Book Read Free

A Little Bit of Fur

Page 1

by Celia Kyle

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  About the Author

  A Little Bit of Fur

  Celia Kyle

  Published: March 2012

  Published by Summerhouse Publishing. Copyright, Celia Kyle. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.

  Summerhouse Publishing


  Cover Artist

  Celia Kyle

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Chapter One

  She'd hide a few minutes longer and then she'd ask for Cole. Yep, sounded like a plan. Just a few more minutes. No need to rush, right? Right. No need. Nope, none what so ever.

  Nicole scooted a bit further into the corner when more patrons entered Trasola. No need for them to see who she was. If they saw her, then they'd recognize her. Then they’d notice she wasn’t with her normal group of gals, which would lead to them knowing why she was there. Paranoid much? Absolutely.

  Only one reason frumpy, fluffy ladies came to Trasola alone. Cole. Or rather, what Cole could potentially do for them. Cole had already hooked Nicole's friend, Lisa, up with the love of her life, and now Nic wanted in on the action. Of course, Nic knew she wouldn't end up with a husband or 2.5 kids, but she hoped that maybe, just maybe, she could have an amazing night of sex... or three. Four if she was super lucky.

  Nic was a realist and the reality of her situation was that she was a big girl. Not too big in her mind. Thick would be an apt description. Her thighs and ass were big, but so were her momma’s. Plus, she had a set of breast’s that made any post-plastic surgery bimbo jealous. The only issue was that when all of her attributes were shoved onto one body, the breasts, ass, hips and thighs, they kind of blended into one. Okay, maybe not one, but Nic knew she definitely didn’t look like the runway models or girls in the magazines. No bother though. Cole would get her a dream fling and she’d be good to go with her vibrators once again. If only Cole would show up.

  Finally, the man of the hour slammed through a nearby door. Nicole wondered if the door he emerged from led to his nightly sanctuary—complete with covered windows and soil from the area where he had been turned. Her heart went out to him. Cole had been in the middle of a near-war zone in Afghanistan when he’d been turned by a vamp. Nicole shuddered at the thought of all he’d had to endure to get home. With the sun constantly threatening to turn him into ashes, and an ever-present thirst for blood, it couldn’t have been easy.

  And now the big, bad, matchmaking vamp looked pissed. After becoming a near regular at Trasola, Nic could almost read Cole’s moods as well as Ro—his sometimes blood donor and their mutual friend. Right now, Cole looked ready to murder, or worse… fire someone.

  The man stomped behind the bar as people pressed forward and began filling drink orders. He worked with the supernatural speed of his brethren. Vamps could move as fast as lightning, and were stronger than the Incredible Hulk. Well, at least Nic thought so. Maybe Cole could do me… No.

  Nic shook her head at her wayward thoughts. She had already planned, plotted, and decided on what she wanted. Now, she just needed Cole's help.

  Taking her eyes off Cole, she snatched her purse off the floor and searched for her book. The book. She'd gone through every single volume in her erotic romance collection and had settled on this book in particular. She read and re-read all three hundred pages, and highlighted the passages she most wanted to try. By the time she finished, half the thing had been covered in neon ink. No bother though, Nic felt sure Cole could hook her up.

  At least, that's what Ro had kept telling Lisa when they'd all convinced her to visit Trasola alone. Look at how well that turned out. Lisa was now married to Jonathan and they were on their honeymoon. To top it all off, Lisa was pregnant with little Werepanthers… or something.

  Nic didn't harbor any delusions that she'd end up with baby paranormals growing in her womb. She just wanted a few nights of sweaty, dirty lovin' before she settled down with the guy her parents had chosen for her. They'd been pushing Nic and Marvin together since they were children, and Nic figured it was about time to settle into her destined life of mediocre sex with the world's biggest nerd. She hoped and prayed Cole could finagle some wild sex for her first though.

  Nic ran her fingers down the spine of her worn volume of Two for One. Placing the book on her lap, it fell open to her favorite passage...

  Elena tugged at her bonds, but the rope would not give way. She ached to trace the hard lines and muscles of the men before her. Paolo stroked Felipe's shoulders and then pulled him into an explosive kiss. She watched in awe as their tongues tangled, lips kissed and teeth nipped. She knew how Paolo's hands felt on Felipe's skin, the rough calluses scratching and abrading as they skimmed the tender flesh.

  Elena whimpered aloud when Paolo gripped Felipe's shaft, tugging his erect cock with quick, jerking motions. Tied spread eagle to the bed, Elena could do nothing but watch and wish it was her hands, her mouth traveling over their skin.

  A glass of water dropped onto the table in front of her and snapped Nic out of her fantasy. Damn, just when it was getting good. Staring at the glass, her gaze traveled up the well-muscled arm then across the wide shoulders to meet the stare of its owner, Cole.

  Blushing, Nic closed her book with a snap and plastered a smile on her face. She was here to see the man, no sense in getting embarrassed now. "Cole! Hey, how are you?"

  "Niccy," he tilted his head in greeting before he slumped into the chair next to her with a sigh. "Where's the rest of your gang?"

  Nic took a sip of her water, stalling. "They, um, they're not coming out tonight. Just me," she shrugged. "All by my lonesome."

  Cole glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. Oh, the jig was so up. "Really?"

  "Maybe.” She took another sip of water. Was it getting hotter in the bar or was it just her? Maybe the A/C was broken.

  "Huh.” He made some sort of grunting noise Nic couldn't interpret. Not being familiar with men, she wondered if it meant he believed her... or didn't. "You know, Nic, I can't ever recall you coming here by yourself."

  Nicole stroked the spine of her book absently. The whole plan had sounded good after a few glasses of wine the previous night, but now she was having second thoughts. "Really? I'm sure I’ve—"


  "Huh," she swallowed hard past the lump forming in her throat. Might as well get it out. "Iwantyoutosetmeupwithsomeone. Actually, two
someone’s.” She held her breath, waiting for Cole's response.

  He didn't say anything for a while, just took a slow sip of his drink. It looked like whiskey, but she couldn't be sure. She hoped it was, though. With luck, the strong drink would make him more agreeable.

  "You want me to set you up with two someones?” She nodded. Yay! He’s going to set me up! "Do I look like a pimp to you, Nic?"

  Uh oh. Maybe the drink wasn't helping to keep him in a good mood, and maybe today hadn’t been the best day to ask him for help. Her Mom always said she didn’t have the common sense God gave her. Whatever that meant. And she did not want to upset the pissed off vamp more than he already was. "No, not a pimp. More of a guy who knows guys... Maybe knows guys who like guys and girls.” She was fucking this all up. "Gah!” She shoved the book into his hands, "Page 156 would be awesome, but I'll take anything that's highlighted!”

  Then Nic did what she did best. She turned and ran.

  * * *

  “Hey, Fluffy, hold still a sec.” Chris felt the man before him tense and a low growl passed from Ian to him. He couldn’t help baiting the man–Ian just looked so damned hot when he was pissed. Couple the pissy attitude with being sweat-soaked as the two of them worked to repair the exterior stairs that led to their apartment above Trasola, and Chris was ready to cream his jeans.

  Ignoring the warning growl, Chris leaned forward, still holding the new door steady for Ian as he flicked his tongue over the back of the man’s neck. Sweat. Ian’s sweat to be precise. Salty and sweet and totally Ian. Yum.

  Ian was of a different opinion. He jerked his head back, clipping Chris along his jaw and forcing him to take a step back. Before Chris could recover, Ian was on him, straddling his hips and holding his arms above his head. With a snarl, Ian scraped distended fangs along his neck. His cock, always half-hard around Ian, came fully erect within his jeans and he arched against the man on top of him.

  “Yeah, that’s it, Fluffy.” God, he loved goading him. Loved the response his taunts could draw from the other man—especially the deep growls that seemed to course through Ian’s body. The growls couldn’t ever compare to the purrs, but the purring would come later.

  Chris had never imagined he’d be lying happily beneath another man, dry humping and trying to get his rocks off. But here he was. He’d always known he was a half-Were from his mother’s side, but the damned “inner cat” or whatever, had never made itself known. At least, not until Ian walked into Trasola. Now… now he couldn’t get enough of the brown haired, green-eyed man.

  He rubbed his bare chest against Ian’s shirt, moaning and twisting against his mate’s hold. Ian wouldn’t budge, but he did lower his pelvis, bringing their cloth-covered cocks together.

  “Oh, yeah Fluffy. That’s it.” Chris hissed when Ian yanked his wrists higher, stretching him out. Those fangs, long and fully distended now, scraped and nipped his neck. Sliding over his jugular with unerring accuracy with each pass.

  Growls turned into snarls as they dry-humped one another. Closer and closer Chris’s orgasm crept. His cock pulsed in his jeans in time with the rapid beating of his heart. Thump-thump-thump-throb-throb-throb. So fucking close. The constant pressure of Ian lying on top of him, stimulated every nerve ending from head to toe, but his cock was the most grateful for the contact. The zipper of his jeans dug in to the tender flesh of his dick, reminding him that maybe forgoing boxers hadn’t been the best idea.

  “That it, Kitten? That the spot?” Ian’s burr washed over him. The sound of his voice more potent that any growl, snarl, or purr. And fuck if Ian’s endearment didn’t piss him off. He attempted to tug and wiggle his hands free, but all that earned him was a laugh from Ian. “No, Kitten. Not letting you go. Got you where I want you now.”

  “Close Fluff.” Chris arched, rubbing his cock against Ian’s. Harder and harder he pressed with each pass. The tell-tale tingle and spasms of release danced along Chris’s spine. It was just a matter of seconds before he spent himself in his jeans. Every time he and Ian tried to work together, they always ended up doing the horizontal, or vertical, polka. Well, as close as the two of them got to the actual act anyway. Since Chris had lived under the assumption that he liked women most of his life, he was still coming to terms with his connection to Ian. In laymen’s terms, they still hadn’t ‘gone all the way’.

  “Yeah, Kit.”

  Of course, their round of dry humping came to a quick close when Cole stomped up the stairs and smacked them in the head with a book. Ian’s head came away from Chris’s neck with a feral snarl, which caused Cole to respond with one of his own.

  Ian sprang to his feet and Chris scrambled after him. His unsatisfied cock throbbed in protest at the loss of contact. He stepped between the snarling men, probably not the best idea for a man who was more human than not, but it couldn’t be helped now. One hand centered on each man’s chest to he hold them at bay. “Now, boys…”

  Cole dropped the book he’d been holding and stared over Chris’s head at Ian. Damn, a battle of the ‘Alpha asses’. When these two got this angry, there was no keeping cool heads.

  Chris’s watch caught his eye; the time sunk in, and he suddenly realized what had gotten Cole’s normally comfortable britches in a bunch. They were late. Seriously late. Cole was laid back and accepting of a lot of things, but he expected his employees to arrive on time, and if they didn’t, there had better be a good reason or a phone call. Chris and Ian had done neither. Chris cringed. The fact that they’d never come down meant Cole had to come up. Probably before his Tai Chi exercises. Great, Chris had an uncentered vamp on one side and an unsatisfied Weretiger on the other.

  Ian’s growl snaked up Chris’s arm and he resisted the urge to shiver. Damn, the man still had his cock hard. He decided to reason with Ian first. “Fluffy, we’re running late and I’m sure that’s why Cole invaded our personal space. Right, Cole?” Chris spared a glance at Cole and saw the man had exposed his incisors. Great. “And Cole, we were just finishing up on installing the new back door and then we were coming down for work. Just running a bit late is all.”

  Cole snorted, but didn’t respond. Instead he dropped the book he’d thumped them with to the ground and stormed out. Bitching the whole way down the steps and throwing out threats of retaliation over his shoulder. Chris shook his head and turned to Ian. “What am I gonna do about this growling habit of yours, Ian?”

  Ian didn’t give him a chance to answer. He smashed his lips against Chris’s in a possessive kiss that left them both panting when he pulled away. “You love my growls.”

  Ian was right, he did.

  Chapter Two

  They made her go back. Back to Trasola! Ugh. Did her friends not realize the implications of her actions from weeks ago? Oh. Wait. They didn’t because she hadn’t told them. Damn.

  Now Ro and Sharon had dragged her sorry butt back to Trasola for a ladies’ night out, sans one lady of course. Lisa was still on her honeymoon with his-hottiness. Nic sighed. If only she could get Cole to send a hottie or two her way, she’d be a much happier woman. If only…

  “Nic, hon? Why don’t you go to the bar while we weasel those hotties across the way out of their seats?” Lord, Ro was at it again. All three of them had extra cushion in different places, but Ro lived as if she were the hottest thing on two legs, and men responded to her attitude.

  “Can’t Sharon grab ‘em? I’ll come with you…” Yeah, she was whining, but she knew the types of drinks Ro liked to order just to embarrass her.

  “Get me a Slow Screw or a Screaming Orgasm, will ya?”

  Nic felt heat sweeping up her face and squeezed her eyes shut tight, thankful that her mocha complexion didn’t reveal her heated blush. “I will not…”

  Cole’s deep, rumbling voice and warm breath brushing across her ear startled her. “You won’t what, doll?”

  Good Lord, could she get any more embarrassed? “Um…”

  Cole didn’t give her a chance to answer, instead he slid
his arm around her waist and hugged her close as he pushed through the crowd. Looking over her shoulder, Nic saw that, true to her word, Ro had talked the men out of their table. Once she’d arrived at the bar with Cole, the real fun began. Other women were sidling up to him and trying to catch his eye, but his attention remained on Nic. She wasn’t sure if that was good or bad.

  “I know what you need, Niccy.”

  She gulped, “You do?”

  He nodded. “Absolutely.” He motioned for Chris, the hottest bartender Trasola had.

  “What’s up, Cole?” Chris’s crystal blue eyes met Nic’s briefly before turning to his boss. The big man let out a yelp when Ian, the newest and equally hot bartender, walked by and pinched him.

  “Niccy wants to get tied to the bedpost.”

  He said it. Slipped it right in to everyday conversation like it was nothing. Nothing! And then it clicked. She knew what Cole was doing. Everything was happening just as Lisa described her first introduction to Jonathan. All the way down to Cole recommending a drink and then…

  She whirled on Cole. “Tie me to the bedpost?” She looked at the bartender out of the corner of her eye. He was tall, taller than her, but that didn’t say much considering her being barely five feet. But damn, those blue eyes, blond hair and sun-kissed tan got her tingly all over. His pale Irish lover wasn’t all that bad either. She whispered to the man next to her. “You couldn’t be the tiniest bit subtle? Just a little?”

  “That was subtle.” And then he smirked. Smirked! The bastard. If he wasn’t a big bad vamp and a good friend, she’d kick him. He leaned close and the temptation to at least smack him rose as he whispered in her ear. “I could have told him to get you a page 156, but since that drink doesn’t exist, I thought I was being pretty damned subtle by ordering you a Tie Me to the Bedpost.”

  If she could have, she would have paled. As it was, she felt all of the blood drain from her face and take up residence in her feet. Oh. Shit. Cole had most definitely let Chris in on her fantasies, and since she knew Chris and Ian were sort of a ‘thing’, she wondered if maybe he’d talked to both of them.


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