right. After all, I think I can more than handle the likes of you.”

  “Is that so?” Lucifer chuckled, a darkness filling his gaze. “Why don’t you prove it?”

  With a shy grin, I reached into my desk and pulled out my letter opener. I’d never used the thing, but I was sure happy to have it now. Digging the end of it into my fingertip, I winced.

  Red liquid pooled to the top of my skin, and I offered it to Lucifer. Staring up at me beneath his long dark lashes, he dipped his head down until a buzzing feeling spread across my finger. The feeling quickly changed to the warm wet suckling of his mouth as he became corporeal. Even after he became solid, Lucifer didn’t stop sucking, and each pull of his mouth was like a lifeline straight to my soaked pussy.

  Lucifer’s hands slid up my calf and to my parted thighs, his fingers burning through the fabric of my jeans. I scooched forward in my seat, my legs opening wider for him. He released my finger with a languid lick before leaning toward me. I was just about to kiss the Devil when the bell above my door dinged.

  “Oh, excuse me!” a female voice exclaimed, and my head jerked up. A poshly dressed woman in her mid-fifties had her hand to her chest and a faint blush on her cheeks.

  Pushing Lucifer away, I stood and cleared my throat at the same time I told my raging pussy to shut it down. “I apologize. My associate was just helping me get something out of my eye. I’m Jane Mehr, resident psychic detective.” I held my hand out to her with my brightest customer service smile.

  The woman took my hand and shook it faintly, her attention more on Lucifer than on me. “No bother at all my dear. I do hope your associate was able to help you.”

  I chuckled nervously and glanced back at Lucifer who only leaned against my desk with a wicked grin on his face. “Oh, yes, he serviced me really well. I mean, helped me.” I stuttered over my words, my own face heating up as Lucifer laughed qu
ietly at me. Trying to regain my composure, I asked the woman, “What can I do for you?”

  Giving Lucifer one final look over, the woman turned her attention back to me. “My name is Daphne Garrett. I was told you were the one to see about unusual cases?”

  “Yep, that’s me.” I grinned so hard my cheeks started to hurt. “Unsolved cases, murders, missing persons. We do it all.”

  “What about ghosts?” she asked, raising a perfectly coiffed brow.

  I stared at her for a moment and then laughed nervously. “Oh yeah. I’m great at ghosts. You could almost say I’m an expert on them.” I glanced back at Lucifer who was taking liberties with my coffee.

  An expert indeed.


  “No, it’s the maid, she was totally lying about the dishes, I can tell,” Lucifer said, glaring at Michael as we stood hiding in the bushes of Mrs. Garrett’s mansion.

  And I mean mansion.

  My parents were well off. My dad was one of the best surgeons in Blessed Falls, and his patients weren’t shy with their delight in him. They threw money at him like drunk men threw singles at strippers. My dad was the stripper of surgeons.

  A sudden image of my dad in a G-string shaking his thing made me shudder. Yuck.

  Stripper surgeon money aside, my parent’s house was nothing to laugh at, but Mrs. Garrett’s house made ours look like a shack in the middle of the woods. The kind with boarded up windows and no running water. Yeah, that good. They had towels in the guest bathroom you weren’t allowed to touch. Believe me, I already got yelled at for it.


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